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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I have met w/ trans constituents who were put in Rikers. These women told me about being misgendered upon arrest (even post-surgery), &forced in cells w/ men, putting them in extreme risk. It’s hard to get treatments, too. Layleen’s family deserves to know what happened to her.… https://t.co/MOWoRedHH0"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’ve worked w a LOT of kids in my past educational work. The ones who “act up” almost always have issues at home or otherwise. Esp when it comes to elementary students, suspension + detention can make things worse. What kids need is healing tools+policy that helps families ⬇️… https://t.co/mBoEA2XgLw" noting NowThis on Twitter: "This school sends students to yoga class instead of detention, and the results are incredible… "

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I think a lot about the policies I support through the lens of family: - Ending the war on drugs helps keep families together - A living wage + strong worker protections frees parents to invest more time w/ their kids - Healthcare for all ensures parents + babies are healthier"
Nice to see someone on the Left talking about families.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When the crowd that uses “free speech” arguments to defend bigotry anywhere + everywhere starts to demand censorship of key terms in Congressional hearings, you know something’s up.🕵🏼*♀️⬇️… https://t.co/rQAjnM5KLg" noting Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon on Twitter: "Today, @HouseJudiciary is holding a hearing on Presidential Obstruction & Other Crimes. These are the words Republicans have demanded us not to use... #CoverUp #WhatsHeHiding… https://t.co/gFyQUdTfPT" -- abuse of executive privilege, abuse of office, abuse of power, alleged criminal conduct, beneath the dignity of the office, crook, con man, corruption, demagogue, draft dodger, fundraising abuses, misogynist, obstruction of justice, racist, sexual predator, un-American, unethical behavior.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Imagine having your home destroyed, or losing your child to a devastating flood, or having a whole crop wiped out &crippling your community’s future. Then someone comes up to you and says, “Well, it’s not the end of the world.” That’s what the GOP’s stance is on climate change.… https://t.co/zkPmTdXmnU" noting Jonathan M. Katz✍🏻 on Twitter: "You know those people who say that climate change isn't a big deal because it won't be the end of the world? I wrote about them, and that, in my newsletter this week.… https://t.co/lj6lp96LiU"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We now have *bipartisan support* for our amendment allowing expanded research into psychedelics. This is important, as several studies have shown promise in treatment-resistant PTSD, severe depression, & more. The War on Drugs has caused so much harm. It’s time to reverse it.… https://t.co/HHhvcZsvg1" noting Tom Angell 🌳📰 on Twitter: "NEW: Reps. @mattgaetz and @RoKhanna have just been added as cosponsors of @AOC’s amendment to expand research on psilocybin, MDMA and other psychedelic drugs. The Rules Committee decides tonight whether this can go to the House floor... BACKGROUND: [url]https://t.co/eGV9dRsTtb… https://t.co/EHrGiRv2FB"[/url]
Good to see some effort to end the War on Drugs.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yikes. The CEO of a news media company is almost a *full year late* to one of the laziest takes of 2018. Begs the question: what else is he behind on and wrong about?… https://t.co/T1dlee3atb" noting Marlow Stern on Twitter: "Axios CEO Jim VandeHei called AOC the "Donald Trump of the Democratic Party" tonight on 'Axios on HBO.' What crazy nonsense."
AOC is much like him in having a strong social-media presence, but the similarities end there.
“This Beacon of Hope Is Being Corrupted by the System”: The Battle for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Progressive Soul | Vanity Fair
Some of her closest allies think one of America’s most powerful progressives is being co-opted by the powers that be in Congress. “She’s being manipulated by these lawmakers,” says one. Says another: “You made promises and you need to do something.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez arrived in Washington as a giant slayer, and instantly became a giant herself. She had taken out Congressman Joseph Crowley, the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House and heir apparent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on the promise that she would hold power to account and work to change who had a seat at the table. Youthful, charismatic, uncompromising, Ocasio-Cortez, with her vast Twitter army, couldn’t help but upend the institution she’d just joined. But now, nearly six months into the 116th Congress, AOC, as the freshman is widely known, is facing her own insurrection in the progressive ranks, some of them her truest believers.

“What has she brought to the floor of Congress? What has she brought for a vote? What has she really gone to war with Leader Pelosi to get on the floor? What has she really used her 4 million followers for other than some witty clapbacks? She’s talked a lot about the Green New Deal but hasn’t fought for it and achieved any substantive wins,” a source who works closely with AOC’s team told me. “I get it—once you’re in the halls of Congress, your job becomes immeasurably harder than when you were a candidate. You can’t just talk, you have to walk the walk and I know how much more difficult that is. But you made promises and you need to do something.”
Yes, there is a risk that she may falter in the months and years to come, but so far, she is doing well.
Democrats buzz about AOC primarying Chuck Schumer's Senate seat in 2022 - Axios Also about Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.
Corbin Trent, Ocasio-Cortez's communications director, said that when she thinks down the road, she thinks in terms of transitioning Democrats to a party that's unified around progressive policies.

