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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC now has only one Republican opponent: John Cummings. The NY-14 Republican primary has been canceled.

Republicans who withdrew: Antoine Tucker, Israel Ortega Cruz, Jineea Butler, Miguel Hernandez, Rey Solano, Ruth Papazian, Scherie Murray

Democrats who withdrew: Fernando Cabrera, James Dillon, Jose Velazquez

From New York's 14th Congressional District election, 2020 - Ballotpedia - without stated sources. I was unable to find outside confirmation.

New York State allows a candidate to run in more than one political party, and MCC gloated over AOC's failure to get on the Working Families Party ballot.

John Cummings is also the nominee of the Conservative Party (no surprise) and MCC the Serve America Movement Party. I looked up SAM and I found that it was founded by ex-staffers of George Bush II.
Coffee and Conversation | Episode Two - YouTube

AOC notes long-term issues like medical expenses and housing. Also, a lot of people have not been able to collect unemployment benefits. She claims that about half the people involved in growing much of our food is undocumented immigrants.

I ask: if those immigrants are sent home, will the MAGA's be willing to do the work that those immigrants have been doing? Under the same conditions and for the same wages.

What kind of meals - variation of quality. Also staples (like bags of rice) vs. prepared hot meals. Prefers giving out bags of rice to prepared meals in most cases. Good for Ramadan, where Muslims like to fast all day and eat big in the evening. Also mentioned how anti-immigrant rhetoric has made some immigrants afraid of getting involved, like they'd be fast-tracked to visa denial.

What the US Gov't do to make the US Postal Service viable? The USPS is universal, while UPS or FedEx aren't. Loaded down with its workers' pensions. AOC proposes stop loading the USPS down with that. Also postal banking, like check cashing. Simple financial services.

Then what to do with jails / prisons: a long history of "jail flu" / "prison cold". Visitors often get sick. Decarceration. Treat places like the Bronx like some affluent suburb. Alternatives to jailing. Plenty of economic and social opportunity. Ayanna Pressley: elderly clemency. Infirm, 70 - 80 - 90 years old. Pausing arrests for low-level offenses. Reducing pretrial detention as much as possible.

ICE detention centers. Some in the NYC area. Solitary confinement for some detainees.

Vote by mail in NY State - already established for California. Gov. Cuomo will do it if the Federal Gov't pays for it. One has to apply for an absentee ballot. Activism necessary.

AOC co-chairs climate-change task force. Varshini Prakash, Catherine Flowers (activists), Rep. Kathy Castor (Bidenite). It was a difficult decision for her. Don't want to be coopted, used as window dressing, be ignored. Not here to be an accoutrement. Wants to represent Bernie Sanders. She convened a group of activists and asked them about it. She doesn't believe that change happens from the top, but from the bottom.

Genuine good-faith openness. Talked to Joe Biden himself - he was willing to grow. Will continue with inside-outside. Skepticism + good faith. She expects to push. A gamble. BS nominated, JB accepted. John Kerry co-chair.

Co-op housing - don't hear about that very much. Collective ownership of a building. Buy an apartment for a price, sell it for that price. Owners vs. management of a co-op. Managers deducting from caller's tax rebate. AOC recommends that the caller contact her district office.
Think it's time AOC started showing a little more cleavage when on television?
For what reason? So that right-wing heterosexual men can get their jollies from watching someone that they enjoy making a villain out of?

Why not ask that of (say) Laura Ingraham?
Why fellow New York Democrats are avoiding AOC as they plan coronavirus relief
New York’s elected officials are avoiding spotlight-loving firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez like, well, the plague, opting to craft their coronavirus response efforts without the lefty lawmaker, insiders tell The Post.

“They are not looking to work with her and they want nothing to do with her,” said one source plugged into Empire State politics, explaining that other pols feared she would outshine them or try to take credit for their work.

“She hasn’t made many friends in the delegation,” said that source, a staffer in another Empire State representative’s office.
“The Congresswoman has been in touch directly with the Governor since the crisis began. Over several phone calls, most recently this Monday, she has offered personally to assist him with state efforts in our district,” said spokeswoman Lauren Hitt.

