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Another Cop Throws A Student

Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

If the cop approached her from behind, how would he know how cunty her face was and assess how much force was going to be required to make it less cunty or even not cunty at all ? It doesn't make sense. There were other 12 year old girls there, did none of them have too cunty a face that needed decuntified ?
I am responding to you saying that after she got up, 'her face was less cunty.' I contend that it is the person who believes that violence is an appropriate response to someone making faces is the asshole.

Post 120, just 18 posts ago, which should be recent enough for you to recollect.

Ah, I see your confusion.... It seems you are thinking that a result of an action must be the reason for the action. Obviously (to most people) this is not true. While the reason for the action was this girl's behavior, the result of the "less cunty face" was an indicator that the desired result (stop fighting) was fully successful. But, I see what you were trying to do there... nice try.
Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

And for the cop, if he thought the girls were about to fight, wouldn't it have been better if he just stepped in between them to separate them?

Nope. We are not sure. For all we know, the girl was swinging at everyone for several minutes, threatened to set the school on fire, and to come back and shoot everyone with an automatic rifle... we just don't know anything other than a girl with a history of violence was engaged in an activity that drew a large crowd of students to watch, and a cop got involved. what we see is the last 20 seconds of what was likely a several minute long encounter..

Whatever her actions were they don't matter. Being a cop doesn't entail delivering sweet justice for past actions.
Forgive me for thinking the worst of a grown man who makes such reprehensible remarks blaming a 12 year old girl for her being assaulted by another grown man. Guess what, 12 year olds are snotty and obnoxious. Adults don't go around beating them for it, because we are adults, and should have the good judgement to understand the 12 year old's poor judgement. And your bizarre and sexualized word choice doesn't help the matter.
You see what happens when you omit critical information?
Then you will stop omitting critical information.

so you think I somehow made evidence of the events leading up to the cop's response disappear? How exactly did I do that?

I clearly demonstrated how the omission of key data changes the appearance of the whole... I deleted one single word from a sentence and now that sentence implies a totally different (horrific, apparently) thing. just imagine, if you possibly could, how much your opinion might change, if the missing information was provided.
Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

And for the cop, if he thought the girls were about to fight, wouldn't it have been better if he just stepped in between them to separate them?

Nope. We are not sure. For all we know, the girl was swinging at everyone for several minutes, threatened to set the school on fire, and to come back and shoot everyone with an automatic rifle... we just don't know anything other than a girl with a history of violence was engaged in an activity that drew a large crowd of students to watch, and a cop got involved. what we see is the last 20 seconds of what was likely a several minute long encounter..

Well sure we know. There were dozens of witnesses who surely would be all over the Internet if this child had made any such threats.
Then you will stop omitting critical information.

so you think I somehow made evidence of the events leading up to the cop's response disappear? How exactly did I do that?

I clearly demonstrated how the omission of key data changes the appearance of the whole... I deleted one single word from a sentence and now that sentence implies a totally different (horrific, apparently) thing. just imagine, if you possibly could, how much your opinion might change, if the missing information was provided.
You are clearly engaging in speculation. That is: you are making stuff up. It's not evidence, though, of any wrong doing on the part of the child or the police officer.
Forgive me for thinking...
I have never accused you of such a thing. never.
.. blaming a 12 year old girl for her being assaulted [detained] by another grown manan officer of the law.
fixed it for you.. what did yo mean by "another" grown man... the 12 year old girl was a grown man, or this is the second (or third) man that assaulted her?
Guess what, 12 year olds are snotty and obnoxious. Adults don't go around beating them for it
So you are not only ignoring that those 20 seconds didn't happen in a vacuum, you are now categorizing the 'take down' as 'a beating'.
well, like all the rest of the Dindu Nuffin's.. that fits the script.
...because we are adults, and should have the good judgement...
how did you learn good judgment as a child? Through Safe Room dialog? By getting a participant trophy? Or did it maybe take a kick in the ass once in a while, maybe?
And your bizarre and sexualized word choice doesn't help the matter.