As to eventually challenging one of the New York senators, Trent said: "Having worked on her campaign, I don't think we're going to be moving to a different role any time soon."
She may continue into the Senate, but even if she does, 2022 is some years off.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responds to Axios CEO comparing her to Trump - Business Insider
Axios CEO Jim VandeHei:
"Two big strands in American politics are extremism and activism, and nobody ties them together more effectively than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez," he argued. "She is the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party. People either love her or hate her, almost no one shrugs and feels ambivalent about her."
He claimed that neither AOC's side nor Trump's side represent most American voters.
"It's AOC on one side versus Trump and Bannon populism and nationalism on the other side, and America is getting squeezed in between," VandeHei said.
Fake news, Gillibrand and Schumer are too popular.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "No human being should be tortured by or in the United States. That means NO ONE should be kept in solitary confinement. Layleen Polanco was, and now she’s gone - all for $500 bail + low lvl offense. #CloseRikers #AbolishSolitary #EndCashBail #DecriminalizePoverty #EndWarOnDrugs… https://t.co/I8utQORiXk" noting Rosa Goldensohn on Twitter: "Woman Who Died at Rikers Island Was in Solitary https://t.co/erZDDjs3E0"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yep. Voting against cost of living increases for members of Congress may sound nice, but doing so only increases pressure on them to keep dark money loopholes open. This makes campaign finance reform *harder.* ALL workers deserve cost of living increases, incl min wage workers.… https://t.co/sS9PHW3mdA" noting Matt Stoller on Twitter: "This is just so stupid. You get what you pay for and if you cut the pay of public servants for a decade you get bribery and corruption. https://t.co/qWOfT3knQy" noting Dems to yank bill to raise congressional pay after backlash - POLITICO

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What this does is punish members who rely on a straight salary, and reward those who rely on money loopholes and other forms of self-dealing. For example, it incentivizes the horrible kinds of legislative looting we saw in the GOP tax scam bill."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s not a fun or politically popular position to take. But consistency is important. ALL workers should get cost of living increases. That’s why minimum wage should be pegged to inflation, too. Voting against cost of living increases is 1 reason why dark $ loopholes stay open."

I think that the real problem is the expense of campaigning. It takes a lot of money to get elected, and that money has to come from somewhere.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "In democratically socialist businesses (like worker co-ops) or methods (like collective bargaining) you actually CAN vote for a worker pay increase. Many do! We can’t pass these laws bc of big money. This is how you chip at it. Like I said, it’s not popular but I’m being 💯… https://t.co/RH5hSaSVai" noting iWill on Twitter: "Nah @AOC I disagree with you here. Pass term limits, immigration reform, min. Wage increase first, then you can adjust your salaries for cost of living. I’m sure we all would vote to give ourselves a raise too but we can’t.… https://t.co/2SRs8bWwFF"

Don Moynihan on Twitter: "The need for better Congressional compensation is uncontroversial among mainstream political scientists who care about institutional quality, but its unpopular for members of Congress to say it. @AOC uses her position to explain how the process works & how to make it better.… https://t.co/5n63HwlkvU"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yep, it’s not just about cost of living adjustments, we’re also fighting for a living wage for interns + for strong staffer salaries, too. DC is teeming w staffers whose parents subsidized their low-wage (or no wage) jobs. That’s partly why many policies are out of touch.… https://t.co/EFf7y2d9bV" noting Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "I am with @AOC on this. If you don't want only millionaires to be in Congress, you have to treat it like a real job--and you have to treat members like professionals.… https://t.co/LeXQzGJwmg"

Cost of Election | OpenSecrets -- Congressional races recently cost about $10 million per Congressmember for a total of some $5 billion. Presidential races cost only a little bit less. So the expense of campaigning is a big problem.

John Nichols on Twitter: "“I came here to put country first...” — @RashidaTlaib on why she has proposed an impeachment inquiry https://t.co/XHxRtKpxTu" Yes, "Impeach that motherfucker!"

AOC and Ricky Martin Show Up for Puerto Rican Day Parade
Yesterday, New York City was brimming with Puerto Rico love at the 62nd Puerto Rican Day Parade. Thousands filled the streets of midtown Manhattan to show their pride for their culture and heritage with some of their favorite Puerto Rican stars and politicians.