“We work very regularly with other members of the NY delegation around COVID-19,” Hitt added, citing several collaborative efforts, including with Jeffries and Rep. Nita Lowey of Rockland and Westchester counties on burial assistance, and with Queens Rep. Grace Meng securing sorely needed supplies for hard-hit Elmhurst Hospital.
Think it's time AOC started showing a little more cleavage when on television?
For what reason? So that right-wing heterosexual men can get their jollies from watching someone that they enjoy making a villain out of?

Why not ask that of (say) Laura Ingraham?

It's to distract the male audience at least, so they may not notice that " empty vessels make the make noise! "
Think it's time AOC started showing a little more cleavage when on television?
For what reason? So that right-wing heterosexual men can get their jollies from watching someone that they enjoy making a villain out of?

Why not ask that of (say) Laura Ingraham?
It's to distract the male audience at least, so they may not notice that " empty vessels make the make noise! "
So AOC is like Sarah Palin? There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in Fox News.
Sunrise NYC on Instagram: “*AIRHORNS* GIMME AN A! GIMME AN O! GIMME A C! What does that spell? CLIMATE JUSTICE WARRIOR for the win! 💚💚💚 ...”
*AIRHORNS* GIMME AN A! GIMME AN O! GIMME A C! What does that spell? CLIMATE JUSTICE WARRIOR for the win! 💚💚💚
Seriously, what can we say about @aoc that we haven’t said before? She has been an incredible, fearless, and loving leader for the #GND movement from the jump. Our government is better for her presence in it. Sunrise NYC couldn’t be prouder to be on her side, and we’re throwing all our weight behind her reelection. Will you join us?
Someone who joined the Sunrise Movement sit-in in Nancy Pelosi's office not long after she was elected.

New York Democrats Defend Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez After Report Says They're Avoiding Her
New York Rep. Grace Meng has now defended Ocasio-Cortez while denying the claims in the report.

"Respectfully, this is inaccurate from my experience," Meng tweeted. "I've personally been on multiple calls/texts w/ @AOC—from calls w/our local hospitals to calls w/ NY delegation & @NYGovCuomo to organizing food and PPE deliveries.

"And if & when we're not invited, we get it done anyways," Meng added.

Congressman Jerry Nadler also tweeted to say that he "100%" agrees with Meng's defense of Ocasio-Cortez.

"@AOC has been an active + important part of the delegation's response to COVID19," Nadler added.

"From organizing calls about healthcare discrimination to leading calls for aid to tenants, we have stood shoulder to shoulder working together to fight for New York."
So AOC has made a lot of friends.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "Hey @AOC are you afraid to debate me? When you were running against Joe Crowley, you demanded debates and now you don’t want to face me one-on-one. Why not? #ny14 https://t.co/88JP1hduBt" / Twitter

With some video of MCC dropping an invitation into a closed AOC campaign office. But MCC is wearing a mask, something she has done several times recently.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "Voters want a real debate but @AOC doesn’t have the guts to face me one-on-one. Next @AOC will cancel the debate bc she is hanging out in her luxury DC apt.
Sign up here and tell AOC a one-on-one debate must happen. (links)" / Twitter

AOC It's Time To Debate MCC - Stop Hiding, Defend Your Record. - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "What are you waiting for @AOC? Are you scared to debate me one on one?" / Twitter

I checked Badrun Khan's Twitter feed, and she makes no mention of this. I think that AOC would want a debate to include every candidate in the race, so it would be AOC, MCC, BK, and Sam Sloan.

Badrun Khan seems very anti-Trump, much like AOC. MCC, however, has yet to criticize Trump in her Twitter feed.

I wonder what's going on behind the scenes. Is AOC saying no debate with MCC without also BK and SS?

Badrun Khan on Twitter: "I’ve lived in #NY14 for 22 years. In Sunnyside.
My celebrity incumbent has spent most of her young life in Westchester.
Celebrity challenger,”MCC”, moved to D14 late last year from her Trump Tower apt. in Manhattan.
I know my district.
A representative should represent." / Twitter

But AOC spent much of her life in the Bronx, first as a little girl, and then after college, so she isn't nearly as much of a carpetbagger as MCC is.
Think it's time AOC started showing a little more cleavage when on television?
For what reason? So that right-wing heterosexual men can get their jollies from watching someone that they enjoy making a villain out of?
Are you suggesting left-wing heterosexual men do not enjoy a good cleavage?

