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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC rival Caruso-Cabrera's book pushed GOP-friendly policies - about MCC's 2010 book "You Know I'm Right"

It has a foreword by Larry Kudlow, now a Trump economic adviser, and it was dedicated to economist Milton Friedman. She wanted to “get rid of” Social Security and Medicare, and she wanted to abolish the Cabinet Departments of Commerce, Education, Energy and Labor.

“I might sound like a broken record but we need to shrink, shrink and shrink government. It’s too big, and so is the budget — overwhelmingly huge. ... Want to know where I’d cut first. It’s time to take on that third rail of politics. It may not be popular to say it, but I am going to do it anyway. Let’s get rid of Social Security and Medicare altogether.”
Public-sector unions come under withering criticism in the Caruso-Cabrera book for “choking our state and local governments” with “overly generous benefits that those in the private sector can only dream about” because unions have “overwhelming influence on our political process.”

“Government workers should not be allowed to unionize at all,” she said.
From right-wing arguments about wealth, one concludes that she is very envious of these employees.

MCC slammed public schools as a "monopoly", yet she favors school vouchers -- government involvement in financing private and charter schools, including for-profit ones.

MCC wanted the Securities and Exchange Commission abolished and she advocated legalization of insider trading, writing that “prohibitions on insider trading are akin to price controls. If insiders were able to buy and sell, a stock would move quickly to the price that most accurately represents its true economic fundamentals.”

She now claims that she supports SS and MC, and she seems to like labor unions when they have gotten medical-insurance benefits that would be ended by Medicare for All. Calling AOC a "tax cheat", she complains "Now AOC is using decade old material to smear an opponent. Polarizer, divisive. That’s AOC."

What a big baby. I thought that conservatives believed in taking responsibility for their actions.
Ocasio-Cortez primary opponent Caruso-Cabrera goes on fierce attack in online debate: 'AOC is always MIA' | TheHill

MCC: "You're always working on your celebrity status, You're divisive, and you work against the party."

She repeated her attacks on AOC several times, proposing very little that was positive, like seawalls.

Ocasio-Cortez said she voted against the coronavirus stimulus bill in question because it excluded benefits for immigrants and American citizens married to immigrants, which she would never support "in a district that is 50 percent immigrant."

Ocasio-Cortez added that she has collaborated "a lot" with fellow members, saying that she "cosponsored hundreds of bills" with both Democratic and Republican colleagues.

AOC, Caruso-Cabrera debate gets personal with heated jabs - like MCC saying that AOC's mother moved out of NYC because of the high taxes there.

MCC also said that AOC's Green New Deal is worthless because it does not take on emissions from China and India.

Sahil Habibi on Twitter: "AOC laying the smackdown on her “democrat” opponent https://t.co/5xLtNs9kNX" / Twitter -- MCC

Nightline on Twitter: "An exclusive interview with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC. Her take on the pandemic’s impact on African-American and Latino communities, and the debate on hazard pay for America’s most vulnerable essential workers. More tonight on @Nightline. https://t.co/M2NWrSXXsg" / Twitter

Nightline on Twitter: "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on whether or not enough has been done to help protect essential workers - those most vulnerable residents of NYC boroughs most heavily impacted by COVID-19. Tonight , @JujuChangABC’s sit-down with @AOC. https://t.co/PiVOmMjsnB" / Twitter
AOC argued that states like CA that were "overreacting" to the virus are states that have less of a death toll.
Should [ by some miracle] Trump be re-elected, perhaps AOC could apply for a cleaners job in the WH!
After Trump does so himself.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says essential workers 'keep the lights on in our society' - ABC News - "The pandemic exposes fault lines that some were already experiencing."

AOC concedes that for some people, "socialism" is a "dirty word".
“I think what’s important for us to talk about is the generational tide that exists around these conversations -- I was born at the end of 1989, there was no Cold War virtually the entire time I’ve been alive,” she said.
She was born 1989 Oct 13. The process started over a year earlier, and not long after she was born, the Berlin Wall was officially opened, with the actual physical structure getting turned into souvenirs. By the next year, all the Soviet-bloc Communist regimes were gone, replaced with Western-style multiparty democracies. The Soviet Union itself fell in 1991, being broken up into its 15 constituent republics (much like US states). Russia was the largest of its republics, and the dominant one.

Yugoslavia and Albania moved away from Communism around then, though Yugoslavia had a bloody breakup over several years. Only five officially Communist nations remain, and they have become, in varying degrees, capitalist roaders, to use an old Maoist insult.

