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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you for coming to NY-14, @GovKathyHochul.
We’ve got a lot of work to do to help our families, but together we’ll get it done - and shore up our climate infrastructure too. #NYTough 💪🏽🌎 (pic link)" / Twitter

NY Gov Kathy Hochul, successor of Andrew Cuomo.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "😭😭😭 gets me every time" / Twitter
Sarah Groh on Twitter: "3 years ago today 💜
couldn’t imagine it any other way @AyannaPressley
That’s my Congresswoman 😭 (vid link)" / Twitter

When she learned of beating long-time incumbent in the Democratic primary for MA-07 back in 2018.

AOC had a similar reaction to beating Joe Crowley.

AOC couldn't be there, but she congratulated those who were there:
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "Today we met with Indigenous Water Protectors fighting the Line 3 pipeline.
They've protested peacefully & faced brutality by police paid for by Enbridge.
Their treaty rights have been violated & their livelihoods are at risk.
There must be accountability & we must #StopLine3.
(pix link)" / Twitter

AP was joined by Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you FEMA Administrator Criswell ..." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Disaster relief is here. ..." / Twitter
The Recount on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC (D-NY), along with President Biden, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), greets victims of hurricane damage in New York. (vid link)" / Twitter
AOC has worked with Chuck Schumer so much over the last few years that I have long doubted that she will try to primary him. FEC filings indicate that she wants to run for re-election to the House this year, when CS will be up for re-election. Checking FEC filings indicates that CS also wants to run for re-election this year.

AOC says that it's startling to many people to learn that she is not some power-hungry career-ladder climber, someone who wants to go to the Senate, and then to the Presidency. Someone like Kyrsten Sinema, who went from the House to the Senate, and who is now rumored to want to run for President.
Anderson Cooper 360° on Twitter: ""He speaks from such a place of deep ignorance, and it's not just ignorance. It's ignorance that's hurting people."
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Texas's GOP Gov. Abbott for defending the state's abortion law by saying he's working to "eliminate all rapists." (vid link)" / Twitter

She slammed the TX Gov as ignorant of women's reproductive biology, saying that six weeks into a pregnancy is far too early -- two weeks late for one's period.

What she explained:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sad that in 2021 I have to explain to a GOP Governor that:

1. “6 weeks pregnant” = 2 weeks late for your period
2. Periods are late all the time from stress, diet,etc
3. Most people know their rapists

but GOP want to have more control over your body than you do, so here we are." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sexual assault is an abuse of power ..." / Twitter
Sexual assault is an abuse of power that attempts to seize sexual control over another person’s body.

Anti-choice laws are also an abuse of power that attempts to seize sexual control over people’s bodies en masse.

And that’s 1 way rape culture informs anti-choice legislation.

It’s not a coincidence that Texas is where GOP are testing new ways to retake sexual control via legislation. TX had “anti-sodomy” laws in place until 2003 (!) that made non-PIV sex illegal until the Supreme Court overturned it on the basis of Roe v Wade’s right to privacy.

The Supreme Court and GOP’s coordinated attack on Roe v Wade isn’t only about abortion rights - it’s also an attack on our overall right to privacy.

Roe v Wade allowed SCOTUS to overturn state laws that criminalized private, consensual acts that especially targeted LGBT+ people.

The gutting of Roe v Wade imperils every menstruating person in the US, every person who engages in sex, and every person who values our constitutional right to privacy.

Just one reason Roe isn’t a “women’s issue” beyond the fact that people who aren’t women can menstruate too!
People who aren't psychological women, yes, but who are somatically female. I think that we lack a good vocabulary to talk about such things, and that's why I refer to being somatically and psychologically some gender, because in trans people, they are mismatched.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Still thinking ..." / Twitter
Still thinking about how @GovAbbott’s message to survivors terrified of the bounties now on their heads is “I will end rape.”

No, he won’t. He & the GOP just gave abusers & coercive partners a powerful new tool to intimidate victims.

These GOP laws HELP abusers, not stop them.

By allowing any person to financially destroy pregnant people on a whim, they knowingly handed over the keys of manipulation & control to people most likely to use it.

Don’t let them feign ignorance about this. They know exactly what they’re doing. This is about fear & control.

