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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I waited to see if this was reported in someplace other than right-wing news media before posting on this.
Ocasio-Cortez sued over Twitter blocks | TheHill
One former Democratic state lawmaker and one Republican congressional hopeful announced this week that they are suing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) over being blocked from her personal Twitter account.

Former state assemblyman Dov Hikind (D) and congressional candidate Joseph Saladino, who is running in a Republican primary for the chance to battle Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.), announced lawsuits this week against the freshman Democratic congresswoman, seeking injunctive relief in the form of a court order demanding they be unblocked.
AOC sued for blocking Twitter users after Trump court ruling - Axios - referring to a court ruling that stated that President Trump is not allowed to block anyone from his Twitter account.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "DHS & ICE are flagrantly violating Congressional orders, just as we said they would.
Yet it was @IlhanMN, @AyannaPressley, @RashidaTlaib & I that were wrong to oppose throwing more money to abusive agencies, right? ⬇️ https://t.co/JExRxD1XDS" / Twitter
Mother Jones on Twitter: "ICE just quietly opened three new detention centers, after Congress told it not to https://t.co/j4XB1ET3ry" / Twitter noting ICE Just Quietly Opened Three New Detention Centers, Flouting Congress’ Limits – Mother Jones - "The facilities are all run by private prison companies, and one experienced a violent riot."

She has expressed distrust of the Trump Admin, and from the looks of it, it is for very good reason.
Nancy Pelosi has had enough of her four Simpleminded Socialist House Members like AOC running around Social Media acting like unruly kindergarteners.
Yesterday the stuttering alcoholic Speaker of The House grabbed her gavel and hit AOC and her dimwitted BFF’s right over the head with it.
Every so often Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sobers up long enough to show us just how savage she could be.

Despite Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blatantly disrespecting Nancy Pelosi on her first day in Washington after AOC attended a sit-in climate change protest taking place in Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional Office, Pelosi tried to play nice with the Simpleminded Socialist.

Pelosi even tried to be chummy with the two of the four horsewomen of the idiocy apocalypse when Nancy Pelosi posed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for Rolling Stones #WomenShapingtheFuture cover

It should be noted that Ocasio-Cortez voted for Pelosi to be Speaker of the House.

Furthermore... right-wingers should just stop trying to make with humor.
These two politicians suing AOC for blocking her, it has become big news. I think that this blocking may have been left over from when she was campaigning.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The War on Drugs has grown far beyond our criminal justice system - it’s also evolved into a poverty trap for impacted families. Today I’m proud to work w/ @SenKamalaHarris to undo “1-Strike” rules that take housing opportunities away from communities caught in the War on Drugs. https://t.co/1gncQ1Yiwk" / Twitter noting
Kamala Harris on Twitter: "Too many people come out of the criminal justice system only to face additional barriers to transitioning back into their community. That's why I'm proud to introduce a bill today with @AOC to ensure people with criminal records have access to safe and affordable housing." / Twitter
So AOC has collaborated with another Democratic presidential candidate. That makes three: BS, EW, and KH.

Neil Irwin on Twitter: ".@AOC asking Powell whether estimates of long-term unemployment rate were too high. "Absolutely," he says. Now asking about Phillips Curve. Really strong questions from both sides of the aisle in this hearing." / Twitter
Mike Konczal on Twitter: "After asking Powell why the Fed has so consistently gotten the natural rate of unemployment wrong in the same direction, @AOC follows-up by discussing the breakdown of the Phillips Curve, and the idea that unemployment could be much lower without inflationary worries. https://t.co/g5Wm5WLJDh" / Twitter
The Phillips Curve is a big of economic folklore that states that inflation and unemployment are inversely correlated. Inflation can be caused by demand outrunning supply, and increasing unemployment lowers demand, thus reducing inflation.
I dunno. Ya have a crush on her. Yeah. We get that. But we could go to her Twitter feed for all this. No need to post it all here.

No one is forcing you to read this thread. I tend to ignore the threads that do not interest me. Alsom I am not on Twitter, so I appreciate lpetrich's efforts.
Nancy Pelosi tells progressives 'do not tweet' amid AOC feud - Business Insider
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday scolded Democrats for tweeting complaints rather than talking to her face-to-face, which came amid an ongoing spat with freshman lawmaker Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  • "You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it," Pelosi reportedly said. "But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just ok."
  • Pelosi has butted heads with Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the rising progressive star.
Tom Elliott on Twitter: ".@AOC on @SpeakerPelosi: "I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees. So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy." (Via @WNYC) https://t.co/EWHSnLb2JN" / Twitter
That provoked a lot of outrage about how she was supposedly whining about how much work she has to do. But
Gee.whizz on Twitter: "@rightinthebeach @tomselliott @AOC @SpeakerPelosi @WNYC I think her comment was tongue in cheek (she laughed after). The implication I got is that they wanted to keep AOC busy because she regularly challenges the status quo." / Twitter

CSPAN on Twitter: ".@RepAOC @AOC on health care: "I was uninsured 7 months ago…It's not just a financial issue. It is the stress...everything becomes a spiral anxiety because you don't know how you're going to afford it...I rationed my own health care for 10 years...We are rationing our own care." https://t.co/sm9dXv9lkm" / Twitter
Not only lack of insurance but also high-deductible insurance -- one must pay some sizable amount out of pocket before the insurance kicks in. AOC once had some knee problems but she couldn't afford to see a doctor, and when her father died, she couldn't afford a psychiatrist.

