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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

It does indeed say that, but you forgot to cite chapter and verse.
I had correcting verbally in mind.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Do you correct those you love or let them continue thinking the wrong way?

The OP title presumes that people's individual nature is "created",
Yes, an none have refuted that notion.

Do you want to try, or was this your best?


Sure. I'll see your "people's individual nature is "created"" and raise you a "people's individual nature is evolved, as proven by direct observation".
Consider your poseur notion refuted. Not that it was ever supported...

Test or go away.
The OP title presumes that people's individual nature is "created",
Yes, an none have refuted that notion.

Do you want to try, or was this your best?


Sure. I'll see your "people's individual nature is "created"" and raise you a "people's individual nature is evolved, as proven by direct observation".
Consider your poseur notion refuted. Not that it was ever supported...

Test or go away.
Evolved to what difference or change to our instincts.

Inform or go away.

Just go away.
There are places for drivel. This isn't the best one.
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?
The answer is likely the same as whether a person finds blondes attractive or Asians or people that like feet. I can only imagine the long ledger for a god that chooses sexual attractions for individuals.
I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.
Then seeing this isn't in the science forum, this can only mean you are falsely asking a question for an "answer"?
If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?
You need to ask god that question. There are no good answers available in the alleged texts of god, that say homosexuality is an abomination.
Perhaps you are using the wrong criteria to judge win/loss.

Test away, or go away.

You have a really strange concept of what a discussion is. You seem to believe that it is either agree with you or shut up. Is it that you are only here to preach?

Your concept of discussion is as confused as your concept of reality.
So you could not inform and decided to remain stupid.

Talk about confused...

Informing you (trying to inform you) doesn't make anyone else smarter. It's an exercise in futility. Continuing to try after your inability/unwillingness to learn has been repeatedly demonstrated, would be almost as stupid as some of crap you post.
That you are unaware of your laughingstock status around is just another indicator of why you are NWRT
Buh-bye, "Bishop" (wish-up)

Your concept of discussion is as confused as your concept of reality.

WHAT "concept of discussion"? The boy is a preacher. You swallow the superstitious drivel or be damned to eternal torture, Christian-style.
(Actually, trying to actually discuss anything with superstition-soaked religious nutbars is usually its own punishment - IME of course)
Your concept of discussion is as confused as your concept of reality.

WHAT "concept of discussion"? The boy is a preacher. You swallow the superstitious drivel or be damned to eternal torture, Christian-style.
(Actually, trying to actually discuss anything with superstition-soaked religious nutbars is usually its own punishment - IME of course)
I do get the impression that Gnostic most likely has one of those bumper stickers that says:

So far GC apears to be a bible reading Christian Jesus follower of some sort, it is yet to be seen if he belives in the supernatural or not, although in the past he said he rejects it.
he said he rejects it
… while evincing it in the next breath.
He is obviously contradictory and likely has never actually thought through his beliefs. He may not even see his contradictions. Sounds like the usual Christian feel good group think.
I haven’t been exposed to as much of this crap as you have, Steve. I defer to your expertise.
I have no expertise. Some general reading and a lot of debate on the forum over the years, it was an education.
he said he rejects it
… while evincing it in the next breath.
He is obviously contradictory and likely has never actually thought through his beliefs. He may not even see his contradictions. Sounds like the usual Christian feel good group think.
I haven’t been exposed to as much of this crap as you have, Steve. I defer to your expertise.
I have no expertise. Some general reading and a lot of debate on the forum over the years, it was an education.
You were on CARM before I started reading/posting there iirc, and showed a lot of familiarity with the whole schtick even back then.
Maybe I'm mistaken...
So far GC apears to be a bible reading Christian Jesus follower of some sort, it is yet to be seen if he belives in the supernatural or not, although in the past he said he rejects it.
So if I rejected it, why are you wondering if I believe in such imaginary garbage.

You are looking for lies from me which you cannot ever get.

I never lie. I do not have to to sell my religious ideology.

I am not a Christian liar.

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