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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I looked at Badrun Khan's Twitter feed, and she seems like some AOC Lite, a sort of Kamala Harris Democrat - Badrun Khan (@badrun_khan) / Twitter

Both AOC and BK have linked to:
Amazon VP Resigns, Calls Company ‘Chickenshit’ for Firing Protesting Workers - VICE

Badrun Khan on Twitter: "We can do better than the version of the #GreenNewDeal proposed by our congresswoman.
There's not just one magic bullet to the energy crisis. We need new-generation wind, solar, geothermal, water & #nuclear to address the world's consumption. #renewables #ParisAgreement" / Twitter

Thus emphasizing nuclear energy more than AOC seems to have done.

She likes UBI while AOC is rather diffident on that.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera?

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "Tell me @AOC, what’s it like to actually meet a constituent?" / Twitter - with a picture of AOC delivering a bag of food donations.

This carpetbagger also claims that AOC is a carpetbagger.

‘Democratic’ challenger to Ocasio-Cortez lived in Trump Tower, moved to her district last year - The Daily Kos

My favorite comments:
TX Dem 50
Apr 30, 2020 at 04:20:37 PM
I remember years ago listening to her on CNBC talking about politics and that her remarks were crazy right wing. This would have been about 2008. AOC ought to go find those tapes or transcripts and see what this ‘Democrat’ was saying back then.

Apr 30, 2020 at 08:37:11 PM
Isn’t she the one from CNBC?? The nasty, sneering corporate apologist trumpster? Is there no possibility for the Democratic party to disavow/reject?

May 01, 2020 at 03:20:17 AM
I watched Caruso-Cabrera for years on CNBC and was shocked that she was running as a democrat. I would’ve bet the farm she would’ve ended up at Fox way before she’d be running as a democrat for congress.
Looking forward to this:
Steve Inskeep on Twitter: "Just talked with @AOC for Thursday's @MorningEdition ..." / Twitter
Just talked with @AOC for Thursday's @MorningEdition. She's advocating more relief for renters, home owners, and state governments. Does the mounting deficit matter? "The answer to your question is no. The deficit should not be the primary concern right now as people are dying."

In the same talk, @AOC acknowledges that the national debt matters over time, but asserts that the Fed can help, and that Republicans were never concerned about debt when seeking tax cuts.

In the @NPR talk, @AOC argues that now is still the time to press for Green New Deal provisions. "If you think coronavirus is bad, you know, it's only one example of what happens when politicians ignore scientists, act too late and continue to fumble that response." @NPR

In the @NPR talk, @AOC says she will vote for Joe Biden but has yet to endorse. Wants him to support good policies. "I don't say that to score a point or to say that I must be courted, but... I want to reflect the views of how young people, how Latinos are feeling right now."

On Tara Reade's allegation that Biden assaulted her in 1993, which Biden denies, @AOC says: "It certainly seems as though something has happened." She acknowledges conflicting evidence, and asserts she can oppose Trump while still seeking "due process."

In the @NPR talk, @AOC called to separate the case from politics. "First, you look at the aims that the survivor is asking for. And while a lot of folks, again, are trying to jump to the political implications, she's not she has never explicitly said don't support Joe Biden."

"She hasn't explicitly said anything in terms of a political remedy that she wants," @AOC asserts of Tara Reade. "If anything, it sounds like she simply wants to be heard." The @NPR interview will be heard on Thursday's @MorningEdition.
I like the idea of pressing for a Green New Deal - an economic stimulus that involves a massive buildout of renewable-energy infrastructure. To Herbert Hoover's chicken in every pot we can add a solar panel on every roof. I like what she says about Tara Reade. A sensible middle ground between dismissing her and embracing her claims as "proof" that Joe Biden is a terrible monster.

I also tuned into a Facebook Live chat. AOC was good in it, as usual, and she had special guest Pramila Jayapal explain backstopping wages. She also talked about reorienting foreign policy and how bad sanctions often are for ordinary citizens of targeted countries. In a town hall late last year, she appreciated sanctions like the Magnitsky Act, aimed at Vladimir Putin's oligarch cronies.
What has the left's darling AOC have to say about another lefty Michael Moore's new doco?
I have yet to see anything from her about that. She might consider it very disappointing. The Left is not some mirror image of US movement conservatism.

