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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC doing her former job at a minimum-wage activist event:
Gloria Pazmino on Twitter: "“Hard labor has dignity and the way you give dignity is by giving people their value, at minimum,” @AOC says now addressing the crowd here… https://t.co/61d77Mk1mS"
Emma Vigeland on Twitter: "Images of @AOC waiting tables and making drinks in Queens in support of higher wages for tipped workers. The federal subminimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13. Only seven states require tipped workers be paid the actual minimum wage. New York is not one of them.… https://t.co/teaHhC3kB7"
TicToc by Bloomberg on Twitter: ""All labor has dignity," @AOC says. "We have to raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour"… "
ROC United on Twitter: "@AOC: "Any job that pays $2.13 an hour is not a job. It's indentured servitude."… "
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I was nervous that I may have lost my touch - still got it! That muscle memory doesn’t quit 😉 Now let’s pass #RaiseTheWage and get $15 an hour minimum for every worker in America.… https://t.co/FCZJKCvnON"
Chris Sommerfeldt on Twitter: ".@AOC back behind the bar pouring red wine and talking federal minimum wage boost for tipped workers during event in Jackson Heights.… https://t.co/vN9YfZbeWx"
The Hill on Twitter: ".@AOC: "Any job that pays $2.13 an hour is not a job. It's indentured servitude. All labor has dignity and the way that we give labor dignity is by paying people the respect and the value that they are worth... We have to raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour."… https://t.co/77cWvNIXsm"
She says housing is a right? This is just like how the Dems want to open the borders and let everyone in, but they screamed and cried when Trump said he was gonna give the illegals to the sanctuary cities.

How many leftists opened their doors to illegal immigrants? Did AOC allow any homeless to live with her yet?

All this stuff "sounds nice" but the people saying this stuff don't actually believe it. Otherwise, there would be countless stories about leftist families opening their doors to illegals and the homeless. I live in a fairly leftist city. There are bums sleeping on the park benches.

You know how many leftists I saw taking them by the hands asking if they want to come live with them? ZERO, zilch, nada.

Like Dinesh D'Souza said, "When the leftists start opening their doors and inviting the Native Americans and illegals into their homes, then maybe we'll take them seriously."

Did you miss this first comment right under AOC's twwet?:

"ICE officers don’t intend to kill the babies of pregnant women. A stillbirth is a tragedy no one celebrates. Abortionists intentionally kill the babies of pregnant women. They kill 2700 babies daily. And you and your political friends proudly celebrate it."
Actions speak louder than words, or as in this case. Pictures!

Selecting all the "...like..." bits can make *anyone* look dumb. Not as good as this song assembled from words that Rush Limbaugh has said over the years: Rush Sings "I'm a Nazi!" - YouTube Starting with him saying "I'm" <something or other>, "a" <something or other>, and likely where he denounces liberals as Nazis. Thus being very grotesquely out of context.

AOC tweeted about being unable to attend a Gay Pride event in Queens, and she also notes that she has non-plastic, "eco-friendly" campaign buttons. They are rather soft, however. I'm guessing that they are made of cardboard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The GOP is working overtime to dismantle labor unions, which are exceedingly popular with the American public. Unions secure higher wages and better work conditions. We should support them, even if we’re not in one. (Or look into unionization in your industry!) #Solidarity 💪… https://t.co/jRrvbYDD0z" noting Rachel Cohen on Twitter: "GOP activists hired consultants to survey voters and "identify the best words and phrases" to shape their talking points around weakening unions. we published their full 86-slide powerpoint presentation [url]https://t.co/q0ov6aA6cJ… https://t.co/ppW2sicAj8"[/url] noting Trump Administration Adopted Strategy to Weaken Home Health Care Unions
A “key messaging takeaway,” the consultants advised, was to be sure to not attack unions directly, as “they are seen positively by Americans” and most respondents “describe unions as fighting for higher wages and better benefits.” Only a minority of respondents, the consultants found, associate unions with “negative descriptors like corrupt, harmful, and dangerous.”
She says housing is a right? This is just like how the Dems want to open the borders and let everyone in, but they screamed and cried when Trump said he was gonna give the illegals to the sanctuary cities.