Nowadays, the right-wingers are reduced to pointing to Venezuela.
Zogby Analytics - The Zogby New York Poll®: Schumer & Gillibrand beating Ocasio-Cortez in hypothetical primaries for Senate; Ocasio-Cortez is winning among younger voters & polling well in NYC; Biden not polling well with younger voters, suburban voters - Sunday, 17 May 2020 11:27
The Zogby New York Poll®: Schumer & Gillibrand beating Ocasio-Cortez in hypothetical primaries for Senate; Ocasio-Cortez is winning among younger voters & polling well in NYC; Biden not polling well with younger voters, suburban voters & suburban women
Senator Chuck Schumer will be up for re-election in 2022, and Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.

The poll numbers are CS 54%, AOC 21%, and KG 47%, AOC 26%.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on COVID-19 impact in her district, response to the virus - YouTube - some more from that Nightline interview. It will be unlocked at Nightline's home page next week, and I hope to see the whole interview.

Shows her getting assistance to people in her district, including pulling a wagonful of donations.

She noted that it's difficult for lower-middle-class people to get healthcare, because it can be expensive to go to the doctor. That is why she supports Medicare for All.

AOC challenger, Scherie Murray, sues consultant over N.Y. ballot signature flap - New York Daily News
AOC isn't the only one having ballot-signature trouble.

In her 2018 campaign, AOC was careful to collect much more signatures than the 1250 needed to qualify, so that enough of them could survive legal challenges like for incorrect details. She targeted 10,000, but she settled for 5,000 -- 4 times as many as needed. Fortunately, her opponent Joe Crowley didn't challenge any of them.

Most recently, the Working Families Party collected 14 signatures for AOC, but MCC's lawyers invalidated one of them as belonging to a registered Democrat, leaving 13. The WFP people decided not to collect any more signatures, calling it "irresponsible" to do so. I can only guess as to what is going on. Is there such a small number of people registered in the WFP that it takes a lot of effort to find them? One of the signers turning out to be a registered Democrat suggests that the WFP does have this difficulty.

Republican challenger Scherie Murray, a Jamaican immigrant who runs an advertising company, filed a federal suit against a contractor for allegedly botching its task to get signatures on her behalf.

"The signature petitions collected were in violation of New York election law and contained numerous errors,” according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday in Brooklyn Federal Court. “These errors ultimately prevented plaintiff from qualifying to be on the Republican primary ballot for the 2020 election.”

Among the mistakes was using a registered Democrat to be the "subscribing witness" for her petition, according to the lawsuit. Under state law, to get on the Republican primary ballot, the subscribing witness has to be a Republican.

The consultants hired to assist the campaign, Andrew Shannon and Dean Nelson, fulfilled the duties of their contract with more than 900 signatures.
BronxNet Community Television - Videos -- LIVE: Coffee & Conversation with AOC
AOC had Rep. Barbara Lee on, and it was a lovefest, with BL admiring how AOC's moral clarity and AOC admiring BL's long career.

BL was born in 1946 in El Paso, TX, and she described in that video how that place had a smelter that made air pollution that killed some people there. She went on to California and went to college in UC Berkeley. She then became a staff member for Rep. Ron Dellums, then served in the CA state assembly (1990 - 96) and then the CA state senate (1996 - 98). In 1998, she was elected US Rep for the Oakland area, and she has been in that position ever since - 12 terms.

AOC also talked about third parties, and how she doesn't begrudge people for voting for them. She also referred to "the Democratic nominee" rather than Joe Biden specifically. I was disappointed that she didn't mention Duverger's law or proportional representation. AOC sometimes seems rather shallow, I must concede.

MCC snickered about that: AOC Can't Say VP Joe Biden's Name - YouTube
AOC First Speech Ever at Long Island Activists event! 6/2017 - YouTube
Long Activists planned an event to honor and adopt recently elected Congressman, Ro Khanna because LI had no progressive representation on Congress. BrandNewCongress reached out and asked if AOC could come and speak, as well. At the time, she was just starting her campaign against Joe Crowley and was still unknown. This was the first public political speech she ever gave!
At the New York Progressive Action Network.

She described how Joe Crowley was in bed with Big Money and corrupt developers. She also showed how much she likes activists.

Why the GOP is so obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - VICE - over the month after she won the 2018 primary, the right wing became obsessed with her as a great villain.