NICE on Instagram: “Last night in Union Square, we lit up the NY skyline with a message of remembrance and solidarity. …”
Last night in Union Square, we lit up the NY skyline with a message of remembrance and solidarity. We honor all workers who have lost their lives due to unsafe working conditions in construction and due to the coronavirus pandemic. ✊🏽We will not be forgotten. ✊🏾We will not be silenced. ✊🏿We demand recognition and respect. ✊🏼We demand Recovery for All. Thank you @the.illuminator for this powerful collaboration 💛

#coronavirus #covid19 #coronavirusnyc #queensny #nyc
#workersrights #workerpower #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #immigrantstories #immigrants #immigrantworkers #nomoredeaths #nice4workers #theilluminator

US Postal Service on Instagram: “You already considered your Postal worker a hero, but did you know this fact? Thankful for all of our military veterans each and every day! 🎖️ #MilitaryAppreciationMonth”

JUSTSEEDS✨ on Instagram: “There are lots of great posters and downloadable graphics in our shop singing the songs for peace and demilitarization. Search the “anti war” tag on our site to find these and a couple hundred more images. Pictured here are a few by Aaron Hughes, Bec Young, Josh Macphee, Meredith Stern and several from the War Resisters League. #peace #nowar #demilitarize”
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Says Biden Sexual Assault Allegation 'Not Clear Cut' : NPR
Speaking to NPR's Morning Edition, Ocasio-Cortez said that it was not clear how much of the accusation against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Biden was rooted in fact. She is concerned, though, that an early rush to take sides could signal hypocrisy from her party and potentially alienate victims of sexual violence.

"It certainly seems as though something has happened. I'm not sure" she said, later adding, "frankly, this is a messy moment, and I think we need to acknowledge that — that it is not clear cut."
She also talked about selective concern about the Federal budget deficit.

AOC retweeted:
Rutger Bregman on Twitter: "Yesterday, results of the first nationwide basic income experiment ever came in:
- Greater wellbeing ✅
- Greater feelings of autonomy✅
- More financial security ✅
- More confidence in the future. ✅
- No negative effect on employment
(actually mild positive ✅)" / Twitter

AOC is getting more sympathetic to universal basic income, a cause that her primary opponent Badrun Khan likes. AOC and BK also share strongly disliking Donald Trump, while MCC has not said much about him.
AOC tells democratic socialists to gradually 'layer' Americans with ideas like they're in 'school' | Fox News
Democratic socialists, she said during a video event on Tuesday, should help Americans "develop the lenses of analysis necessary" to understand power and capital in the United States.

"We are able to use the lenses to elevate the general consciousness, then what we do everytime we add a small layer," she said.

Continuing, Ocasio-Cortez said: "It's kind of like when you go to class, or when you go to school, there are folks that are going to yell and say, 'Why don't you go from 0 to 100 on 'The View' or what have you,' and it's because every time you go to school, you don't go to class once and then graduate with a degree -- you go for many days at a time, slowly adding layers and layers upon layers, and we use public events, we use current events like what is just happening in developments of police brutality, in what is happening with our immigration system where people are being corralled and kept in our immigrant detention systems and our prisons, which are creating some of the largest COVID outbreaks in the country."

"We use all of these events to help contribute evidence to the analysis of power, which will help people realize how power is concentrated in the United States -- which gives us a better foundation to challenge it and then paint and begin to establish alternative structures for a better world," she said.
Then she gets into what to do when one re-enters the workforce.
"You know, there's a lot of people saying, 'Call for a general strike, call for a general strike,'" she said. "The majority of Americans don't know what a general strike is and so our responsibility is to talk about it, expand consciousness about it, and to actually create the conditions in which working people can generate and really exercise their own power, the power that they already have."

