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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Scherie Murray on Twitter: "BREAKING NEWS: Did you hear about this? “America, I promise you more and I will continue to #unitethefight for a prosperous and better future. Thank you so much for believing in me, a legal migrant from Jamaica, W.I. who came to America for a better life.” —Scherie Murray. ⬇️ https://t.co/aOsaG6Upe7" / Twitter
Links to an image file showing a document from her.

GOP candidate challenging AOC drops out of the primary race - News Brig notes from that document:
“Governor Cuomo’s undemocratic Executive Orders overthrew New York’s electoral process. The right to access the ballot, freedom of association as a member of a political party, the exchange of ideas and free speech are so sacred that the Founding Fathers made it the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States,” Scherie Murray’s campaign said in a statement.

“Notwithstanding, during the coronavirus pandemic, Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders have gone unchecked, affirming the ability to silence Murray’s First Amendment rights,” it continued.

“As long as avowed socialists are legislators, you can rest assured I will use my platform to advocate for the kitchen table issues of the toughest, hardest working New Yorkers. This is not the end for Scherie Murray because I will continue to work hard,” she said in the statement.
The COVID-19 lockdowns have interfered with door-to-door campaigning, yes, but a creative alternative has been to give aid to people. AOC, MCC, and BK have all done that. No evidence that any of the candidates running as Republicans have done that.
The best " aid" AOC could possibly offer is to go hide in the cellar with creepy Joe.
Yellow-dog Republicanism.

AOC retweeted:
Yalitza Aparicio Martínez on Twitter: ""Hola a todos, estoy aquí trabajando para ayudar a mi país a ser menos racista mientras soy tendencia a causa de ello. Aprovecho para compartirles mi primer artículo para el @nytimes, espero que les guste. ¿Cómo va su sábado?" https://t.co/J7JoNdDrCA" / Twitter
Google Translate:
"Hello everyone, I am here working to help my country to be less racist while I am a trend because of it. I take this opportunity to share my first article for the @nytimes , hope you like. How's your Saturday going?"
Opinion | In Mexico, ‘Roma’ Lit a Fire for Workers’ Rights - The New York Times - "A role in Alfonso Cuarón’s film showed me how art can provide a voice for the disenfranchised."

Here in the US,  Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly[1][2] is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the U.S. and is said to have "helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War".[3]
Cosponsors - H.R.6975 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To amend the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act or "PROMESA", and for other purposes. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress - I found that bill about amending PROMESA. AOC is one of its four original cosponsors.

BronxTalk: Democratic Primary Debate for Congressional District 14 | May 18th 2020 - YouTube
Where MCC claimed that AOC was MIA - missing in action.

There was recently a sort of response debate between an AOC supporter, political operative John Doyle, and a MCC supporter, NYC Councilmember and former AOC opponent Fernando Cabrera,
BronxTalk: NY14 Response - YouTube

FC praised capitalism as a great and glorious thing, and he gave a selective summary of the Green New Deal's legislative history that seems to indicate that it's a failure. A summary that is common in right-wing media, I must say. He mentioned Mitch McConnell introducing it in the Senate, and it being rejected there. Senate Democrats didn't want to vote on it without having hearings on it, and MMC refused to have any hearings on it. So they voted "present".

The original, introduced by AOC herself:
H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress - it has accumulated 99 cosponsors over the past year, most recently Ilhan Omar last March, though it has not had any committee hearings or floor votes.

Mitch McConnell's version:
S.J.Res.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): A joint resolution recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Senator Ed Markey's version:
S.J.Res.8 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): A joint resolution recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Has 14 cosponsors, no further actions.
AOC maintains a @RepAOC account separate from her @AOC account on Twitter and Instagram. Likewise for Facebook, she has an account with her full name, and one with "Representative" before her full name.

(1) Natural Resources Committee on Twitter: "Share the new video from @RepRaulGrijalva, @RepAOC and @RepDarrenSoto on their bill w/ @NydiaVelazquez & @RepJoseSerrano to improve #PROMESA and help #PuertoRico.
Let's put health care and education first and get Puerto Rican families the help they need. #ListenToPuertoRico https://t.co/pNs7pbT9z2" / Twitter

I don't know if this bill will ever get past Mitch McConnell. He'd likely call its concerns "socialism", unless there are some big Kentucky-based companies that would be turned into contractors by this bill.
AOC parodied on Steve Carell's new Netflix show 'Space Force'
High-powered members of congress named Shugler and Petosi, clear riffs on Senator Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, control the Space Force’s budget.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s counterpart is named Representative Anabela Ysidro-Campos, who hails from New York. She’s introduced as the youngest member of the military-spending committee which Carell’s character, General Naird, is testifying to.

