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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Trump names another Goldman Sachs executive to senior administration role | TheHill
Trump was critical of Goldman Sachs during his campaign and quick to connect his opponents to Wall Street.

"I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him,” Trump said of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) at a rally in South Carolina last year. "Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton.”
Donald J. Trump says banks have "total control" over Ted Cruz

I forgot about that! Yea, banks don't like people who file bankruptcy and who don't understand business.
(Me on Trump vs. banks...)
I forgot about that! Yea, banks don't like people who file bankruptcy and who don't understand business.
That's banks vs. Trump rather than Trump vs. banks.

Brook Avenue Press - YouTube - her pitch for her publishing-house project. Little-known fact about AOC: out of college, she tried to start a book-publishing company and she got involved with a startup called GAGEis as its "Lead Educational Strategist". Both startups failed, and AOC became a waitress and a bartender. In "Knock Down The House", we see her lugging buckets of ice as part of her job.

AOC tried to start a publishing house with zero experience in the business of publishing - and she failed. But she had the good sense to not try to do that again.

I remember discussing them earlier - these interviews were from late in her primary campaign. I watched them again, and she seems very knowledgable.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tackles New York Inequality - YouTube - 2018 Apr 3
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Political Revolution - YouTube - 2018 Apr 4
AOC instagram livestream 4.22.2020 - YouTube

She redoes her nail polish, and she concedes that she has let her apartment's walls go bare. But there's a problem: the walls are concrete, meaning that it's hard to get nails into them. As to her gel nails, they are easy to remove. No acetone needed.

She's been called to DC to vote on the new relief bill. It's a PPP refill, but it will likely be emptied quickly. She then grumbled that Mitch McConnell and other Republicans never complain about the deficit when it's from giving tax cuts for super rich people, the sort who buy super yachts that contain yachts. They only complain about the deficit when it's for healthcare or schoolbooks or paying teachers. Then how the House has passed lots of bills that have been sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. AOC calls them messaging bills, and she says that the House ought to have passed a similar bill on COVID-19 relief.

As to how she is so well-dressed, before her primary victory, she liked to shop in thrift shops. One can find lots of nice clothes in such shops, clothes that would otherwise be unaffordable. Clothes that would look nice in a business or professional environment. Good suits for young women are often very expensive. She then described how in her first 6 month in Congress, she wore a former judge's hand-me-downs.

Part of looking good when doing home video is lighting, and AOC got a ring-shaped light. It provides plenty of light without being too directly forward. She also likes simplicity and bold colors. Though she loves fashion. Clothing swaps with friends are also helpful.

AOC expected to get more relaxation, but she hasn't. We've been losing a log of community leadership, she says. Including religious leaders - pastors, imams, rabbis, ...

She mentions that one can set up direct deposit with the IRS, and she warns about scams - something that seems to good to be true often is.

Then how social distancing ought not to be social isolation - we aren't "designed" to be solitary, and being in that state can cause mental-health problems. She appreciates someone volunteering for her campaign, for doing phonebanking. Her campaign has done 24,000 phone calls. One can also do texting if one has phone anxiety.

She put on her new nails.

One doesn't have to pay back unemployment benefits. The stimulus check also isn't a loan.

She plugged in her gel lamp, an UV lamp.

She got into defending the US Postal Service, as something that's universal and not intended to be profitable. She then got into public libraries and she imagined how Republicans might ridicule the idea of them. How are they to be paid for? Wouldn't some people steal all the books? She then got into postal banking - simple financial services that a post office could provide. She got back to proposing mail-in ballots. She then claimed that Republicans don't want them because they want to win by suppressing the vote - if more Americans could vote, that would be the end of them, as Trump himself has claimed.

She hasn't been able to cook very much - she's been eating a lot of takeout meals, because she has not had the time to cook.

How to support senior citizens? Call them, just to check in if nothing else. Also be their emergency contacts.

She put her fingers in a her gel lamp, one hand at a time.

