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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

In the meantime, Liz Cheney has been kicked out of the state Republican party.

When do they send her off to the gulags?
Ben Jacobs on Twitter: "Paul Gosar just ended his remarks by comparing himself to Alexander Hamilton" / Twitter

Nicholas Wu on Twitter: "Rep. Gosar, speaking now, says "I do not espouse violence towards anyone" ..." / Twitter
Rep. Gosar, speaking now, says "I do not espouse violence towards anyone"

Says what the video was mischaracterized.

The anime "speaks to young voters who are too often overlooked"

"No threat was intended by my staff or me," he says.

Gosar did not apologize during this speech.

Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy
"Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy. "

Alexander Hamilton was the first person that the House ever tried to censure.
Scott Wong on Twitter: "Gosar just compared himself to Hamilton in floor speech: ..." / Twitter
Gosar just compared himself to Hamilton in floor speech:
"If I must join Alexander Hamilton, the first person attempted to be censured by this House, so be it. It is done"

.@davidcicilline tells @RepGosar he is "no Alexander Hamilton"
Chair reminds lawmakers not to address individual members by name

.@RepAndyBiggsAZ (R-AZ) is now trying to explain anime to the Congress
"I lived in Japan. For several years. I speak Japanese. I read and write Japanese," @RepAndyBiggsAZ said.
"This is an anime ... Shingeki no Kyojin ... It's highly stylized violence; it is not meant to induce people to violence."

.@DWStweets says it’s ironic @RepGosar compares himself to Hamilton bc A.Ham was himself killed in a political dual
She says this Congress has seen too much violence, from Giffords and Scalise to pipe bomb mailed to her FL office.

CHENEY after voting YES on Gosar censure: “The glorification of the suggestion of the killing of a colleague is completely unacceptable. And I think that it's a clear violation of House rules.
“I think it's a sad day.”
.@RepLizCheney: “I think that it's really important for us to be very clear that violence has no place in our political discourse. And that his actions were completely unacceptable and demanded censure”
“If a Democrat had done this, that would require censure as well”

.@RepDaveJoyce (R-Ohio) tells me he just voted PRESENT on Gosar censure because he needs to go hear the case at Ethics Committee in a few minutes
Anime is Japanese animation. As to stylized violence, that's what Rep. Gaetz was referring to in Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote -- lots of violence that the targets survive unhurt.

Manu Raju on Twitter: "“Do you have no shame?” Hoyer says, looking at GOP side of the aisle during debate over Gosar resolution" / Twitter
That reminds me:
U.S. Senate: "Have You No Sense of Decency?"
The army hired Boston lawyer Joseph Welch to make its case. At a session on June 9, 1954, McCarthy charged that one of Welch's attorneys had ties to a Communist organization. As an amazed television audience looked on, Welch responded with the immortal lines that ultimately ended McCarthy's career: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch angrily interrupted, "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"
And Gosar has been censured. Big whoop.
CSPAN on Twitter: "#BREAKING: U.S. House CENSURES Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), 223-207. (pic link)" / Twitter
Every Democrat voted yes, and the Democrats were joined by Republicans Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. Voting no were 207 Republicans, and of that party, 1 voted "present" and 3 did not vote.

H.Res.789 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Censuring Representative Paul Gosar. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Introduced by Jackie Speier D-CA-14 (San Mateo County) with 116 cosponsors, 60 original.

It is only for censuring him, and not removing him from his committees.

Here are all the votes:
  • Roll Call 377 On Ordering the Previous Question: Providing for consideration of the resolution (H.Res. 789) censuring Representative Paul Gosar
  • Roll Call 378 On Agreeing to the Resolution: Providing for consideration of the resolution (H.Res. 789) censuring Representative Paul Gosar
  • Roll Call 379 On Agreeing to the Resolution: Censuring Representative Paul Gosar
The first two votes were procedural ones, and all three votes were party line with these exceptions:

In all three votes, AK and LC voted yes.

In the first vote, the non-voting Democrat was Nydia Velázquez NY, and the non-voting Republicans Griffith WV, Loudermilk GA, Luetkemeyer MO, Perry PA.

In the second and third votes, the non-voters were all Republicans: Griffith WV, Loudermilk GA, Perry PA.

In the third vote, the "Present" vote was from a Republican: Joyce OH.

Adam Kinzinger on Twitter: "We have to hold Members accountable who incite or glorify violence, who spread and perpetuate dangerous conspiracies. The failure to do so will take us one step closer to this fantasized violence becoming real.

To be clear, I’ll be voting yes on the Gosar censure resolution." / Twitter

Indeed he did.
Liz Cheney is no longer a Republican, so I’m not sure what to make of her vote against Gosar now. She’ll be out next year. Fuck Trump. But I find it so appalling that only two of them voted to censure this fucking asshole. I saw AOC’s impassioned speech and it was brilliant. But it fell on deaf ears. Pathetic. They’re all scared of Trump. Utter cowards.
Will Twitter's management take it down again? If that happens, will PG post it again? Will Twitter's management get tired of playing Whack-a-Mole with him and ban him?

Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Rep. AOC to Punchbowl: Gosar and other Republicans "are essentially using a national platform to legitimize threats of violence on lower levels, and on the local levels, to intimidate people from participating in our democracy. I believe this is part of a concerted strategy."" / Twitter

I don't know how much that that is the case. But they whine "Freedom" when challenged, even as they whine about what victims they are when anyone does anything even remotely similar to them. Like how wronged they felt when the Lincoln Project did a neo-Nazi tiki-torch march in mock support of VA Gov candidate Glenn Youngkin.\

Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC: "In response to the Republican Leader's remarks when he says that 'this action is unprecedented', what I believe is unprecedented is for a member of House leadership of either party to be unable to condemn incitement of violence against a member of this body."" / Twitter

House censures Rep. Gosar, ejects him from committees over video depicting slaying of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez - The Washington Post
"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) pledged to strip several Democrats of their committee assignments if Republicans succeed in taking control of the House next year."

"About a dozen Republicans stood beside Gosar in a show of support as he was censured. Ocasio-Cortez observed the censure from the front row of the House, about 15 feet away from Gosar, with Democratic Reps. Maxine Waters (Calif.) and Marcy Kaptur (Ohio) sitting beside her"

“What [Democrats] have started cannot be easily undone. Their actions today and in the past have forever changed the way the House operates,” he said, naming several Democrats who “will need the approval of a majority” to keep their committee assignments in a GOP-led House.

Even as they decried the unfairness of the House acting to revoke Gosar’s committee assignments, some Republicans have argued in favor of taking similar action against their 13 GOP colleagues who recently voted in favor of Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) countered that Democrats are “rushing to condemn a Republican member for actions . . . which he has already sought to address.” Instead of censuring Gosar, Cole said, the House should have referred the matter to the Ethics Committee.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) argued that “we have better things to do on the floor of the House of Representatives than be the hall monitors for Twitter.”

“If my cartoon can be banned, and my free speech is to be banned — then the Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney and indeed most of Hollywood obviously could be banned as well — not to mention Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner,” Gosar said.

“I know what violence can do,” Speier tweeted. “My mentor Congressman Leo Ryan was shot 45 times & killed in cold blood. My friend Gabby Giffords thankfully survived her shooting. This is not a game. We cannot condone the incitement of violence. Violence begets violence. We must censure Rep Gosar.”
The resolution text only mentioned censuring PG, and I can't find anything on kicking out PG from House Committee on Oversight and Reform | or Home | The House Committee on Natural Resources
Boebert faces heavy criticism after Gosar floor speech | TheHill
Lauren Boebert opposed censuring Paul Gosar, and she also had this to say:
"The Jihad Squad member from Minnesota has paid her husband, and not her brother husband, the other one, over a million dollars in campaign funds," she said. "This member is allowed on the Foreign Affairs Committee while praising terrorists."

"My colleague and three-month presidential candidate from California who’s on the Intelligence Committee, slept with Fang Fang, a Chinese spy. Let me say that again: A member of Congress who receives classified briefings was sleeping with the enemy," she said in an attack on Swalwell.
Referring to Reps. Ilhan Omar and Eric Swalwell.

The Recount on Twitter: "Defending Rep. Paul Gosar's video, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) says that Democrats are "looking for ways to get offended ” before pivoting to calling Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) a "Jihad Squad member" with a "brother husband." (vid link)" / Twitter

Rep. Eric Swalwell on Twitter: "Weird. If I had done anything wrong the FBI would have raided my house. They didn’t (and went as far to issue a statement saying I did nothing wrong). BUT yesterday they did raid the home of @laurenboebert’s campaign manager. They’re always projecting." / Twitter
Trump throws support behind Gosar after censure vote | TheHill
Liz Harrington on Twitter: "NEW! President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Paul Gosar (link)" / Twitter
Endorsement of Congressman Paul Gosar

Congressman Paul Gosar has been a loyal supporter of our America First agenda, and even more importantly, the USA. Paul is a Congressman who is highly respected in Arizona, strong on Crime, Borders, our Military, and our Veterans. He continually fights for Lower Taxes, Less Regulations, and our great, but under siege, Second Amendment. Paul Gosar has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
Paul Gosar on Twitter: "Thank you President Trump for this honor. I am humbled to have earned your support, and the support of the American people. Our struggle to return this nation to greatness is more daunting than ever with the current Administration. Together we will save America @TrumpWarRoom" / Twitter

Paul Gosar retweets same video aimed at AOC after House censures him – report | Republicans | The Guardian - "Republican congressman retweeted conservative podcaster Elijah Schaffer’s tweet of the violent video"

Captioned “Really well done. We love @DrPaulGosar, don’t we folks?” But it also is now gone.
Gosar also retweeted other Republican politicians and public figures, both on his personal and congressional Twitter accounts, that have called Gosar a political “martyr” and denounced his censure.