Ysidro-Campos talks with her hands and wears a red suit. “I want to tell my constituents on food stamps why your agency needs a $10,000 orange?” she asks, grilling Naird.
Ginger Gonzaga ✨ on Twitter: "Hi @AOC 👋 I play aYc on @realspaceforce on @Netflix, a show made by kind, smart people like you! It’s an honor to play even a satirical version of you, & if you see it, I hope it makes you giggle. Grateful 4 this excuse to say thanks 4 all your work...especially now. #bffs? 🚀👯*♀️" / Twitter
AOC gets into two of her long-time interests: education and activism.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Plenty of people can’t be in the streets: disability, family care, etc.
But many are asking what we can do in this moment. We can ORGANIZE.
Join me right now@7 for a parent workshop on how to oppose a school-to-prison budget w/ @AQE_NY & @MaketheRoadNY:
(link to Facebook page)" / Twitter

Fighting Austerity: An Organizing Workshop for Parents w/ AOC - YouTube

"Budgets are moral documents" -- AOC, and something that AOC has said earlier. She said later in the video that that is because budgets show priorities. Intercepted Podcast: Trump’s Secret Little Prince - quotes MLK as saying “Moral documents. Mr. president, a budget is a moral document.” as part of his criticism of LBJ for the Vietnam War.

Budget cuts. Activism to fight cuts.

AOC then introduced some activists. One of them mentioned such things like Gov. Cuomo cutting school budgets by the amount that schools got from the CARES Act.

AOC then mentioned how lack of summer employment programs can cause teens to be in the streets and people around them call the cops on them.

Having a plan to replace retiring cops but not to replace retiring teachers. AOC notes that it wasn't her intention to give $700 m to NY schools just for the governor to take that amount away. AOC also mentioned her childhood, and being raised in Jackson Heights instead of the Bronx because the schools were much better there. How one's zip code determines one's destiny, as she likes to day. More funding and fewer school cops in JH's schools, where AOC went to.

Recalling the previous financial crisis - balancing budgets with school funding.

AOC proposes raising taxes on rich people.

She talked about people getting organized and how that makes an impact on elected officials - they know that there is something to be concerned about. One of her guests talked about how one can get started in a PTA (parents-teachers association), for instance. AOC responded by saying that one ought to have regular meetings. Then getting into mutual aid.

Then to more immediate and specific things, like the Summer Youth Employment Program. She also says that she gets a lot of calls from outside her district. She says that one's better off calling someone within one's district. Like a City Councilmember. She mentioned a FB group: AOCParentOrganizing - for her district. Mentioned activist groups Make The Road, Teachers Unite (both NYC).
AOC speaks about the George Floyd riots - Instagram IG Live 2020 - YouTube - she is walking in some residential neighborhood, talking about what she thinks about the protests and riots.

If one doesn't like this unrest, then one ought also to be opposed to the conditions that have provoked it, like police brutality, inadequate and grotesquely expensive medical care, corrupt property developers, and the like. We must focus on creating justice. She asks why some people ignored such problems until such property destruction as breaking of windows. So much of this unrest could have been committed by arresting that cop for murder. Justice shouldn't be dependent on what one's job is or what one's wealth is, but on what one did. "That is what justice looks like." She thanked everybody for listening and for trying to work for a "true peace, which is a just society."

AOC Instagram IG live - YouTube - very nice. Recorded in the evening of May 29, after a donations-delivery run earlier that day.

Says that it's not a matter of being racist or nonracist, it's having beliefs, attitudes, actions, and also social systems with built-in discriminatory features. She thinks that activism is getting strong enough to make desired changes. Like electing better Democrats (Melanie D'Arrigo's slogan) and voting out Republicans. It's a bit optimistic to think that we may be nearing the end of Gilded Age II, but what we are seeing is typical of the end of Schlesinger conservative periods -- pushes for reforms coupled with society's elites often believing that society's problems are (1) not worth trying to fix, (2) not fixable, or (3) not real problems.

