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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ah, Washington: where Republicans feel it’s normal to call me a “f—ing b—“ and stalk me at work
At least she is not stalked in the bathroom by an extremist mob.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Tell ‘em loud and proud girl! GOP will strip your unemployment protections and dismantle any semblance of a public safety net we have left!
And the Dems want to spend like a drunken sailor to turn the public safety net into a hammock - at least for some people.
Both extremes are bad.

Then make working people pay way more for everything
That will happen once the inflation due to the combined effects of the Corona spending (most of it - but not all - was necessary though) and the (completely unnecessary) $3.5T entitlement package fully hit.
I'm not an expert but that looks photoshopped to me.

It is not. Here's another angle.

Palestinians do this shit all the time though.
Same city (Hebron) from a few years ago.

Some more.

Of course, the Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaboration goes back a long way - it is much older than the use of "Palestinian" as an ethnic term!

And Hitler also had Muslims join the Waffen-SS btw.
This is why I frankly do not understand the uncritical worship of [MLK]. Yes, he said and did many good things. But he also took some bad positions too.
So who are your heroes? J. Edgar Hoover? George Wallace?

CRT is basically about blaming whitey for everything.
Oooh-kay. And I guess Woke Incels blame white women for "everything."

You admit the land is disputed. So why are Israeli settlements on disputed land any worse than Arab settlements on disputed land?

Oops. If I announce that I, Swammi, own the City of Paris then does it also become "disputed land"?
No. Treaties and international law ignore arbitrary claims.
Israel has signed both the First and Second Oslo Accords. Does that not refute your alleged "dispute"?


Of course, the Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaboration goes back a long way - it is much older than the use of "Palestinian" as an ethnic term!

And Hitler also had Muslims join the Waffen-SS btw.
That's only seven photographs. Sure that's enough? Some youngsters in SE Asia brandish swastikas whimsically. Other countries have fiends more serious with their swastika brandishing. (Can you guess which North American country I'm thinking of?)

There are many photographs of Americans worshiping Hitler at the same time as your alleged "Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaboration." Here's one from a large pro-Hitler rally in Madison Square Garden. (Do I need six more? :) )
View attachment film-still-1-35d4292651560990649ca245739a3988f3bdc419-s800-c85.webp
The hysteria over progressive's $3.5 trillion plan is partly based on arithmetic confusion.

The $3.5 trillion is spread over ten years, so is a "mere" $350 billion annually.

When related spending (e.g. Veteran's Affairs) are included, U.S. military spending is about $1.1 trillion annually. To compare apples with apples, we'd call that $11 trillion to match up with the $3.5 trillion plan.

Similarly the Bush and Trump tax cuts on the rich totaling hundreds of $billions annually, should be called the multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, to compare apples with apples.
The hysteria over progressive's $3.5 trillion plan is partly based on arithmetic confusion.

The $3.5 trillion is spread over ten years, so is a "mere" $350 billion annually.

When related spending (e.g. Veteran's Affairs) are included, U.S. military spending is about $1.1 trillion annually. To compare apples with apples, we'd call that $11 trillion to match up with the $3.5 trillion plan.

Similarly the Bush and Trump tax cuts on the rich totaling hundreds of $billions annually, should be called the multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, to compare apples with apples.

Not to mention it will be mostly or all paid for with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.
The hysteria over progressive's $3.5 trillion plan is partly based on arithmetic confusion.

The $3.5 trillion is spread over ten years, so is a "mere" $350 billion annually.

When related spending (e.g. Veteran's Affairs) are included, U.S. military spending is about $1.1 trillion annually. To compare apples with apples, we'd call that $11 trillion to match up with the $3.5 trillion plan.

Similarly the Bush and Trump tax cuts on the rich totaling hundreds of $billions annually, should be called the multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, to compare apples with apples.

Not to mention it will be mostly or all paid for with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

If they don't find their way around the tax increases with loopholes. I keep reading that the wealthy and corporations aren't even paying the tax rates on the books now, so why would increasing the rates make the difference? Presumably, there must also be closures of the loopholes in order to get increased revenue. Are those included in this bill?
The hysteria over progressive's $3.5 trillion plan is partly based on arithmetic confusion.

The $3.5 trillion is spread over ten years, so is a "mere" $350 billion annually.

When related spending (e.g. Veteran's Affairs) are included, U.S. military spending is about $1.1 trillion annually. To compare apples with apples, we'd call that $11 trillion to match up with the $3.5 trillion plan.

Similarly the Bush and Trump tax cuts on the rich totaling hundreds of $billions annually, should be called the multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, to compare apples with apples.

Not to mention it will be mostly or all paid for with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

If they don't find their way around the tax increases with loopholes. I keep reading that the wealthy and corporations aren't even paying the tax rates on the books now, so why would increasing the rates make the difference? Presumably, there must also be closures of the loopholes in order to get increased revenue. Are those included in this bill?

