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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I decided to look at the second debate more closely.
AOC Faces Two Challengers in Congressional Primary Debate
NY-14 Debate on NY1 - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera Debates AOC - YouTube Moderator: Errol Louis

MCC: about unity, as opposed to AOC being divisive and polarizing. BK seemed much like AOC.

MCC claimed that she would work with Nancy Pelosi, unlike AOC. She claimed that AOC is MIA. AOC responded by proposing ending qualified immunity, transfer of military hardware to police departments, reducing the NYPD budget. She attended 200 events in the district and held 17 town halls, arranged for 235,000 check-in calls, delivered 3,000 grocery bags of donations with a week's worth of food each, 10's of 1000's of masks to local hospitals. BK wanted to eliminate 51a, to reveal cops' disciplinary records, improve cops' training. BK noted that MCC's book wants to eliminate Medicare, and that Larry Kudlow, in the book, is Trump's economic adviser.

Banning chokeholds and the like? All three agreed. MCC talked about delivering aid and she attacked AOC for voting no on the CARES ACT aid bill. AOC responded that she indeed voted for some aid bills, and she said that the CARES Act has some big flaws, like keeping some immigrants from receiving aid, and having lots of big-business giveaways. She stated that small businesspeople have complained about it, that it was not ready for prime time. She also stated that she read that bill -- something that legislators ought to do -- and she looked for lobbyist goodies in it.

If AOC's vote had been the deciding one, she would have negotiated in advance for improvements in it, and likely ended up supporting it. Meaning that she had cast a protest vote. The moderator turned to MCC, asking her if she would have voted against the bill with its carve-outs of her constituents. She said she wouldn't, but she returned to denouncing AOC for voting against hospitals and the like. She claimed that AOC is claiming that she is the only Democrat who cares -- an insult to every other Democrat. She repeated her claim that AOC is divisive. Then the moderator asked BK if she would have voted for such a flawed bill. She wouldn't. Thus agreeing with AOC.

BK protested AOC's insinuation that she receives big money. AOC noted that that was in an ad that said "candidates" (plural), and she apologized for insinuating that BK receives big money, and she praised BK for running a grassroots campaign. She seems very magnanimous about that, though she spoke of MCC's "reprehensible" support. The new "deplorable"? MCC got very sore about that.

MCC asked AOC why she opposed the Amazon HQ2 deal, and AOC pointed to rents going up in VA before HQ2 opened. She then criticized "huge subsidy boondoggle deals" like Foxconn in WI, then asked where the numbers are coming from. She asked why doesn't $3B in subsidies go to small businesses rather than to Jeff Bezos?

BK about closing of Rikers Island - where to the violent criminals go? Other jails are overcrowded. AOC said that she's concerned about opening 5 new jails, one per borough. AOC asked BK about standardized testing and "teaching to the test". BK wanted more funding, but otherwise wasn't very clear.

Then a lightning round of questions. NY Presidential primary? MCC: unnecessary, BK: yes, AOC: yes. Support Nancy Pelosi as speaker? AOC: maybe -- yes -- if she wants it, BK: yes, MCC: "enthusiastically yes". NYPD in NYC's public schools? MCC: when it's necessary, BK: yes, AOC: size of the Boston Police Dept, not at the present level. Raise taxes for income >$500K/yr? AOC: yes, BK: definitely, MCC: no, because of "existential threat". Social media censor content? MCC: yes, BK: yes, AOC: carefully, yes. Looting -- jail? AOC: tries to be an abolitionist, believes in restorative justice, case-by-case basis, BK: probation, what kind of crime, MCC: case-by-case. Safe to ride city subways? MCC: Mask, social distancing, yes, BK: yes, AOC: understands feeling unsafe, but yes. Last social thing before social distancing? AOC: no social life in 2 years, cooks herself dinner (laughing), BK: getting petition signatures (laughs), MCC: same here. Democrats in-person convention? MCC: only with social distancing, BK: a virtual one would be great (laughs), AOC: we don't now have the tracing and contact tracing now, but if that changes, then yes.

The moderator alternated between MCC,BK,AOC and AOC,BK,MCC.

