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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

SanFernandoCurt on Twitter: "I never thought I would say this about any woman, but she really should be jumping out of a cake on a table full of drunk slobs. #aocstillamoron https://t.co/82TYPu9Yre" / Twitter

I don't see what self-respecting woman would want to do that. Even a woman who might be willing to jump out of a cake on a table.

Some of her critics pointed to AOC's career as counterevidence for her statements on bootstrapping. But she herself disagrees -- she points out that she got a lot of help along he way.

Ocasio-Cortez: 'Impossible' to find a good bacon, egg and cheese in DC | TheHill because there are no bodegas there. She prefers cheddar cheese, though she will eat American cheese.
The freshman lawmaker explained that during her 2018 primary race against then-incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley III (D-N.Y.), her campaign posters were sometimes torn down and bodega employees would include postcards for her campaign alongside customers’ food.
She does not consider it an insult to have been a bartender.
“I feel like people are always clowning themselves when they say that because it’s like, oh, OK, so you think every person you represent that’s a bartender, a waitress, a working person, what, that they can’t do this job? Because let me tell you, I work with some of these people, and they are not smarter than a bartender,” Ocasio-Cortez said while making two margaritas and a “Shirley Temple” with Hennessy cognac.
She does not consider it an insult to have been a bartender.
It's not so much that's it's an "insult" to have been a bartender, but that it is weird that somebody with a degree from BU (a cum laude degree no less!) could not find a job in their field for years after graduation.
She visited one of the camps a few days before the election.

This seeking new voters
... is the real reason she and politicians like her support unrestricted mass migration from 3rd World countries.

Berthold Brecht's poem "Die Lösung" ("The Solution") was an indictment of then East Germany, not a fucking instruction manual! :mad:
She visited one of the camps a few days before the election.

This seeking new voters
... is the real reason she and politicians like her support unrestricted mass migration from 3rd World countries.

Y'know, you might have a point. But if you do, whatever it might be, you're not making it by positing falsehoods to support it.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Happy Anniversary, #GND! 🌎💚
Thank you Sen. @EdMarkey for your climate leadership and mentorship on the Green New Deal. https://t.co/lKMIyeWIxx" / Twitter

Ed Markey on Twitter: "A year ago today, @AOC and I introduced the Green New Deal. Together, with @sunrisemvmt and activists all over the world, we have mobilized a revolution for a just and sustainable future for all. https://t.co/K5SaFuI6rY" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Squad Town Hall at @HowardU starting now! 👯*♀️👯*♀️
Check out the livestream here ⬇️
cc: @IlhanMN @AyannaPressley @RashidaTlaib https://t.co/jqLGSXwD5Z" / Twitter

The Rising Majority
We Are The Rising Majority

In 2017, movements and allied organizations formed The Rising Majority, to be a coalition that seeks to develop a collective strategy and shared practice that will involve labor, youth, abolition, immigrant rights, climate change, feminist, anti-war/anti-imperialist, and economic justice forces in order to amplify our collective power and to build alignment across our movements.
"Built by The Movement for Black Lives + The Rising Majority"
A Virtual Town Hall with The Squad and The Rising Majority - has the schedule for that 3-hour event.

The Movement for Black Lives
  • End to the war against Black people
  • Reparations - for slavery, redlining, and mass incarceration
  • Invest-Divest - invest in education, health, safety, not in criminalizing, caging, and harming Black people
  • Economic Justice - communities should have collective ownership, not just access
  • Community Control - those most impacted by something should have the control over it
  • Political Power - we demand full and independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.
Among its numerous supporters is the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

Has it already been a year? How the time flies. Not that the rollout of GND accomplished much of anything.

In 2017, movements and allied organizations formed The Rising Majority, to be a coalition that seeks to develop a collective strategy and shared practice that will involve labor, youth, abolition,
Abolition of what exactly?
immigrant rights,
By which they mean illegal immigrant rights.

[*]End to the war against Black people
There is no "war on black people". That's ridiculous!