Another reason we shouldn’t separate victims of rape from other abortions is bc forcing this disclosure from people is traumatizing +unnecessary.

Most survivors don’t report their assault. It can take years to even acknowledge what happened. People should get the care they need.
Chris Sommerfeldt on Twitter: ".@AOC's campaign says their volunteers have helped 173,000+ constituents with applying for federal and state storm recovery programs since Ida hit.

Is the city/state doing any type of similar outreach, and how do the numbers compare if so?

cc: @BNeidhardt, @BryanLesswing" / Twitter

An upstate-NY Republican:
Claudia Tenney on Twitter: ".@AOC's district is one of the most affected by Hurricane Ida and rather than focusing on relief money she's spent the week musing about men menstruating and calling people who are pro-life proponents of "rape culture".

This is the lady Nancy Pelosi takes orders from." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This week alone ..." / Twitter
This week alone I worked w/ FEMA, Gov & @POTUS to make this one of the fastest FEMA responses in history, organized to connect 173k of my constituents to disaster grants, toured small businesses to assess damage, AND fought for LGBT+ justice.

Don’t be mad if you can’t keep up 🥰

I know Republicans’ idea of “disaster relief” is flying to Cancun while the power’s still out, but unlike that approach I actually give a damn 🤗
Slamming right-wingers for not doing their jobs very well. I like that.
Josh Jordan on Twitter: "Gallup: Support for interracial marriage hits an all time high of 94% On one hand it's great that people have come so far, but it's really sad that it took so long to get there. The other lesson is that every generation is more accepting of others than the previous one. (pix link)" / Twitter
Increasing approximately linearly from 4% in 1958.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Wild how many people - including the Supreme Court in gutting voting rights - have insisted that widespread racism was largely a societal problem of generations past when a majority of people in the US opposed interracial marriage up until around the time of Blue’s Clues & N*SYNC" / Twitter

Rep. Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Line 3 would pump some of the dirtiest fossil fuels, polluting our state and violating tribal treaty rights.
Now is the time to #StopLine3.
Shoutout to my sisters @RepPressley, @RepCori, @RepRashida, @MaryKunesh9, @RepAOC, and @RepJayapal for their work to stop this pipeline. (vid link)" / Twitter

Ricardo A. Sánchez on Twitter: "👀Watch @AyannaPressley light up the National Association of Realtors for funneling PAC money into killing an #EvictionMoratorium that literally *saves lives*.
(@nardotrealtor was the top PAC donor last cycle, during the height of the pandemic & fight to save the moratorium) (vid link)" / Twitter

AP noted that big corporate realtors are hiding behind mom-and-pop ones, ones who could also get aid.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Bloop" / Twitter
Last September,
Truthout on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC has unveiled a bill to extend additional unemployment aid after lawmakers allowed the program to expire on Labor Day, leaving millions of unemployed people in the lurch. (link)" / Twitter
AOC Unveils Bill to Extend Unemployment Checks That Kept Millions From Poverty

Jeff Stein on Twitter: "From a historian writing in the 1960s about the CCC of the 1930s (pic link)" / Twitter
The Civilian Conservation Corps was young men from all over the nation, 500,000 by 1936, doing lots of things: planting trees, building fire lookout towers and roads and trails, fighting insect pests, digging ditches and canals, stocking lakes and streams with a billion fish, ...

Jeff Stein on Twitter: "One thing I hadn’t realized is that despite everything that happened in his admin — see below on PWA — FDR was instinctually suspicious of public work projects, seeing in them the potential for inefficient/expensive waste. Harold Ickes was the program’s real savior (pic link)" / Twitter
This CCC is the model for the Civilian Climate Corps.

Adalah Justice Project on Twitter: "Truly stellar foreign policy initiative by @aoc to block weapons from human rights abusers including U.S.police, Saudi Arabia, Colombia and Israel (link)" / Twitter
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Submits 7 Amendments for National Defense Budget Bill to Protect Human Rights | Representative Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "In this year’s NDAA, ..." / Twitter
In this year’s NDAA, I’ve intro’d 7 amendments, including blocking specific US weapons transactions to:

- Saudi gov over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
- Colombia gov over its violent crackdown on protesters,&
- Israeli gov over the bombing of Palestinian civilians, media centers

The amendments also include one of several measures to crack down on program 1033, which allows US military to transfer weapons and military equipment to local police depts - including items like grenade launchers.