Then Medicare for All, Obamacare, and other possibilities. MCC: claims to support MC and SS, despite her book. M4A takes away medical insurance that some people like, like what labor unions negotiated, and she prefers Obamacare - the more choice the better, different pricing, different service levels, you name it. She then claimed that her contrary statements were from >10 years ago - her book - and "taken wildly out of context." BK: Joe Biden and a public option. AOC: healthcare is a human right, and we shouldn't support anything that lets millions of Americans go uninsured. She spoke of "the fallacy" of employer-dependent health insurance. Also of "the mythology" that unions are against M4A. She claims that many unions are, listing some of them. AOC then claimed that MCC was a registered Republican her whole life, and MCC claimed that she changed to Democrat in 2015, and that AOC only became one in 2016. But AOC phonebanked for Barack Obama and interned for Teddy Kennedy in her college years. Then BK noted that MCC moved into NY-14 to run against AOC. AOC claimed to be good at building coalitions, as opposed to being divisive. MCC claimed to be a Joe Biden supporter.

Then public housing. Need a lot of money from the FedGov to fix it. $29B, >$40B etc. AOC: "working my butt off" to get a Dem Pres, House, Senate. BK: more affordable housing. MCC: FedGov abandonment of NYCHA is horrible. AOC is divisive. Bragged about her support of JB and the party leadership. AOC is MIA. AOC: her GND for public housing was drafted with the help of NYCHA residents.

MCC seemed like she was trying to suck up to the Democratic leadership, especially NP. BK seemed rather close to AOC in positions.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera Is Challenging Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for the NY-14 Congressional Seat - took aim at AOC because of the Amazon HQ2 issue.

Badrun Khan (@badrun_khan) / Twitter - 1,650 Following 4,545 Followers
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera (@MCaruso_Cabrera) / Twitter - 1,776 Following 88.4K Followers
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) / Twitter - 2,515 Following 7.2M Followers

BK recently complained about not having many Twitter followers.

Ocasio-Cortez Plays Defense, Facing Attacks From Challenger in Primary Fight – NBC New York

About the Chamber of Commerce:
“There’s a real contrast here between AOC’s record, what she’s done for the district, and this perception of her being this Hollywood glam girl,” said Scott Reed, the chamber's senior political strategist.

The congresswoman's campaign declined to make her available for an interview. Her pollster, Celinda Lake, said Ocasio-Cortez stands little chance of losing.

“They're out of touch with the district," Lake said of the chamber, the nation's largest business organization.

Ocasio-Cortez began airing a TV spot this week that underlines the importance of turnout in what's likely to be a low-turnout primary. “Listen, if we want change, we've also got to vote for it," she said.

“She knows how dangerous primaries can be and she's taking it seriously,” said Sean McElwee, who conducts research for progressive candidates.
So far, AOC hasn't been repeating her predecessor's big mistake. She hasn't evaded debates, either. Sort of fun to see how hollow MCC's candidacy is. It's mainly about attacking AOC, and her idea of being a good Congressmember is apparently being a good party apparatchik. I checked on her campaign page a few minutes ago, and it still has no platform. AOC's does, and BK's does, however.
Many right-wingers brag about how working-class they are, to the point of sounding like Marxists. Yet they attack AOC as working-class.
AOC co-opts revolutionary language to appeal to privileged American leftists, but is a liberal to her core and absolutely not a Marxist.
How is that supposed to be the case?

I will concede that by the standards of some hard-core Marxist-Leninist, she is a bourgeois reformist who supports a welfare state with lots of capitalism in it.

Lauren Duca on Twitter: "Surely, Republicans would have no issue with AOC’s past work as a bartender if she had been serving drinks on a reality TV show" / Twitter

Christine Pelosi on Twitter: "I have noticed that people belittling Congresswoman AOC for being a bartender from NY NEVER breathed a word of criticism against Speaker John Boehner for tending his family’s bar or Speaker Paul Ryan for waiting tables at Tortilla Coast. Why is that? 🤔" / Twitter

AOC is far far from a Marxist! She is a far left liberal who wants to increase the safety net for the working class. She cares about people. My problem with her is that I think that she helps the right by being to far away from the middle. But clearly she wants a better society. Marxists want to destroy the system which would lead to poverty for all. That isn't AOC.
Tables turned, Ocasio-Cortez plays defense in primary fight - Associated Press - word-for-word similar to the NBC article, its likely source.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on 'defunding police,' Trump | GMA - Good Morning America on ABC

She called Trump's tweet about that knocked-over man "horrendous" and "horrific", and the act itself "reprehensible". About defunding the police, she pointed to affluent suburbs as the way to go.

