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"Always" to ax female symbol from sanitary products packages in nod to trans users....GOD HELP US!

It's hilarious that Half-Life creates these parody posts and the usual suspects actually sign on to them, affirming completely hysterical, irrational arguments over insignificant things.

No, it's not a parody.

What I do find strange is that transgender people can complain and whine about a packaging symbol so much that it ends up being taken off the package and I am the one that gets made fun of for complaining about the complainers. Notice the original complainers don't get put down, but the people who complain about them get put down.

So it's OK for trans people to make a hissy fit over nothing, but I can't point out how stupid that hissy fit actually is?

Can you picture a trans man (biological woman) going into a store and seeing these tampons with the female symbol, drops to her knees and raises the package toward the Heavens screaming, "NOOOOOO!" like some dramatic part of a movie? That would be stupid, right? Yet, this is what they would have to be doing in order to think they can't buy it just because the label isn't gender neutral.

My thought here is that you don't really understand what happened. I doubt many people actually complained. You assume it's some massive outcry when it is likely none of the sort.

All it takes is one or two people noticing it and mentioning it to marketing. Because it isn't "how dare you put female symbology" so much as "you know, you could make some significant inroads and capture a market segment if you remove it and quit genderizing your product."

Trans people didn't make a hissy fit. They didn't kick, or scream. Maybe they felt bad when they had to use a product and it happened to misgender them with it's labeling. Maybe they even said something about it, likely in a fairly benign way.
.but here YOU are practically blowing a gasket over the fact that someone showed some actual empathy towards trans people

How is switching to the gender neutral label going to capture a market segment when trans men have to buy them anyway since they are women? These people were buying the tampons anyway!!!!!! I have a degree in marketing. I know how this stuff works! The marketing department should've laughed them out of the room. No one is going to spend millions of dollars on a marketing campaign to market to people who already use the product and will continue to buy it.
Of course I can imagine that. I can imagine a lot worse. Each ideological group is a distribution with extremists on the tail ends where extremist means behavior much further outside the norm of the group. Anecdotes don't therefore mean much. You'd expect real extremists to be far worse anyway, like killing straight or non trans people or something. Likewise, for conservatives killing trans people...except discriminating or even abusing trans people is linked to ideoligical fundamentals. So in countries where conservative religions have stamped out secular governments and become theocracies, abusing trans persons is the norm. That some loud minority of trans persons complains about a product and gets a corporation to do something cheap that potentially increases sales is very common for ideological groups. It's also insignificant.

Regarding posting parodies, I still think you are Underseer and are owning the usual suspects in the forum by getting them to agree with you.
I have a degree in marketing. I know how this stuff works! The marketing department should've laughed them out of the room. No one is going to spend millions of dollars on a marketing campaign to market to people who already use the product and will continue to buy it.

It's pretty debatable that you learned anything studying for your degree then. Always is doing something called brand reinforcement. Seeing as you didn't cover it during your course, a quick definition of what that is can be found here.

You could have saved yourself a bucket load in tuition fees if you studied at a real Uni instead of Prager, mate.
How is switching to the gender neutral label going to capture a market segment
Sweetie, are you under the impression that Always' brand is the ONLY product out there?

Did your marketing degree ever cover competition in the marketplace?
How is switching to the gender neutral label going to capture a market segment
Sweetie, are you under the impression that Always' brand is the ONLY product out there?

It isn't the only brand. But that didn't matter to the people who complained, did it? They could have chosen any of the brands on the market that didn't have a Venus symbol. But they didn't do that. They only wanted to publically shame Always.
What I do find strange is that transgender people can complain and whine about a packaging symbol so much that it ends up being taken off the package and I am the one that gets made fun of for complaining about the complainers.

Imagine if a popular coffee shop chain, Queequeg's, put 'Happy Kwanza!' on their coffee cups.
Some Christain customers let Queequeg's know they feel ignored by this sentiment.
Queequeg's shifts their message to 'Happy Holidays!' in order to market to celebrants of Kwanza AND Christmas AND Hannukah AND New Years AND the Solstice AND whatever else y'all may celebrate.
Some SJW gets outraged by the change to a more inclusive product, and charges Queequeg's with anti-black racism?

