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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC already has a 2022 challenger.

Desi Cuellar for Congress (NY-14) on Twitter: "
My family fled Cuba to escape socialism.
I was born & raised in Queens.
As a New Yorker, I'm sick and tired of seeing AOC use our city as a launching pad for her socialist agenda.
I'm running for Congress in NY-14 to stop her.
Support Our Mission: (links)" / Twitter

From his WinRed donation page:
We are overdue for a change of leadership that actually represents this district.

It's time we take back Queens & the Bronx and together bring passionate, tough, and principled leadership to Congress.

Only through your contributions will victory be possible, donate now to help send me to Congress and I will be your voice.
WinRed is a Republican imitation of ActBlue, a small-donation site which caters to Democrats and progressives.
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His campaign's home page: Desi Cuellar for New York

“For far too long, New Yorkers have had their rights crippled and have been taken advantage of financially by legislation that limits their economic potential and freedoms of expression."

Like what? Seems like some dog whistle, something that his possible recruits might know about but others won't.

About his opponent, "AOC doesn’t represent the Hispanic community, she represents the worst part of a new American generation of entitled millennials that have no respect for the traditions and values of other cultures that make up the foundation of the USA and she thinks that whatever she doesn’t like should be canceled or changed.

"She lacks the courage to face anyone who wants to question her ignorant policies. She hides from confrontation constantly and has never stood up for her constituents."

The sort of illiterate accusations that Michelle Caruso-Cabrera made last year. Both MCC and DC seem like they watch too much Fox News.

"You can never find her in our district unless it’s campaign season and she seems to be more concerned with the globe than with what’s happening in the homes and streets of her district."

She does spend plenty of time in her district.

"New York’s lower and middle class have been abused financially for too long and it's time that we choose someone who is not only one of us but going to fight for our ability to keep more of the money that we work hard for."

If you're young and not against taxes, you have no heart.
If you're old and still against taxes, you have no brain.
I'm guessing that DC has in mind things like opposing Amazon HQ2. But it was a lot of local activists who deserve the credit, even if AOC appreciated the result. She stated that it had a risk of becoming like Foxconn in Wisconsin: taking a lot of tax breaks and subsidies but not really delivering.

As to "traditions and values of other cultures that make up the foundation of the USA" and "the cultures and religions of our families that came before us" I'm guessing that that means religious conservatism and the pretension that the US had theocratic origins. Some of the colonies, maybe, but a Catholic would not appreciate what the New England Puritans thought of Catholicism.

Like John Cummings back in 2020, he doesn't advertise his Republican affiliation very much, he does not talk about Donald Trump very much, and he doesn't talk about policy details very much. They mainly run against AOC, as MCC did.

New York District 14 2022 Race • OpenSecrets
Anyone want to clue in the clueless? What is the "Reich wing"? Surely it has nothing to do with leftist Robert Reich.

There is a Reich-Wing Watch on YouTube, which seems focused on the pressing question "Is Alex Jones a sellout?" I watched 3 minutes of it: two nutcases were throwing insults at each other. I got a laugh when one said "That's not even true" with a tone suggesting that the previous insults all WERE true.

Speaking of Alex Jones, he's been my go-to sarcastic example of a GOP leader. I just learned my sarcasm was misplaced: Alex Jones was an honored leader (along with a former National Security Advisor and Roger Stone) at one of the two J6 insurrection organizing meetings held on Jan 5.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Shout out to libraries and library workers. We love and appreciate you 📚 that’s all" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Happy New Year everyone 🎊🪅 may we all enjoy a meaningful, healthy, and blessed year to come." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Instead of clickbait with guns in front of Christmas trees, we decided to actually tell you what we accomplished for the community and country this year. 😌
Here’s our 21 wins for 2021 🎆" / Twitter

Molly Jong-Fast on Twitter: "This is so smart, every congressperson and senator should do this (vid link)" / Twitter
  1. Homework Helpers
  2. Deep Canvassing
  3. Hunts Point Solidarity
  4. Aid for Texans
  5. Funeral Assistance
  6. Vaccine Outreach
  7. Green New Deal
  8. Civilian Climate Corps
  9. Eviction Moratorium
  10. Hurricane Ida Aid
  11. Fighting Fossil Fuels
  12. COP-26
  13. Advocating for Refugees
  14. NY Taxi Workers Alliance
  15. Commitee Appointments
  16. Funding NY14 Projects
  17. Child Tax Credit
  18. Legislation
  19. Constituent Services
  20. Helping NY14 Families
  21. Courage to Change
Those last two were distributing student backpacks last September, turkeys for Thanksgiving, and supporting a slate of candidate for City Council, with 16 winning.