PODCAST: We Speak to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, She Seeks Another Term in Congress | Sunnyside Post
With campaign ads for both AOC (Re-elect Alexandria for NY-14!) and MCC (MCC vs. AOC). No BK ads.

On YouTube as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks to Queens Post - YouTube
She started off by explaining defunding the police - less spent on expensive gear, for instance - and redirecting some of the money elsewhere, like to teachers.

"Tanks" - makes me cringe. These are military-grade armored vans, not gun turrets on continuous treads, what I think about in this context.

She says that the coronavirus crisis reveals a lot of difficulties with US healthcare, like the "lunacy" of employer-dependent healthcare. She proposes expanding Medicare.

COBRA extension is not a very satisfactory solution, but it is better than nothing.

As to why M4A and similar systems aren't discussed very much, she thinks that it's unfamiliarity with how they work and unwillingness to change from the only system that one has ever known. Also a heck of a lot of lobbyist money that the medical-insurance business has been willing to pump into the political process. That's why she hasn't accepted a bit of lobbyist money, so she won't become compromised by it.

Undocumented immigrants not being supported by relief measures means that they can become carriers of the coronavirus.

AOC rejected the CARES Act because of its flaws, but supported the HEROES Act because it fixed some of them. She thinks that aid to states and localities is likely to get past the Senate, and she notes that the Hispanic Caucus is firm about supporting the immigrant parts.

She then got into her relationship with her fellow Democrats. She thinks that she gets along well with them, enough to get a lot of cosponsors on her Green New Deal. But then again, she says that she was not sent to simply get along with the status quo, like some loyal apparatchik.

As to her campaigning with Joe Biden, she said that there's no one like Bernie Sanders (laughs). As to toning down what she says to avoid attracting Trump's attention, she suspects that Trump will get worked up over what he considers villainy no matter what. It is his "policy of divisiveness".
Anya Combs BLM on Twitter: "The one and only @AOC came out to support the Sunnyside protesters today. ✊✊✊ https://t.co/mq5ewxoPOn" / Twitter - she spoke to them with a megaphone, saying "The streets belong to the people today and every day." - she returned to her activist roots.

AOC has done two debates so far, and this is to be her third:

Press Release - 2020 Congressional District 14th Debate - Parkchester Times | Parkchester News and Marketplace - June 6
Ahe same place where the 2018 debate was held, the one where Joe Crowley sent NYC Councilmember Annabel Palma to substitute for him. I've yet to see complete video of that one, but from what I've seen, she came across as rather clueless.
The participants for this year’s debate are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Incumbent), Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Badrun Khan and Sam Sloan.

Note that due to Covid-19 pandemic, we have ensured that there is going to be ample social distancing, and there will be no audience physically present in the hall. So to provide platforms for larger audience, we have contacted News 12 the Bronx to cover the debate live, and will be streaming it on Facebook live. More so, other media outlets will be chanced to cover this debate as was done in 2018.

The debate is scheduled to take place on Wednesday June 17 by 7p.m. prompt.
AOC plans to skip in-person debate with primary challengers - June 13
AOC is going AWOL for the city’s only in-person debate ahead of next week’s Democratic Party primary.

First-term Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens/Bronx) plans to skip out on a face-to-face showdown with three challengers Wednesday, her office told The Post.

Ironically, the Parkchester Times-sponsored debate is the same one the previous incumbent, 10-term Rep. Joseph Crowley, shirked in 2018.

It was seen as a backhanded diss of his upstart opponent — and helped AOC unseat him in a shocking primary result one week later.

“Ocasio-Cortez is claiming her incumbency privilege,” Parkchester Times publisher Sheikh Musa Drammeh told The Post. “But if she does the same thing, history will repeat itself.”

The Democratic candidates in New York’s 14th congressional district met virtually for two online debates in the last month, “both of which are still available online for voters,” AOC spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said.
What's going on here? First she's going, then she's not going. No word of it in the Parkchester Times, where that debate was first announced.
AOC raises $10.5 million ahead of heated June 23 primary | Fox News
Ocasio-Cortez brought in the vast majority of her donations -- about 79 percent -- from small-dollar individual contributions. Caruso-Cabrera got about 20 percent of her donations from grassroots donors in April and May. The former anchor has garnered support from the business community and even some of President Trump's supporters.