Who screamed?
She finally did show up, after using some "vaporu" (Vicks Vaporub). Also some stumping for Tiffany Caban, a local district-attorney candidate.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Since there’s so many people running for President (& not enough for Senate), instead of obsessing over who‘s a “frontrunner,” maybe we can start w some general eliminations. This awful, untrue line got boo’ed for a full minute. John Delaney, thank you but please sashay away 👋🏽… https://t.co/CZ6skCyqr8" noting The Hill on Twitter: "Presidential candidate John Delaney booed at CA Dem convention for saying: "Medicare for all may sound good but it's actually not good policy nor is it good politics."… https://t.co/lW7lQuZrjZ"
John Delaney has a plan for universal health care — but don’t call it “Medicare-for-all” - Vox
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "✅ Medicare for All IS sound policy - one may disagree w/ it, but plenty of other countries have single payer + better outcomes than the US ✅ M4A IS good politics - it polls VERY well in swing states ✅ “Third-Way” (aka lobbyist-backed Dems) WILL lose the presidency to Trump"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Reminder that @RepJayapal already took everyone to school on #MedicareForAll. Watching how Pres candidates speak about healthcare really tells you who’s studied these proposals + who hasn’t 📝 How much is Medicare for All? LESS than our current system.… https://t.co/1C6ssyY8nM" noting Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "#MedicareforAll spending is in the news a lot lately, but what do we currently spend on our health care system? I’m breaking it down. 🔍… https://t.co/5VrVyzaU13"
Proposing much less cost of administration. That seems likely, but opponents of M4A still make an issue out of having to pay for it with taxes. As if insurance-company insurance costs $0.00. It costs premiums, and if it's one's employer that's paying them, then one is being indirectly paid by how much one's employer pays in premiums.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The holy grail of many social platforms is “engagement.” Bigotry + disinformation campaigns are often the most “engaging” (& rewarded) due to their inflammatory nature. Some, like Pinterest+Reddit, at least TRY to address this. Others decide profit is worth the social erosion.… https://t.co/IYzo3Gt2jz" noting Carlos Maza on Twitter: "YouTube lets toxic and hateful videos flourish on their platform because they’re good for engagement. They aren’t LGBT allies. They’re exploiting us. Because hate makes money. [url]https://t.co/UElP9ijlUv… https://t.co/h8r21Yo1wB"[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Even from a “market competition” perspective, it’s a bad long-term strategy. The reason young people are leaving Facebook in droves is bc its unchecked toxicity makes it an awful place to be. Think abt this as Big Tech lobbies for monopoly power to prevent mkt competition."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Have you seen online platforms make strong, healthy decisions to prevent bigotry and disinformation? Take a minute to celebrate that here w/ a comment or example, or write what steps you wish your favorite platform would do more of below ⬇️"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Search: “Montell Jordan” on music platform Play: 🎶THIS IS HOW WE DO IT 🎶 ⬇️… " Yashar Ali 🐘 on Twitter: "3. Here's a clip from @jonathanvswan's interview with Jared Kushner. Jonathan mentions that @AOC calls the President a racist and then asks Kushner about Birtherism and the Muslim ban. The entire interview is really good and I hope @HBOPR posts the entire interview on YouTube… https://t.co/ZrkBIiZuGH"
Prince Jared denies it. But if he isn't, then was he trying to get the bigot vote?
Actions speak louder than words, or as in this case. Pictures!

Incredible that anyone would find that video compelling.
Actions speak louder than words, or as in this case. Pictures!

Incredible that anyone would find that video compelling.

It's a must watch for anyone who want's a hearty laugh at the expense of this idiotic moron and her adoring fans who treat her as some latter day goddess!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As a result this hearing (chaired by @RoKhanna!), we were able to secure $16 million in refunds from TransDigm for egregious price gouging in military contracts. For all their talk of “free markets,” CEOs actually work *against* them. They want CAPTIVE markets + monopoly power.… https://t.co/t1N2sHIuQ8" noting she herself confronting that military contractor about its price gouging.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "I don't know who needs to hear this, but the president is not above the law."