Could AOC lose her reelection bid? - YouTube Someone discusses their May 18 debate.
AOC has some... interesting primary challengers. We checked out the Democratic primary debate for NY's 14th congressional district on stream. You'll meet the following cast of characters:

- A centrist challenger, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, another person with two last names and a strange fascination with Whole Foods.
- An ideological clone named Badrun N. Khan who somehow supports UBI and nuclear energy.
- An elderly gentleman who runs into some technical difficulties but leaves his mark.
That elderly gentleman is Sam Sloan, someone who has run a few times before, without ever getting many votes.
AOC Instagrammed on her latest Friday donations. With pictures of her in action from Corey Torpie - coreytorpiephotography - and Gabriel Hernández Solano - gabriel.himself

Gabriel Himself took a picture of a lot of dark green donation bags with AOC's campaign logo on it, with "Clean Air and Water for All: Green New Deal". In front was some of her campaign literature, and ads for her "Coffee and Conversation" events (Wed 7 pm - 8 pm ET).

She also showed herself oohing and aahing over draft versions of a campaign poster. It was something like a larger version of her 2018 campaign mailer that she showed off in "Knock Down The House" - and compared to Joe Crowley's campaign mailer. The front side contained a portrait of her, her campaign logo, election day (June 23), and a URL for requesting an absentee ballot, complete with the deadline for doing so (June 16). The back contains AOC's platform and instructions: request an absentee ballot by June 16 and mail it by June 22.

Her platform:
  • A Green new Deal
  • Housing as a Right
  • Aging with Dignity
  • Immigrant Families' Rights
  • Living Wages for All
  • Ending Mass Incarceration
  • Labor Rights for All
  • Medicare for All
  • Real COVID-19 Relief
Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “@aoc delivering meals in Lefrak City with her team and @hungrymonknyc this past Friday. Find out how to get involved and help at OcasioCortez.com.” - April 12
AOC with a cap and a mask.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Food deliveries in Throggs Neck with team @aoc today. . . . #aoc #strongertogether” - April 17
On top of the dark green donation bags are loaves of bread.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Team @aoc out doing food deliveries today in Lefrak with @hungrymonknyc. . . . #aoc2020 #aoc #queens #icpconcerned #graceofqu2020” - April 30

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Another shot from today’s food drops with team @aoc and @hungrymonknyc in Lefrak. . . . #aoc #icpconcerned #hungrymonk #graceofqu2020” - April 30
Lots of dark green donation bags.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “@aoc delivering food today in The Bronx. To date, the campaign has raised nearly $350,000 for the community and continues to directly address food insecurity in our district.” - May 1
AOC pushes a wagon with dark green donation bags in it while an assistant holds an umbrella over her. She once ranted about how this isn't exactly making America great again.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “I love a frame with a lot going on. . . #aoc #ny14 #wagon” - May 1
AOC with a donations wagon, and an assistant with another donations wagon.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Food deliveries and meeting new volunteers in the Bronx this morning . . . #aoc #thebronx” - May 8
AOC bumping elbows with someone

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: Inspired by [MENTION=420]ryan[/MENTION]christopherjones to post a photo from right before Covid hit. Seeing images of people being close and touching has become pretty jarring. I’m shocked how quickly our visual language has changed. .
This shot is from the day @aoc’s campaign offices officially opened. It feels like several lifetimes ago. .
#nyc #aoc2020 #beforethecovidera”
- May 18

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Staff and volunteers putting together food deliveries in team @aoc’s Bronx office. . . . #ny14 #aoc” - May 21
Pictures: a dropped can of Ragu, someone carrying two empty boxes, a car with back seats stuffed with bags of donations, someone carrying two full boxes, a wagon with dark green donation bags in a doorway, on top of a donation bag: toasted-oats cereal, a fruit snack, and some cans of fish.
AOC herself hasn't been very prolific, but she has these goodies:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Sometimes you just gotta take things into your own hands.
THANK YOU to everyone that’s donating time and spare change to our community phonebank check-in effort & NY14 food pantry fund. As many of you know, our district, NY14, is the hardest-hit COVID community in the country.
Because of your phonebanking shifts and donations, we are able to partner with @hungrymonknyc + Jewish Community Council Pelham to identify NY14’s hardest-hit neighborhoods and deliver meals to families in need.
This morning we delivered groceries to families in LeFrak City. It means a lot for the safety of seniors and others to not have to go out and wait in a crowded line for food. Thank you all for making this project possible. 🌎
📸: @.coreytorpiephotography”
- April 10
With pictures of her and her assistants delivering donations. MCC snarkily asked about one of them what it's like to meet a constituent.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “When it comes to COVID-19, inequality IS a pre-existing condition.

Take it from NY14, the most COVID-impacted community in America:

There is a clear reason our communities are hit hardest by COVID: the vast, systemic inequalities that were growing pre-COVID are now determining who lives or dies in this pandemic.

It’s time for Medicare for All.

