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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Do I have this right? He was censured for publishing a disgusting and despicable video. Then, immediately after being censured he re-publishes the despicable video?

In my opinion, this blatant flouting of the censure calls for expulsion.
That's what happened. I agree on expelling him, but that requires 2/3 of all House members to agree, and while every Democrat will likely agree, at least 1/3 of Republicans must also agree.

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Fresh off being censured, Paul Gosar retweets the same video that got him in trouble in the first place. Worth remembering that despite Gosar never expressing remorse, a number of Republicans pretended he had during today’s hearing. That looks really foolish now but 🤷‍♂️ (pic link)" / Twitter
In my fantasies Speaker Pelosi would order him bound and gagged whenever present in the Chamber — I don't think such police actions require 2/3 vote. Unfortunately that would just play into the hands of the evil-doers: Repugnants are happy to incite murder against true American patriots, but go crying to Fox News or QAnon whenever their widdle feelings are hurt.

Yes, this illustrates the problem with AOC. She expects Biden to be FDR. Regardless of his position, that isn't fair to Biden. Here's the difference: FDR's party had huge majorities in both the house and the senate. Biden has barely 50%.

(y) It strikes me as rather narcissistic for her to chime in like that, as though Biden (or anyone for that matter) is beholden to her often extreme beliefs and points of view. She needs to realize she is just one of hundreds of Representatives with an opinion.* And an inexperienced and naive one at that. Her political beliefs align with only a very tiny minority of the US population.

* pay no attention to the fact that she is the only member of Congress, the Executive branch or Supreme Court who has a daily update on her activities and social media on this forum.
I like Cortez, and I look forward to the possibility of casting my vote for her in 2028. If she won, then it would force the Republicans to recognize that they cannot win without Latin power.

However, they would probably respond by running a conservative Latino the very next election. Ah, well.
I like Cortez, and I look forward to the possibility of casting my vote for her in 2028. If she won, then it would force the Republicans to recognize that they cannot win without Latin power.

However, they would probably respond by running a conservative Latino the very next election. Ah, well.
Er, you may be a little backwards on that. I think its the Democrats that need to be careful to keep their "Latin Power".

Latino Voters are Leaving the Democratic Party

Yes, this illustrates the problem with AOC. She expects Biden to be FDR. Regardless of his position, that isn't fair to Biden. Here's the difference: FDR's party had huge majorities in both the house and the senate. Biden has barely 50%.

Lighten up, Francis. Both you and thebeave. It was funny. I have no idea what you mean about being fair to Biden. Anyone who votes for anybody can rightly have whatever reason or expectation or hope about them. She didn't say he had to be FDR simply because she voted for him, she probably just has hoped he would be more like that. Excuse her for breathing, sheesh.

And this is quite ironic coming from a
Sinema supporter, when she's the one actively sabotaging Biden's term, and Democrats' prospects in general, by helping to torpedo his legislation. Not getting bills passed is bad for party morale and elections.

Yes, this illustrates the problem with AOC. She expects Biden to be FDR. Regardless of his position, that isn't fair to Biden. Here's the difference: FDR's party had huge majorities in both the house and the senate. Biden has barely 50%.

Lighten up, Francis. Both you and thebeave. It was funny. I have no idea what you mean about being fair to Biden. Anyone who votes for anybody can rightly have whatever reason or expectation or hope about them. She didn't say he had to be FDR simply because she voted for him, she probably just has hoped he would be more like that. Excuse her for breathing, sheesh.

And this is quite ironic coming from a
Sinema supporter, when she's the one actively sabotaging Biden's term, and Democrats' prospects in general, by helping to torpedo his legislation. Not getting bills passed is bad for party morale and elections.

I'm not really a Sinema supporter. I am a moderate. And I appreciate the fact that we have a control of the senate of 1. So, I support and appreciate the democratic politician in a republican area. But I'm supporting her in the other thread because of the ridiculous notion that some on the left are attacking her for the clothes that she wears. I'd support any woman politician on the right also who didn't dress to the fashion police's standard. And it's only women who get called out for their looks or their style.

Secondly, I think that many on the left are unfair to Biden because they expect him to get as much done as FDR. That isn't fair. FDR had 10 times the support. If the left wants more, then quit whining, add more dems to the house and senate in 2022. It's that simple. It should be fairly self evident that in our system, you can't get everything that you want with such a slim margin of support.

Finally, I think that dems need to acknowledge our accomplishments. We passed the infrastructure bill. This is something that Trump couldn't even come close to do. Despite having a larger majority of republicans than Biden has of democrats.
Joint Town Hall with Rep. Huffman on the Build Back Better Act - YouTube

He's Jared Huffman at CA-02, along the California coast from Marin County to the Oregon border.

She says that it isn't a labor shortage, it's a dignified-work shortage, it's a living-wage shortage, it's a healthcare shortage.