About police brutality, she says that a problem is corrupt systems, like protecting cops who do bad things. Like this being the fastest arrest in Minneapolis of a cop for misconduct -- a cop who had 18 previous charges of misconduct against him.

She went on to say that one should become an activist. One can contribute not only one's money, but also one's labor to an activist cause. Like delivering food donations.

About racism and "colorism", she thinks that it's in large part cultural stereotypes and unconscious attitudes, and that one should probe oneself for them. Colorism is common among Latin Americans, in the form of preferring light skin to dark skin.
What to do as an educator?

First, stop whitewashing MLK. He didn't just show up in DC one day and say "I have a dream". He was an activist for a long time before that, and he continued to be an activist for the rest of his life. He was concerned not only with racial injustices but also with economic injustices -- he was a democratic socialist.

Someone asked about riots. She said that we must consider the conditions that provoke riots. Like cops getting away with a lot of nastiness.

About withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO). "This President is withdrawing us from a global community". Very well said. She said that that is what authoritarians do, and that Trump is an authoritarian. "Cut off your nose to spite your face" - WHO: vaccines, coordinated responses, etc. One ought to try to fix whatever problems it might have rather than withdrawing outright. Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then on how the Latinx community might end its antiblack "contributions". Latinos are a very mixed sort of people, and AOC herself notes that she's part European/Spanish, part Native American, and part black. Puerto Ricans are, on average, 65% white, 20% black, and 15% Native American ("red"), and AOC herself looks rather "white" to me.

She gets into "pelo bueno" and "pelo malo" - good hair and bad hair. "Good" hair is more honky-like, "bad" hair is more black-like. AOC's family includes a lot of variation in hair texture, from AOC's straight hair to some members with tightly-curly black-like hair.

She also recalls how Spanish was her first language, and English her second, but she had to hide Spanish. She grew up in a honky neighborhood, and she gradually came to feel embarrassed about speaking Spanish in public. So she'd whisper it when she had to talk on the phone from school.

She said at the end that she refuses to leave a worse world for our children and grandchildren and future generations.
First, stop whitewashing MLK.
Good idea. He wasn't some platonic ideal of a righteous man, he was a man with both good and bad sides.

he was a democratic socialist.
Which is why the Cigarette Smoking Man had to kill him. :)

Someone asked about riots. She said that we must consider the conditions that provoke riots. Like cops getting away with a lot of nastiness.
Widely overstated. The anti-police activists see many perfectly jusftied police shootings as "murder". Example: Patrick Kimmons. Or to stay in New York, Kimani Gray.

About withdrawing from the World Health Organization (WHO). "This President is withdrawing us from a global community". Very well said. She said that that is what authoritarians do, and that Trump is an authoritarian. "Cut off your nose to spite your face" - WHO: vaccines, coordinated responses, etc. One ought to try to fix whatever problems it might have rather than withdrawing outright. Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic.
I agree that was stupid even though WHO does have a lot of problems.

Then on how the Latinx community might end its antiblack "contributions".
That's a retared term that needs to be retired. We do not say Whitx or Blax or Asianx. So why Latinx?

and AOC herself looks rather "white" to me.
Yeah, maybe like an Italian or something.

She also recalls how Spanish was her first language, and English her second, but she had to hide Spanish. She grew up in a honky neighborhood,
It's typical of left-wing double standards. Insist on hyper-PC language except when it comes to racist language to describe Whitx people.

She said at the end that she refuses to leave a worse world for our children and grandchildren and future generations.
She doesn't even have any children.
First, about that video discussed in my previous post, AOC has family members on both side of the criminal-justice aisle -- both cops and ex-cons.

QueensEats on Instagram: “As promised, through collaboration with @kumeda.design, we are working on a google sheet of Black owned restaurants in Queens …”
As promised, through collaboration with @kumeda.design, we are working on a google sheet of Black owned restaurants in Queens- find it in the link in our bio. They represent the whole of Queens with restaurants in the East, West, North and South parts of the borough. We still need your help, here’s how you can contribute:
1. DM us to add to what we are missing or edit what we have
2. Order from these restaurants. Support them monetarily. Do not use delivery platforms like Grubhub or Seamless. Call. Call. Call.
3. Post up about these restaurants on your social media platform whether that be a positive review, food pic, or brag about how good you ate last night to your grandma on FB (because that’s where the grandmas are at)
4. Follow them. Social currency is real. You can do that.
5. Stick it to the corporate restaurants who got PPP money while our moms and pops and small businesses flounder during COVID.
You are an amazing community, show the world what we are worth.
Black Lives Matter. Queens support Queens. Queens Get The Money.

