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Animals roaming free

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Oh I forgot. Very exciting. Today I spotted a female red-bellied woodpecker at the male woodpecker's spot today.

By the way, the Red bellied woodpecker hole is at the top of the dead tree in the center of the photo leaning left. Photos are taken at 2438mm. I can watch at a distance that will not disturb them.

Spring has sprung here and the little baby animals are starting to show up. The cute little critturs and their mum moved into an empty woodchuck hole about 10 feet from the mowed yard. Haven't seen mom yet, but they were sticking close to their hole and ducking in if I looked too interested.



Spring has sprung here and the little baby animals are starting to show up. The cute little critturs and their mum moved into an empty woodchuck hole about 10 feet from the mowed yard. Haven't seen mom yet, but they were sticking close to their hole and ducking in if I looked too interested.

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I would like to be the first to say, and I believe I speak for others on this board in doing so, if they will forgive my impertinence in speaking on their behalf: "Squeee".
I went to a local wildlife refuge today and got a few pictures of Sandhill cranes. The refuge spreads barley on the fields to encourage the birds to make their stopovers there rather than on the grassy areas at the airport. There were only about a dozen or so, but by the middle of next week there should be hundreds of them.

The barley has barely sprouted but the cranes and Canada geese were finding tasty tidbits. Some of the cranes were engaged in courtship behavior, like arching their necks and bowing their heads but I don't think any of the ones I saw have paired up.

I also got a reasonably decent picture of a Bald eagle flying overhead.

And last but not least, my co-worker brought in his haul from his Mosquito Magnet. These are from the last 2 1/2 days of operation:

Spring is everywhere.

I'm guessing that there are two male painted turtles and one female in this group who were swimming about in an unusual way at the frog pond. Which guy won and which ones are guys and gals I could only guess based on who is chasing and who is not.

Also down there I saw that this turtle didn't skip into the water like the others do when I came around. I was able to pick it up. It had a fishing hook in it's mouth going in the bottom and coming out the lower cheek. I took it home and snipped the hook so that I could pull it out from under the cheek. Here it is back in the water after the operation. It sat there for a bit and then went off seeming fine again, but for a sore mouth I'm sure.

Today a new lifer for me. Looks a lot like an Eastern Phoebe but it's an Olive-sided Flycatcher.

What's funny is that it was hanging out of the red-bellied woodpecker's tree. The hole is in view in this picture.

He even got to see some spring time action going on.
Bee in the park

Big day today.

Last May 24 the kids captured "squirmy", I've generally called him Fred, from the frog pond and kept him as a pet. As the frog pond dried up we figured we might have saved his life.

We kept him warm over the winter and he grew.

Today we set him free back to the frog pond.

It turns out there was a third sibling... and s/he's equally cute!
That light colored rock next to the pups is at the entrance to their hole. They are sticking close to home while Mama's gone!



Rhea you are so luck to get to watch the fox cubs grow up. Have you seen much of the mother? Keep the photos coming! I so rarely see red fox. 3 or 4 times I think. So rare for me.
I haven't seen mom at all yet. I keep hoping for a pic of her. The kits come out at about sundown each day, maybe mom is hunting then. They are super fun to watch especially because they are practically _in_ my yard, and they are getting used to us moving about. I can stand behind an apple tree and take pics through the V in the trunk and I'm less than 20 feet away.

That one in the previous post where all three are look off to my right, they are reacting to a deer snuffling at the creek across the street. "HUFFF" Eh, wot!? Is that a dinner? It sounds like a dinner. Or maybe a friend? I'd love to know what that is, but mom said stay here. We need to stay right here.

can I just snuggle your back, sis?




Meanwhile, Yellow Warbler lands in the tree I'm standing under


Okay, Playing is hard. We should just rest for a while.

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Was away on business last week. Got home this morning by red-eye. Only checked out the swan pond.

Some loose mallards about.

One swan still on the nest

The other took a short fly across the pond. They are loud flyers. Lost on wing noise.

First cottontail sighting of the season.
Just a few photos from over the weekend.

An eastern phoebe on a post that appears to be a popular pooping spot.

House sparrow on my trash barrel.

Chipmunk on my stone wall

Gray catbird singing in my tree
I went outside at one time this afternoon and heard a rustle in the leaves in back of the garage. I had my camera as usual. So I started around and a white tail deer was there. He went into my woods a bit and I was able to work my way around down the trail where I dump my fall leaves.

Series of 4 photos starting with about how close I got, essentially no zoom, and then getting closer and closer. It stayed frozen looking at me as deer often do.

Crazyfinger's deer photos reminded me of something I left out from Sunday's trip to the park.

This is a park in the middle of urban/suburban St. Louis and surrounding St. Louis county.

So I was a little surprised when what I thought was a large dog swimming across a waterway near the skating rink stepped into a shallow area and:


Then it spooked and ran off I don't know where.

I've seen deer, coyote, fox, and a turkey vulture or two around here, along with the usual possum, raccoon, rabbit, etc. But they weren't swimming around near the ice rink at the time. :)
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