Loophole closures are included.
The hysteria over progressive's $3.5 trillion plan is partly based on arithmetic confusion.
First of all, opposition to a bill is not "hysteria".
Second, no arithmetic confusion here. That bills are priced over a 10 year period is well known.

When related spending (e.g. Veteran's Affairs) are included, U.S. military spending is about $1.1 trillion annually. To compare apples with apples, we'd call that $11 trillion to match up with the $3.5 trillion plan.

But you are not comparing "apples to apples". You are the one arithmetically confused. You are comparing the total defense (plus VA) budget with a bill that increases entitlement spending.
Even without the $3.5T Spendapalooza the defense spending is far less than entitlement spending. In fact, defense spending proper is less than Medicare alone!

You lefties can't have it both ways. You can't claim that it is a "transformative" bill in the vein of FDR or LBJ and at the same time claim that it's really not that big.

Similarly the Bush and Trump tax cuts on the rich totaling hundreds of $billions annually, should be called the multi-trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich, to compare apples with apples.

Both of these tax cuts cut taxes on all income levels, not just the rich. So no, your leftsplaining is still highly misleading and inaccurate.
Example Trump tax cuts.
The only tax bracket not affected is the very lowest one, but Bush tax cuts reduced that one from 15% to 10% already. Plus, Trump tax cuts greatly increased the standard deduction, which reduced the taxes on lower income filers who generally do not itemize.
Not to mention it will be mostly or all paid for with tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.
Increasing corporate taxes will make US businesses less competitive. And I find it interesting that for individual taxes, the cutoff for "wealthy" is just above what the congresscritters make. No danger of AOC or Chuck Schumer paying the higher tax.
So who are your heroes? J. Edgar Hoover? George Wallace?

I tend not to have heroes in the sense of "uncritical hero worship" anyway. Definitely not Wallace, but Hoover had some good ideas.

Overall, I do think MLK was a good man. But we must not be uncritical. He was mistaken on socialism for example.
That said, I am pretty sure that had he survived to present day - he'd be 92 now, but he could easily have lived long enough to see the Ferguson insurrection in 2014 - he would not have supported #BLM because of their violent tactics and their support for common thugs like Michael Brown, Mario Woods or George Floyd.

Oops. If I announce that I, Swammi, own the City of Paris then does it also become "disputed land"?
Whose is it then?
There never was a state of "Palestine". The last native polity that controlled the land in question was the Hasmonean Kingdom of Israel. Since then it was controlled by outside empires, from Rome to the Ottoman Turks. Ottomans lost that territory in WWI. Then it gets messy, culminating with the reestablishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and it being attacked by Arab armies who sought to annihilate it. After the dust has settled, Jordan controlled Judea and Samaria and Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip. In 1967 the Arabs tried to attack Israel again and Jordan and Egypt lost those territories. Jordan and Egypt eventually rescinded any claims to these territories, and Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, which leaves Judea and Samaria. But they are not technically occupied since Jordan is not claiming them. Plus, they waged an aggressive war and lost. If Germany could lose a shitload of territory to Poland and Russia and a little bit to France, why can't Jordan lose territory to Israel?

No. Treaties and international law ignore arbitrary claims.
Israeli claims are not arbitrary. They are certainly stronger than Arab claims. For example, Jerusalem has been the capital of an Israelite state, whether called "Israel" or "Judea" for many centuries. It was never a capital of any Arab state.

Hamas official Fathi Hamad admits that so-called "Palestinians" are not native to the land, but are rather form places such as the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt.

The word "Palestinian" comes from "invader". Very fitting.

Israel has signed both the First and Second Oslo Accords. Does that not refute your alleged "dispute"?
Oslo accords state that the final status will be determined through negotiations. That is pretty much the definition of something still being under dispute.

That's only seven photographs. Sure that's enough?
I have more if you want.

Some youngsters in SE Asia brandish swastikas whimsically.
This is far from "whimsical". Your apologetics for Palestinians Nazi sympathizers is weak.

(Can you guess which North American country I'm thinking of?)

There are many photographs of Americans worshiping Hitler at the same time as your alleged "Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaboration."
Your photo is some obscure group. My photo was actual Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a leader of Palestinian Arabs meeting with Hitler. He also met with Himmler and recruited Muslim soldiers for the Handschar Division of the Waffen-SS.
View attachment 35596

And the Nazi worship among the Palestinians continues to today. Even among UNRWA teachers. Btw, what is the justification for keeping UNRWA active in the first place? It does far more bad than good.
Watchdog: Dozens of UNRWA teachers condone violence, spread antisemitism online

Times of Israel said:
Dozens of teachers and other workers employed by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees have incited violence, shared photos praising Adolf Hitler, and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories on social media, according to a report compiled by a watchdog released early Monday.