Has the matriarchy bred appreciation for boobs out of lefty men already? Is that socialists mean by "new men and women"?
I marvel at the sight of right-wing heterosexual men being seemingly being more interested in a left-wing brunette than a right-wing blonde.

AOC owes $2,000 in unpaid taxes from failed business venture - Brook Avenue Press, her would-be book-publishing company in 2011-12
The state Tax Department then filed a warrant against her now-defunct business on July 6, 2017, over a $1,618.36 unpaid bill.

As of Friday, the tax warrant had still not been satisfied, and the outstanding balance had grown to $2,088.78, the department said.

“She just thinks she’s better than everyone else. Clearly, she’s worse,” said Hank Sheinkopf, spokesman for AOC’s chief June primary-race opponent, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, to The Post.
“The congresswoman is still in the process of contesting the tax warrant. The business has been closed for several years now, and so we believe that the state Tax Department has continued to collect the franchise tax in error,” said Lauren Hitt, an AOC spokeswoman.

“As anyone who’s tried to contest a tax bill in error knows, it takes time,” Hitt added.

I've found Lauren Hitt (@LaurenHitt) / Twitter - Democratic comms...Previously @BetoORourke, @CynthiaNixon, @Ironstache, @PhillyMayor, @NYCMayor, @BarackObama
Jonah Furman on Twitter: "BREAKING: @AOC is *the* NY-14 candidate for the working class.
I'm excited to be a part of a movement that has the support of @NationalNurses, @MachinistsUnion, @CWADistrict1, @afa_cwa, @32BJSEIU, @RWDSU, @DistCouncil37, & @FollowCSA! ..." / Twitter

Ocasio-Cortez Wins Several Key Union Endorsements

Jackson Heights, Queens - Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) welcomes the endorsements of local and national labor unions: Communication Workers of America District 1 (CWA District 1), Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA), Council of School Supervisors & Administrators (CSA), District Council 37 (DC37), National Nurses United (NNU), International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) and Service Employees International Union 32BJ (SEIU 32BJ).
I doubt that they would be willing to endorse MCC.

Caity Weaver on Twitter: "I went to a struggling high school and often sense I’m missing a lot of foundational knowledge other people seem to have acquired around then. I always enjoy and appreciate @aoc’s Instagram content where she demystifies basic government procedural stuff for stragglers like me 😭 https://t.co/jbSQ92VmWl" / Twitter
Like this:
Is there a Congress equivalent to being "called to the principals office"

Haha! Depends on the kind of "trouble" you're in.

If you get in trouble within your party, caucus chairs or committee chairs may call you aside for a chat. Other people will just do shady things to you and gossip, or plot for your long-term demise :D Imagine having 435 politicians as your coworkers ( :( ). Politics an ego-heavy environment and people here have all the money, family power, education/work pedigrees, and social privilege in the world. Some members are true salt of the earth public servants, but there are a lot of high-school esque dynamics. Except I get in more trouble here than I did in high school. :) I'm okay with that though, I try hard to be respectful and kind, but challenging power and shining light on corruption in this place inherently means some people will not like me. I've learned to be okay with it, it's not personal.

You can also get in trouble with the Ethics Committee, which is actual trouble (it can range from small infractions that members simply need to correct or larger, more serious issues).
I marvel at the sight of right-wing heterosexual men being seemingly being more interested in a left-wing brunette than a right-wing blonde.

AOC owes $2,000 in unpaid taxes from failed business venture - Brook Avenue Press, her would-be book-publishing company in 2011-12
The state Tax Department then filed a warrant against her now-defunct business on July 6, 2017, over a $1,618.36 unpaid bill.

As of Friday, the tax warrant had still not been satisfied, and the outstanding balance had grown to $2,088.78, the department said.

“She just thinks she’s better than everyone else. Clearly, she’s worse,” said Hank Sheinkopf, spokesman for AOC’s chief June primary-race opponent, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, to The Post.
“The congresswoman is still in the process of contesting the tax warrant. The business has been closed for several years now, and so we believe that the state Tax Department has continued to collect the franchise tax in error,” said Lauren Hitt, an AOC spokeswoman.