Jonathan Swan on Twitter: "In chasing a $10 billion contract with the U.S. government, Amazon allegedly negotiated a signing bonus and stock options for a DOD official [url]https://t.co/xnp7iL2c6p by @AlexEmmons"[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This gymnastics stunt of a take makes sense, considering he doesn’t want to be President - he wants to be King. And our refusal to impeach is making his dream come true.… https://t.co/yLGHN4X5Wp" noting a now-deleted tweet (New York Times Deletes Tweet Suggesting Trump Family as American Royalty): "THe Kennedys have long occupied the American political culture as the unofficial royal family. But on President Trump's visit to Britain, a different opportunity seemed to present itself: his family as the American answer to British royalty"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Company money is a tactic powerful corporations use to take over towns & control local workers by paying them in fake “currency.” It’s happened all over, from West Virginia coal mines to Puerto Rican sugar plantations. So what about when people get paid in... Amazon gift cards?… https://t.co/B23KhnG7i8" noting MEANS TV on Twitter: "Company money w/ @thetrillbillies… " and MEANS TV on Twitter: "Company money w/ @TomSexton and @tarenceray of @thetrillbillies 2/2… "

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today, after YEARS of GOP refusal, the House finally voted on the DREAM Act under a Dem majority. The moment when it passed was like a rock concert 🎸 The people’s cheers brought many, many members to tears. What a moment. This is why we fight. https://t.co/b04OBCaVDz"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Rep. @JoeNeguse is incredible. If you live in Colorado and have him as your rep, you are in one of the luckiest constituencies in the country! For real. He’s great, daring, smart, and kind. Just watch him here. (Plus he laughs at my bad jokes, which means he is generous too!)… https://t.co/Fwrf4OISF0" noting Joe Neguse on Twitter: "As the son of immigrants, I was beyond honored to deliver the rebuttal on the House floor as we debated HR6, and even prouder to cast my vote as we passed the #DreamAndPromiseAct tonight!… https://t.co/J0lIC0STer"
He is the son of refugees from Eritrea, in east Africa.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Will “Straight Pride” be a Freaky Friday type situation where all of our history books, movies, stories, media, news, etc feature mostly LGBTQ+ people & perspectives? Will people have to come out as straight? What would folks march in? Socks w/ sandals on? Dad jeans?… https://t.co/0mUJaDtD2n" noting The Washington Post on Twitter: "It’s LGBT pride month, but three guys in Boston want a permit for a "Straight Pride" parade https://t.co/ZREEWNn44m"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "People are like “HEY there is NOTHING wrong with dad jeans.” 😂 Exactly, Jim. Wear them with pride. I see you and affirm you. Take to the streets on this special day.👖🚩"
AOC spends the least of any New York representative

AOC Is Right: There’s No Point in Debating John Delaney
People don’t lose their care so much as they exchange one plan for another, more secure alternative. Delaney, then, didn’t just speak like a moderate who disagrees with nationalized medicine for ideological reasons but like a moderate who’s paid little attention to the moral and political arguments that the policy’s advocates have advanced in its favor. The booing was no surprise.

... Delaney wasn’t amused, either by Ocasio-Cortez or by his Democratic hecklers. On his own Twitter account, the congressman asked his colleague for a debate — a request she declined.
That's @JohnDelaney