Caruso-Cabrera will get an assist from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is spending six figures on advertising in the race in English and Spanish against Ocasio-Cortez, Politico reported.
FEC filings: FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

FEC report: 2020 Election United States House - New York - District 14 | FEC as of June 3

The candidates still in the race:
  • AOC (D): $10,530,951.01
  • JC (R): $2,440,759.27
  • MCC (D): $2,015,889.00
  • BK (D): $68,326.44
JC = John Cummings, Republican nominee

AOC continues to have more contributions from California than from New York, while the others in the race mainly have contributions from New York.
Badrun Khan on Twitter: "We need real democrats like me in the United States Congress to stand up for #DACA, not a republican pretending to be a democrat like ⁦@MCaruso_Cabrera⁩. She won’t fight for Dreamers but I will. https://t.co/2fuEedgmwv" / Twitter
linking to
Supreme Court could force Congress into battle over Dreamers - "Yet lawmakers, facing a growing list of crises, may not have the bandwidth to help DACA recipients — especially in an election year."
In what is already one of the most turbulent years in Washington, Congress soon be staring down another crisis — the possible deportation of 700,000 Dreamers.

The Supreme Court is expected to rule in the coming weeks on the fate of an Obama-era program to shield undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, delivering a jolt to Washington amid a global pandemic and historic unrest over the killing of African Americans by police.

Adding to the drama llama over the third debate,
Caruso-Cabrera challenges AOC, writes open letter for PT face-to-face debate - Parkchester Times | Parkchester News and Marketplace
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera - Posts
"I have learned from the Parkchester Times debate organizer of your refusal to participate in the only face-to-face political debate of this primary season. As you know, this debate was scheduled to take place in St. Helena’s Church on June 17th under special rules to protect us all from COVID-19, including ample social distancing and no audience physically present at the church," Caruso-Cabrera wrote.

She accused Ocasio-Cortez of being a coward, dodging critical questions she raised in the earlier virtual debate.

Caruso-Cabrera therefore admonished AOC to show up on June 17 as the same debate platform was what brought to her current position.

"That being said, I urge you to reconsider. I would urge you to recall that two years ago, it was former Rep. Joe Crowley who refused to show up to debate YOU in the Parkchester debate – sending a surrogate in his stead, which you called 'a bizarre twist.'
JC sent NYC Councilmember Annabel Palma, "a woman with slight resemblance to me", as a substitute. The New York Times blasted JC for his absenteeism.
Caruso-Cabrera further accused AOC of presenting baseless excuses for rejecting the face-to-face debate invotation when asked by NY Post.

"I was confused by your justification to the NY Post in skipping this debate, with your spokeswoman dismissively pointing out that the first two virtual debates are “still available online for voters." Do you not realize that many in our communities can barely afford food, let alone computers and iPhones? Surely if you have been doing your job you must know that many children in our communities who are not as fortunate as you had a hard time with remote learning because their families can’t afford electronic smart devices and computers," Caruso-Cabrera said.
The same can be said of this upcoming debate, since it won't have an in-person audience, though it will be livestreamed.
AOC defends decision not to attend Wednesday's debate in person
“The good thing is I’m not skipping debates. My predecessor, he had skipped debates until he was forced to show up,” the first-term incumbent Queens-Bronx congresswoman told The Post while out campaigning in The Bronx Monday.

“This one [Wednesday’s] is in-person, so we’ve had certain issues with that being done during phase one, if that would be violating the Phase One and Phase Two scheduled reopening by the governor. Which is why we’ve committed to virtual debates and are happy to participate in them,” she said.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has allowed spaced gatherings of up to 10 people since mid-May. And AOC has done two online virtual debates with her primary challengers, including one on May 18.

The Parkchester Times-sponsored debate is the same one Crowley shirked in 2018.
Crowley sends "worst NYC lawmaker" to debate in his place | CSNY - "a woman with slight resemblance to me", as AOC later tweeted.
At a congressional primary debate between Rep. Joseph Crowley and his Democratic challenger Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, there was a notable absence: Crowley.