She says that the House Democrats aren't going far enough. They should put in lots of stuff that they want and include lots of stuff that Republicans want, and to say "We'll give you what you want if you give us what we want." She seems like a good negotiator. She also says that she doesn't feel that she has to be right all the time, and that she hopes that the Democratic leadership can prove her wrong.
(Me on Trump vs. banks...)
I forgot about that! Yea, banks don't like people who file bankruptcy and who don't understand business.
That's banks vs. Trump rather than Trump vs. banks.

Brook Avenue Press - YouTube - her pitch for her publishing-house project. Little-known fact about AOC: out of college, she tried to start a book-publishing company and she got involved with a startup called GAGEis as its "Lead Educational Strategist". Both startups failed, and AOC became a waitress and a bartender. In "Knock Down The House", we see her lugging buckets of ice as part of her job.

AOC tried to start a publishing house with zero experience in the business of publishing - and she failed. But she had the good sense to not try to do that again.

I remember discussing them earlier - these interviews were from late in her primary campaign. I watched them again, and she seems very knowledgable.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tackles New York Inequality - YouTube - 2018 Apr 3
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Political Revolution - YouTube - 2018 Apr 4

Well, I was talking about why Trump dosn't like banks. He dosn't like them (US Banks) because they wouldn't lend him money. It seems like you are saying that AOC dosn't like banks due to the startups that failed? I googled it and couldn't find anything on it.
The Spiritual Journey of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Religion & Politics
In January, at a Martin Luther King, Jr., Faith Leadership Breakfast, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) spoke in detail about how the Standing Rock protests catalyzed her spiritual and political calling. “It was truly one of the most spiritually transformative experiences of my life,” she said.

Ocasio-Cortez, who is Catholic, began her remarks by saying that she has to contemplate how to talk about her spiritual life as a public figure. “It’s not something that I want to cheapen, or it’s not something that I want to use as currency.” Of her spiritual journey, she said, “I haven’t talked about it yet much on the outside. I’m very conscious of that. But today we’re in family.”

According to the conversation in the live-stream, Ocasio-Cortez and her friends were deeply impressed by what they saw: An organized but decentralized operation that was feeding and housing more than 2,000 people on the reservation. Everyone’s physical needs were met, but there was no central planning committee; instead there was a widespread culture of sharing everything in common, from socks to food.

Ocasio-Cortez and her friends had shown up expecting to engage in political protest, but what they encountered instead was a profound spiritual ceremony—one that was also political in nature. Every action that was taken, from chopping wood for others to chaining oneself to a large machine, was a “spiritual act of dedication to your values,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the video.
She was there for only a few days, but she felt that she had to do something, but she didn't know what. "Lord, just do with me what you will. Allow me to be a vessel." Author Sarah Ngu said that it was her first reference to God or a particular religion, noting certain Bible verses and Xian songs. But it was also her last reference. Though she talked a lot about "faith" in it, it was about her moral commitments and her activism. She talked about solving some social problems once and for all, and she noted what is depicted in Star Trek.

She felt that she was being told to run, which she did, and she wanted her run to be about more than herself, about the building of a progressive movement.

She also said that a lot of people ask what plans she has for doing this or that, and she said the real problem is what commitments people have. Making plans will then be motivated by one's commitments.
Well, I was talking about why Trump dosn't like banks. He dosn't like them (US Banks) because they wouldn't lend him money. It seems like you are saying that AOC dosn't like banks due to the startups that failed? I googled it and couldn't find anything on it.
I think that that was empty posturing on Trump's part.

As to AOC and those failed startups, I mentioned that as evidence of good sense on her part, of her not continuing with something that very clearly failed. She had no experience in the book-publishing business, it must be pointed out. More than Trump with his bankruptcies - bankruptcies that in the late 1990's made it hard for him to get loans for continued business ventures. He got bailed out by some Russian oligarchs, however.

I did find something on GAGEis - it was connected to entrepreneur Cheni Yerushalmi.

Portlus Glam on Twitter: "NEW THREAD: Because it never stopped being 2016, the media has still not vetted @Ocasio2018 to figure out (pretty easily): ..." / Twitter
NEW THREAD: Because it never stopped being 2016, the media has still not vetted @Ocasio2018 to figure out (pretty easily): 1. Her bio is fraudulent; 2. She is amplified by fake socialist bots/trolls; 3. Her #1 goal for 2018 is to divide @DNC
. Here's what I've found so far...