“As anyone who’s tried to contest a tax bill in error knows, it takes time,” Hitt added.

I've found Lauren Hitt (@LaurenHitt) / Twitter - Democratic comms...Previously @BetoORourke, @CynthiaNixon, @Ironstache, @PhillyMayor, @NYCMayor, @BarackObama

Yea, the above tax issue with AOC happens all the time. No story here. It's very likely that's an error that will be waived in a year or so.
BronxTalk: Democratic Primary Debate for the 14th Congressional District
I watched it and I read its comments.

All four Democratic candidates were in this debate: AOC, MCC, Badrun Khan, and Sam Sloan. SS made only a brief appearance in it, because of technical difficulties that he suffered from. So it was AOC, MCC, and BK.

MCC spent much of her time attacking AOC as staying in her DC apartment, ignoring her district, and craving celebrity. AOC said that she was somewhat sick for a while, so she stayed in her DC apartment for 6 days. She also pointed that MCC lived in Trump Tower before moving to Queens 3 months ago.

MCC talked about "access" to healthcare and "choice". BK had the most sensible position IMO, wanting national health insurance that does not include private insurance. AOC stated that she prefers Medicare for All (single-payer) and that we should not be trying to prop up employer-provided health insurance. As an example of bad insurance, she mentioned her Obamacare plan from her bartender years. $200/months with some $5000 deductible -- one has to pay $5000 out of one's pocket before one's insurance will kick in.

MCC also talked about how it's a bad idea to drive off "job creators", alluding to the failed Amazon HQ2 deal.

BK asked why not nuclear power? AOC praised her for bringing up something substantive, and she said that her Green New Deal plan does not exclude nuclear power, despite its emphasis on renewables. AOC also praised BK for stating her positions on issues, unlike MCC, and she said that she doesn't campaign on how bad the other candidates are.

Pam Campos-Palma🇺🇸🇭🇳🇬🇹 #CloseTheCamps on Twitter: "Watched the #NY14 debate. Dios mío. No question @AOC is nuestra gente’s champion.
Her closing statement: (video link)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@_pamcampos Thank you hermana 💞💪🏽" / Twitter

Kamran Fareedi on Twitter: "oh my god @AOC is absolutely obliterating this “MCC” fraud in the #NY14 debate.
“Who are you? Nobody’s ever seen you before.”" / Twitter
BronxTalk: Democratic Primary Debate for the 14th Congressional District
I watched it and I read its comments.

All four Democratic candidates were in this debate: AOC, MCC, Badrun Khan, and Sam Sloan. SS made only a brief appearance in it, because of technical difficulties that he suffered from. So it was AOC, MCC, and BK.

MCC spent much of her time attacking AOC as staying in her DC apartment, ignoring her district, and craving celebrity. AOC said that she was somewhat sick for a while, so she stayed in her DC apartment for 6 days. She also pointed that MCC lived in Trump Tower before moving to Queens 3 months ago.

MCC talked about "access" to healthcare and "choice". BK had the most sensible position IMO, wanting national health insurance that does not include private insurance. AOC stated that she prefers Medicare for All (single-payer) and that we should not be trying to prop up employer-provided health insurance. As an example of bad insurance, she mentioned her Obamacare plan from her bartender years. $200/months with some $5000 deductible -- one has to pay $5000 out of one's pocket before one's insurance will kick in.

MCC also talked about how it's a bad idea to drive off "job creators", alluding to the failed Amazon HQ2 deal.

BK asked why not nuclear power? AOC praised her for bringing up something substantive, and she said that her Green New Deal plan does not exclude nuclear power, despite its emphasis on renewables. AOC also praised BK for stating her positions on issues, unlike MCC, and she said that she doesn't campaign on how bad the other candidates are.

Pam Campos-Palma???????????????????????????????????? #CloseTheCamps on Twitter: "Watched the #NY14 debate. Dios mío. No question @AOC is nuestra gente’s champion.
Her closing statement: (video link)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@_pamcampos Thank you hermana ??????????????????" / Twitter

Kamran Fareedi on Twitter: "oh my god @AOC is absolutely obliterating this “MCC” fraud in the #NY14 debate.
“Who are you? Nobody’s ever seen you before.”" / Twitter

Good to hear that she isn't dogmatic and is open to nuclear power.
BronxTalk: Democratic Primary Debate for Congressional District 14 | May 18th 2020 - YouTube - that debate again, with Badrun Khan's final statement not cut off and also Sam Sloan's final statement.