Who is staying home? Women, working-class people, lower-wage employees.

What kind of work? Child care, teaching, retail, food service.

Universal pre-K, child care, expansion of Medicare, climate stuff, investments in mass transit, ...

As to the Democrats fighting, she says that 96% of the party agrees on passing on the two bills. It's only two Senators who disagree with the rest of the party.

The bipartisan infrastructure bill doesn't include NYC Housing Authority funding, a lot of transit funding, but it does include a lot of highway funding.

She asks why the BBB bill is presented as a 10-year cost while things like the military are presented as 1-year costs. Thus, the $3.5T bill would be $350 B/yr. It's now down to $1.8T or thereabouts -- $180 B/yr -- but the principle is the same. It doesn't look like very big spending compared to the military budget.

Then JH spoke. He said that she is a great ally and one of the most effective communicators in Congress in many years. Then he stated his agreement with AOC that only a small fraction of Congress opposes BBB.

JH then said that while BBB is fully paid for, BIF isn't. BIF was negotiated behind closed doors with a lot of concessions to the fossil-fuel industry.

AOC talked about how requiring union labor in contracts is a big support of labor unions, and then she noted that we are not allowed to talk about how bought some Congresspeople are in Congress itself.

She then slammed Kyrsten Sinema for claiming that she does not negotiate in the press, for not stating her preferences while making demands of others.

Then a question of why we don't talk about closing tax loopholes and improving tax enforcement. JH deferred to AOC on account of her Met-gala dress, that dress with "Tax the Rich" on it.

She said that we need to close tax loopholes and also to improve IRS enforcement. JS mentioned the Pandora Papers on oligarch tax evasion in Caribbean islands and the like.

Then about bypassing Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. She said that it would nice to be able to do so, but that we are stuck with having to get their votes. But the House is different, she said -- it is more progressive.

Then about a path to citizenship in the BBB. The parliamentarian said no. Doing so violates something called the "Byrd rule", saying that something has to be about spending to be under reconciliation.

What can each of us do to help BBB pass? Get involved in activism to support it. JH noted that that was what kept Obamacare going despite Republican efforts to repeal it. AOC said that it's good to contact one's Congresspeople even if you like them and agree with them. She said that she fights for immigrants because many people in her district make a big issue out of it.

JH talked about an offshore-wind-energy project in Humboldt Bay, one that will use floating wind turbines. They will be anchored to the seabed,

AOC asked questions about Rikers Island and climate action. The US ought to try to be a global leader and pacesetter, she says. She noted an Exxon lobbyist who talked about his company's lobbying efforts.

About hydrogen, a big problem is what it's produced from. From electrolysis with renewable energy ("green"), or else from fossil-fuel sources ("blue" and "gray"). AOC seems very up on that most recent trend in renewable-energy development.
Joint Town Hall with Rep. Huffman on the Build Back Better Act - YouTube

He's Jared Huffman at CA-02, along the California coast from Marin County to the Oregon border.

She says that it isn't a labor shortage, it's a dignified-work shortage, it's a living-wage shortage, it's a healthcare shortage.

Who is staying home? Women, working-class people, lower-wage employees.

What kind of work? Child care, teaching, retail, food service.

In other words, the jobs likely to get you infected. A lot of people would rather not die.
Catching up.

Economic Disparity & Fairness in Growth Committee on Twitter: "According to @jasonfurman, it will take a typical American family over 100 years to double their income.
"The declination of growth and prosperity is an absolute threat." -@RepAOC (vid link)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The average family ..." / Twitter
The average family in the US used to double their income once every 23 years.

Today it takes over 100 years.

We are in an absolute crisis of inequality. To study it,the House launched a historic @FairGrowthCmte,a revival of TNEC that helped steer us out of the Great Depression.

The @FairGrowthCmte is a historic temporary select committee to tackle inequality in America.

It is modeled off TNEC, (Temporary Nat’l Economic Committee) that was charged w/ investigating the extreme concentration of economic power in the US leading up to the Great Depression.

The TNEC started w/ examining monopoly and antitrust, but found that inequality sprawled far beyond that -& some credit the TNEC with advancing the economic groundwork for New Deal-era policies like Social Security & more.

All of this is to say: watch this space. @FairGrowthCmte

Also - any economic historians out there with reading material recommendations on TNEC? I’ve been studying up on the history of the original cmte but always open to new suggestions/recommendations 🤗

About disgraced Gov. Cuomo of her home state,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When abusers of power ..." / Twitter
When abusers of power blame everyone else for “misunderstanding” their abuse, it is often a way to gain sympathy from those who’ve ever been / could be involved in a misunderstanding.

But the intentional environment of fear & intimidation harassers create is far from a mistake.