[*]Reparations - for slavery, redlining, and mass incarceration
Reparations is an extremist movement that will hopefully go nowhere.
But at least slavery was a race-based evil. "Mass incarceration" is neither race based nor is it all bad - to quote Richard Pryor, "thank god we got penitentiaries". How should that work in practice? Jamal murders somebody and gets locked up and he and his descendants are eligible for "reparations" but Billy Bob murders somebody and is likewise locked up but is not because he is white?

[*]Invest-Divest - invest in education, health, safety, not in criminalizing, caging, and harming Black people
Should somebody not be imprisoned, or "caged", if they say commit armed robbery, if they are black? Should armed robbery not be criminalized for black robbers? Likewise education, health, etc. are good regardless of race. And emphasizing safety is antithetical to their pro-thug, anti-police attitude.

[*]Economic Justice - communities should have collective ownership, not just access

[*]Community Control - those most impacted by something should have the control over it
How would that even work in practice?

[*]Political Power - we demand full and independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.
So basically they are separatists.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Happy Anniversary, #GND! ????????????
Thank you Sen. @EdMarkey for your climate leadership and mentorship on the Green New Deal. https://t.co/lKMIyeWIxx" / Twitter

Ed Markey on Twitter: "A year ago today, @AOC and I introduced the Green New Deal. Together, with @sunrisemvmt and activists all over the world, we have mobilized a revolution for a just and sustainable future for all. https://t.co/K5SaFuI6rY" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Squad Town Hall at @HowardU starting now! ??????*♀️??????*♀️
Check out the livestream here ⬇️
cc: @IlhanMN @AyannaPressley @RashidaTlaib https://t.co/jqLGSXwD5Z" / Twitter

The Rising Majority
We Are The Rising Majority

In 2017, movements and allied organizations formed The Rising Majority, to be a coalition that seeks to develop a collective strategy and shared practice that will involve labor, youth, abolition, immigrant rights, climate change, feminist, anti-war/anti-imperialist, and economic justice forces in order to amplify our collective power and to build alignment across our movements.
"Built by The Movement for Black Lives + The Rising Majority"
A Virtual Town Hall with The Squad and The Rising Majority - has the schedule for that 3-hour event.

The Movement for Black Lives
  • End to the war against Black people
  • Reparations - for slavery, redlining, and mass incarceration
  • Invest-Divest - invest in education, health, safety, not in criminalizing, caging, and harming Black people
  • Economic Justice - communities should have collective ownership, not just access
  • Community Control - those most impacted by something should have the control over it
  • Political Power - we demand full and independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.
Among its numerous supporters is the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

Collective ownership? No thanks.
Y'know, you might have a point. But if you do, whatever it might be, you're not making it by positing falsehoods to support it.
What falsehoods?

Like you don't know ... sheesh.
I'm sure you can find a quote somewhere that can be twisted into "yeah, I want to invite every street thug, religious zealot, gang member and escaped criminal into our country without any restriction" but you know god damn well that nobody means that.
AOC recently Instagrammed:
Street Fight WCRS on Instagram: “Power to the people.”
(sad man) WORK
(happy man) WORKER'S RIGHTS

Commenter nda5150: Flipping it up side down: 1. “Iowa Caucus results coming in”, 2. “When the count shows that you got beaten by a second tier candidate”
Referring to Bernie Sanders

Verso Books on Instagram: “Why you should join a union 💪 - "History shows us that progress for working people has only ever been achieved by the collective self-empowerment of organised labour."
I remember when I first learned about her that she seemed weak on labor issues. But she is very good on work-life balance and getting rested.
AOC claimed that Congresspeople aren't necessarily much smarter than bartenders. In an Instagram Live broadcast, she addressed someone's question about whether some Congresspeople have gotten over the hill. She said that there are some old ones who do their job very well and some young ones who don't.
Immigration and Social Security: undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes - Vox - "Unauthorized immigrants paid more than $20 billion in income taxes in 2015. They also fund Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."
These undocumented workers pay taxes for benefits they can’t even use, like Social Security and Medicare. They also aren’t eligible for benefits like the earned income tax credit. But the IRS still expects unauthorized immigrants to file their taxes, and many of them do so.
They also pay sales taxes in their purchases, and AOC claims that they also can't get refunds from their tax returns.