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO MY BRONX LIST! LINK IN BIO!!! ❤️PART TWO! I have found it difficult to verify black owned restaurants for the Bronx. MORE LINKS IN THE BIO!! This is a starting off point but continue to support your communities whether you’re in manhattan, the Bronx or anywhere!

Paintworks & Decorating on Instagram: “PLEASE REACH OUT AND SPREAD THE WORD 🖤

If you know of any stores that were vandalized and need help with repairs @paintworksnyc will help FREE OF CHARGE!

Please connect us with the struggling businesses via DM/EMAIL!

First, about that video discussed in my previous post, AOC has family members on both side of the criminal-justice aisle -- both cops and ex-cons.

QueensEats on Instagram: “As promised, through collaboration with @kumeda.design, we are working on a google sheet of Black owned restaurants in Queens …”


Paintworks & Decorating on Instagram: “PLEASE REACH OUT AND SPREAD THE WORD ??????”

If you know of any stores that were vandalized and need help with repairs @paintworksnyc will help FREE OF CHARGE!

Please connect us with the struggling businesses via DM/EMAIL!


She has family members on both law and and criminal sides hey! She must feel like she's in a bit a pickle atm then hey!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - has some talks that she did on Facebook Live, both by herself and with others. There is one of them that's saved on BronxNet, however. She had Barbara Lee as a guest in that one. Some of them are "Coffee and Conversation", the name of an event that she took part in back in her Boston University days. They'd have debates on a variety of subjects.

Day of Action: Green New Deal - YouTube - with her were Varshini Prakash and Day Bradshaw of the Sunrise Movement, Catherine Coleman Flowers of the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice.

VP described how AOC was with them in that sit-in in Nancy Pelosi's office, and she said how she was moved to tears when AOC spoke to her group from atop a folding table. Here was a politician who was willing to be on her side.

A bit disappointing - mainly about environmental-justice issues like some communities getting pollution dumped on them. Mentioned how parts of the South Bronx have lead levels in tap water 17 times Flint MI's levels. AOC also got straight something that she pointed out some rural Southern communities have: hookworm. She had misstated it as ringworm several months ago.

Day of Action: Housing as a Human Right - YouTube - with Cea Weaver of Housing Justice for All!

Described the success of housing activists in getting pro-tenant reforms passed in New York State. Activists who'd ask politicians whose side they were on: voters or real-estate speculators. AOC herself came on and claimed that in NYC, the real-estate lobby has bought a lot of politicians. Like the 10-term incumbent whom she defeated so memorably in 2018. She notes such things as "affordable housing" for people who earn $150,000/year.

Then her Green New Deal for Public Housing, and how good public housing sometimes is in Europe. Also in NYC - more empty luxury apartments than homeless people.
Day of Action: Honor in Immigration - YouTube with Mateo Guerrero of Make the Road.

I've seen Make the Road a few times in connection with AOC. Seems like if she loses her re-election effort, then she might join that activist organization.

AOC claims that CBP is the US's largest law-enforcement agency. She concluded this bit by thanking everybody who voted for her and supported her the last time around - she said that when one speaks truth to power, power tends to fight back.

Day of Action: Medicare for All - YouTube with Abdul el Sayed, candidate for MI Gov in 2018, and a doctor, epidemiologist, and public-health expert.

He advocated single-payer insurance: Medicare for All. He addressed racial and economic disparities - M4A would very nicely solve this problem by making medical insurance available for everybody. I'm not a M4A absolutist, and private insurance detached from employment may also be good. The US medical system is built for profit, not surge capacity.Hospitals had trouble because there wasn't much financial incentive to stockpile ventilators and the like, and because elective surgeries were shut down. He doesn't want some patchwork system, because a lot of people tend to fall through the cracks of such a system, mainly low-income people.

He said that AOC is the sort of leader that we need, the sort who likes to listen to ordinary people.

Day of Action: Police Accountability - YouTube with special guest Phillip Agnew, a fellow Bernie Sanders campaigner.