There is a huge difference between having an awkward interaction and discussing / learning from it vs. mobilizing entire networks and institutions to bring in victims, silence coverage, and retaliate against those who report abuse.

Trying to blur that line helps abuses continue.

Gov. Cuomo’s resignation is necessary and long overdue. But there is still a large amount of work ahead to account for and reverse the ways our institutions were molded over years to maximize the impunity and lack of transparency necessary for these abuses to unfold as they did.
CNN Introduces New Series: Being…
First Episode Being…AOC from Dana Bash

In the first episode, Bash speaks to Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who gives one of her most personal on-camera interviews to date, opening up about her unique perspective on power and femininity, what drives her, and how threats against her and her previous experience with sexual assault impacted her perspective on January 6th.
The full interview is on CNN's mobile app.

AOC On The Power Of Femininity - YouTube

She talked about "power of femininty" - not just broad shoulders, not just being loud and talking over other people, not just Machiavellian, but power can be emotionally intelligent, power can be compassionate, and power can be beautiful, she says. Like having red lips.

AOC talks to CNN's Bash about the difficulties of family planning - CNN Video

She is very grateful that she has "amazing friends", and DB talked about having a son at 40 - something that almost didn't happen. She said that a lot of people are concerned about whether they can afford children compared to what it was like a generation ago, and she is concerned about such things as climate change. She is also very busy at her job, and she asks how she can be a present parent, a parent like her parents.

AOC Reveals January 6 Sexual Assault Fears During CNN Interview - YouTube
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on January 6: 'I didn't think that I was just going to be killed' - CNNPolitics

She thought it likely that she'd be raped. "I didn't think that I was just going to be killed," ... "I thought other things were going to happen to me as well."
"Survivors have a very strong set of skills. And the skills that are required as a survivor, the tools that you build for resilience, they come back in right away," Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview in her district in June. "And for me, I felt like those skills were coming right back so that I could survive."

She also traced the feeling back to what she described as the "misogyny and the racism" that "animated" the "attack on the Capitol."

"White supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways," Ocasio-Cortez said. "There's a lot of sexualizing of that violence."
Then about her Instagram video on her experiences in the January 6 attacks.
The congresswoman, just beginning her second term, described in the video being locked in the bathroom in her office, listening to banging on doors and eventually hearing a voice demand, "Where is she?" Ocasio-Cortez did not know at the time that it was a Capitol Police officer -- because, she said, the officer did not identify himself.

"There's no way that a person in that situation would have even thought that that was law enforcement," she told CNN. "That's not how we're kind of trained into thinking."
Her decision to mention that sexual assault had not been "a conscious one".
You don't say, 'This is the moment. I'm going to do this now.' It feels like something happens in the circumstances that almost propels you to, and almost forces you in a way to come forward," Ocasio-Cortez said. "Because I think a lot of survivors would rather never talk about what happened ever again."
AOC had unseated Joe Crowley, the fourth most powerful House Democrat, and denied him an 11th term. As a result, her first term "was very painful."
"I came in and I unseated an incumbent that, while may not have been resonant in our community, was very popular inside those, you know, smoke-filled rooms," Ocasio-Cortez, 31, said. "I took away a friend (from those members). And so, I walked in into a very cold environment, even within my own party."

/// Ocasio-Cortez said she was iced out by some of Crowley's old pals and others who questioned her bona fides but never took the time to engage her once she arrived in the Capitol.

"It would be really weird sometimes walking to a House floor and seeing a colleague who would never say hello to me," she said. "And it felt like, man, it's really tough to have people make opinions about you that are sitting right next to you who won't even start a conversation with you."
But some fellow Congresspeople were willing to make friends with her, both newcomers and veterans. Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar were "beloved friends" and with them, she was "able to find kinship and friendship and sisterhood."

Then the Ted Yoho incident. She delivered a floor speech about his nastiness, like calling her a "fucking bitch".
"Representative Yoho put his finger in my face. He called me disgusting. He called me crazy. He called me out of my mind. He called me dangerous ... Representative Yoho called me, and I quote, 'a f**king bitch,'" she said. "I am here because I have to show my parents that I am their daughter, and they did not raise me to accept abuse from men."
In the interview,
"The fact that he's somebody's father, well, someone's my father, too, and I'm someone's daughter," Ocasio-Cortez told Bash. "And the value that I have as someone's daughter are the values that my parents raised me with. And I think that that ultimately is what that moment was about."
There was another bit of video on that page about AOC discussing Fox News's coverage of her, also from that interview. Starting with a clip of someone saying that AOC is good-looking, but not much more. She responded that she does only a little bit, and that it is "fascinating". She says that it is revealing about Fox News's management and production staff, very revealing about their stereotypes.

Critiques from inside the party she finds hurtful, but right-wing stuff she doesn't. She objects more to being misunderstood than being hated. She suspects some deliberate campaign of misinformation. What misunderstandings? That she is rash, unintelligent, and that she intends to do harm.