Nice video.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Yes, our team wants to get up and out there too! Nothing gives me and our organizers more joy than being in community. . ”
Pictures from inside her campaign office. She intends it to be a community organizing center. It has recently been a staging area for donations of food and masks. She looks forward to being able to have full-scale operations there when it is safe to do so. It's an indoor area, though a rather small one, so it may have to wait a bit.

She signed off with: Con cariño -- Fondly
I'm quite surprised AOC still has 21-26%.
AOC is a newcomer, while Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been around for some time.
  • AOC became well-known only after her first primary win nearly two years ago, on 2018 Jun 26
  • Chuck Schumer: 1975 - NY Assembly - 1989 - US House - 1999 - US Senate
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: 2007 - US House - 2009 - US Senate

Badrun Khan NY-14 gains ground as AOC befriends establishment - YouTube - James Ellars interviews BK. Both are supporters of Andrew Yang and Universal Basic Income. JE had run for Congress in CA-08 this year, and had placed 6th with 2.7% of the vote.

Congressional Management Foundation | Record Number of Women, Freshman Lawmakers Named Democracy Awards Finalists
AOC and Donna Shalala were in both categories. AOC mentioned that in her recent debate.

Congressional Management Foundation | Finalists links to details:

Congressional Management Foundation | Innovation Finalists (2020) -- AOC's use of social media is an obvious one here. She and her staffers are also pioneers in the use of online office and collaboration tools: G Suite: Collaboration & Productivity Apps for Business, Manage your team’s work, projects, & tasks online · Asana, Where work happens | Slack (text chat), Airtable ("spreadsheet, meet database") - they "pushed for their approvals by House Information Resources."

Congressional Management Foundation | Life in Congress - Workplace Environment Finalists (2020) -- "The office of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez prides itself on a workplace culture of inclusivity, egalitarianism, and social justice. ... With a 12-week paid parental leave policy, a 25-day leave policy, formal telework policy, and unlimited sick days, staff are empowered to be effective, productive, and feel appreciated. Junior staffers and interns both receive a living wage ($52,000 a year for junior staff and $15 an hour for interns). All staff and interns in the district office have developed individual six-month plans that include personal development goals."

AOC herself has Instagrammed that she is a big believer in creating the sort of world that one wants to see -- even if in miniature, like with her employees.
I'm quite surprised AOC still has 21-26%.
AOC is a newcomer, while Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been around for some time.
  • AOC became well-known only after her first primary win nearly two years ago, on 2018 Jun 26
  • Chuck Schumer: 1975 - NY Assembly - 1989 - US House - 1999 - US Senate
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: 2007 - US House - 2009 - US Senate

Badrun Khan NY-14 gains ground as AOC befriends establishment - YouTube - James Ellars interviews BK. Both are supporters of Andrew Yang and Universal Basic Income. JE had run for Congress in CA-08 this year, and had placed 6th with 2.7% of the vote.

Congressional Management Foundation | Record Number of Women, Freshman Lawmakers Named Democracy Awards Finalists
AOC and Donna Shalala were in both categories. AOC mentioned that in her recent debate.

Congressional Management Foundation | Finalists links to details:

Congressional Management Foundation | Innovation Finalists (2020) -- AOC's use of social media is an obvious one here. She and her staffers are also pioneers in the use of online office and collaboration tools: G Suite: Collaboration & Productivity Apps for Business, Manage your team’s work, projects, & tasks online · Asana, Where work happens | Slack (text chat), Airtable ("spreadsheet, meet database") - they "pushed for their approvals by House Information Resources."

Congressional Management Foundation | Life in Congress - Workplace Environment Finalists (2020) -- "The office of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez prides itself on a workplace culture of inclusivity, egalitarianism, and social justice. ... With a 12-week paid parental leave policy, a 25-day leave policy, formal telework policy, and unlimited sick days, staff are empowered to be effective, productive, and feel appreciated. Junior staffers and interns both receive a living wage ($52,000 a year for junior staff and $15 an hour for interns). All staff and interns in the district office have developed individual six-month plans that include personal development goals."

AOC herself has Instagrammed that she is a big believer in creating the sort of world that one wants to see -- even if in miniature, like with her employees.

No matter! It seems [atm] that AOC will get her arse thrown out of the House come election time. And not before time!
Her test made news:
Ocasio-Cortez posts experience getting antibody tested for COVID-19 | TheHill

She Instagrammed it, and The Independent newspaper posted it:
AOC takes a coronavirus antibody test - YouTube
It was a simple blood draw, with the blood shipped off to a lab. The waiting area was socially distanced, and the medical personnel there had full-scale protective clothing. AOC herself was wearing a KN95 mask.