There were more reasons to celebrate this year. For starters, Puerto Rico is getting stronger each day since Hurrican Maria in 2017. And, secondly, President Donald Trump finally approved funds to be distributed toward Puerto Rican relief. The President allocated a $19 billion disaster relief bill that would go to Puerto Rico and other parts of the United States that have been affected by hurricanes and flooding.
AOC was there also.
We've been over this before. It's not about not being creepy, it's about not being subject to false allegations because someone misinterpreted something. Or simply wanted to cause trouble.
Is this such a problem, of being falsely accused of being creepy?

You're forever tainted even if the allegations are never proven.

Look at the beer guy--answers the woman's question as discreetly as he can, gets fired for sexual harassment. Won an mid-8-figure verdict until the courts decided he wasn't allowed to have it. I was only in her warped mind there was any wrongdoing but it was career-ending for him.
Solitary can be an effective punishment for inmates. It's not "torture". And I mean these people are already locked up. You need some way to up the level of punishment from there or there is no incentive to behave.
Who is this Layleen Polanco person, why was she locked up in the first place, why was she in solitary and why is she dead? The answers to all these questions matter before we can say if the decision to place her in solitary was appropriate or not.

I think that the real problem is the expense of campaigning. It takes a lot of money to get elected, and that money has to come from somewhere.
Not if you are in a safe district like AOC. She won the primary based on low turnout and luck rather than expensive (or clever) campaigning. And she didn't really have to campaign in the general because her district is so lopsided.
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We've been over this before. It's not about not being creepy, it's about not being subject to false allegations because someone misinterpreted something. Or simply wanted to cause trouble.
Is this such a problem, of being falsely accused of being creepy?

You're forever tainted even if the allegations are never proven.

Look at the beer guy--answers the woman's question as discreetly as he can, gets fired for sexual harassment. Won an mid-8-figure verdict until the courts decided he wasn't allowed to have it. I was only in her warped mind there was any wrongdoing but it was career-ending for him.

So the problem is endemic then?
I think that the real problem is the expense of campaigning. It takes a lot of money to get elected, and that money has to come from somewhere.
Not if you are in a safe district like AOC. She won the primary based on low turnout and luck rather than expensive (or clever) campaigning. And she didn't really have to campaign in the general because her district is so lopsided.
So there was a silent majority of Joe Crowley fans? :D
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What a damn shame. We must pass the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund. It’s not just about procedure. It’s about showing up for the heroes who were there for us. I don’t sit on this committee, but if any of the first responders there today would like to meet with me, let me know.… https://t.co/BOFbKS7Aad" noting ABC News Politics on Twitter: ""Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity: time." Jon Stewart receives a standing ovation from 9/11 first responders after slamming lawmakers for failing to fund programs providing healthcare to the first responders [url]https://t.co/vSFOq11Wr5… https://t.co/Sztf47gepG"[/url]

One responder called her "Occasionally Coherent"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shared Her Bad Experience at the Nail Salon on Instagram and AOC was asked if she needs her lip waxed at the nail salon and Twitter can relate
This past weekend, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Instagram Stories to talk about her recent experience at a nail salon. She told her Instagram audience, "I just went to the nail salon just so I can feel human. Nothing special, just trying to get some paint, cut my cuticles, whatever... My nails are getting painted, and the woman's like, 'Your eyebrows are too big for your face,' and I'm sitting there, and she's like, 'Mustache?' And I'm like [gasps]." AOC continued, saying, "First of all, I thought I came here to feel good about myself. Second of all, what if I like my mustache? Ever think about that?"
Some of her followers considered it a very relatable moment.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shared Her Bad Experience at the Nail Salon on Instagram and AOC was asked if she needs her lip waxed at the nail salon and Twitter can relate
This past weekend, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Instagram Stories to talk about her recent experience at a nail salon. She told her Instagram audience, "I just went to the nail salon just so I can feel human. Nothing special, just trying to get some paint, cut my cuticles, whatever... My nails are getting painted, and the woman's like, 'Your eyebrows are too big for your face,' and I'm sitting there, and she's like, 'Mustache?' And I'm like [gasps]." AOC continued, saying, "First of all, I thought I came here to feel good about myself. Second of all, what if I like my mustache? Ever think about that?"
Some of her followers considered it a very relatable moment.

Why is she going to a beauty salon if she doesn't take well-meaning suggestions.

Also, I guess she is now too elitist to cut and paint her own damn nails like the hoi poloi she supposedly represents.
In her defense, at least she did not shave them and then paint it on. I hate that look!
So there was a silent majority of Joe Crowley fans? :D
Maybe not fans, but voters, if turnout had been bigger. Maybe our primary elections need a quorum clause.

And not everybody votes based on the candidate's looks like you ...
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