Starting w/ her bogus background: Lead Educational Strategist at GAGEis. Founder of Brook Avenue Press. Partner of Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator. None of these appear to be real positions or active companies - she is a faux "young entrepreneur".

Besides the copious PR placements that claim otherwise, there's no proof that Brook Avenue Press ("a publishing house for urban literature for kids") was ever more than an idea she had in 2011. The web domain is for sale. The inc. is dissolved/annulled.

"GAGEis, Inc."appears to be a Delaware shell owned by Cheni Yerushalmi, an Israeli businessman who also owned the now defunct/above referenced "Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator". Their website was pulled down in 2016 and archives to an error.

And Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator could have used some business strategy consulting itself, bc it went out of business. Website has also been pulled down. There's no evidence AOC had any substantive entrepreneurial successes from this "partnership".

If that's not enough to make you question who @Ocasio2018 *really* is, consider the fact that her previous Twitter account @aiocasio was deleted. And that her LinkedIn includes no professional background information. Not very entrepreneurial. Not very millennial. Shady? Yes.

Now let's look at Ocasio-Cortez's push to "Abolish ICE". Pay attention - there is a lot of evidence that this is Kremlin provotskaya intended to make Democrats appear as extremists and push voters away...and so far, it's working.

As recently as 2016, Ocasio-Cortez was *complaining* about having to vote in the Bronx instead of her hometown in Westchester County. Now, the PR puffery acts like she's Jenny from the block- "lifelong Bronx resident", "3rd generation Bronx resident"

Next, take a look at who selected Ocasio-Cortez to run: Brand New Congress, a PAC "created by former Sanders staffers to recruit both Democrats & Republicans to take on what it calls the corrupt and complacent political establishment". Its an operation.

And who is funding Ocasio-Cortez? Leaving aside J.P. Morgan Chase (hypocrite) for now, she's funded by Justice Democrats (whose goal is to "rebuild the Democratic Party from scratch"). Also, don't miss that Silly Goose Productions is SUSAN SARANDON.

What's the goal for @Ocasio2018 to run as a Democrat? That's easy - ACCESS TO DATA! The only reason "socialists" want anything to do w/ @TheDemocrats @dnc @dccc is laziness & grift - they don't want to invest in building their own party infrastructure.

It's beyond me why @TheDemocrats @DNC @dccc provide these hostile candidates w/ access to data when their intentions are clearly nefarious. And a major disappointment seeing @MoveOn as a primary funder of @Ocasio2018. This is what suicide of a political party looks like.

Team @SenSanders figured out that Latina Butina said "flip this seat red" in the original retweeted post and deleted the video. Thankfully someone archived it, if you feel like seeing two old chubby white dudes blushing around a younger woman.

Some additional research into the Israeli "business consultant" who appears to be the common factor on AOC's fake business background. As an OG punk rocker, I am fundamentally annoyed by the hippie-commune-entrepreneur-cult situation going on here.

If anyone wants to figure out what the fuck is up with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, look into this Israeli businessman Cheni Yerushalmi - who seems to somehow have a ton of money and influence (and a hippie cult leader vibe). Weird.

I hope people who understand this better than me take a look at @OpenSecretsDC and why a PAC called "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 2018" seems to have disappeared from existence despite have expenditures in the 2018 cycle - $25K to/from Facebook?

I can't stop finding shady. Remember how @Ocasio2018 won the 15th district as a "write-in candidate on the reform line" too? Check out her FEC statementS of candidacy - amended bc she was originally running in the 15th!!! FACEBOOK TARGETING + BACKUP STRATEGY! ffs...

For those unfamiliar w/ @Ocasio2018 funder Justice Democrats, its a PAC started in part by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. The Andrew Breitbart of "progressive" politics who employs worst person Michael Tracey and publishes "news" like this: (someone asking Rep. Maxine Waters about Russia)

People seem annoyed Ocasio-Cortez has "gone national". But that's the Justice Democrats PAC whole strategy. Why? Bc their objective isn't to win races - it's to maximize fundraising & suppress overall turnout. Most AOCs fundraising is out-of-district.