I've found the video:

DSA 🌹 on Twitter: "Thank you to @AOC @khalidCares @CandiCdeBacaD9 & @briancinavt for joining us & tens of thousands of viewers on last night's Beyond Bernie: DSA Electeds on Building Power call.
Our livestream is still available to watch for those of you who missed it: (link)" / Twitter

Beyond Bernie: DSA Electeds on Building Power
Q&A with the Squad & Workers | The Frontlines Fight - YouTube
AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar
Healthcare workers and manufacturing workers are united in our campaign to produce all the supplies we badly need to combat this pandemic. Rewatch the live conversation between the Congresswomen and union members of the Communications Workers of America and the New York State Nurses Association.
AOC discussed the Defense Production Act in it, and she stated that it was mainly used for production of military hardware like bombs.

Coffee and Conversation | AOC LIVE - YouTube - AOC's team saved it. A more casual way to connect. She took calls from her constituents.

Going back to normal? She hopes not, because of its troubles. She proposed not going back to unsafe work conditions, like 70 hours/week at very low pay. Unemployment systems bad, means-testing taken for granted, ... even the best of presidents would be overwhelmed, she thinks. But some presidents succeeded in times of great crisis: Abe Lincoln and FDR. The current "president" is totally failing.

Then about how some elected officials are resisting mass testing and contact tracing.

The pandemic has made existing problems worse - much worse. No guaranteed healthcare, racial inequities. Low income mobility, big income gap. AOC suggests that one can use different sorts of support - right thing, patriotic thing, etc. Campaigning with Bernie got her to visit Iowa and Nevada, to meet the people of those places. One can reach people close to oneself with one's arguments. It takes several encounters, but it can work. Universal systems are good because they are always around. Means testing interferes with that. Social Security and Medicare are successful because they are universal -- they aren't means-tested. "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"

AOC cited a rather strange statistic. Healthcare quality before the age of 65 is not as good after that age - because of Medicare. I'll have to check that out. She referred to the proposed COBRA subsidies - subsiding medical-insurance companies so that they can continue to cover laid-out people.

She doesn't like bills being worked on in secret then presented as a complete package. Backstopping paychecks is Pramila Jayapal's idea, and she's been a good leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Then PJ herself came on and explained her idea. She stated that several other countries have done what she proposes: Denmark, Germany, France, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, ... Why only the airline industry or businesses with fewer than 500 employees?

PJ finds AOC very inspiring, and AOC appreciates PJ's mentorship.
Then about foreign policy. The progressive movement has established itself in domestic policy, now it should turn to foreign policy. Like moving away from the presumption that every invaded country somehow deserves it. Also ending the seemingly endless wars that the US has been involved in over the last few decades - the US has been in Afghanistan for longer than the Soviet Union has. Ilhan Omar has had direct experience of war in her childhood, including being a refugee. Then about sanctions, a supposedly peaceful alternative to war. Sanctions often hurt the wrong people. She thinks that the most effective form of national security is peace. Trade deals could be useful for advancing environmentalist and labor concerns. One must think beyond whether or not to go to war. Will need to reassess foreign policies in Latin America and the Middle East and other places. Not in an imperialist or colonialist way, but as a partner in creating a better world. That's necessary for dealing for climate troubles, for instance.

Invading a country != spreading democracy. Supporting pro-democracy reforms is, however, and that doesn't include being a sore loser about other nations voting for stuff that we don't like. AOC has seldom talked about foreign policy, but from when she has, it is mainly from a human-rights perspective and not from (say) a power-politics perspective. Not long after her primary election, she called the Israeli armed forces' shooting of some Palestinians a "massacre", but in an interview not long afterwards, she confessed that she was not very familiar with Middle Eastern politics. She also refuses to go to Israel unless Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are both allowed to go. And a few other things.

She explained her recent "no" vote for a relief bill as a sort of protest vote against a totally inadequate bill. We have to be willing to fight for more, she says.

