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Architect of the Capitol fired

Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"President Joe Biden fired Architect of the Capitol J. Brett Blanton on Monday following allegations that he misused government resources and was not physically present on the Capitol grounds during the January 6, 2021, insurrection, a White House official said."

That sure looks like it supports them to me.
:confused2: How the heck do not showing up for work and using your government car for personal use support "traitor"? This is vanilla cruddy employee. Are we next going to call somebody a traitor for pilfering office supplies?

As far as the thread title goes, sorry, my bad; I meant the link title. I do not think it likely that Elixir composed his link title, "Architect of the Capitol fired after Inspector General report revealed complicity in January 6 coup", himself. That has the look of a cut-and-paste from the article he linked, currently titled "Biden fires Architect of the Capitol after calls for his resignation". It looks like some partisan idiot at CNN wrote the title with an unsupported complicity accusation, and then somebody smarter noticed it was begging for a libel suit and corrected it.
I do not think it likely that Elixir composed his link title, "Architect of the Capitol fired after Inspector General report revealed complicity in January 6 coup", himself.
Right. I copied the link text from some site or other, but inadvertently closed the page and couldn’t find it again so I linked that text to another page that had similar content*. My bad for any confusion, including my own as I somehow misread that he was giving patriot tours AFTER the 2020 election.
OTOH I consider trumpsucker politicos to be traitors in general.

* as far as I recalled. That’s all you can expect for the price.
I would have thought the Architect of the Capitol died decades ago.,
More like centuries, IIRC.

I didn't want to bring it up in this conversation. But I'm vaguely remembering the guy who designed and built the Capitol as a black man on loan to the Federal Government at the time.
My bad for any confusion, including my own as I somehow misread that he was giving patriot tours AFTER the 2020 election.

I think this date difference makes a difference in suspicion. If it were after and combined with his absence on Jan 6 but with the vehicle, access to security communications etc, it would look suspicious. If it were before, then maybe he's just part of the swamp.
It is amazing how thoroughly Trump corrupted the entire federal government.

I would say "exposed the corruption of a significant portion of the federal government (in ways nobody ever thought possible)."

Yeah, we kinda figured that there were people at the FBI or CIA or in Congress who were corrupt. Duh.

Yet Trump's administration had some really surprising corruption. Like, for example, the White House physician. Usually the person who fills that role is a respected doctor who occasionally fudges the truth and regularly declares the aging President with a questionable lifestyle to be healthy. Trump's guy declared him to be so healthy he'd live to 200 years, and then ran for Congress on the strength of his sucking up to his boss.

And now it's the little-known Architect of the Capitol.

This is like finding out that the White House Chef was stashing classified documents in the downstairs freezer and sneaking them out to corrupt friends in the food service industry. These are not traditionally political appointments. They're perfunctory public service jobs, but somehow Fragilego Mussolini managed to corrupt them.
I would say "exposed the corruption of a significant portion of the federal government (in ways nobody ever thought possible)."

A few years ago a dermatologist prescribed some stuff called fluorouracil to treat sunburn related lesions on my face. I applied it to the lesions and my face lit up in all kinds of places I didn’t suspect.
This is kind of like that. Hopefully the eventual outcome is similar as well. When the stuff did its thing a lot of rough red skin fell off and new healthy skin grew in its place.
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
In a word: Reconnaissance.
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.

Most probably, yeah. However, minor quibble. If you look at statements by Bannon, they knew shit was going to go down or get real, if Trump lost. Like, they were aware ahead of time that they would switch gears to a claim the election was stolen if numbers were not in their favor. So, the fact "there wasn't an election to undo yet" isn't a dealbreaker to them making contingency plans, which eventually they did. That said, when you combine the factor of this happening quite early, out in the open, by the guy's wife on some kind of website, like "any patriots contact us for a tour," it does start to look more like the Swamp than the Q-crazies. Another factor to consider is the Architect is like head of operations for the Capitol who was not present on Jan 6th, yet had company vehicle, presumably with security communications abilities and could be a mole. This is the same guy pedo Gaetz contacted to complain about something, realizing obviously how biased he would be. I remember, a lot of liberals were like, "haha, Gaetz contacted the architect," not realizing just how much authority over the Capitol this guy has. But, yeah, conspiracy theories need more evidence than this. I would want to close out the issue by getting a list of who the patriots were and if any matched to militia and if there were additional communications with them from anyone else in the Inner Swamp Circle, before going further than "things that make you go hmmmmm."
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.
Have you forgotten 1/6?

Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.
Have you forgotten 1/6?
Obviously not. You aren't addressing the point at hand.

Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
You're saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?
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