Gosar has not apologized for the video and called the censure “kabuki theater” and a “hysterical mob” in a series of new tweets published after the vote.
So PG does a great conservative no-no: he calls himself a victim.
NY-14 Virtual Town Hall with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube back in September

AOC's first guest was Bryon Boka, Individual Assistance Branch Director of the Federal Emergency Management Administration. He described various sorts of assistance like housing, medical, vehicles, ...

AOC returned with progress on a bill to give 9/11 responders a path to citizenship.

She noted that Republicans cutting off unemployment assistance has not gotten many people back to work.

Then Carlo Dombek, Public Relations Specialist, Small Business Administration, about disaster assistance.

Raquel Batista, Commissioner of New York City's Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs

Mainly about relief after Hurricane Ida hit NYC, like for that storm's flooding.

AOC was in the middle of some committee hearings which she participated in remotely from her office - she called in some votes. But she answered questions about unemployment insurance and the Senate filibuster.

Team AOC on Instagram: “Team AOC is celebrating back to school season by continuing our tradition of distributing backpacks with school supplies to students in The Bronx and Queens. Thanks to @mvelaznyc and @senatorbiaggi for teaming up with us on this giveaway event at Pelham Parkway Houses. 🎒

📸: @coreytorpie”

Back in 2019, AOC did that also, and she composed a little note, where she stated
1. Be curious
2. Be kind
3. Be diligent
Back in September, she got this goodie for SUNY Maritime College, near the Bronx end of the Throgs Neck Bridge between Bronx and Queens.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tom Suozzi to Announce the House Passed Federal Funding for SUNY Maritime College Offshore Wind Workforce Development Project | Representative Ocasio-Cortez
SUNY = State University of New York

SUNY Maritime College on Instagram: “Today, New York Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 14th Congressional District, and Thomas Suozzi, 3rd Congressional District, held a live press conference on campus to announce that the House of Representatives passed federal funding for the Offshore Wind Workforce Development Project at SUNY Maritime College.”

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “SUNY Maritime has a training program for wind energy jobs that has the potential to be a model for the rest of the country. They're showing that by linking labor unions with investments in fighting climate change, we can have the most unionized workforce in generations.”

Alessandra Biaggi on Instagram: “Spectacular day with @chuckschumer , @aoc and our fabulous hosts Marti Speranza Wong & Roderick Wong. Thank you so much for supporting me and all Democrats who are pushing for real progressive change at the state level.”
Also with Sen. Chuck Schumer. AOC seems to get along well with him, and she might go after his seat if he decides to retire. So I think it unlikely that she will try to primary him.

She seems to get along well with some state and local politicians, so if she decides to retire from Congress, she could do well in state and/or local politics.

But she doesn't seem interested in running for President. A sign of such interest would be visiting Iowa and New Hampshire, but she only did that when she was campaigning for Bernie Sanders in late 2019 and early 2020.

Francis Chung on Instagram: “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) speaks with reporters outside the Capitol this afternoon. She later announced on social media that funding to create a Civilian Climate Corps has been included in the House version of the Build Back Better Act.”
Do I have this right? He was censured for publishing a disgusting and despicable video. Then, immediately after being censured he re-publishes the despicable video?

In my opinion, this blatant flouting of the censure calls for expulsion.
That's what happened. I agree on expelling him, but that requires 2/3 of all House members to agree, and while every Democrat will likely agree, at least 1/3 of Republicans must also agree.

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Fresh off being censured, Paul Gosar retweets the same video that got him in trouble in the first place. Worth remembering that despite Gosar never expressing remorse, a number of Republicans pretended he had during today’s hearing. That looks really foolish now but 🤷‍♂️ (pic link)" / Twitter
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Submits 7 Amendments for National Defense Budget Bill to Protect Human Rights | Representative Ocasio-Cortez
  1. To prohibit sales of weapons to the Saudi unit that killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi
  2. To prohibit Direct Commercial Sales and Foreign Military Sales to any country that has engaged in gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, genocide, or war crimes.
  3. For the State and Defense Departments to produce a report on human rights in Colombia.
  4. To prohibit the sale of military aid, weaponry, and training to Colombia’s Mobile Anti-Disturbances Squadron, which was directly responsible for egregious abuses during the April 2021 protests.
  5. to prevent any U.S. funds from supporting aerial fumigation, an anti-cocaine-production effect that has had devastating side effects.
  6. to prohibit transfer of military-grade weapons to police forces, like firearms, destructive devices, ammunition, mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles, and grenade launchers.
  7. to suspend the transfer of Boeing Joint Direct Attack Munition weaponry under the $735 million direct commercial sale to the Israeli government.
I looked in congress.gov and I couldn't find anything.
Paul Gosar retweets same video aimed at AOC after House censures him – report | Republicans | The Guardian - "Republican congressman retweeted conservative podcaster Elijah Schaffer’s tweet of the violent video"

Do I have this right? He was censured for publishing a disgusting and despicable video. Then, immediately after being censured he re-publishes the despicable video?

In my opinion, this blatant flouting of the censure calls for expulsion.

He's a Republican. Republicans don't punish Republicans other than for going against His Flatulence.
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