I saw an Instagram story from her where she asked her followers which to use first: foundation or concealer. She does all her makeup nowadays, though she said some months back that she's still in the "fingerpainting stage". I had to look up those kinds of makeup. Foundation vs. Concealer: What?s the Difference? Which Should You Apply First? | IPSY - foundation is for making an even overall color and concealer is for hiding blemishes and the like.

I neglected to save it, however.
AOC having some fun in Animal Crossing, one has a virtual estate where one can grow virtual crops and flowers and do virtual crafting. From the looks of it, it's full 3D instead of 2D and sprites.

aída chávez on Twitter: "🚨 News: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she recently got a Nintendo Switch and started her Animal Crossing island a couple days ago" / Twitter
The face toucher on Twitter: "@aidachavez Hill staffer sent me this pic of Ocasio-Cortez they took just now. I'll tell you something: that jacket and coat don't look like a girl who struggles. https://t.co/E6xLsXA6FG" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@JonIsAwesomest @aidachavez Wow. I am impressed with this one" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hi there! Very new to this.
I would like to visit random people’s islands and leave a doodle or note on their bulletin board.
Can I do that? If so, how?
Should I open my DMs for the first time since the Zuckerberg hearing for the Dodo codes?? https://t.co/pQlm0ES1cM" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ok I am going to open my DMs for exactly 4 minutes for Dodo code submission. Why 4? Who knows. Here we go! https://t.co/ZWgivtpILS" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Honestly never in my life did I think opening my DMs would grant me faith in humanity but the brief window actually resulted in a lot of these messages being very wholesome 😭
People are asking for surprise visits to their spouse’s islands!! This is the love everyone deserves 💕" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update: getting ready to make island visits. Never done this before! Is there etiquette to visiting? Do’s & don’ts?" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update 2: first ever House call (get it?😉) in the books!
It was so sweet. Island belonged to a family of three. We exchanged fruit, took pictures, and I signed a bulletin note using my touch screen.
I was floored by how fast they typed and they taught me about the app. 🥰 https://t.co/KJsI6Gjh9p" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "UPDATE 3: Okay! After a few visits earlier I am reopening for a few more #AOCHouseCalls🏡.
DMs are opening again for 4 minutes, drop me your Dodo code and a note and I may stop by!
(Yes that is a hand drawn campaign shirt & no I haven’t sorted out exporting screenshots yet 😬) https://t.co/K7Idxnj09W" / Twitter
AOC having some fun in Animal Crossing, one has a virtual estate where one can grow virtual crops and flowers and do virtual crafting. From the looks of it, it's full 3D instead of 2D and sprites.

aída chávez on Twitter: "������ News: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she recently got a Nintendo Switch and started her Animal Crossing island a couple days ago" / Twitter
The face toucher on Twitter: "@aidachavez Hill staffer sent me this pic of Ocasio-Cortez they took just now. I'll tell you something: that jacket and coat don't look like a girl who struggles. https://t.co/E6xLsXA6FG" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@JonIsAwesomest @aidachavez Wow. I am impressed with this one" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hi there! Very new to this.
I would like to visit random people’s islands and leave a doodle or note on their bulletin board.
Can I do that? If so, how?
Should I open my DMs for the first time since the Zuckerberg hearing for the Dodo codes?? https://t.co/pQlm0ES1cM" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ok I am going to open my DMs for exactly 4 minutes for Dodo code submission. Why 4? Who knows. Here we go! https://t.co/ZWgivtpILS" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Honestly never in my life did I think opening my DMs would grant me faith in humanity but the brief window actually resulted in a lot of these messages being very wholesome ������
People are asking for surprise visits to their spouse’s islands!! This is the love everyone deserves ������" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update: getting ready to make island visits. Never done this before! Is there etiquette to visiting? Do’s & don’ts?" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update 2: first ever House call (get it?������) in the books!
It was so sweet. Island belonged to a family of three. We exchanged fruit, took pictures, and I signed a bulletin note using my touch screen.
I was floored by how fast they typed and they taught me about the app. ������ https://t.co/KJsI6Gjh9p" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "UPDATE 3: Okay! After a few visits earlier I am reopening for a few more #AOCHouseCalls������.
DMs are opening again for 4 minutes, drop me your Dodo code and a note and I may stop by!
(Yes that is a hand drawn campaign shirt & no I haven’t sorted out exporting screenshots yet ������) https://t.co/K7Idxnj09W" / Twitter