AOC also linked to
Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth? | The New Yorker
In 1930, the English economist John Maynard Keynes took a break from writing about the problems of the interwar economy and indulged in a bit of futurology. In an essay entitled “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren,” he speculated that by the year 2030 capital investment and technological progress would have raised living standards as much as eightfold, creating a society so rich that people would work as little as fifteen hours a week, devoting the rest of their time to leisure and other “non-economic purposes.” As striving for greater affluence faded, he predicted, “the love of money as a possession . . . will be recognized for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity.”

On the left, increasing alarm about climate change and other environmental threats has given birth to the “degrowth” movement, which calls on advanced countries to embrace zero or even negative G.D.P. growth. “The faster we produce and consume goods, the more we damage the environment,” Giorgos Kallis, an ecological economist at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, writes in his manifesto, “Degrowth.” “There is no way to both have your cake and eat it, here. If humanity is not to destroy the planet’s life support systems, the global economy should slow down.”

In the influential book “Prosperity Without Growth: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow,” Tim Jackson, a professor of sustainable development at the University of Surrey, in England, calls on Western countries to shift their economies from mass-market production to local services—such as nursing, teaching, and handicrafts—that could be less resource-intensive. Jackson doesn’t underestimate the scale of the changes, in social values as well as in production patterns, that such a transformation would entail, but he sounds an optimistic note: “People can flourish without endlessly accumulating more stuff. Another world is possible.”
Then a lot of stuff on "green growth" vs. degrowth. Green New Deals are essentially "green growth", environmentally-friendly economic growth like renewable energy, building efficiency, and environmentally-friendly transport like high-speed trains.
AOC's favorite economist is Milton Keynes.
In a later Instagram snippet, she conceded that she made a typo, that she meant John Maynard Keynes. This was from reading Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth? | The New Yorker

AOC linked to this in her most recent Instagram story:
Movement School on Instagram: “A Green New Deal for NYCHA✨ Sign up: movementschool.us/events ✊🏾🌍✨💚
NYCHA = New York City Housing Authority

Movement School (@mvmtschool) • Instagram photos and videos - We train the movers and shakers of the revolution💥👊🏽 Sister org of @justicedemocrats

Movement School - its home page shows AOC during her primary campaign.
The progressive movement, despite our demonstrated ability to mobilize large-scale grassroots action, still lacks the political power to enact solutions that are as big as the crises we face.

Movement School aims to translate activist power into political power by changing how we develop campaign leadership. Headlined by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York City, a handful of 2018 campaigns pushed the boundaries of what anyone believed was possible in grassroots campaigning. They excelled by mobilizing volunteers in disciplined teams, by integrating new tech tools and aggressive digital strategies, and by harnessing bold, unapologetic messaging across all facets of their campaigns. We need to build on this momentum - we need to build the next generation of organizers. Movement School, through our national Campaign Fellows program and NYC-based Reclaim leadership program for public housing residents, aims to do just that.
Immigration and Social Security: undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes - Vox - "Unauthorized immigrants paid more than $20 billion in income taxes in 2015. They also fund Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."

That's a bunch of pro-illegal propaganda. First of all, if they pay taxes that means they have engaged in identity theft and obtained fraudulent social security numbers. Also, most illegals get paid cash under the table and pay no income taxes. Second, illegals also get a lot of services. Free K12 education, in-state tuition (a Mexican or Guatemalan can get in-state tuition in California but an Oregonian or Arizonan can't), special government loans just for illegals, and if they have anchor babies (and most of them do), they are eligible for government assistance such as WIC and food stamps.
Third, illegals may pay sales tax on what they buy, but they buy less than citizens and legal residents since illegals send a high percentage of their income to their home countries. Those remittances are a big business, and a reason why Latin American counties encourage illegal migration to US.
Obviously, the money that is sent outside the country is not circulating in the US economy and is not generating any sales tax.

Then a lot of stuff on "green growth" vs. degrowth. Green New Deals are essentially "green growth", environmentally-friendly economic growth like renewable energy, building efficiency, and environmentally-friendly transport like high-speed trains.
GND is a pipe dream. And most of it (such as payments for those unwilling to work) has nothing to do with climate or environment anyway.
Any idiot that claims to have an economics degree and the best they can do is come up with GND plan is either just plain dumb or they got their degree from a breakfast cereal box.
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