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Anti Trump Republican loses

The GOP base have lost their mind and apparently would be happy with a King Donald on the throne. Their admiration of Trump is frightening for a Democracy.
Sure, that is true within the Repug (aka Trumplican) Party. However, the Repugs have pretty much assured Tim Kaine's wining re-election for his Senate seat by picking a white nationalist confederate loving turd. That should help piss off more voters and create nice fodder for Dum to play with.

And more flips continue to happen around the country.
Democrats in Northern Wisconsin declared victory in a state Senate special election on Tuesday, the party's 43rd red-to-blue state legislative flip since President Donald Trump stepped into the White House last year.

Caleb Frostman, the Democrat running in Wisconsin State Senate District 1, claimed victory in Tuesday's election and Frostman's campaign manager, Hannah Akbik, told CNN that Republican Andre Jacque conceded the race in a phone call. Jacque did not respond to CNN's request for comment.

The district, which stretches up past Green Bay along Wisconsin's Door Peninsula, has traditionally been Republican, with the GOP incumbent who ran in 2014 winning with 62% of the vote.
43 down, 1,957 to go. And that's just state seats.

But that isn't as daunting as it might at first seem:

In the 50 states, there are 99 state legislative chambers and 7,383 state legislative seats. In November 2018, 87 of these 99 chambers are holding general elections for a total of 6,069 seats—roughly 82 percent of the total state legislative seats in the country. A majority of those chambers are holding primary elections prior to November.


If non-Republicans truly get out and vote, we can regain a massive amount of seats literally overnight.

If people vote.

Particularly young people.

If an overwhelming number of Americans don't turn out to cast votes against what this country has become under Trump and the Republicans, then Land of the free and home of the brave will deservedly be called Land of the Apathetic and Home of the Ignorant.
In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.


In my mind, this is a good primary result. Let the actual election be a referendum on Trumpism. If the Trumpsuckers prevail in November, so be it. I hope the Canadian wall isn't built by then.

With the exception of the 2000 election, that analysis is way too simplistic. I think Humphrey lost because of the votes siphoned away by George Wallace (even though Wallace ran to the right of Nixon on racial issues, he still siphoned normally democratic votes away especially in key states like Florida). The 1980 election wasn't even close. Carter got his ass handed to him overwhelmingly and it was primarily due to his own failed leadership. In 2000, Nader did indeed siphon enough votes away from Gore so Bush took Florida. Although in reality, Gore actually had the most votes - only that was not found out till years later. I hate Nader for that reason - we lost so much as a result. In 2016, Clinton lost for so many, many reasons. In truth she was a poor candidate who never excited the voters. She claimed to be a progressive, but took millions in speaking fees (not that Trump didn't either). The voters just never trusted her. That and African Americans just didn't turn out for her like they did for her husband and Obama whom they liked much better.

In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.


In my mind, this is a good primary result. Let the actual election be a referendum on Trumpism. If the Trumpsuckers prevail in November, so be it. I hope the Canadian wall isn't built by then.

Perhaps. But there's a problem with that analysis and that is the vote will not really depend on Trumpism. It will depend on voters' perceptions of the economy in 2018. When the economy is soaring, the President's party usually does well. The economy is soaring, and likely will continue to soar for at least another year. A recession isn't likely until 2020. There's just too much momentum. Thus Trumpism is likely to be validated by the 2018 election results. There will be no blue wave for sure. They might make gains in the house, but certainly not in right wing South Carolina. The Senate is in much worse shape for Democrats as many democrats in pro trump states are up for re-election and some are bound to lose. WV and Montana being two examples. It will be tough for the Democrats to hold on to all those seats so expect Republicans to solidify their control over the Senate and retain control over the House.

If you really want to destroy Trumpism, remember Bill Clinton's line: It's the economy, stupid. The dems need to get away from identity politics. That's why Hillary really lost. She based her strategy on appealing to a bunch of different identities and it failed her miserably. She forgot the economy is the number one issue in all elections and dwarfs pretty much every other consideration.

In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.

Maybe, but it is possible that Sanford's reputation as governor and his "disappearance" also made him a bit unpalatable. While he may have been anti-Trump, he is a piece of shit.
In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.

You should watch your language there buddy. Anti Trump Republican! Ain't no such thing. If you anti-Trump, you ain't no Republican. Besides, I thought mark was Argentinian.

[/he he]
Considering that once very red Georgia is turning a lot more purple with more shades of blue, I think it's very possible if not likely that the Democrats could take back the house. The Senate on the other hand will likely remain Republican, mostly because there are so few R seats up for election.

I think that Bernie hurt Clinton as much as anything because I know quite a few Bernie bros that voted third party because they just couldn't vote for Hillary. They simply didn't like her, which imo is the dumbest reason not to vote for someone. I didn't like many of the Democrats that I've voted for over the years, but they were much better than their opponents. If people would realize that there will never be a perfect candidate or a perfect politician because humans aren't perfect and you can't ever get someone that is going to support all of the things that you do, things just might turn out better. Liberals, imo are the worst when it comes to this. Conservatives are more like sheep, so it's easier for them to win elections.

It's not just younger people that don't always vote. Poor people are worse. You have no idea how many times I've tried unsuccessfully to convince poor people that I've known to register to vote. They have a variety of stupid reasons why they don't vote. I have been able to convince a few black people to vote, and even helped two with the registration. Then they stayed home during the midterms, but one promised me she would never miss another midterm. Let's hope so. But yeah. Turnout is the ticket to victory.
In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.


Is anyone surprised?

Why would you expect Republican voters to vote for an anti-treason, anti-Russia, anti-corruption Republican candidate? That would be like Nazis voting for a Jewish politician.
In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.


The ideology of the Führerprinzip sees each organization as a hierarchy of leaders, where every leader (Führer, in German) has absolute responsibility in his own area, demands absolute obedience from those below him and answers only to his superiors.

In more proof this country has gone off the deep end, Rep. Mark Sanford, a critic of Trump lost his primary in South Carolina.


Loyalty to Trump is all that matters in the Republican Party. Soon it will be that way for the rest of country as well.

Maybe, but it is possible that Sanford's reputation as governor and his "disappearance" also made him a bit unpalatable. While he may have been anti-Trump, he is a piece of shit.

If America wasn't a failed state, simply opposing treason should be enough to win that election over a pro-treason candidate.
I think that Bernie hurt Clinton as much as anything because I know quite a few Bernie bros that voted third party because they just couldn't vote for Hillary.

How is that on Bernie? That's entirely on Hillary for being a historically horrible candidate and the DNC for pushing her regardless. Politicians are not entled to your vote. They have to convince you they are the best opition and motivate you to vote for them. Hillary's overwhelming sense of entitlement and corruption, and yes, her lack of likeability, is why she failed in such a dramatic and historic way.
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