I wonder if any white people will visit her virtual garden and make her grow cauliflower, just like they do in real life.
DeAnna Lorraine 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "@AOC Are you kidding me? We're paying you to play Animal Crossing? OMG." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@DeAnna4Congress Curious for your thoughts on Trump’s golf bills" / Twitter

aída chávez on Twitter: "NEW: I interview @AOC about coronavirus legislation, the pandemic’s devastating impact on her district (which is home to mostly working-class people of color), how Congress is abdicating its responsibilities, other internal dynamics, and Animal Crossing https://t.co/CWYg7EQd6b" / Twitter
AOC Says She Is “Reduced to” Lobbying for Burial Costs - most of the interview was about trying to do something about the coronavirus, but at the end, we got this:
AC: Right. OK. Oof. That’s depressing. Well, thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. But wait, I lied. I have one more question. Just to end on a lighter note. Have you played Animal Crossing?

AOC: Oh! I just got a [Nintendo] Switch.

AC: Really?!

AOC: Yes, and I set up my island like two days ago. I’m really excited about it, but I also feel like a slacker because I have like 10 bells in two days and I just upgraded my tent. But that’s OK. It’s been quite good actually, for my mental health.

AC: It’s literally the only reason I’ve been staying sane because I can’t really pay attention to books or movies, but I completely lose myself in my island.

AOC: Yes, yes, I feel the same way. I think it’s because it’s a little more interactive than just passively watching a movie.

AC: And I think there’s something satisfying about like, you work and you actually make money and can pay off your debt, instantly.

AOC: [Laughs] Animal Crossing is the only reality where millennials will own a house.
That's why I like computer games - more interactive than movies or TV. I don't like being a couch potato.
DeAnna Lorraine is a Republican who unsuccessfully ran against Nancy Pelosi.

AOC has gotten a lot of publicity for her Animal Crossing adventures.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now playing Animal Crossing. And she’s visiting her followers. - The Washington Post
Mirsky said Ocasio-Cortez didn’t stay long. She came bearing five pears, which all but confirms that her starting island’s native fruit are pears. Mirsky and Smykla offered her the five other fruits in the game, which would give her a big boost in capital for constructing her own village.

Ocasio-Cortez then visited their city hall, fitting since it’s essentially the seat of power in Animal Crossing. She left a note on its bulletin board that reads, “To Justin, mama, and family - Thank you for welcoming me to your lovely island. It is such an honor to visit your home away from home!” - Alexandria from BoogieDown
Justin on Twitter: "@AOC left us beautiful note. #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/aUSBHZPQ9Z" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Visiting Random Animal Crossing Islands

Drew Silverberg on Twitter: "Thanks for the visit, @AOC! https://t.co/6tR3v58BUy" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@DrewSilverberg Anytime - your island is gorgeous! 🌸" / Twitter

David "X ψ A-3" Murphy on Twitter: "Um, this is amazing. @AOC played a mean guitar solo on my freshly decorated island. :D
Thanks again for visiting! And pears! https://t.co/bOyz0tUvfE" / Twitter

Gary Whitta on Twitter: "@AOC You should come be a guest on my talk show that takes place entirely inside the game! https://t.co/qwKngra5tp" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@garywhitta This is funny and bizarre enough to be very compelling to me" / Twitter

 Animal Crossing: New Horizons - released on 2020 Mar 20 for the  Nintendo Switch, a handheld game console released three years earlier.

It's handheld-size: 173 mm * 102 mm * 14 mm / 6.8 in * 4.0 in * 0.55 in with mass 297 g / 10.5 oz

It uses Nvidia's Tegra X1 system on a chip, with 4 1.9-GHz ARM Cortex-A57 CPU cores and 4 unused ones or internally-used ones. It also has a 1-GHz GM20B "Maxwell" GPU and video-decoding support.