The debate, hosted by The Parkchester Times in the Bronx and moderated by reporter Robert Press, instead featured a surrogate on the part of Crowley. Debating Ocasio-Cortez in his place was former New York City Councilwoman Annabel Palma.

... She was ranked by City & State as one of the five worst city councilmembers in 2016.

... Palma had the third-worst attendance, showing up to City Hall 70.5 percent of the time in 2016. She also only introduced one bill and only had one piece of legislation enacted. However, she did rank well when it came to responding to her constituents, clocking in at 17 hours and 7 minutes, which was the 13th best response time out of the 51 council members.
Still no tweet from AOC about this issue. So it might be a debate between only MCC and Sam Sloan.

I suspect that AOC didn't want to debate MCC anymore because of what I suspect that she thinks about MCC. That MCC is an intellectual bully who thinks that she is super smart, someone like Ben Shapiro.

I've noticed in the debates that AOC seems to have a lot more respect for BK than for MCC. Like praising her for bringing up a policy issue, being willing to address what BK said, apologizing to her for a campaign ad's misleading content about her, and asking her a question instead of MCC.
EFE Noticias on Twitter: "ENTREVISTA ..." / Twitter
ENTREVISTA | La congresista demócrata de EEUU Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC hace un llamamiento al voto latino ante el "peligro" de un Trump "sin límites".

EFE entrevista a @aocenespanol en exclusiva desde Nueva York. Por @escolarivas y @jfuentelsaz

(Google Translate:)
INTERVIEW | US Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC calls for the Latino vote in the face of the "danger" of a Trump "without limits".

EFE interviews @aocenespanol exclusively from New York. By @escolarivas and @jfuentelsaz
Ocasio-Cortez llama al voto latino ante el "peligro" de un Trump "sin limites" | Política | Edición América | Agencia EFE - Ocasio-Cortez calls the Latino vote before the "danger" of a Trump "without limits"
La joven representante demócrata Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, uno de los símbolos de la corriente más progresista del Congreso de Estados Unidos, llama a la movilización del voto latino en los comicios del próximo noviembre para evitar el "peligro" que supondría para esta comunidad la reelección como presidente de Donald Trump, al que ve como un político "sin límites".

Coincidiendo con un modesto acto de campaña en el barrio de Jackson Heights (Queens) de cara a las primarias del próximo 23 de junio en Nueva York, Ocasio-Cortez defiende en una entrevista con Efe su reelección como representante de la comunidad latina e inmigrante.

(Google Translate)
The young Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the symbols of the most progressive trend in the United States Congress, calls for the mobilization of the Latino vote in next November's elections to avoid the "danger" that reelection would entail for this community. as President of Donald Trump, whom he sees as a "limitless" politician.

Coinciding with a modest campaign event in the Jackson Heights (Queens) neighborhood ahead of the primaries on June 23 in New York, Ocasio-Cortez defends in an interview with Efe her reelection as representative of the Latino and immigrant community.
There is a subtitled video clip of that interview, and the subtitles, like that interview, is in Spanish. So I OCRed it with OwlOCR, fixed it, then used Google Translate:
El trabajo que necesitamos hacer ahora no es solamente de convencer a quienes apoyan a Trump, sino también de convencer a nuestra comunidad para que salga a votar en noviembre.

Va a ser una competición ae ver quién tiene tos apoyo más entuslastas v los que van a salir a votar y, por eso, el papel del voto latino aqui en nuestra comunidad es muy importante. Poreso, hay algunos estados: Colorado, Arizona o Florida, que tienen poblaciones latinas que van a ser importantes para que podámos ganar la Casa Blanca en noviembre.

El presidente Trump no tiene limites, ho respeta la ley, no respeta nuestras Cortes y eso es muy muy peligroso para las posibilidades de nuestra comunidad aqui en los EE.UU.

(Google Translate)
The work we need to do now is not only to convince those who support Trump, but also to convince our community to vote in November.

It will be a competition to see who has the most enthusiastic support and those who are going to vote and, therefore, the role of the Latino vote here in our community is very important. So, there are some states: Colorado, Arizona or Florida, that have Latino populations that are going to be important so that we can win the White House in November.