She noted that the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association is now against her, and she claimed that the population of cops in the NYC public school is equal to the entire population of cops in the Boston Police Department.

She concluded by asking any elected officials who might be watching her livestream whether they would be willing to risk their careers by taking a stand for what they believe to be right, something that she herself has been willing to do.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t running as a fire-starter - The Washington Post
In both debates, MCC has claimed that AOC is MIA - missing in action, obsessed with her fame, and divisive.

AOC in the first debate:
“I’m very happy to have the support of my colleagues in the New York delegation,” the 30-year-old member of Congress said in her first televised debate last month. “I’m very happy to work very, very well, and collaborate a lot, with our fellow members.”

She is campaigning for reelection less as a fire-starter than as an attentive member of Congress. After co-hosting a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) in Queens, she made only a few trips to support his presidential bid in swing states, wary of criticism for leaving the district and of letting her reelection campaign falter.

“It’s about balancing all of those things,” Ocasio-Cortez told The Washington Post in March, before traveling to Michigan to rally with Sanders. “You’re spinning so many plates in the air, and sometimes you just have to kind of go between them and make decisions.”
BS's campaigners grumbled that getting her to appear in New Hampshire was like pulling teeth - she went to NH not MI.

Ilhan Omar has challenger Antone Melton-Meaux: IO is “distracted fighting with Donald Trump on Twitter or even with their own party.”
Ocasio-Cortez faces three Democrats in the primary, including a well-funded challenge from former CNBC host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, who accuses the freshman congresswoman of being distracted by celebrity and national politics. That might be a difficult sell. A poll conducted last month for the campaign by Celinda Lake, who also worked with Ocasio-Cortez in 2018, found the congresswoman’s favorable rating at 79 percent, and with 73 percent support in the primary. Lake said Ocasio-Cortez is stronger in the district than when she polled then-Rep. Joseph Crowley in 2018. (Ocasio-Cortez declined an interview request.)

“People were more interested in change, and there was a constituency that felt neglected. And that just isn’t there now,” Lake said.
A sight for sore eyes: a poll of NY-14. With all the publicity that AOC has gotten, one would expect lots of polls of her district. But I haven't seen any recent ones until now.

MCC seems to have gotten her ideas of AOC from Fox News. AOC on alleged divisiveness:
“When people say ‘divisiveness’ and all of this stuff: Listen, not all Democrats are the same,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the debate. “Some Democrats believe in not protecting immigrant rights. Other Democrats believe that we should subsidize big pharma and health-care corporations. I’ll be very honest about that. But we come together, too.”
Such former AOC staffers as Saikat Chakrabarti and Corbin Trent have moved to other efforts, and AOC's Chief of Staff is now Ariel Eckblad, who used to work for Kamala Harris.
AOC's campaign now concentrates on what she is doing for her district:
Wary of how her opponents wanted to portray her as a celebrity, or an absentee congresswoman, the campaign tested those arguments and found few voters believing them. With the pandemic preventing the sort of mass grass roots canvassing that helped her win two years ago, Ocasio-Cortez focused on community relief.

“Ocasio-Cortez 2020 has created a grass roots machine, mobilizing over 2,600 unique volunteers during the covid-19 crisis to make over 250,000 community check-in calls, over 70,000 texts, distribute over 32,800 masks and deliver over 3,000 meals,” said the campaign’s current press secretary, Ivet Contreras.
MCC makes a big issue about how AOC stayed in DC for a week, in her luxury DC apartment with a Whole Foods on its ground floor.
Yet the race has not shaken out like the 2018 primary, when Ocasio-Cortez successfully portrayed Crowley as unfocused on the district. Stories about tension between her and other members of Congress have disappeared; Rep. Grace Meng, who represents much of Queens and won with Crowley’s backing, has praised Ocasio-Cortez for being “on most if not all of the calls” related to the pandemic response.
AOC has also been in action doing lots of relief donations.
Caruso-Cabrera did not have roots in Queens or the Bronx, and was on record criticizing Democrats from the right; in a 2010 book, she called to “get rid of Social Security and Medicare altogether.” While the local and national Chamber of Commerce have helped her campaign, Ocasio-Cortez has used that to portray the challenger as an interloper.
Rather easy to do, since MCC moved to Queens only late last year.