She also continued doing a town-hall meeting each month, a virtual one since early 2020.
Also on Instagram: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “21 wins for 2021 ✨ ...”
21 wins for 2021 ✨ It’s that time of year! Even (and especially) in times of setback, it can be easy to forget or lose track of the enormous progress and gains we’ve made. So let’s take a step back and look at 21 wins for 2021 with @teamaoc 🎉💪🏽
Hope this inspires you to take a step back, appreciate any of these wins you were a part of, and inspire you to appreciate your own efforts this year and join us for 2022! There are few things more rejuvenating, energizing, and purpose-giving than being in and building community.
Many blessings to you all and wishing everyone a wonderful new year. 🎆
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “We’re incredibly grateful for our dedicated team of constituent liaisons who, this year alone, opened more than 1,800 cases to help our community.”

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “From expanding support of the Green New Deal to passing funding in the House for community projects back in NY-14, we’re so proud of what we’ve accomplished in D.C. this year.”
Green New Deal, FEMA Funeral Assistance, Pandemic Relief, Helping Refugees & Evacuees, Child Tax Credit, Community Project Funding, Immigration Reform, Committee Hearings, Amendments

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Rep. AOC’s Committee Hearing Highlights from 2021”
Rep. AOC’s Committee Hearing Highlights from 2021

Committee hearings are a big part of our work in D.C.

This year, we’ve used them to uncover that the FBI has no protocol to address members of law enforcement belonging to white supremacist groups — and we also got the CEO of ExxonMobil to admit to having meetings with Members to influence climate policy in the Build Back Better Act.

Check out some of Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s best moments from 2021!
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram: “Our Office is Here to Help NY-14 Constituents”
Our Office is Here to Help NY-14 Constituents

Ever wonder what a congressional district office does?

This year, our constituent liaisons opened 1,800 cases, helping our neighbors in The Bronx and Queens navigate federal services like stimulus checks, immigration filings, PPP loans, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and more. This includes:

🌍 867 immigration cases
✈ 327 passport cases
💵 118 IRS cases for stimulus checks
🏦 100 cases for PPP or Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Also in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube and RepAOC - YouTube
Cori Bush did something similar on Twitter, with hashtag #CongresswomanCoriCountdown
  1. St. Louis is always #1. That’s why we’ve delivered 15 pieces of legislation through the House of Representatives that put our community first.
  2. We partnered with Sen. @RoyBlunt to bring not just one, but TWO grants to fund $33 million dollars in development projects in our community.
  3. One of my favorite memories from this year was our virtual game night and The Lou trivia on 314 Day.
  4. For Day 4, let’s highlight the 4 Neighborhood Service Centers we opened in our libraries through our Congress in Your Neighborhood Program!
  5. We led 5 major bills this year: Env. Justice Mapping Act, People’s Response Act, Green New Deal for Cities, Unhoused Bill of Rights, Keeping Renters Safe Act
  6. When insurrectionists stormed the Capitol on January 6th, we introduced H.Res 25 to investigate and expel those members who tried to overturn the election.
  7. I want to shout out the splendid 7 — our incredible 7 full-time St. Louis-based staffers who are tirelessly serving our community, day in and day out.
  8. 8 weeks for Day 8! We delivered an 8-week mass vaccination campaign with @FEMA at the Dome to help protect thousands of St. Louisans from COVID-19.
  9. Today, I want to thank the 9 incredible full-time members of our DC staff for all of their hard work for St. Louis. I love and appreciate you all so much!
  10. A Top 10 moment this year? Securing $700 million for the St. Louis area through the American Rescue Plan to help us combat the virus.
  11. When 11 million people were facing eviction, we pushed to extend the eviction moratorium — helping to make Aug. the best month on record for ERA distribution.
  12. Today, I’m taking a moment to express my gratitude for the honor of representing you for the last 12 months. Wishing you love and light in the New Year.
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "#TeamTlaib and I never give up in helping deliver for our #13thDistrictStrong communities. Thanks to our service centers, we’ve stayed connected to and brought countless resources back to them. Thank you for your faith in us. This is just the beginning—see you in the #NewYear! (pic link)" / Twitter
  • Bills introduced: 83, bills cosponsored: 1091, bills & amendments passed: 21
  • Town halls and similar events: 50+
  • Reintroduced universal basic income: the BOOST Act
  • Household Water Assistance Program: $1 billion+
  • Constituent letters answered: 50,561+, returned to residents: $4.3M+, constituent cases: 7,718+