Eyeball deep in FEC filings for Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress, & Ocasio-Cortez. Will provide receipts, but $$$ mostly just moves into pockets of ex-Sanders "consultants" rather than candidates. Candidates actually *pay* JD!! Great overview:

Cc @alt_fec - Is it legal for a candidate to sit on the board of a PAC, file their statement of candidacy from that PACs address, & have their campaign pay/get paid by that PAC? Asking for @Ocasio2018, who scrubbed her role from JD's site last month.

TFW you launch a PAC to fundraise off the voter data of "a little known socialist from Vermont", then send all the money to an LLC linked to another PAC but run by the same people in order to "recruit Congressional candidates to run as Republicans in red districts". DYING!!!

Pro Tip: to all the ex-@BernieSanders staffers - next time spend more time vetting your candidates and less time trying to figure out how to legally put fundraising dollars into your own pockets (+ $82K in Facebook ads) #fakeprogressives

Fucking SUX that my thread has now been hijacked by MAGA trolls - dont get it confused. @DNC is being targeted by ALL SIDES bc DEMOCRATS represent the majority, which must be divided to beat. They need to spook mod/centrist/indie voters w/ psyops that Democrat=Socialist.

I have lots of new research re @Ocasio2018 financial disclosures & FEC filings w/ Justice Democrats/Brand New Congress. It's a big problem. Rather than thread it, I'm working on a Medium article. Appreciate all the info that's been sent my way, pls keep it coming!

You can check out my new Medium article with this research and more here - if you like it, please share it! If you don't...I'm sure you'll let me know.
Portius Glam's links:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez » Student Activities Office | Boston University
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (CAS ’11)
Lead Educational Strategist at GAGEis, Inc. and Founder of Brook Avenue Press

Alexandria founded Brook Avenue Press, a social enterprise dedicated to providing relevant educational products to children and parents in urban areas. Recently, she partnered with the Sunshine Bronx Business Incubator to design entrepreneurial curricula for those interested in launching their own enterprise. They use methods informed by the collective real-world experiences of Sunshine’s large community of successful start-up entrepreneurs. Her primary interests lie in entrepreneurship and developing innovative, healthy, enterprising communities for generations to come.

Sunshine Suites | 419 Lafayette Street | WeWork - "Sunshine Suites, a precursor to WeWork, shut down its office at 419 Lafayette St."
Sunshine Suites, founded by Cheni Yerushalmi and Joseph Raby in 2001, has closed its office at 419 Lafayette Street, where it formerly occupied more than 30,000 square feet. In recent months, it had reduced its footprint one floor at a time. Now, it has given up the location entirely.
These Democrats want to abolish ICE - CNNPolitics

New Yorkers File Emergency Lawsuit To Give Voting Rights Back To 3.2 Million People – ThinkProgress

Queens is ‘very fertile ground’ for an upset | Queenswide | qchron.com - Mar 8, 2018
One of them was Brand New Congress, an organization created by former Sanders staffers to recruit both Democrats and Republicans to take on what it calls the corrupt and complacent political establishment.

BNC has since fielded 11,000 nominations from across America, but Bronx resident Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of just a handful the group originally decided to immediately back last year.

According to his challenger, Crowley is focused more on serving his donors than his constituents. Per OpenSecrets.org, a website that tracks campaign contributions, $229,000 of the $2 million Crowley raised in 2017 came from developers, while $216,000 was given by those in financial investment.

“Luxury real estate developers are some of the largest contributors to Joe Crowley,” she said. “[Overdevelopment] is done with the help of the Queens machine. Residents are extremely frustrated that they can’t afford to live in communities they have resided in for generations.”