AOC has been more careful in selection of primaries than in 2018, when she flew out to Hawaii to support a challenger who got only 6% of the vote. She also appeared in a campaign rally by Cori Bush, though not this time around.

Of Courage to Change's 7 candidates, only two faced Democratic incumbents, and both were also backed by EMILY's List, a PAC that usually backs more centrist candidates. Eliot Engel is her third incumbent target, and that was (1) very recent and (2) because of some gross absenteeism. Challengers she's endorsing:
  • Jessica Cisneros, TX-28 (D inc) - lost
  • Georgette Gomez, CA-53 (open seat) - advanced
  • Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez, TX-SEN (R inc) - lost
  • Marie Newman, IL-03 (D inc) - won
  • Kara Eastman, NE-02 (R inc) - won
  • Teresa Leger Fernandez, NM-03 (open seat) - won
  • Samelys Lopez, NY-15 (open seat) - (upcoming)
  • Nabilah Islam, GA-07 (open seat) - (upcoming)
  • Jamaal Bowman, NY-16 (D inc) - (upcoming)
  • Mondaire Jones, NY-17 (open seat) - (upcoming)
In recent days, Ocasio-Cortez has been absorbed by the protests that followed the killing of George Floyd. On Tuesday night, she called in to a radio show hosted by Rev. Al Sharpton, not as the main guest, but as one of several members of Congress updating New Yorkers on what was happening, and what they could do.

“The solutions here have got to be systemic,” she said. “This needs to be a wholesale restructuring of justice in America.” Later that night, she tweeted that she was heading to a protest that police had halted on the Manhattan Bridge. It did what not many statements by freshman members of Congress can: It made national news.
Nightline: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Watch Full Episode | 2020-05-20 - "Coronavirus health disparities highlight race, class divides in NYC epicenter; Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on COVID-19 impact in her district, response to the virus"

A simpler time, before the killing of George Floyd. :D Nightline's site carries previous Nightline episodes, but locks them for a week or so before they can be generally accessible.

Didn't have much from AOC, mainly that she considers poverty a pre-existing condition for the coronavirus.

Four Graduations and a Wedding Part III: A Public Affair | The Brian Lehrer Show | WNYC - May 20
In a year without traditional commencement ceremonies, join Brian Lehrer for a presentation of "on-air diplomas" to graduates entering the public policy and public service fields. The commencement begins with an address from Andrew Yang, entrepreneur, founder of Humanity Forward, and former democratic presidential candidate in 2020. Then Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez answers questions from graduates entering the public service fields.
Like saying that she switched from medicine to economics and international relations because she wanted to be more effective - to help more people than she ever could as a doctor. She was originally a premed at Boston University. She also mentioned working for an educational nonprofit after college - the National Hispanic Institute. She also said that one may have to experiment a bit before one finds a good career, and that being a bartender shaped how she legislates.
A jack of all trades, master of none! Ended up a humble barmaid even though it's claimed she has an economics degree! It could only happen in America. No, wait. In Australia a fish & chip shop owner managed to get herself elected and now sits on the cross bench in our federal senate.

But at least she has some experience in business.
A jack of all trades, master of none! Ended up a humble barmaid even though it's claimed she has an economics degree! It could only happen in America. No, wait. In Australia a fish & chip shop owner managed to get herself elected and now sits on the cross bench in our federal senate.

But at least she has some experience in business.

That's because she has a bachelor's majoring in international relations and economics (page 21 if you are interested). And she worked for a senator for a couple of years and worked on a federal election campaign before putting her hat into the ring. So far more educated, qualified and experienced than Pauline fucking Hanson

For non-Australians, Pauline Hanson is a moronic cunt who rose to fame in the mid-90's appealing to all racist bigots in rural Australia with regards to asians. After 9/11, she just ctrl-c/ctrl-v'd all of her rhetoric and started scare mongering about teh moozlums. If you've heard of her internationally, it probably was when she got her chief of staff to appeal to the NRA for donations, whilst at the same time publicly saying:

Overseas money should not have an influence on our political scene, so I believe that foreign donations should be totally stopped

She's your typical moronic right wing hypocrite. So yeah, absolutely nothing like AOC.
No. they have more in common than you'd ever care to admit! Both are moronic. The main difference between them is that one hails from the far left while the other is from the far right!
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