Rep. Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "As we close out 2021, we want to share what we have accomplished for the 5th District. Every day we fight to make sure that people from all corners of the 5th District have a shot at the American Dream. We can’t wait to keep making progress with you. #FightingForThe5th (pic link)" / Twitter
Congressional Highlights since Taking Office:
  • 48 bills and amendments passed in the House
  • 8 bills and amendments passed into law
  • 104 bills and amendments introduced
  • 57 town halls/roundtables
  • 1,084 bills cosponsored
  • $2,683,494,283 in federal grant money secured
  • 150,104 constituent letters answered
  • 4,000+ meetings with constituents
  • 1,600+ constituent cases worked on IUAA AMAD

Congresswoman Marie Newman on Twitter: "As we wrap up 2021, I’m proud to share the work and accomplishments that my team has delivered for the Southwest Side and suburbs this year.
We look forward to building on this success in 2022 💪 (pic link)" / Twitter

$92.1 M for Midway Airport, $400 K recovered for constituents for federal agents, $64 M in funding for IL-03 small businesses, $999.5 M for IL roads & bridges, 2,151 constituent cases resolved, $240 M in total Federal funding for IL-03 communities

Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "As 2021 comes to a close, I want to share with you some of the work that my Seattle office has done to help people across our community.
If you need help – don’t hesitate to reach out: (links)" / Twitter

1,000+ constituents served, $756,000 saved for constituents, 7,200+ calls answered, 20,000+ letters answered

Likewise, Mondaire Jones has #17WinsForNY17
Lindsay Beyerstein on Twitter: "
Masochist says: Beat me, beat me!
Sadist says: No." / Twitter

Ron Filipkowski on Twitter: "AOC’s Republican opponent Tina Forte said today that she doesn’t “have the balls” to debate her, but says if she does agree it should be on pay-per-view. (Profanity warning) (vid link)" / Twitter

She seems like a female version of Ben Shapiro, a right-wing debate-me dudebro who wanted a debate with AOC late in 2018, between her primary victory and the general elections. She responded that his request was just like catcalling, and equally welcome.

MAGA influencer challenging for AOC’s seat in Congress joined Capitol riot: report | The Independent - "Tina Forte said 6 January was the new 1776 in a post before the event"

AOC Challenger Tina Forte Promoted and Attended Jan. 6 Capitol Riot | Snopes.com - "In this special investigation, Snopes found that the apparent QAnon believer livestreamed to Facebook Live the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol."
“How are you doing everybody? I’m in front of the Capitol right now.”

In a livestreamed video, Forte stood in front of a massive poster of artwork that she brought with her. The art depicted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It was created by Scott LoBaido and purportedly measured 40 feet by 30 feet. Forte and others laid it out on the ground. The poster altered Pelosi’s appearance, giving her fangs and a somewhat menacing appearance. “Hey just let us know when we can walk across this c – – -,” one man off-camera said. Earlier that morning, Forte had unfurled it at the Lincoln Memorial, according to a Twitter video that received 5,350 retweets, 851 quote tweets, and 12,700 likes. Newsmax correspondent Mike Carter also recorded a video of Forte early in the day at the same place. He then appeared to show her the tweet while she was livestreaming.

After Forte left the Lincoln Memorial, she made her way toward the Capitol. When she arrived in front of the building, she said in a Facebook Live video: “Get your asses to the Capitol.” She was speaking to viewers who were watching from the Ellipse, where Trump was speaking. “We need to fight for our freedom, fight for our country, fight for our president, fight for our Constitution.” After this moment, one of several people who wanted a picture with Forte asked her: “Quick pic?” He then called her a “superstar.”