“We need to review and reverse a lot of the corrosive policies from the post-9/11 panic, including the Patriot Act,” she said. “Now we have this parallel, black-box detention system that has no place operating the way it operates in our country.
New York District 14 Race • OpenSecrets

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Here in Kansas City with @Ocasio2018 to support @BrentWelder and flip this seat in November.… "

Vendor/Recipient Profile: Justice Democrats | OpenSecrets

Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher on Twitter: "Here's the full @MaxineWaters @mtracey interview. Sensitive viewers, you are warned. https://t.co/gyU2pw6FdD" / Twitter

Meet the tech-savvy activists trying to take over the Democratic Party - The Verge

Are the Justice Democrats a money scam to defraud progressives?

Justice Democrats: Democrats that Represent the People (explains why JD works within the Democratic Party)

When I look at the FEC report for Justice Democrats in 2017, why are there so many expenditures to "Brand New Congress"? : Justice Democrats

NOT HERE FOR PROGRESS: Meet the Tea Party-esque insurgency seeking to “rebuild the Democratic Party from scratch” - "Hostile candidates and shady PACs are posing as progressive Democrats in the 2018 election, exploiting DNC voter data and driving party division — it’s a burn-it-to-the-ground strategy that foreign cyber attackers are all too eager to assist with" by Portius Glam
I confess I find ODS entertaining - many right-wingers have Ocasio Derangement Syndrome.

It's hard to tell where Portlus Glam is coming from, but she (he?) seems determined to believe that AOC is some great villain. Complete with calling her "Latina Butina".

As to Twitter account aiocasio, it became ocasio2018, and then aoc. Instagram had a similar progression.

Ocasio-Cortez, Schiff team up to boost youth voter turnout | TheHill
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) are teaming up to gin up youth voter turnout, bringing together two of the Democratic Party’s biggest names to boost the party’s chances of victory in November.

Ocasio-Cortez and Schiff will host a virtual Earth Day Town Hall on Friday evening. Participants will send thousands of text messages asking friends and family to register to vote.

“By sending out thousands of texts collectively, the youth climate movement seeks to redefine organizing in the face of COVID-19 and bring new people into the community of engaged voters to make a fundamental difference in voter turnout in 2020,” said the U.S. Climate Strike Coalition, the group organizing the town hall.
Some celebrities will be joining them, like Yara Shahidi and Ilyasah Shabazz, and also Tom Steyer.
It's time to put some reality to this thread on the left's favourite bimbo AOC and her Green New Deal which is swallowed hook line and sinker by her fawning fans.

If it's one thing this COVID-19 pandemic should've taught them and the DNC as a whole is the enormous cost of the screwball idea. About 25 million Americans unemployed, that's before the rest of the Western world's is added.

As I understand the figures, emissions around the world have been reduced around 6% by the pandemic. This 6% reduction has cost about $US4 trillion, and Ra only knows how many deaths through suicide and other mental issues caused by lack of money and hope.
In a way the cost of this pandemic has given the world a quick snapshot of what a 6% reduction in greenhouse gases costs. The Paris agreement calls for a 10 times more greenhouse gas emission reduction. What is that going to cost mankind?

The Green New Deal and her many other screwball mutterings is pure loony tunes stuff that only a bimbo like AOC and the left of leftists could come up with no idea of the consequences.
As I understand the figures, emissions around the world have been reduced around 6% by the pandemic. This 6% reduction has cost about $US4 trillion, and Ra only knows how many deaths through suicide and other mental issues caused by lack of money and hope.
In a way the cost of this pandemic has given the world a quick snapshot of what a 6% reduction in greenhouse gases costs. The Paris agreement calls for a 10 times more greenhouse gas emission reduction. What is that going to cost mankind?

The Green New Deal and her many other screwball mutterings is pure loony tunes stuff that only a bimbo like AOC and the left of leftists could come up with no idea of the consequences.
That's pretty retarded math you have here. Pandemic did not cost $US4 trillion. It saved people $US4 trillion, yes, saved by not going to restaurant, vacation, etc.
It cost some amount of money because of measures directly linked to pandemics, mostly health care.
As I understand the figures, emissions around the world have been reduced around 6% by the pandemic. This 6% reduction has cost about $US4 trillion, and Ra only knows how many deaths through suicide and other mental issues caused by lack of money and hope.
In a way the cost of this pandemic has given the world a quick snapshot of what a 6% reduction in greenhouse gases costs. The Paris agreement calls for a 10 times more greenhouse gas emission reduction. What is that going to cost mankind?