We must stop the militarization of local police departments.
Congresswoman Cori Bush on Twitter: "Had a tough conversation with a constituent about whether the universal pre-K that we’re working to include in the reconciliation package will include snacks. (pic link)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Snacks and naps are toddler rights 🪧📢" / Twitter

So cute. :D

Keith Powers on Twitter: "I am at Rikers Island today with @Dromm25 for an unannounced visit to observe conditions after yesterday’s 8 hour hearing. We’ll report back after. (pic link)" / Twitter
Daniel Dromm on Twitter: "In the more than 12 years I’ve been coming to Riker’s, I’ve never been as traumatized by what I witnessed as I was today. Hundreds sit in one Intake Pen with one toilet for weeks. Covid will kill them. This is barbaric. I plead w @NYCMayor to visit now & end this torture." / Twitter
Keith Powers on Twitter: "At Rikers I saw the most inhumane conditions imaginable.

Intake was abhorrent—100s of inmates trapped for weeks. Denied water, food, a place to sleep. COVID rampant. Staff doing multiple shifts.

@NYCMayor must take action.

Each day this continues is a humanitarian crisis." / Twitter

Sawyer Hackett on Twitter: "Border patrol is mounted on horseback rounding up Haitian refugees with whips.
This is unfathomable cruelty towards people fleeing disaster and political ruin. The administration must stop this. (pix link)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It doesn’t matter if a Democrat or Republican is President, our immigration system is designed for cruelty towards and dehumanization of immigrants.
Immigration should not be a crime, and its criminalization is a relatively recent invention. This is a stain on our country." / Twitter

She's right. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. The Biden Admin is continuing a lot of Trump Admin policies on immigration, even if not without the blatant xenophobia of Stephen Miller and Trump himself.
Olivia Rockeman on Twitter: "Employers and economists expected a spike in job applications after enhanced unemployment benefits expired on Sept. 6. That hasn't happened: (link) (w/ @katiadmi)" / Twitter
Employers Are Baffled as U.S. Benefits End and Jobs Go Begging - Bloomberg

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You can’t force ..." / Twitter
You can’t force people to work a job that doesn’t pay enough to live.

This isn’t hard. What’s the point in working a $7.25 or even $15/hr job if the childcare needed costs almost as much as one’s paycheck?

Letting PUA expire was based on fantasy, not data. We must restore it.

Would you sign up for a job to get attacked by unvaccinated tourists for $15/hr? For no healthcare but max risk? Most wouldn’t. CEOs lobbying to end PUA should try it.

The pandemic has workers not only asking “is it worth the pay?” but also “is this worth my health & safety?”
I find especially curious the lack of a certain kind of response from the Right. I don't see right-wingers angrily snarling at what a big sense of entitlement employers have for whining about "labor shortages". I don't see any of them saying that employers have to work to recruit employees, that the government should not pamper and coddle them by rounding up employees for them.

Teamsters Local 804 on Twitter: "wtf is a parlimentarian" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You know ..." / Twitter
You know when someone doesn’t want to do something, but they don’t want people to know they don’t want to do it, so they blame someone else?

That’s the parl for certain Dems who don’t want a $15 wage, paths to citizenship for millions of Americans, etc. But we have options.🕵🏽

Some of the options are:

- Ignore/override the parliamentarian. Their determination is not a “ruling,” it is guidance.
- Fire the parliamentarian (GOP did this in ‘01)
- Edit the legislative language & review different paths (this is sometimes doable, sometimes not)
Meaning that there may be other politicians hiding behind Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and the Unbreakable Nine.
Bill Scher on Twitter: ""SINEMA [said to] JOE BIDEN ... If the House delays its scheduled Sept. 27 vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan — or if the vote fails — she won’t be backing a reconciliation bill" -- @playbookdc (link)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Changing the terms ..." / Twitter
Changing the terms of a deal after it’s done is what one does when trying to tank millions of people’s chances at healthcare, childcare, climate protection, & unions but hope press and public aren’t paying attn so they can evade responsibility and blame others. Don’t fall for it!