AOC's video feed was crisp, while MCC's and BK's looked slightly blurred. I recall someone's tweet that this somehow proves that AOC has expensive tastes.

BronxNet has four more debates scheduled: NY-16 on May 25, NY-15 on June 1, and two State Assembly debates, 79th on June 8 and 85th on June 15. The NY primary election is on June 29.

Ocasio-Cortez claps back at challenger for criticism regarding postponed debate – Bronx Times - last Friday. She had to vote on the most recent aid bill.

Spokesman Ivet Contreras also noted that she voted against two earlier bills because of their being loaded down with corporate giveaways, he claimed that she spent only 4% of the time campaigning,
The congresswoman has delivered over 772 meals to the Bronx during COVID-19 to a Glebe Avenue NYCHA senior complex, Pelham Parkway houses, Parkside houses and Throggs Neck Houses,

The campaign’s field team and volunteers have made over 78,000 calls to check on Bronx residents’ well-being and connect them with local resources. Also, the campaign has raised nearly $576,000 for 26 community groups exclusively through small-dollar, grassroots donors.

These groups are providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline workers, funding food pantries and grocery drop offs to low-income families and seniors, as well as financial support to undocumented families, service workers, construction workers, domestic workers and Amazon warehouse workers in NY-14.
In fairness, both MCC and BK have also been doing such aid work.

Ocasio-Cortez's 'heart is not in The Bronx', locals say - the New York Post finds some people who are less-than-satisfied with her.
Badrun Khan on Twitter: "Thanks #YangGang and @ZachandMattShow for having my back. I wanted to wait for the upload before commenting myself, but it means a lot! 🧢 🌊 💙
Glad to see the uploaded version has the full ending! Thank you @BronxnetTV for hosting! 😀👍 https://t.co/RO1OcsqZ9u" / Twitter

Latin America IS NOT your backyard!!! on Twitter: "It gross @MCaruso_Cabrera is just lying in this AOC debate.
its just lie after lie.
#NY14" / Twitter

Steve Swieciki on Twitter: "Watching the #NY14 debate on @BronxTalk. @AOC’s opponent relentlessly swinging at her using right-wing talking points & missing literally every single time is the entertainment you didn’t know you needed. I’m going to enjoy watching AOC crush her next month." / Twitter

Joe Bello on Twitter: "@_pamcampos @AOC I too watched the debate and live in #NY14. I appreciated @gaxinthebronx moderating and also thought @AOC did very well tonight. #veteransvote" / Twitter

_ on Twitter: "Okay sooooo AOC really just clobbered this bitch 🤣🤧 We have no choice but to put some respect on that❗️#AOCdebate #MCC https://t.co/8clhRqnKOe" / Twitter - with a video clip of AOC slamming MCC for being obsessed with her staying in DC, even though doing so is part of her job. AOC also said that MCC was running for the sake of running, that she had lived in Queens only 6 months (I'd earlier misremembered it as 3 months), and that her big-money supporters will appreciate seeing their candidate in DC.

Helen Caddes on Twitter: ".@AOC eviscerates @MCaruso_Cabrera at #aocdebate "No one has seen you in this community before.. you have multimillionaires that finance your campaign and you're financed by the same real estate developers and big banks that would profit from the corruption in Washington." https://t.co/8lFMIJ2V61" / Twitter

Mariam Jalloul on Twitter: "“Who are you?” -@AOC Probably the best question I’ve heard during a congressional district debate 😂 https://t.co/CGQc1s4FP8" / Twitter
Implying that MCC is a carpetbagger.

Madeleine Villanueva on Twitter: "@dianalimongi @MCaruso_Cabrera @AOC In case you didn't see the "debate". All she had to offer were baseless attacks of @AOC. https://t.co/MGSK0StnGQ" / Twitter

Naureen Akhter on Twitter: "“I was paying $200/month for a $8,000 deductible plan while I was waitressing. What does that mean? That means not going to the doctor.” @aoc on how words like “access” are big pharma lobbyist terms #aocdebate" / Twitter
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