You'd expect the SJW to be made fun of, right?
No one is going to spend millions of dollars on a marketing campaign to market to people who already use the product and will continue to buy it.
Millions? They stop putting ink in the Venus stamp.
Money NOT spent, and they improve their profile with the non-binary market.

Why the fuck would any marketing office NOT leap to that?
No comments on the video by the trans man who talked about having a period after four years?

The apparent mental healthiness of that person in other arras was impressive and it looks like the dysphoria was deep rooted in an area that bypasses the frontal cortex.

So will the venus symbol be an extra kick in the teeth to this person who actually seems a lot more mentally tough than me except in that one point?

Thinking more, gender dysphoria (GD) must affect people who are otherwise on all levels financial security and mental health.
Ok, so, you may have a "degree" in "marketing" from a "university".

I have experience in marketing from real market share management activities.

What's rule #1 of marketing for a major company? Oh yeah, that's right, it's increasing your market share!

If you can capture market share in a segment by making a minor label change that costs very little in order to capture maybe an additional half percent of the market guaranteed AND get free press because your brand is in the news for actually doing something good (having virtue as opposed to virtue signaling; sometimes virtue is its own signal), that's a pretty genius marketing move.
How is switching to the gender neutral label going to capture a market segment
Sweetie, are you under the impression that Always' brand is the ONLY product out there?

It isn't the only brand. But that didn't matter to the people who complained, did it? They could have chosen any of the brands on the market that didn't have a Venus symbol. But they didn't do that. They only wanted to publically shame Always.

The only ones here associating Always with shame here are the anti-trans brigade.

There was no shame. I'm married to a trans man, and friends with like, 5-6 other trans men. Believe me, I would have known if it was a rising or extant complaint within the trans community.

My money is that this is an "Oreo" issue.

for those unaware, Oreo uses vegetable shortening for the white stuff. It used to be animal shortening, but the guy in charge of the brand had a kid who was either vegan or vegetarian, dunno which. Anyway, one day his kid brought up that he didn't eat Oreos, and his dad was like what? Why is that? And the kid told him and so he had the recipe changed. I suspect this is something similar.

They only wanted to publically shame Always.
They didn't do a good job at publicly shaming Always seeing I don't think anyone here knew this was happening at all.

As I said, I'm practically buried in trans men, thanks to my husband. The first I heard of this was from Halfie.

Edit: just brought up the change to him. Apparently he was already aware, because CIS TERFS were bitching and moaning about it on twitter

So, confirmed that the only people shaming Always are, well, the conservative crybaby brigade.
They only wanted to publically shame Always.
They didn't do a good job at publicly shaming Always seeing I don't think anyone here knew this was happening at all.

As I said, I'm practically buried in trans men, thanks to my husband. The first I heard of this was from Halfie.

Edit: just brought up the change to him. Apparently he was already aware, because CIS TERFS were bitching and moaning about it on twitter

So, confirmed that the only people shaming Always are, well, the conservative crybaby brigade.
And Halfie is upset because she's adamant that businesses should have a right to piss off minorities, but not to piss off HER majority.
Even if the majority quite literally couldn't care ANY less about the issue.
As I said, I'm practically buried in trans men, thanks to my husband. The first I heard of this was from Halfie.

Edit: just brought up the change to him. Apparently he was already aware, because CIS TERFS were bitching and moaning about it on twitter

So, confirmed that the only people shaming Always are, well, the conservative crybaby brigade.
And Halfie is upset because she's adamant that businesses should have a right to piss off minorities, but not to piss off HER majority.
Even if the majority quite literally couldn't care ANY less about the issue.

Even when it's "majority" is only a fallacy, so as in "I share some qualities with these people therefore they all must believe as I do."

Hyperconservatives are still a minority.
As I said, I'm practically buried in trans men, thanks to my husband. The first I heard of this was from Halfie.

Edit: just brought up the change to him. Apparently he was already aware, because CIS TERFS were bitching and moaning about it on twitter

So, confirmed that the only people shaming Always are, well, the conservative crybaby brigade.
And Halfie is upset because she's adamant that businesses should have a right to piss off minorities, but not to piss off HER majority.
Even if the majority quite literally couldn't care ANY less about the issue.