AOC gets tested for coronavirus antibodies in Queens district
In a video uploaded by the Congresswoman to Twitter Saturday, Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) could be seen saying “There we go, easy peasy, that was easy,” as she had her blood drawn by a health care professional.

After the test was completed, the nurse told AOC that she should expect to receive a call in five days with her results.

AOC is the second major New York lawmaker to take one of the coronavirus tests while on camera.
The first one was Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who got a nose swab in a press conference: Gov. Cuomo takes coronavirus test during live briefing
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I am proud to join Chairman Grijalva and my colleagues in introducing these long-awaited changes to PROMESA. https://t.co/ycR4XY7jLC" / Twitter
PROMESA Fact Sheet - PROMESA Fact Sheet.pdf
Congress passed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) in 2016 to rovide Puerto Rico and other U.S. Territories a legal path to restructure their public debt. Among other features, PROMESA established a Financial Oversight and Management Board charged with balancing the island’s budget. The Board’s sweeping power to make financial decisions has, so far, done more harm than good. The Board has instituted widely unpopular and counterproductive cuts to essential public services without sufficiently reducing the island’s public debt. As a result, vulnerable local communities are feeling much more pain than vulture funds and bondholders.

Along with Reps. Nydia M. Velázquez, Darren Soto, José E. Serrano, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chair Grijalva introduced the Amendments to PROMESA Act, which makes necessary changes to PROMESA to ensure the people of Puerto Rico a more prosperous future.
  • Prevents conflicts of interest by Oversight Board
  • Assigns federal funding for operation of Oversight Board and debt restructuring proceedings
  • Protects essential public services
  • Protects the University of Puerto Rico
  • Territorial Relief for Unsecured Public Debt
  • Establishes an Independent Commission to Audit Puerto Rico’s Public Debt

Caridad De La Luz on Instagram: “Bronx Indigenous - The Bronx River and its Native American History

La Bruja shares the work being done to keep Native American Traditions and History alive in #thebronx and canoes the waterway @bronx_river @cynthia.r.paniagua @pregonesprtt #pepatian #labruja #caridaddelaluz #bronx #indigenous #siwanoy #lenape #taino #bronxriver @bronxnettv”

"La Bruja" - "The Witch" in Spanish.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Reverend Young of the First Baptist Church in East Elmhurst leads volunteers in non denominational prayer before opening their food pantry for the day. . .
Antibody testing is available for free in their basement in partnership with @northwellhealth. .

The church where AOC contributed her blood sample. Among the pictures are some pictures of her delivering donations.
Antoine Tucker Is an Ex-Felon Challenging Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - "It’s a stunt—and it’s caught Trump Jr.’s attention."

Speculates that the Republican candidates are in the race for the attention.
Tucker filed his candidacy in early June 2019 and introduces himself on a video on his campaign website as “the first ex-felon that’s Black and Hispanic to run for Congress in the history of this nation.”

In 2017, Tucker was profiled by Brooklyn Ink—a blog run by journalism students at Columbia. In that brief profile, he says that he spent long stretches of his life homeless before a federal informant caught him selling crack cocaine.

He earned a GED in prison and went on to own a tattoo shop in Brooklyn called Top Shelf Ink. Top Shelf Ink’s Instagram page features a photo of Tucker and Kaya Jones in April 2019. Jones is on one of President Donald Trump’s campaign advisory boards, but her C-list fame derives from her tenure as a back-up singer for the Pussycat Dolls.
Selling crack cocaine???

He says that we must defeat AOC's "globalist" agenda -- whatever that is.
His top priority on his site is education reform, where he calls for a system where parents can take the same classes as students, and teachers can hold parents accountable: “Children have potential and it is evident when parents are involved. The lack of parental reinforcement at home for poor behavior/attendance would allow teachers to issue referrals to the school guidance counselor so parents can receive assistance with communication skills and other needs.”

The rest of his platform, despite challenging Ocasio-Cortez, comes across as progressive, with calls for housing reform, criminal justice reform, and clean energy.
Then something on payments and donations from some obscure company called Jeld Productions.

Antoine Tucker 🇺🇸 on Twitter: ".@staceyabrams Is a black puppet sent to further destroy Black America by the NWO! The only thing this creature is talking about is Illegals not the Blacks that have yet to have a Black Liberal that actually cares about fixing real issues in Black Communities. https://t.co/ExUvA4htL9" / Twitter
NWO = New World Order

He denounces Stacey Abrams as a "globalist" who wants illegal immigrants to vote. He also likes President Trump.
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