Bizarre? I omitted one word from your sentence.. one.single.word. Must I spell that out for you too.. OK, here it goes:
Just imagine if that 20 second film started just a few seconds earlier... maybe this bizarre occurrence would not appear so bizarre to you anymore.
so you think I somehow made evidence of the events leading up to the cop's response disappear? How exactly did I do that?
You omitted information. Obviously the information did not disappear because we know about it and can access it. You omitted the fact the officer lied about what happened. You omitted the fact the girl was restrained.
I clearly demonstrated how the omission of key data changes the appearance of the whole... I deleted one single word from a sentence and now that sentence implies a totally different (horrific, apparently) thing. just imagine, if you possibly could, how much your opinion might change, if the missing information was provided.
You are confused because you did no such thing. The video clearly shows
1) the girl is unarmed,
2) the girl is not doing anything to the officer,
3) the officer has her restrained but not subdued,
4) the girl is lifted up by the police officer, and
5) the girls is slammed face first onto the ground.

It doesn't matter what the girl said before the video. The officer had her restrained. He was in no danger and no one else was either. So, there is no justifiable reason for him to resort to slamming her face first into the ground.
While we cannot say anything until the investigation is completed the cop concerned has already been fired. The police said that his report which was filed late was inconsistent with the video.

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.

Cough cough. To quote your own post:

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong..

Yet you contradict yourself in the next sentence.
so you think I somehow made evidence of the events leading up to the cop's response disappear? How exactly did I do that?

I clearly demonstrated how the omission of key data changes the appearance of the whole... I deleted one single word from a sentence and now that sentence implies a totally different (horrific, apparently) thing. just imagine, if you possibly could, how much your opinion might change, if the missing information was provided.
You are clearly engaging in speculation. That is: you are making stuff up. It's not evidence, though, of any wrong doing on the part of the child or the police officer.

I agree with you... we don't know how much if all or none of it was justified. My reaction is to those that are assuming this cop raped and attempted to murder this completely innocent-by-being-12-and-not-male person, based on exactlty the same information that you and I have.

I assume only that the cop had a reason, and those opposing are assuming the cop had no reason (or that there could be no possible reason). Which position, given no further information, is more reasonable? The cop wanted to hurt a little girl and get fired, or was doing his job (either properly or poorly - another thing altogether).

Did the girl, "dindu nuffin" wrong? is the cop wrong, soimply because he was a cop? that is what I am observing from people here... he was wrong because he was a white cop.

- - - Updated - - -

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.

Cough cough. To quote your own post:

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong..

Yet you contradict yourself in the next sentence.

It was clear to me that she was struggling. What is clear to no one here is WHY this was happening.. WHAT lead up to this WHO else was involved.. and WHERE this was going.
I can say I was never beaten as a child. Not once. Hell, I've never been beaten. I've never gotten in a fight, either. Scientists have in fact proven that beating children isn't as effective as non violent teaching techniques. This is nothing new. The educators in charge of this school would have been well aware of that fact, which is why they fired the guy.

If you are giving forth your own intellectual abilities in favor of the beating children for education, I am unimpressed.
You are clearly engaging in speculation. That is: you are making stuff up. It's not evidence, though, of any wrong doing on the part of the child or the police officer.

I agree with you...
But you don't. As clearly evidenced in all of your other posts.

he was wrong because he was a white cop.

No, he was wrong because he picked up a 12 year old from behind, threw her about and then slammed her face first into the pavement. It would not be better or more acceptable if the cop were female or if the student were male.

It's not acceptable.

It was clear to me that she was struggling. What is clear to no one here is WHY this was happening.. WHAT lead up to this WHO else was involved.. and WHERE this was going.

So, if someone grabs you from behind, lifts you from your feet and swings your body around, you are not allowed to struggle?

I think she looks pretty passive, actually.
Can someone please explain to me why it is acceptable for posters to refer to children as cunts?

I think it's just the female ones. But to be fair, it was something about her face being cunty and the cop was only trying to make it less cunty by bashing it into the concrete.
I assume only that the cop had a reason, and those opposing are assuming the cop had no reason (or that there could be no possible reason). Which position, given no further information, is more reasonable? The cop wanted to hurt a little girl and get fired, or was doing his job (either properly or poorly - another thing altogether).

Or it could be he DID want to hurt a little girl and not get fired, which is why he lied in his incident report.

Why is it you only use your imagination when it comes to things you think the girl might have done?
Did the girl, "dindu nuffin" wrong? is the cop wrong, soimply because he was a cop? that is what I am observing from people here... he was wrong because he was a white cop.

He was wrong because we saw what he did. Isn't that enough?
Did the girl, "dindu nuffin" wrong? is the cop wrong, soimply because he was a cop? that is what I am observing from people here... he was wrong because he was a white cop.

Personally I never noticed the race of anyone. He was wrong to slam her.
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