The Green New Deal and her many other screwball mutterings is pure loony tunes stuff that only a bimbo like AOC and the left of leftists could come up with no idea of the consequences.
That's pretty retarded math you have here. Pandemic did not cost $US4 trillion. It saved people $US4 trillion, yes, saved by not going to restaurant, vacation, etc.
It cost some amount of money because of measures directly linked to pandemics, mostly health care.

The 25 million plus and counting, who have lost their livelihood, the thousands of businesses both large and small who may never recover don't matter ?
As I understand the figures, emissions around the world have been reduced around 6% by the pandemic. This 6% reduction has cost about $US4 trillion, and Ra only knows how many deaths through suicide and other mental issues caused by lack of money and hope.
In a way the cost of this pandemic has given the world a quick snapshot of what a 6% reduction in greenhouse gases costs. The Paris agreement calls for a 10 times more greenhouse gas emission reduction. What is that going to cost mankind?

The Green New Deal and her many other screwball mutterings is pure loony tunes stuff that only a bimbo like AOC and the left of leftists could come up with no idea of the consequences.
That's pretty retarded math you have here. Pandemic did not cost $US4 trillion. It saved people $US4 trillion, yes, saved by not going to restaurant, vacation, etc.
It cost some amount of money because of measures directly linked to pandemics, mostly health care.

The 25 million plus and counting, who have lost their livelihood, the thousands of businesses both large and small who may never recover don't matter ?
They would not have "lost" any of that if AOC&Co were in charge.
AOC Democratic challenger lived in Trump building before Queens move - Business Insider
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman progressive from New York, is facing more than a dozen challengers in her reelection race this year.
  • Perhaps the strongest contender is the former CNBC host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a former registered Republican who is running in the Democratic primary and has raised almost $1 million.
  • While Caruso-Cabrera accused Ocasio-Cortez of being "out of touch" with her constituents and living in a luxury apartment in Washington, DC, Caruso-Cabrera only moved to the Bronx-Queens district late last year after residing for several years in Trump International Hotel and Tower in Manhattan.
  • Caruso-Cabrera renounced several of the positions she took in her 2010 book promoting fiscal conservatism. She told Insider in a recent interview that, if she could go back, she would have "written that book differently.
MCC is now trying to pretend that she is a Joe Crowley Democrat - a corporate centrist.
Caruso-Cabrera, a former self-described "Whole Foods Republican" who wrote a 2010 book calling for small government and fiscal conservatism, is positioning herself as a pro-business centrist to the right of Ocasio-Cortez.

In a recent interview with Insider, Caruso-Cabrera said the first-term congresswoman was "out of touch" with her district, "doesn't know what it takes to put food on the table and to put a roof over the head of a family," and was masquerading as a Bronx native.

"She's from Westchester, don't forget. She didn't grow up in the Bronx like she claims," Caruso-Cabrera said. "And everybody in the Bronx knows it."
A "Whole Foods Republican" who does attacks like this: AOC lives in a "luxury apartment with a Whole Foods in the lobby".

Luxury apartment? She and her husband lived in Trump Tower for several years, before moving to an apartment in Sunnyside, Queens late last year.