Even when it's "majority" is only a fallacy, so as in "I share some qualities with these people therefore they all must believe as I do."

Hyperconservatives are still a minority.
Minority in population, but as we saw after Janet Jackson's nipplegate, they can do a great job at making their voices quite loud.
Half-Life said:
Saying, "Men can have periods!" is just downright anti-science.

Among other things, science is about drawing conclusions from experiments and observations. So, for example, if men are NOT having regular periods, then why are they creating threads like this?
Half-Life said:
Saying, "Men can have periods!" is just downright anti-science.

Among other things, science is about drawing conclusions from experiments and observations. So, for example, if men are NOT having regular periods, then why are they creating threads like this?

I don't think Halfie is a man.
Halfie has definitely asserted that women are emotional, and men are logical.

But Halfie's posting history has little logic and lots of emotional outbursts (such as the title of this thread).
Halfie also insists that the individual is not to be trusted in reporting their own gender. We must use objective rules to always always always determine the gender we're going to assign them. So, not having access to Halfie's DNA or birth certificate, we're left with the emotional/logical rubric.

Therefore, by Halfie's standards, Halfie is a woman. And by Halfie's example (also in her thread, here), that means we must label her as a woman. It's SCIENCE.

i have not attempted to chart her more egregious outbursts against a 28-day cycle, but it seems clear that this would explain quite a bit.
More insanity from leftists. A trans woman can not have a period because they are a man! Therefore, the product is for FEMALES, not MALES. Very simple. Saying, "Men can have periods!" is just downright anti-science. They are not men having periods, they are women having periods.

Just who the hell do these leftists SJW's think they are? These people are so offended and outraged at everything that they have to force a company to cater to less than 1% of the population. Why can't they just buy the product with a female logo on it without being offended? The product is the same, they didn't change it. Just go into the store and buy it. Why do they need changed labels before they can be comfortable buying something?

The snowflake generation has really gone to new heights. God help us all. Think about the anti-Christian agenda. A company will cater to trans people but Starbucks refuses to write "Merry Christmas!" on their cups because they don't want to cater to Christians. Even though the majority of people in this country are Christian, it's a big no-no to say "Merry Christmas!" Cater to trans, ignore Christians. Pretty sick agenda here.

Is the row of red pips under Half-life's name because they post stuff like this?
More insanity from leftists. A trans woman can not have a period because they are a man! Therefore, the product is for FEMALES, not MALES. Very simple. Saying, "Men can have periods!" is just downright anti-science. They are not men having periods, they are women having periods.

Just who the hell do these leftists SJW's think they are? These people are so offended and outraged at everything that they have to force a company to cater to less than 1% of the population. Why can't they just buy the product with a female logo on it without being offended? The product is the same, they didn't change it. Just go into the store and buy it. Why do they need changed labels before they can be comfortable buying something?

The snowflake generation has really gone to new heights. God help us all. Think about the anti-Christian agenda. A company will cater to trans people but Starbucks refuses to write "Merry Christmas!" on their cups because they don't want to cater to Christians. Even though the majority of people in this country are Christian, it's a big no-no to say "Merry Christmas!" Cater to trans, ignore Christians. Pretty sick agenda here.

Is the row of red pips under Half-life's name because they post stuff like this?

Pretty much.

Like I said, literally ZERO of the MANY trans people I know brought this up as a complaint.

When I mentioned it to them, they universally found out about it because CONSERVATIVES are blowing a gasket over it. The company made a shrewd marketing decision and managed a market capture and free advertising that doesn't involve blue (or yellow, or red) liquid.

It looks in a shiny mirror, and is so self unaware that it cannot identify its own reflection; in the mirror it instead barks and argues.
Is the row of red pips under Half-life's name because they post stuff like this?

Stuff like this, misquotes, outright lies, goalpost shifting, failure to cite, reversing the burden of proof, failure to cite, failure to cite, strawmen, ignoring invitations to cite the slightest citation, strawmen, emotional outbursts, answering a ? with a ? to dodge the ?, failure to cite, whataboutism, and claiming 'the point still stands' when her facts are disproven.

And she sucks at analogies.
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