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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

So far GC apears to be a bible reading Christian Jesus follower of some sort, it is yet to be seen if he belives in the supernatural or not, although in the past he said he rejects it.
So if I rejected it, why are you wondering if I believe in such imaginary garbage.

You are looking for lies from me which you cannot ever get.

I never lie. I do not have to to sell my religious ideology.

I am not a Christian liar.

You certainly aren't asking questions in good faith.

You open up with an alleged science question in a religion sub-forum, but then immediately follow it up with an ontological question, which does belong in a religious sub-forum, but probably be better where people actually believed in a god to begin with. So your opening salvo was merely rhetorical and you aren't interested in what we think from a scientific perspective.

In the end, you are really just asking yourself a question, and then scorning atheists for not answering why a god they don't believe in creates people that are gay.
You certainly aren't asking questions in good faith.
You are a liar.

Seriously, if you really are what passes for a cleric in Gnostic Christianity it does not speak well to the religion.

You began on the forum calling out 'evil religions'. You really don't seem any differnt than those other evil religions. Tribalism, claims to superiority and exclusiveness with Jesus, ad forms of hate speech.

One characteristic of Evangelicals is repeating the same theological simplistic response to questions.

The tribalism you exhibit is a major root cause of atrcities and gebocide.

As the saying goes, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem. In this case you are part of the historical problem.

You desperately hang onto a 2000 year old Christian variation based on a dead Jewish prophet claiming Jesus came for Gnostics, truly a strange interpretation considering Jesus was a Jew preaching to Jews. Just like all Christians.

As a Jew of his times who quoted Jewish scripture and prophets reinforcing Mosaic Law, do you really think Jesus woud have approved of homosexuality? If so what in scipture supports that idea. Certainly not Paul.
[insult removed]

One must have a healthy way to release all that pent up sexual energy, anxiety, and tension. If not it can manifest in unhealthy and self destructive ways.

An old Hawaiian saying. Suffering from laka-nuki? If so a good lei will cure.

May the love, truth, and light of Jesus wash your soul clean and bring you peace.
May the Bird d Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose.
May the wind always be at your back.
Don't take any wooden nickels.
Practice safe sex.

Sometimes it is like a spirit takes over and I am compelled to get up on a soap box and start preaching.
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[insult removed]

I always ponder when a poster just makes the decision to go for the ban.
Could be that being banned would allow them to convince themselves that their 'TRUTH' was too overwhelming for the ignorant plebeians on the forum to grasp or even tolerate. It is easier than trying to make a coherent argument to convince others.
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Self fulfilling prophesy is a characteristic of Christianity.
All thought and behavior, including homosexuality, is regulated by the physical structure of the brain. The physical structure of the brain is founded in genetics and altered by its environment through development and experience. We alter our brain every time we experience anything. It seems reasonable that any alteration, either through inheritence, development or experience, might lead to homosexual preferences, so it is likely not an either/or question with regards to nature or nurture. I suspect, in the case of my cousin, that being raped by a male at the age of two might have contributed to lesbianism. I can't prove it, but if one develops a primal fear of the opposite sex, then the natural sex drive combined with an aversion to the opposite sex, might naturally result in an attraction to the same sex. However, many homosexuals do not report ever having such a pivotal moment, but just a natural awareness from the earliest time they can remember, suggesting that inheritence may be in play for others.

Why do some people like chocolate? A gene that alters our sense of taste? A pleasant memory associated with consuming chocolate? An unpleasant experience resulting in an aversion to vanilla with chocolate being the obvious alternative? A personality that is inclined to conform with a social expectation of preferring vanilla, or a contrarian personality that seeks to express itself through chocolate? There are a lot of different paths that one might take to arrive at their destination. It's an interesting question, why are we who we are, but merely academic. An indescribably complex interaction of nature and nurture makes each of us unique. Asking nature or nurture suggests a false premise that one can exist independently of the other.

Asking if God made it so is simply a failed attampt at ducking the question, because even if there was a God, if that God created nature and nurture, then you have only arrived back at the same question of nature or nurture again.

So, nature or nurture? The answer is 'yes'.
All thought and behavior, including homosexuality, is regulated by the physical structure of the brain. The physical structure of the brain is founded in genetics and altered by its environment through development and experience. We alter our brain every time we experience anything. It seems reasonable that any alteration, either through inheritence, development or experience, might lead to homosexual preferences, so it is likely not an either/or question with regards to nature or nurture. I suspect, in the case of my cousin, that being raped by a male at the age of two might have contributed to lesbianism. I can't prove it, but if one develops a primal fear of the opposite sex, then the natural sex drive combined with an aversion to the opposite sex, might naturally result in an attraction to the same sex. However, many homosexuals do not report ever having such a pivotal moment, but just a natural awareness from the earliest time they can remember, suggesting that inheritence may be in play for others.

Why do some people like chocolate? A gene that alters our sense of taste? A pleasant memory associated with consuming chocolate? An unpleasant experience resulting in an aversion to vanilla with chocolate being the obvious alternative? A personality that is inclined to conform with a social expectation of preferring vanilla, or a contrarian personality that seeks to express itself through chocolate? There are a lot of different paths that one might take to arrive at their destination. It's an interesting question, why are we who we are, but merely academic. An indescribably complex interaction of nature and nurture makes each of us unique. Asking nature or nurture suggests a false premise that one can exist independently of the other.

Asking if God made it so is simply a failed attampt at ducking the question, because even if there was a God, if that God created nature and nurture, then you have only arrived back at the same question of nature or nurture again.

So, nature or nurture? The answer is 'yes'.
Right-o. The real answer to the question in the OP cannot, logically, be any less complex than our neural network is to begin with.
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