President Trump has no limits, he does not respect the law, he does not respect our Courts and that is very very dangerous for the possibilities of our community here in the United States.
I like that. She understands very well what's going on.
Husband of Michelle Caruso-Cabrera funding anti-AOC Super PAC
The GOP-backing husband of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic primary challenger has been pumping money into a Super PAC intended to end the freshman firebrand’s congressional career at one term, campaign records reveal.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera’s husband, investment banker and Republican Party donor Stephen Dizard, is listed as the largest donor in the Super PAC named Fight For Our Communities, according to an initial report filed with the Federal Elections Commission.
Some "Democrat". MCC herself was a Republican for a long time, though she now presents herself as some loyal Democratic apparatchik.

AOC has been out and about, doing campaigning out in the open, and she has an ad out, "Systemic Change". The article mentioned that MCC's campaign might put out some anti-AOC ads. I hope that AOC will be ready with some anti-MCC ads. Like ask if she could have gotten away with her shoddy "research" in her CNBC career. Or talk about her living out of designer carpetbags in her Queens apartment.
Husband of Michelle Caruso-Cabrera funding anti-AOC Super PAC
The GOP-backing husband of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic primary challenger has been pumping money into a Super PAC intended to end the freshman firebrand’s congressional career at one term, campaign records reveal.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera’s husband, investment banker and Republican Party donor Stephen Dizard, is listed as the largest donor in the Super PAC named Fight For Our Communities, according to an initial report filed with the Federal Elections Commission.
Some "Democrat". MCC herself was a Republican for a long time, though she now presents herself as some loyal Democratic apparatchik.

AOC has been out and about, doing campaigning out in the open, and she has an ad out, "Systemic Change". The article mentioned that MCC's campaign might put out some anti-AOC ads. I hope that AOC will be ready with some anti-MCC ads. Like ask if she could have gotten away with her shoddy "research" in her CNBC career. Or talk about her living out of designer carpetbags in her Queens apartment.

If republicans were smarter, they would pour funds into AOC campaign.
If republicans were smarter, they would pour funds into AOC campaign.
That would likely backfire on them, because AOC would take the money and use it to finance the campaigns of like-minded Congresspeople. Let's see her track record so far this year:
  1. Georgette Gomez, CA-53 - advanced in primary (one of two winners)
  2. Nabilah Islam, GA-07 - lost
  3. Marie Newman, IL-03 - won primary
  4. Kara Eastman, NE-02 - won primary
  5. Teresa Leger Fernanderz, NM-03 - won primary
  6. Samelys Lopez, NY-15
  7. Jamaal Bowman, NY-16
  8. Mondaire Jones, NY-17
  9. Jessica Cisneros, TX-28 - lost
  10. Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez, TX-SEN - lost
Score: 4 wins, 2 losses, 3 remaining.

Ocasio-Cortez sends fundraising plea for money to defend Omar, Tlaib - Ilhan Omar MN-05, Rashida Tlaib MI-13
Ocasio-Cortez stockpiling campaign cash after first year in Congress - POLITICO - Mike Levin CA-49, Katie Porter CA-45
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jumps into California politics to help House Democrats - SFChronicle.com - ML, KP, Jahana Hayes CT-05, Lauren Underwood IL-14

All of her endorsees have been endorsed by numerous other organizations, however, ranging from Establishment ones like Emily's List to challenger ones like Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats.
Hero from Paris train attack running to unseat liberal Oregon Democrat: 'He votes with AOC 96 percent of the time' | Fox News

However, that could be said about most other Democrats, because AOC votes with with the party majority some 95% of the time. In fact, some people on the far left call her a sellout - Nancy Pelosi as "mama bear of the Democratic Party" and stuff like that.

Votes Against Party Majority by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) | Represent | ProPublica - "Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has voted against a majority of House Democrats 40 times (4.9%) in the 116th Congress (2019-20). The average House Democrat votes against his or her party 2.1% of the time."
Breaking: AOC finally accepts face-to-face debate challenge for congressional election - Parkchester Times | Parkchester News and Marketplace - on the evening of June 16, a day before the scheduled debate.
According to her spokesperson, Lauren Hitt, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decided to accept the challenged on the condition that the organizer would ensure that there will be no violation of social distance rules.

