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Another Cop Throws A Student

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

She was lifted up and she walked away under her own power, but with a far less cunty face on and without further struggle. Seems to me that the "body slam" worked perfectly and was precisely the right measure of force to end the incident.

While we cannot say anything until the investigation is completed the cop concerned has already been fired. The police said that his report which was filed late was inconsistent with the video.
Internal injuries may not show or manifest themselves immediately.
Bruises can take 24 hrs or more to fully develop. That said, there is a bruise shown developing on the girl's face in a close up in the news clip.

Other injuries are not always visible immediately but take some hours or even a day or two to fully show bruising, swelling, etc.

I've watched several times and I still do not see the child kicking the police officer. I see him lifting and moving her around, she's pretty limp, not struggling, her leg flails with the force of her being thrown about. I haven't yet seen any footage of the child kicking at anybody or anything.

My interpretation is very different than yours... I clearly see her stomping on the cops foot and attempting to continue to kick him multiple times. That was not 'limp flailing' at all. I suppose you fall for the "i'm not touching you, I'm not touching you" or the "why are you hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself" scheme too, ey?
I'm saying her version of events doesn't make sense. Cops don't just slam people to the ground if nothing is going on.
How many more cases of police officers doing just that until you believe it is possible?

The most likely explanation is that she was attacking him--say, kicking.
"Kicking" is not necessarily the same thing as "attacking him", and the video does not show her kicking him or attacking him

I find it very interesting how the actions and assumed thoughts of the victims are always exaggerated into nefarious intentions, while police actions are always minimized into banality
She was lifted up and she walked away under her own power, but with a far less cunty face on and without further struggle. Seems to me that the "body slam" worked perfectly and was precisely the right measure of force to end the incident.

While we cannot say anything until the investigation is completed the cop concerned has already been fired. The police said that his report which was filed late was inconsistent with the video.

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.
Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.

OK, I won't tell you that... tell me why he SHOULD have done that.
These kids cannot be allowed to grow up thinking that it is even a little ok to resist a cop in any way whatsoever. If a cop says so much as "hey!", you stop what you are doing and follow their instructions to the letter.. for FUCKS SAKE what is wrong with people!!!!!? she is fortunate that she wasn't tazed and that the officer was skilled enough to subdue her without causing any permanent damage. The little cunt was in all likelihood being a bully (again) and got what she deserved. Maybe she will behave like a member of society moving forward, instead of a menace to society.

Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

And for the cop, if he thought the girls were about to fight, wouldn't it have been better if he just stepped in between them to separate them?
While we cannot say anything until the investigation is completed the cop concerned has already been fired. The police said that his report which was filed late was inconsistent with the video.

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.

It must be difficult to be a cop. Investigations can sometimes have their work cut out too. Back to the UK, if a British cop is attacked by someone with a knife it is still possible to charge him for violence if a court rules that he used excessive force. If we see someone with a knife we would use whatever force necessary for protection and I would thing more than we need, in case he gets up.
Ok, so now cops can shoot 12 year olds if they have their hands anywhere near their waists and fling them into concrete if they don't like the look of their cunty face.

I hope, Malintent, that someday a cop doesn't like the look of your face.
I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.
If anything, it should be clear that the cop was fucking with her. He grabbed her, and he threw her down.
While we cannot say anything until the investigation is completed the cop concerned has already been fired. The police said that his report which was filed late was inconsistent with the video.

I agree that none of us have enough information to say who is right or wrong... or how wrong.. My comments are that a) fuck with a cop and you SHOULD get hurt and b) she was clearly (to me) fucking with that cop.

Can you please point out where she is clearly (to you) fucking with that cop? Time stamp on the video? Something like that.
And the time stamp when her face became sufficiently cunty to justify violence. I need to know so I can keep my face sufficiently uncunty so as not to create a disturbance. Please, its for my own safety!
And the time stamp when her face became sufficiently cunty to justify violence. I need to know so I can keep my face sufficiently uncunty so as not to create a disturbance. Please, its for my own safety!

^^^ That
And the time stamp when her face became sufficiently cunty to justify violence. I need to know so I can keep my face sufficiently uncunty so as not to create a disturbance. Please, its for my own safety!

^^^ That
In the OP video, there is no glimpse of her face after she is picked up by the officer. In fact, the only glimpse of her face is so momentary and so partial, I am amazed anyone could determine the victim's expression, let alone determine that it is "cunty"?
OK, I won't tell you that... tell me why he SHOULD have done that.
These kids cannot be allowed to grow up thinking that it is even a little ok to resist a cop in any way whatsoever. If a cop says so much as "hey!", you stop what you are doing and follow their instructions to the letter.. for FUCKS SAKE what is wrong with people!!!!!? she is fortunate that she wasn't tazed and that the officer was skilled enough to subdue her without causing any permanent damage. The little cunt was in all likelihood being a bully (again) and got what she deserved. Maybe she will behave like a member of society moving forward, instead of a menace to society.

Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

And for the cop, if he thought the girls were about to fight, wouldn't it have been better if he just stepped in between them to separate them?

Nope. We are not sure. For all we know, the girl was swinging at everyone for several minutes, threatened to set the school on fire, and to come back and shoot everyone with an automatic rifle... we just don't know anything other than a girl with a history of violence was engaged in an activity that drew a large crowd of students to watch, and a cop got involved. what we see is the last 20 seconds of what was likely a several minute long encounter..
Are we sure she even knew it was a cop that grabbed her? He obviously came up to her from behind while her attention was on the person she was speaking to.

And for the cop, if he thought the girls were about to fight, wouldn't it have been better if he just stepped in between them to separate them?

Nope. We are not sure. For all we know, the girl was swinging at everyone for several minutes, threatened to set the school on fire, and to come back and shoot everyone with an automatic rifle... we just don't know anything other than a girl with a history of violence was engaged in an activity that drew a large crowd of students to watch, and a cop got involved. what we see is the last 20 seconds of what was likely a several minute long encounter..

You're absolutely right, he should have nuked the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Ok, so now cops can shoot 12 year olds if they have their hands anywhere near their waists and fling them into concrete if they don't like the look of their cunty face.

I hope, Malintent, that someday a cop doesn't like the look of your face.

What are you responding to? Or are you just being an asshole?

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, so now cops can shoot 12 year olds if they have their hands anywhere near their waists and fling them into concrete if they don't like the look of their cunty face.

I hope, Malintent, that someday a cop doesn't like the look of your face.

What are you responding to? Or are you just being an asshole?

- - - Updated - - -

If anything, it should be clear that the cop was fucking her.

You see what happens when you omit critical information?
I am responding to you saying that after she got up, 'her face was less cunty.' I contend that it is the person who believes that violence is an appropriate response to someone making faces is the asshole.

Post 120, just 18 posts ago, which should be recent enough for you to recollect.
You know who else had a cunty face? Matthew Shepard.

So obviously he deserved everything that happened to him.
Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

She was lifted up and she walked away under her own power, but with a far less cunty face on and without further struggle. Seems to me that the "body slam" worked perfectly and was precisely the right measure of force to end the incident.

I'm surprised she was not seriously injured after that. What does "cunty face" mean ? I don't understand that term.
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