It also has 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of eMMC flash memory.

Its system software has parts of the FreeBSD OS kernel, parts of Android, and the WebKit HTML-rendering engine.

Some time ago, I had traced the development of game consoles from Turing-incomplete hardware to full-scale OSes. The Switch is clearly on the full-scale-OS end of the spectrum.
I note on AOC and Animal Crossing that some people got very worked up about that, claiming that their tax money was going to pay this Congresswoman to play that game. Some people also got similarly outraged when AOC showed herself putting on gel nails with the help of a small UV lamp.
  • League of Legends: freemium (can play for free, and pay for extra goodies)
  • Animal Crossing: initial $60, afterward free or freemium
  • Apple iMac: >= $1,100 (for LoL)
  • Nintendo Switch: $300 (for AC)
  • Apple iPhone: >= $400 (for Twitter, Instagram)
  • Smartphone service subscription ~ $100/month (for Twitter, Instagram)
  • Gel nail kit ~ $20 for 100 press-on nails ($0.20 per nail or $2 for all fingers)
  • Gel nail light ~ $20
(prices rounded) So her expenses are either (1) not a lot of money (2) typical of white-collar professionals.

AOC's wardrobe often looks expensive, but (1) she likes to shop in thrift shops, (2) she likes to rent some of her clothes, and (3) she once received a gift of used clothes from a retired judge. I'm surprised that the ODS sufferers have not made a big issue out of that.

I now turn to some other extravagances or supposed extravagances.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Ice Cream Cache - Show & Tell - YouTube - from the looks of that video, NP has two stainless-steel refrigerators, with freezers on the bottom. The refrigerators and their freezers seem about the size of typical household ones, so that is not a problem for NP.

The ice cream is another story. Pelosi Shows National TV Audience Her Freezer Full of $12-a-Pint Ice Cream | CNSNews has a screenshot. Dove bars and Jeni's ice cream. Jeni's Pint Club - Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams - $230 for 4 shipments of 4 pint buckets each. Each shipment is delivered in an insulated box and is refrigerated with dry ice (solid CO2). The cost is $14.375/pint or $0.90/oz (US fluid ounce; 1 pt = 16 fl oz).

For comparison, I checked on WalMart 48-fl-oz buckets of ice cream, and they cost $1.97 each, or $0.66/pt or $0.04/fl-oz. Tillamook at Albertsons costs $3.99 for 1.75 quarts, or $1.14/pt or $0.07/fl-oz. Dreyer's at A's costs $5.99 for 1.5 qt or $2.00/pt or $0.12/fl-oz. Ben&Jerry's at A's costs $5.29/pt or $0.33/fl-oz.

Trump Golf Count notes $133 million for 117 known golf outings, or $1.14 million per outing.

So in order of extravagance,
AOC << NP << Trump
AOC's Instagram page has lots of interesting stuff. In a recent story, she linked to this page:
Los Angeles Tenants Union on Instagram: “When we say housing is a human right, we mean we shouldn’t have to pay for a human need. When we say housing is a human right, we mean that housing for use should take precedent over housing for profit. When we say housing is a human right, we mean we’ll fight until that right is ours, until that right is everyone’s.”

That seems impractical to me, because it takes a certain amount of work to build the housing and maintain it. But making at least some housing available at nominal prices and not speculation prices might be a good thing.

That page has a picture of a printed-out page attached to a traffic-light pole:
People are out there hoarding hand sanitizer.

They're driving the prices up because they're buying all of it. Now they're reselling it for higher and higher prices and making huge profits. Some of them are charging ridiculous prices just to let other people use it. So now there are people who can't afford it even if some is available, because it costs so much. People are getting sick and dying because hey don't have any!

Oh wait. Did I say hand sanitizer?
Housing. I meant housing.
Damn autocorrect.

Real-estate speculation run amok, including buying lots of luxury apartments in big cities and never using them. "Cashboxes in the sky"
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