In her 2010 book "You Know I'm Right", she called Social Security and Medicare "pyramid schemes", and she called for tax cuts, deregulation, ending public-sector unions, and eliminating some Federal Cabinet agencies. She now claims that she has changed her mind on some issues.
"That book is quite old, and would I have written that book differently? Yes, I would have," she told Insider. "What I would tell you is that I absolutely believe in preserving Social Security and Medicare, especially for the poor and the elderly."
She also claims that she's open to a public option for Obamacare, and that she supporters workers' right to organize. She also claims that she has become more willing to compromise over the years.
"When you're younger, you have ideas that are so fixed, they're ardent. And then as you grow older you realize those ideas can be brittle and they break," she said. "And you learn over time that there's got to be a lot more commonality. You've got to work with people, you have to unite people."
She mentioned her book on her Instagram site: Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Instagram: “Published 8 years ago today! Thanks to Larry Kudlow for writing the Foreword and @jack_and_suzy for the cover blurb!• • • • #bookstagram…” - October 3, 2018
Monica Morales on Twitter: "Flashback! Remember those beautiful children from MS 228 who helped fill the food pantry at the Middletown Senior building in the Bronx. The Rev. tells us that @aoc just gave a big donation! Bags and bags of fresh fruit and vegetables! Support your local pantries. @pix11news https://t.co/neaxRsR8lr" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "These young leaders at MS 228 in the Bronx are taking community leadership into their own hands by raising + delivering meals to seniors to protect them from exposure.
They are modeling powerful, intergenerational servant leadership.
It’s an honor to be part of their journey 💜 https://t.co/h49AlLeNHQ" / Twitter

 Servant leadership - "Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the main goal of the leader is to serve. ... A Servant Leader shares power, puts the needs of the employees first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible."

Khalsa Aid USA on Twitter: "We worked with David to select healthy nonperishable food items that will serve 300 families from the East Bronx - an area that has been hit hard by #COVID19
Together with the @BJCC15 we are helping feed families and children who really need us at this moment! https://t.co/abrOJS1cqi" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Bronx Jewish Community Council of Pelham have been operating a food pantry in our community for over 30(!) years.
I am so thrilled we are partnering with them to boost their operations and feed families across our community in this time of intensified need 💪🏽 https://t.co/lbOloG8HdM" / Twitter
This was an event on April 24 - I missed it.

Plus 1 Vote on Twitter: "Are you ready to Spill the Tea with AOC?! We’re having a conversation on the Green New Deal, activism, and voting in the 2020 election. Join @AOC and Plus1Vote’s @itssaadamer, LIVE, Friday at 5:30PM ET. [url]https://t.co/bp8gXkGe3p @futurecoalition https://t.co/4tGuiZk6NL" / Twitter[/url]

Plus 1 Vote - about getting people to vote.
Earth Day Live
'Earth Day Live' to Celebrate 50th Earth Day With Star-Studded Lineup - Rolling Stone
Stream Earth Day Live With AOC and Jane Fonda - PAPER

Future Coalition on Twitter: "Today is the final day of #EarthDayLive and a day dedicated to VOTING. Watch LIVE from 9 am-11 pm ET: [url]https://t.co/biSz86t7pN https://t.co/ZmJ0bgpU72" / Twitter[/url] - a 14-hour video

AOC showed up in it at around 8:30:00 and she was interviewed by Saad Amer. At 9:00:00, she turned it over to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA-28). He was soon soon joined by some activists, and he quit at 9:15:00. Those activists quit at 9:30:00, going off into their own online room.

It was three days of livestreams:
  • STRIKE - Earth Day and Youth Climate Strikes - On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we will demonstrate our collective power and unity through community building and storytelling. This first day will focus on amplifying the voice of indigenous leaders and youth climate activists who are leading the movement to halt the climate crisis. (Fist)
  • DIVEST - Divestment and Climate Financing - Led by Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition, during this day of action we are calling for a global reset. We want to reprogram the economy so that it works for people and the planet, not polluters and politicians. (Piggybank with a coin in its slot)
  • VOTE - Voter Registration and Political Engagement - We need leaders who will address this existential threat. It’s critical for all of us to show up at the polls this year and vote for our future. So the final day will focus on the importance of voting through a nationwide youth voter registration day. (Box with a slip of paper with a checkmark on it - ballot box with ballot)

Or in short: people, money, political power
What Youth Climate Activists Are Demanding on Earth Day 2020 | Teen Vogue
  1. Health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions.
  2. Provide economic relief directly to the people.
  3. Rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives.
  4. Make a down payment on a regenerative economy, while preventing future crises.
  5. Protect our democratic process while protecting each other.