The UN Watch report identified 22 UNRWA teachers in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan who posted incendiary content against Jews or Israel on their Facebook profiles. It has identified over 100 incidents since 2015.

#DefundUNRWA #AbolishUNRWA
The only tax bracket not affected is the very lowest one, but Bush tax cuts reduced that one from 15% to 10% already. Plus, Trump tax cuts greatly increased the standard deduction, which reduced the taxes on lower income filers who generally do not itemize.

His Flatulence's gift to the wealthy (note that the cuts for the average man have time limits, the cuts for the wealthy don't) greatly increased the standard deduction but got rid of the personal exemptions--a bit less tax for couples, a tax increase for those with kids.
Both of these tax cuts cut taxes on all income levels, not just the rich. So no, your leftsplaining is still highly misleading and inaccurate.
Is it possible that you don't even know that the tax cuts on the working class were written to be temporary while the tax cuts on the rich were made permanent? Is it possible that you don't even know that other tax cuts (corporate income, estates, etc.) were targeted at the rich specifically? And that "simplifications" of the tax code ended up hiking taxes on many in the middle class, especially in "blue states"?

My goodness. You really need to find better news sources.
Bad news for you, lpetrich, at least according to Bret Stephens.

Barack Jr. there is a member of the congressional progressive caucus and from the Bronx, but is more of a centrist than AOC, as is evident with Stephens above, and Bari Weiss below, promoting him.

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Interview On Don Lemon Show - YouTube

About the Republicans' picks for the committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attacks, she stated that Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy believes that his job is to be "chauffeur of the clown car" as opposed to "centering" the "more even-keeled and responsible members of his party", presumably like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and Anthony Gonzalez. She called his leadership "shameful". When asked about whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should veto them, she said that people who supported that insurrection were very inappropriate picks, "leaders" and "drum majors" of it.

She considered the bipartisan infrastructure bill very inadequate even back then.

She then got into inflation, and she stated that it was due to supply-chain problems, like shipping and computer-chip supply. It isn't spread evenly over the economy, she says, noting where it has been happening.

The solution: infrastructure, like expanding ports. Not to put pressure on the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank) to increase interest rates, because that would slow down the economy and ruin the recovery.

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Addresses Critical Race Theory On Don Lemon Show - YouTube

She thinks that the Republicans are succeeding in stoking anti-CRT hysteria, and she said that we need to go beyond fact checking to address the anxieties that their anti-CRT demagoguery is tapping into. Presumably meaning that many white people fear that they will be treated like some minority.

In practice, it means hushing up the history of US race relations and bannking books about the history of the civil-rights movement. For all their denunciations of "cancel culture", right-winger seem like very eager and belligerent cancelers.

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Interview On CNN State Of The Union(FULL) - YouTube

She talked about the first ending of the eviction moratorium last summer, and how some Democrats preferred running away rather then addressing that issue. She also noted the White House's dawdling on this issue. That means that a lot of tenants are not receiving assistance, but also a lot of landlords aren't either, something that she noted.

As to Democrats out-organizing the Republicans, she does not think that that is a very realistic strategy.

One has to give the members of the party's base a reason to vote for the party's candidates, or else they will stay home. That's what happened in Virginia, and likely also happened in New Jersey.
Prerna Jagadeesh on Twitter: ""You have to build a life beyond your job, and expecting your job to give you all your happiness isn't going to work, even when you like your work." If more people working in politics absorbed this lesson from @AOC, this industry would be so much healthier and more sustainable. (pic link)" / Twitter
Honestly I enjoyed my work in hospitality and made some of my closest lifelong friends from it.

The parts that were the worst about bartending weren't really about bartending but about bad US policy - I had no healthcare, precarious hours and pay, not great workplace protections, etc.

But I loved the creativity and social environment of bartending. And I genuinely like listening to people and working a schedule that allowed me Co work on other projects (like running for Congress @ Ironically I found that when I accepted what I did for a living without | shame and stopped feeling like | "should" be doing something else, that's when l started doing and exploring more for my interests, and not for others' expectations.

One nice lesson that | got from restaurants is to not look to work for 100% your satisfaction in life. It should not and cannot all come from your job, no matter how great or hard your job is. You have to build life beyond your job and expecting your job to give you all your happiness isn't going to work even when you like your work! I learned that both personally and also from all the very wealthy and traditionally "successful" people I waited on but who weren't happy • saw it ALL. THE. TIME.

The things you do outside of your job are just as important to your happiness as inside your job. It's about making a LIFE, not just a career. If I only bartended I wouldn't be satisfied, but if I kept doing the things that made me happy in addition (writing/reading, community work, time with friends and family) then that's what helps keep you happy! Even now, when my life feels consumed with work it's not as happy as working to have some balance • even though I love the work I do!
So she's a firm believer in having a work-life balance.

On the rent moratorium and canceling student debt:
AoC Instagram LIVE - August 03, 2021 - YouTube
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