Toward the end, we got
Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: ".@AOC breaks down the *one reason* that Republicans are letting people die in their states. Beyond shameful. https://t.co/gFPjAEHxSf" / Twitter
Several states did not expand Medicaid coverage because it was an Obamacare thing. Pettiness that would make pResident tRump proud.

It's like how right-wingers hated Bill Clinton for doing things that they would normally approve of. Like firing those travel agents, and his wars.

H. Eric Loewe on Twitter: "@cspan @RepAOC @AOC MT @CharlesPDavis @AOC was working as a waitress and bartender when she decided to run for Congress. Like many millennials, @AOC had student loans to pay and no health insurance. “When you can’t have healthcare, that is not dignified,”... 🎥: @60Minutes https://t.co/FhLaD8SQWR" / Twitter
Pelosi says don't tweet complaints, but it's okay for her to complain to Maureen Dowd.
I'd say Tweeting complaints about work is a bad idea... in general. I hate how Trump is taking professional courtesy (well, what was left I suppose) out of politics. This is one of my biggest issues with Ocasio-Cortez. Using Twitter a lot is a poor way to communicate.
I dunno. Ya have a crush on her. Yeah. We get that. But we could go to her Twitter feed for all this. No need to post it all here.

No one is forcing you to read this thread. I tend to ignore the threads that do not interest me. Alsom I am not on Twitter, so I appreciate lpetrich's efforts.
I will say, the posts are getting difficult to read though.

Neil Irwin Tweet said:
@AOC asking Powell whether estimates of long-term unemployment rate were too high. "Absolutely," he says. Now asking about Phillips Curve. Really strong questions from both sides of the aisle in this hearing.
Reads a heck of a lot better than:

Neil Irwin on Twitter: ".@AOC asking Powell whether estimates of long-term unemployment rate were too high. "Absolutely," he says. Now asking about Phillips Curve. Really strong questions from both sides of the aisle in this hearing." / Twitter
I'm also seeing a lot of articles about Nancy Pelosi vs. AOC and her friends.

In that New Yorker interview, when AOC was asked about what mistakes she has made, she mentioned saying something about the Israel-Palestinian conflict. She says that she ought to have researched it more, and she has some staff members who can help her.

Linette Lopez on Twitter: ".@AOC just asked a mom who lost her baby if ICE detention was cruel. She said: ICE officials asked her why she was in the US saying "You know that this is country of Americans, that the president is Donald Trump, that we can take your daughter, and we can put you in jail."" / Twitter
CSPAN on Twitter: ".@RepAOC @AOC: "What is being pointed to here is a culture of cruelty. To have a CBP officer tell a migrant woman...'this country is for Americans' and to threaten separating her from her daughter, to threaten a human rights violation is extraordinarily concerning." https://t.co/nn57hNFIHf" / Twitter
Has some video of AOC quizzing one of the detainees. It was in Spanish, but there was an interpreter on hand.

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action on Twitter: "Yazmin Juárez is an asylum seeker whose 19 mo. old daughter Mariee died after falling ill in ICE custody.
She just testified at the @OversightDems hearing to tell the world her story & what is happening to so many migrant children at these detention facilities. #JusticeForMariee https://t.co/jBddhnbePH" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Ocasio-Cortez’s implication is that, by raising interest rates out of a fear of illusory inflation, the Fed may have needlessly hurt American workers.
Powell’s concession on that point is significant.” https://t.co/yeyO2LPtHv" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Ocasio-Cortez’s implication is that, by raising interest rates out of a fear of illusory inflation, the Fed may have needlessly hurt American workers. Powell’s concession on that point is significant.” https://t.co/yeyO2LPtHv" / Twitter noting
AOC Is Making Monetary Policy Cool (and Political) Again
There’s a strong case that the most important economic policy decisions of the past decade have been at the Federal Reserve. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, America’s central bank decided which troubled financial institutions would live and which would die, created a public option for short-term corporate financing, manipulated asset prices by creating artificial demand for various securities, provided an unlimited supply of dollars to some cash-strapped European nations (but not to others), and began deliberately suppressing economic growth in 2015, on the grounds that the U.S. could not sustain an official unemployment rate of below 5 percent without triggering runaway inflation.
That is, keeping a lot of people out of work to preserve the value of money. Rich people have a much greater stake in keeping inflation down than keeping unemployment down, and many employers may like keeping unemployment up to keep would-be employees desperate.
Conservative Republicans may have been willing to threaten Fed governors with violence if they didn’t start fighting non-existent inflation — but liberal Democrats barely made a peep as Janet Yellen’s rate hikes needlessly jeopardized the job prospects of low-income workers (and Hillary Clinton).

... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez noted that over the past five years, the central bank had repeatedly suggested that unemployment could not fall much lower without triggering high inflation — only to see unemployment fall much lower without triggering high inflation.
Mike Konczal on Twitter: "It's worth watching from earlier: @AOC listing off the Fed's estimates of the long-run unemployment rate over the past five years, noting that unemployment is below all of them without any rise in inflation, and Powell agreeing that they got it wrong. More of this from the Dems. https://t.co/jI97fDJoDm" / Twitter

Alan Cole on Twitter: "wtf I love AOC now! https://t.co/siV0owpmZn" / Twitter noting
JW Mason on Twitter: "AOC: Unemployment has fallen three full points since 2014 but inflation is no higher today than it was five years ago. Given these facts, do you agree that the Fed’s estimates of the lowest sustainable unemployment rate have been too high? Powell: Absolutely." / Twitter

Adam Ozimek on Twitter: "TFW America’s leading socialist says exactly what I’m thinking https://t.co/SRHz8ybzGr" / Twitter noting
Mike Konczal on Twitter: "It's worth watching from earlier: @AOC listing off the Fed's estimates of the long-run unemployment rate over the past five years, noting that unemployment is below all of them without any rise in inflation, and Powell agreeing that they got it wrong. More of this from the Dems. https://t.co/jI97fDJoDm" / Twitter
Rashida Tlaib asked an equally probing question. The Michigan congresswoman noted that during the financial crisis, the Fed had intervened in the commercial paper market to assist corporations. She then asked if the central bank would consider doing a similar favor for state and municipal governments in a future recession.
Mother Jones on Twitter: "Yazmin Juárez, whose 19-month-old daughter died weeks after being released from ICE detainment in 2018, testified before Congress today, describing the mistreatment she faced while seeking asylum.
Her testimony, at times, brought @AOC to tears. [url]https://t.co/SUKOtyZh2w
https://t.co/WE9kOVWWYn" / Twitter[/url]
The Spanish parts with English subtitles.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s really not that radical.
When DHS was 1st formed by Bush 17 years ago, many members of Congress were concerned - incl GOP - that we were setting up a ticking time bomb for civil liberties erosion & abuse of power.
Discussing reorganization shouldn’t be out of the question. https://t.co/dLckI4UYIL" / Twitter
CBS News on Twitter: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggests getting rid of entire Department Homeland Security [url]https://t.co/yusylbubaH https://t.co/zaHbmdQ9Tx" / Twitter[/url] noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggests dissolving Department Homeland Security - CBS News
That's an interesting proposal. I think that the DHS could be folded into the Department of Justice, where it would be alongside the FBI and similar agencies.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "132 members - incl GOP & Independents - voted against creating the Dept of Homeland Security.
Don’t let people rewrite history as if DHS/ICE always existed, or is a no-brainer. It’s a young agency, ill-conceived after 9/11 & sacrificed our civil liberties - like the Patriot Act." / Twitter

Justin Amash on Twitter: "Conservatives used to want to abolish DHS—as well as many other departments and agencies that bloat government. If only today’s members of Congress cared as much about defending the Constitution as they do about defending ICE, an agency that’s existed only since 2003." / Twitter
Justin Amash recently left the Republican Party.
I wonder when AOC will announce she's " gonna" join the Dems clown car of nominees to go up against Trump in 2020!
According to the US Constitution, she has to be 35 to be eligible, and that will happen in 2024. However, she may want more experience before trying to run for president -- if she ever does. She will be eligible for the Senate in 2020, though she may want more experience before going on to there.
AOC is now warning of ICE raids this upcoming Sunday, and she links to We Have Rights - "An empowerment campaign to prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)."

In English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Russian, Arabic, Urdu, and Chinese

There's the whole question of how effective these monetary actions. But even so, it's valuable to have AOC point out that when the Fed deems inflation expectations too high, their response is to create unemployment.
I still like Cortes despite her occasional gaffes. She's a breath of fresh air. She's a true outsider that went to Washington and has't been corrupted (yet). She's the polar opposite of Pelosi. We need more independent minds in government that aren't programmed robots.
I'd say Tweeting complaints about work is a bad idea... in general. I hate how Trump is taking professional courtesy (well, what was left I suppose) out of politics. This is one of my biggest issues with Ocasio-Cortez. Using Twitter a lot is a poor way to communicate.

I will say, the posts are getting difficult to read though.

Neil Irwin Tweet said:
@AOC asking Powell whether estimates of long-term unemployment rate were too high. "Absolutely," he says. Now asking about Phillips Curve. Really strong questions from both sides of the aisle in this hearing.
Reads a heck of a lot better than:

Neil Irwin on Twitter: ".@AOC asking Powell whether estimates of long-term unemployment rate were too high. "Absolutely," he says. Now asking about Phillips Curve. Really strong questions from both sides of the aisle in this hearing." / Twitter

This is definitely a fair criticism, the formatting is often confusing.
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