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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here. That is an irrefutable statement given entropy and the anthropic principle.

Do you see the truth in this?

So the best of all possible worlds is one in which children are routinely raped by their carers, by your logic?

"Given all the conditions at hand". Who created those conditions, and why?
We did till this point in time.

Backtracking to change anything is impossible, hence the logic and truth in my original rendering.

To your first..

You cannot possibly be that stupid.

Go away you piece of metal garbage, for trying to put your mental shit into my mind.

You yourself asked this question of me. But when I ask it back I am metal garbage? How do you explain the presence of such acts, in what you are arguing is the best possible world, unless it is the case that such things are to be expected in the best possible world?
"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here. That is an irrefutable statement given entropy and the anthropic principle.

Do you see the truth in this?

Just to set the context, Candide is a satiric novel by Voltaire. Pangloss, one of the central figures (whence the adjective Panglossian) is perhaps a satirical portrait of Leibnitz. He is an absurdly optimistic philosopher who maintains his optimism in the face of all kinds of human suffering and pain. The quote above is an example of his philosophy.

Candide was written partly in reaction to the devastating Lisbon earthquake of 1755, in which 30 to 50 thousand men, women and children perished, and which caused extreme consternation throughout Christian Europe: how could God allow such suffering? Apparently they hadn’t yet figured out the modern-day dodge: God is punishing Lisbon because gay marriage.
"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here. That is an irrefutable statement given entropy and the anthropic principle.

Do you see the truth in this?

Just to set the context, Candide is a satiric novel by Voltaire. Pangloss, one of the central figures (whence the adjective Panglossian) is perhaps a satirical portrait of Leibnitz. He is an absurdly optimistic philosopher who maintains his optimism in the face of all kinds of human suffering and pain. The quote above is an example of his philosophy.

Candide was written partly in reaction to the devastating Lisbon earthquake of 1755, in which 30 to 50 thousand men, women and children perished, and which caused extreme consternation throughout Christian Europe: how could God allow such suffering? Apparently they hadn’t yet figured out the modern-day dodge: God is punishing Lisbon because gay marriage.

Thanks for the wiki report.

Your point, in terms of the O.P., was?

The bible and the gospels are the 'Wiki' of Chrtians. When one needs to figure something out one looks in tye bible and quotes Jesus.
...we live in the best of all possible worlds, because it is the only possible world, given all the conditions at hand and the history that got us here.
Pangloss: This is the best of all possible worlds.
Me (ruefully): I know. I know.
Me too, as no one can refute the statement.

Apparently the morality of Gnostic Christians does not include civility. Didn't Jesus say love your neighbor as yourself? Or the Golen Rule, treat others as you want to be treated?

Very strange this Agnostic Christian morality.
Apparently the morality of Gnostic Christians does not include civility. Didn't Jesus say love your neighbor as yourself? Or the Golen Rule, treat others as you want to be treated?

Very strange this Agnostic Christian morality.

The bible says that it is loving to correct those who need it.

Apparently the morality of Gnostic Christians does not include civility. Didn't Jesus say love your neighbor as yourself? Or the Golen Rule, treat others as you want to be treated?

Very strange this Agnostic Christian morality.

The bible says that it is loving to correct those who need it.

There is an obscure command one of The 613 in the bible for Jews to eliminate a rival group. Genocied is biblical. One picks and chooses morality from the bible.
Apparently the morality of Gnostic Christians does not include civility. Didn't Jesus say love your neighbor as yourself? Or the Golen Rule, treat others as you want to be treated?

Very strange this Agnostic Christian morality.

The bible says that it is loving to correct those who need it.

There is an obscure command one of The 613 in the bible for Jews to eliminate a rival group. Genocied is biblical. One picks and chooses morality from the bible.
The Bible also condones beating one's slaves as long as they are not beaten so badly that they are crippled or killed.
Gnostic Christian thinks he is superior to Christianity, he will never acknowledged that he does what all Christians do on morality from the bible. Pic and choose.

I laeve him to his own higher power or his sense of right and wrong and truth.
Gnostic Christian thinks he is superior to Christianity, he will never acknowledged that he does what all Christians do on morality from the bible. Pic and choose.

I laeve him to his own higher power or his sense of right and wrong and truth.
As I leave you to yours.

If you cannot see that the inquisitors were wrong to kill the better Gnostic thinkers, what can I say.

Your higher power needs a step up as well, it seems, to get to my level.

I test myself and my morals against Christians daily. I do not lose.

The OP title presumes that people's individual nature is "created", which poisons the well in advance as far as unraveling the causal elements contributing to whatever identifiable trait one is trying to explain.
Which leads to supremely un-useful assertions, e.g. "Your higher power needs a step up as well, it seems, to get to my level." ... as if you need only to make your higher power step up to the level of a particular one of our posters, and the causes of homo/hetero/bi/other sexuality will magically come clear, to your benefit and that of all humanity.

I used to harbor such delusions when I was about ten ...

The bible says that it is loving to correct those who need it.

You're welcome for this loving post, GC. Hope you internalize its valuable lesson.
Gnostic Christian thinks he is superior to Christianity, he will never acknowledged that he does what all Christians do on morality from the bible. Pic and choose.

I laeve him to his own higher power or his sense of right and wrong and truth.
As I leave you to yours.

If you cannot see that the inquisitors were wrong to kill the better Gnostic thinkers, what can I say.

Your higher power needs a step up as well, it seems, to get to my level.

I test myself and my morals against Christians daily. I do not lose.

Perhaps you are using the wrong criteria to judge win/loss.

Did a six year-old that refuses to accept the arguments of his ten year old brother that there was no tooth fairy win or lose?
The Bible also condones beating one's slaves as long as they are not beaten so badly that they are crippled or killed.
Wasn't it bad if they die immediately, but less bad if they linger for three days or so? Then it's like Covid. If they lasted that long, it wasn't THE BEATING that killed them, but some comorbidity.
The bible says that it is loving to correct those who need it.
It does indeed say that, but you forgot to cite chapter and verse. Let me fix that for you. It's Cologne 47:11.

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

This was regarded as morally acceptable and wise at the time King Solomon reigned around 3000 years ago, but nowadays it could lead to charges of rape, paedophilia and incest. People opposed to homosexuality might raise an objection as well.
After all this time on the forum it is jst sinking in as to how bizarre it is to be debating a modern culture based on the mths of a nomdic tribes writings from thousands of years ago, and a dead Jewish peophet from 2000 years ago.
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