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An interesting bit of psychology on male & female bosses

What about studies which found out that women prefer male bosses? How do you explain that?

Because social bias isn't sex-linked. It's learned behavior, and it's learned by both sexes. Both men and women have a tendency to associate power, leadership, and decision-making with men. Both men and women have a tendency to associate compassion, collaboration, and patience with women.
This explanation does not work, because men are OK with female bosses, it's other women which cause problems.
With women it's a constant cat fight it seems, even when female boss has all the right male boss qualities.
.... no.
a small domesticated carnivore, Felis domestica or F. catus, bred in a number of varieties.
any of several carnivores of the family Felidae, as the lion, tiger, leopard or jaguar, etc.
a person, especially a man.
a devotee of jazz.
This explanation does not work, because men are OK with female bosses, it's other women which cause problems.
With women it's a constant cat fight it seems, even when female boss has all the right male boss qualities.
.... no.

Apparently, yes.

Jealousy and envy at work are different in men and women

"Women with a high level of intrasexual competition are more jealous if the rival is more attractive and more envious if the rival is more powerful and dominating. They did not get any results in men, as no rival characteristics that provoke jealousy or envy predicted intrasexual competition" Rosario Zurriaga, researcher at the University of Valencia

Do women prefer female bosses?

Using two distinct datasets of US workers, we provide previously undocumented evidence that women are less satisfied with their jobs when they have a female boss. Male job satisfaction, by contrast, is unaffected.

Female intrasexual competition is a BITCH.

Men like sluts and whores. We don't generally call women that as an insult.
I don't recall suffering from severe brain trauma, but I'm clearly reading nonsense.

Yeah, it's not like we men spend 720% of our time on the Internet looking at porn. Hypothetically, that's way too busy to tweet after women, insulting them. Allegedly, that'd also make us calm people. Conversely, such hypothetical superficialty would probably piss off some women and thereby make them mad at each other. We can't be blamed for being dogs due to a low bar of expectation. It's exactly the same as how we have bad handwriting, wash the laundry the wrong way and put the dishes in the dishwasher the wrong way.
I'm just going to add to this...the problem with the thread since the op and continuing onto recent posts of observations has been that of an underlying assumption of normalization of so-called male characteristics and as a result some kind of implied thing wrong with women, ..., needing fixing. The latest post is an example because it speaks to some kind of property of women without examining alleged properties of men and the dynamics between the two. As I stated in previous posts, as much as this idea that women are genetically different and then lack something is pushed, I will push back by accepting the basic premises of genetic differences in personalities etc but by examining men, too.
What a crazy discussion this turned out to be. While our experiences have been anecdotal, I will included the experiences that my husband and I have had as employees. I was in a female dominated profession and all of my bosses were women. Some were very kind, fair, knowledgeable and assertive. Some were nasty, aggressive and biased against certain employees, in some cases myself. Others were incompetent, insecure and stressed out all the time. I was an RN, who still holds an active license.

My husband worked in a male dominated profession and he only had male bosses. He was a manufacturing engineer who also worked as a business analyst for about ten years. Some of his bosses were kind, fair, competent and assertive. Some of his bosses were nasty, aggressive and biased against certain employees, including my spouse. ( in one case the boss was fired...sweet revenge ) Some were incompetent, insecure and stressed out all the time. The latter included a CEO of a company that had been started by the man's father.

It seems to me that men and women both have the potential to be good bosses, but being competent and fair are the best qualities to have.

And, I must say a few words about nurses as a few of the posters here have made some very wrong stereotypical remarks about nurses. One of the most important qualities that a nurse must have is assertiveness. Imo, our most important role is to advocate for our patients, or clients if you prefer. That's a tough job that requires being very assertive. A good nurse needs to feel secure enough to stand up to physicians and management when necessary to provide the best care to those she serves. Why are there so few men in nursing? Maybe the work is too stressful. ;)
Men like sluts and whores. We don't generally call women that as an insult.
I don't recall suffering from severe brain trauma, but I'm clearly reading nonsense.

Yeah, it's not like we men spend 720% of our time on the Internet looking at porn. Hypothetically, that's way too busy to tweet after women, insulting them. Allegedly, that'd also make us calm people. Conversely, such hypothetical superficialty would probably piss off some women and thereby make them mad at each other. We can't be blamed for being dogs due to a low bar of expectation. It's exactly the same as how we have bad handwriting, wash the laundry the wrong way and put the dishes in the dishwasher the wrong way.

I'm kinda loving your posts at the moment.
And, I must say a few words about nurses as a few of the posters here have made some very wrong stereotypical remarks about nurses. One of the most important qualities that a nurse must have is assertiveness. Imo, our most important role is to advocate for our patients, or clients if you prefer. That's a tough job that requires being very assertive. A good nurse needs to feel secure enough to stand up to physicians and management when necessary to provide the best care to those she serves. Why are there so few men in nursing? Maybe the work is too stressful. ;)

Ooh, ooh - as an added comment on the topic of nurses... Even though nursing is considered a 'traditionally female' job, and is dominated by females... are you aware that male nurses still make more than their female counterparts?
There was an article that came out today: "How to convince a skeptic the pay gap is real"

Relevant to this thread is item#4 in the article:
Research shows that women are less likely to negotiate job offers — and for good reason. Studies have found that when women ask for raises or try to negotiate their salary, they are viewed unfavorably and can be penalized.

"Women are more likely to see a blowback to being assertive and for demanding what they're worth," explains Miller. When women ask for a raise, they are seen as high maintenance and too demanding. Conversely, when men ask for a raise they are seen as "getting what [they] deserve," says Miller.

The researcher points to programs like the AAUW's salary negotiation workshop, which trains women on the skills needed to make a pitch for a raise or a promotion. However, he says that this isn't going to be the "silver bullet" to combat the pay gap, since women can't negotiate their way past gender bias and discrimination.
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