I found a clip with CNN's mobile app, of DB asking AOC whether she wants to primary Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. She laughed, and she said that she does not work positionally, that she could not do what she does if what she does was calculated to get her some more advanced position. She sees herself as caring for her community, and not as having a lot of personal ambition.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News had this response.

Don Winslow on Twitter: "This is Tucker Carlson today laughing at @AOC's fears of being raped on January 6. He laughs about it.

This is disgusting and I hope @FoxNews and their advertisers are hit with backlash from millions of people. (vid link)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I couldn’t care less about what this talking inferiority complex has to say, but I do feel for the women and survivors in his life who now see they wouldn’t be believed or safe with him.

Many survivors of assault don’t tell family, friends, etc bc of how they see others treated." / Twitter

Yes, this illustrates the problem with AOC. She expects Biden to be FDR. Regardless of his position, that isn't fair to Biden. Here's the difference: FDR's party had huge majorities in both the house and the senate. Biden has barely 50%.

Lighten up, Francis. Both you and thebeave. It was funny. I have no idea what you mean about being fair to Biden. Anyone who votes for anybody can rightly have whatever reason or expectation or hope about them. She didn't say he had to be FDR simply because she voted for him, she probably just has hoped he would be more like that. Excuse her for breathing, sheesh.

And this is quite ironic coming from a
Sinema supporter, when she's the one actively sabotaging Biden's term, and Democrats' prospects in general, by helping to torpedo his legislation. Not getting bills passed is bad for party morale and elections.

I agree with you. I will add that the Biden critics from the Reich wing want to move the center to the right. That guy's commentary that AOC responded to was an example of pretending they are the center, not Biden. AOC's counter is saying "look there's a left, we have significant support and we exist. There's something to the left of Biden and we want Biden to be more left." AOC's counter-narrative actually helps Biden to continue to establish he is at the center instead of the Reich wing being there.
....the Biden critics from the Reich wing want to move the center to the right...

Actually they want to push the left entirely off the table and have the whole thing for themselves, democracy be damned.
I am tiring of people pretending that this wave of right-tards are interested in policies, institutions or anything besides their own power. They are FASCISTS, and pretending otherwise plays right into their agenda, which includes the ongoing slow-motion coup, which is also being ignored.
Left, right - it's all irrelevant to a totalitarian regime. And that's what we're going to get if we keep treating traitors, insurrectionists and seditionists as simply "those who disagree".
My only beef with AOC is that she gives cover to those people. After all, who doesn't want to make fun of a young, ostentatious, brown-skinned lib'rul female who speaks in hyperbolic terms about almost everything? Even if especially if she's correct in her points.
Right-wingers think that this is some big issue: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Florida amid New York Covid Surge | National Review

Philip Klein on Twitter: "BREAKING: AOC Spotted in Miami Beach as NYC Reports Record Covid Cases (link)" / Twitter
Team DeSantis on Twitter: "Welcome to Florida, AOC!
We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State thanks to @RonDeSantisFL’s leadership." / Twitter

Team DeSantis on Twitter: "P.S. We recommend the Rock Shrimp Roll and the Aoki Tai the next time you decide to dine in Miami.
Cheers!" / Twitter

AOC then showed how good she is at responding to right-wing attacks.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis ..." / Twitter
Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks?

If he’s around, I would be happy to say hello. His social media team seems to have been posting old photos for weeks.

In the meantime, perhaps I could help with local organizing. Folks are quite receptive here :)

I’d also be happy to share some notes from @GovKathyHochul’s work in NY since he seems to be in need of tips!
Someone responded with some video of RDS being interviewed by Dan Bongino on Fox News on Dec. 25. But he has otherwise remained well-hidden.
Steve Cortes on Twitter: "1. If Leftists like AOC actually thought mandates and masking worked, they wouldn’t be frolicking in free FL. 2.

Her guy is showing his gross pale male feet in public (not at a pool/beach) with hideous sandals.

O for 2… (pic link)" / Twitter

Showing AOC with her boyfriend Riley Roberts in Florida. She responded
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If Republicans are mad ..." / Twitter
If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet.

Ya creepy weirdos

It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general.

These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird
Ian Haworth on Twitter: "I definitely do not want to date you." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m glad you felt ..." / Twitter
I’m glad you felt the need to share that with the world.

Don’t worry, this is a totally normal thought to have and share as an editor of a right-wing website, and totally doesn’t prove my point at all.

I hear if you say it enough times you’ll actually start to believe it 😌

The fact that these people are so creepy/weird yet are also the ones responsible for shaping the NEWS HEADLINES we all see in media should be really concerning.

I don’t even want to know what knuckle-dragging thoughts these people have all day while covering women in politics
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