Multistream to 30+ Platforms Simultaneously | Restream - what this webcast used

Day 1: Future Coalition on Twitter: "Future Coalition - live via restream.io" / Twitter - 13:26:05

Day 2: Future Coalition on Twitter: "Future Coalition - live via [url]https://t.co/lM4sBvhPmo https://t.co/0nb90CBaDm" / Twitter[/url] - Future Coalition on Twitter: "Future Coalition - live via restream.io" / Twitter - Future Coalition on Twitter: "Future Coalition - live via restream.io" / Twitter

Day 3: Future Coalition on Twitter: "Future Coalition - live via restream.io" / Twitter - Future Coalition on Twitter: "Today is the final day of #EarthDayLive and a day dedicated to VOTING. Watch LIVE from 9 am-11 pm ET: earthdaylive2020.org" / Twitter

Early in Day 1 was Yoga with Nicole Cardoza | Earth Day Live Day 1 - YouTube

There was this Day 2 event:
Stop the Money Pipeline on Twitter: "#StoptheMoneyPipeline takes over Day 2 for #EarthDayLive!
WATCH LIVE: earthdaylive2020.org
Coming up at 12 PT/ 3 ET Stop the Money Pipeline Townhall, feat: .@RepRashida .@SenMarkey .@SenJeffMerkley
#ClimateEmergency #InsureOurFuture #BLKBigProblem #BankingonClimateChange https://t.co/ebRXHa0q7K" / Twitter

That's Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-23), Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) -- another politician showed up for this livestream: Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM-01)
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The 25 million plus and counting, who have lost their livelihood, the thousands of businesses both large and small who may never recover don't matter ?
They would not have "lost" any of that if AOC&Co were in charge.

:hysterical: Thank's for the great belly laugh! Hey, Iv'e got this really great coat hanger shaped bridge for sale located in Australia's largest city. If you send me your bank details within 24 hours. I'll let you have it for the bargain price of $5000AUD. But you must send me your bank details within 24 hours of this post!
Lots of panel discussions on what to do, and lots of musical performances. Also Yoga with Nicole Cardoza | Earth Day Live Day 1 - YouTube

AOC herself had practiced yoga, and she once showed herself in a yoga pose with a fellow practitioner of that art.

In her interview, she said that a major reason that Congress has failed to lead is because of big money -- doing so would hurt some big donors, it seems. The inadequate action on COVID-19 she compares to the inadequate action on the climate crisis. Already-disadvantaged communities are hit especially hard by both calamities.

Her Green New Deal resolution is just that - a resolution - and it was deliberately written to be easy to read by anyone reasonably literate. Not just someone who has a law degree, which is what a lot of legislation looks like. She also says that it's important to find new jobs for displaced fossil-fuel workers, and that oil barons ought not to be replaced by solar barons.

I suspect that it will be easier for renewable-energy production to stay decentralized than fossil-fuel extraction and distribution. This will avoid the "resource curse" that fossil fuels have produced, and this will make it more difficult to do Koch-brother-style corruption of politics.

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) often works on price estimates for legislation. But it also ought to work out price estimates for inaction. What AOC advocates is often done in feasibility studies for urban-transit projects. Assessing a no-build option along with options for building various possible systems.

I think that AOC's biggest achievement in actual legislation is her GND for public housing - a massive effort to rebuild the US's public-housing stock by doing weatherstripping, replacing natural gas with electricity, etc. It also includes lifting a ban on constructing new public-housing units. AOC claims that in some European countries, some public housing is very desirable real estate. She also recalls how her bill was developed, by consulting residents of public housing themselves.

The Wisconsin vote was very bad - making people choose between their health and the vote. New York State didn't mail out ballots but applications for absentee ballots. AOC is still working on that with the Governor's office. Also, absentee ballots are only counted for close races, like < 1% difference.

Then she and Saad Amer asked who might be a good one to ask about voting. It was Rep. Adam Schiff, one of those who led the impeachment effort against President Trump. AOC and AS praised each other for the work that they have been doing, and AS noted that young people can make a difference: twice the turnout in 2018 than in 2014, for instance. AOC departed and AS was joined by some other panelists. AS(?) noted that not voting is pretty much letting whoever is elected do what they want.

One of the other panelists talked about how she is undocumented, because she was brought to the US by her mother and she doesn't have suitable immigration documents.
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