“As long as the venue respects the 10 person rule, Congresswomen will be there. She is only concerned about crowded room that violates social distancing rules and jeopardize audience,” said Hitt.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "MEDIA ADVISORY: MCC vs. @AOC Face to Face Debate TONIGHT in the Bronx THIS EVENING’S DEBATE WILL TAKE PLACE, AT THE GOLDEN PALACE TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17TH AT 7:00 PM IN THE BRONX. https://t.co/EMsxPhlUug" / Twitter
Looking through the replies for where it will be livestreamed - couldn't find out where.

Dave Weigel on Twitter: "The only in-person #NY14 debate is delayed a bit as AOC’s team ensures the venue follows phase 1 social distancing rules — no more than 10 people in a room. (There are four candidates but a space may be freed up if a gadfly doesn’t show.” https://t.co/bWhagI8loI" / Twitter

Dave Weigel on Twitter: "The 10-person rule is keeping almost all media out of the event, which is being streamed on FB. (This is the AP photographer being kept out.) https://t.co/xH7kxNYb29" / Twitter

Dave Weigel on Twitter: "I volunteered to leave (w my recorder running inside) so AP could head in" / Twitter

Someone posted a picture of the debate. All four participants were wearing masks, and seated in an approximate line or arc, each one about 10 ft / 3m from their neighbor. All four were sitting at tables, one each, and AOC, BK, and MCC had campaign posters on their tables. The fourth one, Sam Sloan, didn't.

Sean S on Twitter: "@XxFreshNastyXx @MCaruso_Cabrera @AOC [MENTION=2]Jo[/MENTION]eBiden It's only live on a shitty FB group devoted to Michal Bloomberg because Parkchester Times is a shit show. https://t.co/MJKp7hiXLU" / Twitter
linking to
3rd NY-14 2020 Primary Debate - 2020-06-17 on Facebook.
The sound wasn't very good, but I'll watch it anyway
Will Ocasio-Cortez show up to in-person NY-14 debate in Parkchester? – Bronx Times - June 16

MCC's spokeswoman Katy Delgado:
“What I cannot understand, therefore, is why you would deprive your constituents with this opportunity to participate more fully in the democratic process by robbing them of the only face-to-face debate of this primary,” the letter stated. “Why you would once again reinforce the sad reality that “AOC is M.I.A,” Delgado said. “If you dodge or skip this debate, you will affirm the suspicion I have heard shared by many that underneath the celebrity image you’ve cultivated, you do not understand this community, you do not truly fight for it, and you do not care about it enough to show up.
Has a picture of AOC out campaigning with the caption "On June 14, the staff for Caruso-Cabrera hand delivered a letter to Ocasio asking why she wasn't participating in Wednesday's debate."

Damaris Moné on Twitter: "@Brennanator @MCaruso_Cabrera @AOC Here doing an interview @AOC after the debate, she was okay with this closer contact ... with a reporters. Press and their techs, along with staff & some community leaders had to scramble out of the very large room prior to the debate. Shocked. Not shocked. https://t.co/2MLeBHNRW3" / Twitter
NS88 on Twitter: "@DamarisMone @Brennanator @MCaruso_Cabrera @AOC Hey dumbass. There are 10 people in this picture, which is the allowed number of gathering according to the phase 1 opening requirements. Sooo STFU" / Twitter

Katherine Delgado on Twitter: "Summary of tonight's Parkchester Debate:
@AOC is clearly in favor of censorship. She is not a Democrat. She is not even a Democratic Socialist. She is a Socialist. This conduct would make the Politburo blush. She threw out residents of #NY-14 who wanted to attend this debate." / Twitter

noting her boss MCC:
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Twitter: "At tonight's Parkchester Times debate, in behavior more appropriate for a temperamental princess than an elected Member of Congress, @AOC demanded that reporters & audience members leave the room before she took the stage.
#ParkchesterTimesDebate #ny14 https://t.co/0GI6Njp33I" / Twitter

Among the responses,
Adam Fuhrman on Twitter: "@MCaruso_Cabrera @AOC AOC is concerned about people’s safety during a pandemic. AOC has also endorsed Biden and his apart of his task force so this whole “refusal to support him” is an outright lie." / Twitter