“So we’re out here in front of the Capitol right now, waiting for everybody who’s at the rally at the Ellipse to head over,” she said. After another person asked for a selfie with her, Forte told her viewers: “People need to leave the Ellipse and get to the Capitol. So if anybody who has service over there and is watching this, get your ass to the Capitol.”

Yet again, a third fan recognized Forte from social media and seemed happy to see her. She then told viewers of her livestream: “Do not comply.” A man on a bullhorn then asked that vulgar language be toned down because of the presence of “young children.” Forte responded: “Please, if you’re sensitive, go home.” She then added: “If I want to fucking curse, I’ll fucking curse.” Before the video ended, she claimed to be wearing a bulletproof vest.

Despite initially unfurling the Pelosi poster in a public space, Forte and others carried the artwork into a restricted area on the lawn in front of the Capitol. To reach the lawn, the crowd knocked down fencing that read: “AREA CLOSED. By order of the United States Capitol Police Board.” The video was reposted by the Twitter user @DianthaSol.
Tina Forte for Congress (NY-14) (@TinaForteUSA) / Twitter

Tina Forte for Congress - her campaign page
He professes to love the cops and be tough on crime -- except if the crime is an insurrection that she participated in, and if the cops are trying to stop it, it seems.

For the coronavirus, she likes hydroxychloroquine.
Desi Cuellar vs. Tina Forte could be fun. Will they compete with each other about how Trumpie they are? Or will they treat Trumpiness as something to hide?

As to Ben Shapiro, AOC had it right when she refused to debate him:
(1) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "
Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.
And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one. (pic link)" / Twitter

Even though he offered her $10,000 for doing so.

10 Bullying Debate Techniques From Ben Shapiro - Power Dynamics
  1. Get Under Your Opponent’s Skin
  2. Strike When They Overreact (ie.: Gaslighting)
  3. Con With The Confidence Game: Talk Like You’re Gospel
  4. Ridicule Your Opponent
  5. Use (Or bend) Science to Inflate Your Authority
  6. Play The Victim to Hide Your Aggression
  7. Hide Your True Power Source
  8. Beat Them to The Punch: Accuse Them of Manipulativeness
  9. Frame The Interaction (the way it serves you)
  10. End With An Olive Branch After You’ve Taken Their Scalp
How to Defeat Ben Shapiro–Shapiro's Tactics and Techniques Exposed | The Swamp
  1. He frames his opponent and their argument.
  2. He uses his religion to claim moral superiority.
  3. He targets young people.
  4. Whataboutism is most of his game.
OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA - Candidate overview | FEC

Checking on Candidate information I find that he filed her statement of candidacy on November 5, only two days after her re-election on Nov 3.

Her first statement of candidacy was for running in NY-15, back in 2017 May 10, but five days later, she fixed it to NY-14. In 2018, after the Nov 6 election date, she decided to run for re-election on Nov 20.

As of 2021 Sep 30, she has raised over $6 M, while Tina Forte has raised $155 K and Desi Cuellar $46 K. By state, NY and CA are the largest contributors to AOC and TF, while TX is the largest one for DC. That's only those contributions listed by state -- many of them aren't.
I compared AOC to her squadmates and other progressive candidates.

Mondaire Jones and Pramila Jayapal are running unopposed, as of late last year.

Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Jamaal Bowman are running essentially unopposed, as of late last year. Their Republican opponents are listed as having raised $0.00.

Ilhan Omar has a Republican challenger who has raised some money, but less than 1/3. Cori Bush also has one also, but 1/500. Katie Porter has five who have raised money, but at most 1/25 of her money.

Marie Newman raised a little less than Sean Casten, a fellow Democratic incumbent. They are running against each other because they are more-or-less shoved into the same district by redistricting.
And this is quite ironic coming from a
Sinema supporter, when she's the one actively sabotaging Biden's term, and Democrats' prospects in general, by helping to torpedo his legislation. Not getting bills passed is bad for party morale and elections.

The thing is, it's not really the Biden agenda. It's Progressive Caucus/Squad agenda masquerading as the Biden agenda.
Biden did not run on spending trillions on new entitlements designed to effect "transformative change". He ran on bringing back normality.
Unfortunately, the left wing of the Democratic Party pulled him hard to the left.
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