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Another Cop Throws A Student

Mmmm Why are you and your ilk so invested in believing that black children deserve to be assaulted and killed by police, whose job it is to protect and serve? Are you all so frightened?
Who says she was black?
Also, why are you and your ilk so invested in believing the worst about cops, even going so far as believing everything the family tells the media? Are you all so frightened (of cops)?
What are you so frightened that you and your ilk will defend anything a police officer does?
Look at the video - she was being restrained and she was not kicking him. Try again.

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He was not under attack. WTF is wrong with you?

The video starts in the middle.

The middle of WHAT? The middle of a grown man being "attacked" by a twelve-year-old girl?

How, by the way, does one even find the courage to say that in public when recounting the tale later? "I bodyslammed a twelve year old girl... she started it."
The video starts in the middle.
You have no idea whether it starts in the middle or near the beginning or somewhere else. And it does not matter. The video clearly shows the police officer is restraining the girl, and the girl is not armed. Even if the girl had kicked him or clubbed him or pulled a gun and got disarmed, at the time of the video (the relevant time), there is no indication he was under attack or in any danger.

And, if the subsequent report is true, he does not even claim he was in danger.
Is there a critical point where, after having this same argument over and over in different threads over months or years, where it will come eventually to have any effect at all? Does it go somewhere?
Is there a critical point where, after having this same argument over and over in different threads over months or years, where it will come eventually to have any effect at all? Does it go somewhere?

I don't know, maybe you should look here for answers.
The video starts in the middle.

The middle of WHAT? The middle of a grown man being "attacked" by a twelve-year-old girl?

How, by the way, does one even find the courage to say that in public when recounting the tale later? "I bodyslammed a twelve year old girl... she started it."

When the video starts in the middle you never know what came before.
The middle of WHAT? The middle of a grown man being "attacked" by a twelve-year-old girl?

How, by the way, does one even find the courage to say that in public when recounting the tale later? "I bodyslammed a twelve year old girl... she started it."

When the video starts in the middle you never know what came before.

When the video starts in the middle you can basically make up what came before.

It is pretty easy, in fact. I can assert that this middle school kid was not just unruly, but was an Islamic suicide bomber with a vest full of explosives, and the brave school cop saved the entire school from being blown up by a terrorist.
Mmmm Why are you and your ilk so invested in believing that black children deserve to be assaulted and killed by police, whose job it is to protect and serve? Are you all so frightened?
Who says she was black?
Also, why are you and your ilk so invested in believing the worst about cops, even going so far as believing everything the family tells the media? Are you all so frightened (of cops)?

Wow. Just...wow.
What are you so frightened that you and your ilk will defend anything a police officer does?
Nope. I already acknowledged that there is a possibility his use of force was not correct.
However, the family is claiming the girl did nothing wrong, that she was only talking (very unbelievable) and also that she was unconscious and still has headaches (highly suspect, especially given the family's other claims).
What do you think about these claims made by the family? Also, what dollar amount do you think they will demand from the district?
The middle of WHAT? The middle of a grown man being "attacked" by a twelve-year-old girl?

How, by the way, does one even find the courage to say that in public when recounting the tale later? "I bodyslammed a twelve year old girl... she started it."

When the video starts in the middle you never know what came before.

Are you under the impression that before the video started the student in question was NOT a twelve year old girl? Was she a five foot eleven linebacker who tried to tackle the cop, only shape-shifting into a smaller form to avoid being restrained?

I ask because if the circumstances aren't VERY unusual, whatever happened before the video started happened between a grown male police officer...

Wow. Just...wow.

You have a very low amazement threshold.

Actually, I don't.

Despite all past experience reading your posts, I find that I would like to believe that little girls, women and black people of any age do not terrify you to the extent that you accept and even applaud grown men throwing them around, smashing them into the ground and shooting them point blank.

But I guess that is just not true. As long as it is some man who is slamming some other person or with a weapon in his hand, or shooting someone, it's all good with you.
What are you so frightened that you and your ilk will defend anything a police officer does?
Nope. I already acknowledged that there is a possibility his use of force was not correct.
Yet, you think he should just get a reprimand. You are not fooling anyone.
However, the family is claiming the girl did nothing wrong, that she was only talking (very unbelievable) and also that she was unconscious and still has headaches (highly suspect, especially given the family's other claims).
So what? That has nothing whatsoever to do with what the police officer did. Nothing. Nothing. Yet now you are whining that this family might try to get damages.
What do you think about these claims made by the family?
I don't think about them. If I did, they are certainly plausible, but ultimately there is no way to know whether or not they are true.
Also, what dollar amount do you think they will demand from the district?
Don't know and don't care. I think it is very telling that you are more worried about a possible damage award than the actual well-being of the victim and, the effects on the children who witnessed this brutal handling of a child, and the implications of how children in those schools are treated by these special police.

You are really are not fooling anyone.
I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.
Her "side" of the story? I don't care if she called the cop a fucking asshole dipshit - it doesn't give him the right to body slam her. She is 12 years old for Christ's sake. He was already restraining her.
Yes. Whether his attack was unprovoked or whether she tried to kick him is irrelevant. The level of force he used was inappropriate. He slammed a kid's face into the pavement, for fuck's sake.

You have no less right of self defense just because of the age of your attacker.
That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. So I guess if I get bit by a toddler, I'm justified in slamming him to the ground.
When the video starts in the middle you never know what came before.

Are you under the impression that before the video started the student in question was NOT a twelve year old girl? Was she a five foot eleven linebacker who tried to tackle the cop, only shape-shifting into a smaller form to avoid being restrained?

I ask because if the circumstances aren't VERY unusual, whatever happened before the video started happened between a grown male police officer...


Actually, she does look closer to 5' 11" than an average 12 year old. She is almost as tall as the cop. But perhaps the cop himself is just very below average in size for an adult male. Either way, her age is a red herring. Yes, facts can be red herrings when they are irrelevant to the issue. She was almost his size, he had no control over her yet, and she was dragging him forward as he tried to hold onto her.

What the cop did showed incompetence in strength, restraining skill, or both. However, that would equally be the case if she was 18 years old.
You may be afraid of a teen girl but a trained policeman should not be.
So what should he have done? Apparently some here think being a 12 year old girl should give one carte blache to do whatever she wants without the officer being allowed to lay a finger on her.

Not lay a finger on or full on body slam . . . maybe those aren't the only two choices?
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