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Paul Manafort is being sent to solitary confinement in my district - Rikers Island. A prison sentence is not a license for gov torture and human rights violations. That‘s what solitary confinement is. Manafort should be released, along with all people being held in solitary.… https://t.co/8dODHnfOUC" noting The New York Times on Twitter: "Breaking News: Paul Manafort, who is serving a federal sentence, will be sent to the Rikers jail in New York, where he is likely to face solitary confinement https://t.co/QuesAhLy3e"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yes - released from solitary. NYT used the term solitary confinement, & that’s what I am commenting on. “Protective custody” IS a separate practice, but does not necessarily exclude solitary. If he is in fact not being held in solitary, great. Release everyone else from it too."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sorry, but if people aren’t willing to apply principles evenly, no matter the person, then they aren’t fighting for criminal justice reform. People acting as though this is summer camp. It’s Rikers, widely known for abuse. #AbolishSolitary (& no, ofc he shouldn’t be pardoned)… https://t.co/vHvp7gSJMN"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "55 signatories just came out in favor of @BernieSanders’ & my joint call to cap ALL interest at 15%. Supporters include the fmr Chief Economist of the World Bank, private equity CEOs, leading economists, fmr members of Congress, and more.… https://t.co/3izMCiFMxJ" noting Robert Hockett on Twitter: "Tweet 1/2: “.@AOC 's and @BernieSanders 's Loan Shark Prevention Act could not be more timely. With gaping inequality come extractive and exploitative lending practices. And with those practices come (1) profound injustice (2) even worse inequality, & (3) financial instability.”… https://t.co/mqQdaHQLAK"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Usury laws (aka interest rate caps) used to be quite popular in red states. Did you know Alabama used to have usury laws prohibiting interest higher than 8%? Wonder if there are any Republicans willing to revive that spirit and sign onto our #LoanSharkPreventionAct? 🤔… https://t.co/C6Z07BrL5t" noting Robert Hockett on Twitter: "Tweet 2/2: “END USURY AND BEGIN PUBLIC BANKING - JOIN @AOC, @BernieSanders, and the victims and experts who've signed this letter.”… https://t.co/fQ8f2WfW4n"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Not all Democrats are the same. https://t.co/C6Uj8KrcqW" noting Rahm Emanuel, Ex-Chicago Mayor, Is Going to Wall Street - WSJ
rafael shimunov on Twitter: "Rahm Emanuel, the man behind permanently shutting down almost as many Black public schools as hurricane Katrina, all at the bidding of Wall Street is finally going home.… https://t.co/HxlRzGJYOM"
Rebel HQ on Twitter: "EXCLUSIVE - @AOC reveals that she is actually working with @TedCruz on anti-corruption legislation. “Our legislative teams are meeting... I think it really shows what the true spirit of not being partisan is.” -@EmmaVigeland reports. Watch HERE: [url]https://t.co/fu1zxxSv39… https://t.co/r2Lhx1zi0J"[/url] Nice interview. AOC is very correct that there are ways of getting around anti-lobbying laws, like becoming an employee of a company that specializes in lobbying. She is also correct that it may be difficult to plug such loopholes, and part of it is how far her team and Ted Cruz's team might be willing to go in that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The #RenewableRikers town hall tonight was PACKED! Thank you to everyone in the community who came out to listen to one another & envision the just world we want to create together 🌱… https://t.co/pDwENOc9On" noting Greg Mocker on Twitter: "What’s possible for land #RikersIsland after jail complex: #EnvironmentalJustice & green options say Congresswoman @AOC, #NYC Councilmembers @Costa4NY @Dromm25 @HelenRosenthal Assemblymember @CatalinaCruzNY & reform advocates. Report tonight @PIX11News… https://t.co/iBWDLTzoqw"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m thrilled so many community members came to our #RenewableRikers town hall, but sadly some folks couldn’t make it in. So we held an impromptu session on the street. NY14 is fired up + ready to #CloseRikers, and take it back for the public good ⬇️ https://t.co/2cKQ3qnzHL"
Like putting solar panels on Rikers Island. As to closing the jail there, there is the problem that its inmates would be moved elsewhere. That's the problem with shutting down ICE -- some other agency will have to do what it does. It is like wanting to shut down the IRS -- some other agency will have to do what it does.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Schooling Trump on How To Do Twitter | Opinion

Their purposes:
  • AOC:
    • Advocating - with arguments and evidence
    • Reframing - correcting the record and calling out her critics - directly and respectfully
    • Performing - herself as thoughtful, engaged, empathetic, and fun-loving - demonstrating admirable qualities
  • DT:
    • Dissembling - disinformation and conspiracy theories - by assertion without evidence
    • Distracting - from news that he dislikes - by creating drama where none existed
    • Discrediting - demeaning and degrading anyone who disagrees with him - from his lack of admirable qualities
Their styles:
  • AOC - amicable, assertive, analytical - makes a case - reasoned, structured (like bulleted lists), situated (with pix and emojis)
  • DT - angry, authoritarian, hyperbolic - rants and raves, including all-caps - simple, impulsive, uncivil
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