It was carefully negotiated over months that the only chance the bipartisan bill (BIF) has at passage is if it is voted alongside the Build Back Better Act.

That is bc while BIF has some ok things, it also has a lot of bad things, & Build Back will die if BIF gets passed alone.

None of this is new. Deal was struck months ago w/House, Sen, WH. It’s how BIF was possible in the 1st place.

If one member’s irrational demand tanks infrastructure, healthcare, & climate for the whole country then maybe that’s the real entitlement reform we should be looking at
What was on KS's mind? Curiously, AOC hasn't discussed KS's progressive past, and how early KS would say that present KS is taking bribes.
AOC doesn't always talk about grave and serious things. She once Instagrammed on the pens that she likes.

Ryan O. Ferguson on Twitter: "Don’t agree with @AOC on everything but this ideal pen lineup is unmatched (pic link)" / Twitter
Thank you for this question bc I am obsessed with stationery.

My everyday pen: Kaweco Sport w/ extra fine nib 🖋️ you all recommended fountain pens to me last year as a zero-waste swap and I am obsessed. Using a specially ink color feels special every time I write :)

2. US House of Reps bullet space pen. The writing quality is okay (the benefit of it is that it writes upside down, in extreme temps, wet, etc and it's small so I carried this around a lot prior to the Kaweco bc it's very convenient). But the special-ness of it is something I appreciate 😳

3. The OG, one and only, LOML Pilot Precise V5 in both blue and black. I have used these since high school, throughout college, and after. I am obsessed with them and it's what I default to always.

use extra fine pens because I'm left handed and heavier inks smear a lot more. I also take : lo1 of notes on the fly and the smaller nibs help me write more in the smaller notebooks I carry.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Stationery squad, assemble! In an organized and pleasing fashion! 🤗✒️✒️✒️" / Twitter
Garrett Haake on Twitter: "I asked @AOC about the lack of trust that Manchin and I discussed. She was quite clear on from where that trust issue stems. (pic link)" / Twitter
HAAKE 13;06;05;00
I talked to Joe Manchin earlier today, and I told him, l said, "Look, progressives do not trust you on this. They don't trust that you're there for them." And he said he's still negotiating in good faith to get there.

AOC 13;06;17;02
Yeah. Well here's the thing. We started off with the 10 trillion number. They wanted to bring that down to six. So we obliged, negotiating in good faith. Then several months ago, we had an agreement with Senator Manchin, with everybody else throughout the entire party, myself, everyone, saying, we, we will move forward on this 3.5 trillion. And that we will link the infrastructure, the bipartisan bill and the Build Back Better Act together. Now since then, some folks in our party have reneged on that agreement, and that's where I think that we have the, an issue here of trust. Let's stick to the original plan. I will support Manchin's priorities. He can support my priorities, and we can all win, and working families can get childcare, health care climate action and infrastructure investment.
So JM has negotiated it down and down and down without saying what he would be satisfied with.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Think job loss due to automation is inevitable? Nope. In reality, trading policies advantageous to corporations and devastating to workers are responsible for job losses. We debunked that and other myths during a @FairGrowthCmte hearing ⬇️ (vid link)" / Twitter

Maddow Blog on Twitter: ""The read that we have is that they'll just dump the second one [the BBB bill], leave the other one out to dry and just never actually vote on it." ..." / Twitter
"The read that we have is that they'll just dump the second one [the BBB bill], leave the other one out to dry and just never actually vote on it." - Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on why progressives are insisting that the infrastructure bills remain paired. @AOC

"I do not believe- we do not have the assurances necessary to believe in good faith that reconciliation will pass if infrastructure passes tomorrow."

Despite it all, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez remains optimistic about the paired bills, citing growing support for BBB agenda items, and weakening control by PACs and lobbyists on individual members of Congress. @AOC
The full interview:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The coverage of the infrastructure bill and the budget reconciliation bill can be a bit confusing and mystifying.

So, what’s the deal with these two bills meant to address our infrastructure needs? Why do we need to pass both?

Watch us break it down ⬇️
(vid link)" / Twitter

AOC laid it down: progressives wanted both bills together before they would vote on the bills.
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