Another one:
Mona Salama on Twitter: ".@MCaruso_Cabrera on #NY14 Debate: “[AOC] threw out reporters who have put themselves and their families at risk day and night these past 2 months... Like a petulant child, AOC refused to take the stage until all of these individuals were removed from the room”" / Twitter
Mona Salama on Twitter: "@MCaruso_Cabrera on #NY14 debate: “[AOC] refused to participate in this debate until journalists shamed her into doing it...and boy, did she get her revenge on all of them tonight by having them tossed out of the debate hall”" / Twitter

NJ on Twitter: ".@AOC debates challengers
#Election2020 https://t.co/sY5hbcTBjB" / Twitter

With picture of them
Brock Meers on Twitter: "@fprosk Literally, any time she opens her mouth during a debate it's always "AOC is MIA"
MCC was literally a Republican who lived in Trump Tower" / Twitter
It wasn't Sam Sloan in the third debate. It was the debate moderator. I'll look to see if any better-quality video has been put online. MCC repeated yet again that AOC is MIA, polarizing, and divisive, and that she wants unity.

Dave Weigel on Twitter: "Asked AOC yesterday how important a Bowman win next week is for the left. "I always caution against any one race being a bellwether for anything else," she said. She started to laugh. "I say that as a person who ran and won and everyone said THIS IS A BELLWETHER!"" / Twitter

AOC has very good sense. One race isn't enough - one has to look at several before one can reasonably judge a trend.

🇨🇦ynoT on Twitter: "@daveweigel Smart answer." / Twitter

Pride of Pwnership on Twitter: "@daveweigel They hate her for her self-awareness." / Twitter

Doc 6-3 Gorsuch for the win on Twitter: "@daveweigel She’s sneaky cautious and pragmatic and clearly talented." / Twitter

Jeff, God of Biscuits on Twitter: "@dock2323 @daveweigel She really is in a different class from Bernie and most of the rest of🌹. It makes me wonder if she'll wind up either the left's Reagan or maybe a more talented, further left Warren in the sense that🌹hates her like they do Warren, or if she winds up a really great congresswoman" / Twitter

Doc 6-3 Gorsuch for the win on Twitter: "@jeffbruce35 @daveweigel she’s obviously already learning that in Washington progressives need to recognize that the root word of their movement requires more than turning up the volume, and if they want progress they need to leverage not just yell. She’s already seeing the angles. She’s got real skill" / Twitter

Jeff, God of Biscuits on Twitter: "@dock2323 @daveweigel She has a sense of when to scream, when to whisper and when to shut up. She also seems to get the whole country isn’t like them and they need to make an effort to expand their base." / Twitter
Wall Street giants including the CEOs of Goldman and Blackstone are pouring money into the campaign to defeat AOC in a June primary | Markets Insider
  • Some of Wall Street's most prominent names have donated thousands of dollars to Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's opponent in the upcoming Democratic primary in New York, data from the FEC shows.
  • As first reported by the Financial Times, names including Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, and Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman have given to Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.
  • Caruso-Cabrera, a former CNBC journalist, takes Ocasio-Cortez on in a primary in New York's 14th congressional district on 23 June.
  • While she has the backing of Wall Street behemoths, Caruso-Cabrera trails AOC significantly in the fundraising stakes, raising just over $2 million, compared to Ocasio-Cortez's $10.5 million.
Wall Street takes aim at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in party primary | Financial Times

AOC has received mostly small donations, with a median size of $10. Her NYC donors are spread over the city, with concentrations in Brooklyin and the Upper West Side. MCC, however, has received mostly large ones, at least $2000 each, many of them from Wall Streeters. Her NYC donors are concentrated in the richer parts of that city.

MCC was registered as a Republican as recently as 2015, and in her 2010 book, he described the Democratic Party as "out of control when it comes to spending." Nowadays, however, she poses as a loyal Democratic apparatchik, supporting Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.

AOC e-mailed FT: "It's not surprising that Republicans would finance the campaign of a life-long Republican in a Democratic primary." and "While we have pushed against corporate power with policies that favour everyday working Americans, those donors prefer to bankroll a candidate who answers to Wall Street over the needs of our constituents."
"Despite the money that is being spent against her, my sense is that the neighbourhood is with [Ms Ocasio-Cortez]," said Manu Bhagavan, a historian at Hunter College who lives in Jackson Heights. "If anything, it is even more charged up than it was when she first won.
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