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Are there enough conspiracy theorists to elect Trump?


Veteran Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hallandale, FL
Basic Beliefs
Right leaning skeptic
All the conspiracy theorists I have seen are very anti-Democratic party. They wouldn't touch Kamala Harris with a 10 foot pole. They almost all inevitably back Trump.

This is a collation of people that believe the following:

9-11 was an inside job

The World Economic Forum is a meeting of global elites (mostly Jews) that determine what happens to you and your country

The moon landing was faked or at least very suspicious

The Hawaii fires are not explainable by natural causes, the elites are ultimately behind it

The covid vaccines are dangerous and ineffective and a plot by big Pharma to maximize profit.

The 2020 election was stolen and the deep state covered it up

There is a deep state opposing Donald Trump's presidency and also the presidency of any third party candidate. The charges against him are completely fabricated and all courts, federal agents and state agents that investigate him are directed to do so by the global elite (mostly Jews) that oppose Trump.

The attempted Trump assassinations are deep state plots.

Immigration is a plot by global elites (mostly Jews) to make the country more brown and leftist and diminish jobs and wages of natives, destroying Western values. They want pure open borders and the Democrats are completely on board with the plan. The goal is to dominate whites by sheer numbers, relegating them to minority status and eliminating their power.

Global trade is a plot by the global elites (mostly Jews) to destroy local manufacturing and decrease wages.

Human caused climate change is a hoax designed to control you and make you poor, ultimately furthering the goal of reducing global population.

Bill Gates and George Soros want people to die to reduce global population, and they use their wealth to further this goal.

Defending Ukraine is a plot for arms manufacturers to maximize profit. Putin is a fine fellow that we have no reason to oppose. Similar with Israel.

I have observed two things:

1. Anyone who believes one of these is extremely likely to believe all of them or nearly all of them.

2. The number of people who believe any of these is more than I have ever seen in this country, and they all are either strongly supportive of Trump or very sympathic to him.

How do we get back on the path of some semblance of rationality and reason?

Believing these conspiracies is now pretty much a requirement to be in Trump's inner circle. It has been extremely concerning to observe the sheer number of zealots that believe in such nonsense. I sincerely hope it is not enough to elect Trump.
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All the conspiracy theorists I have seen are very anti-Democratic party. They wouldn't touch Kamala Harris with a 10 foot pole. They almost all inevitably back Trump.
Well, if you are worried that the people in charge are evil geniuses who are conspiring to destroy you, it makes sense to want to put an incompetent buffoon in charge instead. ;)
The GOP started grooming these voters in 2009. They turned every conspiracy theory previous aimed at “globalist” Bush/Cheney against Obama/Democrats. It is now firmly entrenched in that world. Around 2011 I became interested in debunking chemtrails and weather control related “theories”. It quickly became apparent that debunkers = libtard sheeple or government shill. Trump jumped on the wagon in 2012 with the birther nonsense.

I think the GOP knew that they would lose no regular republican voter by courting the Alex Jones crowd. They gained the RFKs and Tulsi Gabbards.
All the conspiracy theorists I have seen are very anti-Democratic party. They wouldn't touch Kamala Harris with a 10 foot pole. They almost all inevitably back Trump.

This is a collation of people that believe the following:

9-11 was an inside job

The World Economic Forum is a meeting of global elites (mostly Jews) that determine what happens to you and your country

The moon landing was faked or at least very suspicious

The Hawaii fires are not explainable by natural causes, the elites are ultimately behind it

The covid vaccines are dangerous and ineffective and a plot by big Pharma to maximize profit.

The 2020 election was stolen and the deep state covered it up

There is a deep state opposing Donald Trump's presidency and also the presidency of any third party candidate. The charges against him are completely fabricated and all courts, federal agents and state agents that investigate him are directed to do so by the global elite (mostly Jews) that oppose Trump.

The attempted Trump assassinations are deep state plots.

Immigration is a plot by global elites (mostly Jews) to make the country more brown and leftist and diminish jobs and wages of natives, destroying Western values. They want pure open borders and the Democrats are completely on board with the plan. The goal is to dominate whites by sheer numbers, relegating them to minority status and eliminating their power.

Global trade is a plot by the global elites (mostly Jews) to destroy local manufacturing and decrease wages.

Human caused climate change is a hoax designed to control you and make you poor, ultimately furthering the goal of reducing global population.

Bill Gates and George Soros want people to die to reduce global population, and they use their wealth to further this goal.

Defending Ukraine is a plot for arms manufacturers to maximize profit. Putin is a fine fellow that we have no reason to oppose. Similar with Israel.

I have observed two things:

1. Anyone who believes one of these is extremely likely to believe all of them or nearly all of them.

2. The number of people who believe any of these is more than I have ever seen in this country, and they all are either strongly supportive of Trump or very sympathic to him.

How do we get back on the path of some semblance of rationality and reason?

Believing these conspiracies is now pretty much a requirement to be in Trump's inner circle. It has been extremely concerning to observe the sheer number of zealots that believe in such nonsense. I sincerely hope it is not enough to elect Trump.
Thank you for putting all those conspiracy theories down in a concise list. Really amazing just how many foolish theories are out there.

What about these for your list?
Elvis is alive
Princess Diana was killed by MI5
Flat earth
All those hidden aliens
Harry Holt was taken by a Chinese submarine
Definitely agree that the conspiracy idiots vote GOP. If one's hopes and dreams are fear and paranoia you definitely belong in today's GOP.
I remember when Ann Coulter was the nutty one and the Democrats were just disconnected from America.

Now days, it does seem the right-wing base and commentators are swaying well into the conspiracy theory world. I wouldn't have thought that "Replacement Theory" would be a card played by a Republican for President.
Of course the moon landing was fake. The moon is made of green cheese yet they brought back "rocks".

However, there's the little detail that the technology of the time was utterly incapable of faking it. (There is a huge amount of stuff on the moon that would have to be done with motion capture and computer generation even today.) Thus they had to shoot on location.
Like, men can get pregnant and a woman can have a penis.
I can see how women with penises might have provided you some dismay, but pregnant men? How have they impacted your life?
Pregnant men? Government-funded aborsh would be a thing in, maybe, half a fetal heartbeat. There'd be chains that did abortions: Fetus Deletus, Abo-Bo Planet, Jiffy Scrape, and Sam's Club (in the car repair bays; half price with a tire rotation.) But seriously, someone's been drinkin' too much Jesus Juice!
Pregnant men? Government-funded aborsh would be a thing in, maybe, half a fetal heartbeat. There'd be chains that did abortions: Fetus Deletus, Abo-Bo Planet, Jiffy Scrape, and Sam's Club (in the car repair bays; half price with a tire rotation.) But seriously, someone's been drinkin' too much Jesus Juice!
And schools. Don't forget that surgeons, nurses, and necessary medical are on staff ready to turn your child into the opposite sex in just a few hours.

Now that's what I call excellent service!
Elon Musk X

Criminals vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party, because it is the soft-on-crime party.
Therefore the obvious incentive of the Democratic Party is to maximize the number of criminals who can vote.
The Dems are also always pushing to allow all felons to vote in federal elections, because they know it helps them win.
This is a fact, not conjecture.
I can think of at least one convicted felon who might object to Musk's sweeping statement.
Pregnant men? Government-funded aborsh would be a thing in, maybe, half a fetal heartbeat. There'd be chains that did abortions: Fetus Deletus, Abo-Bo Planet, Jiffy Scrape, and Sam's Club (in the car repair bays; half price with a tire rotation.) But seriously, someone's been drinkin' too much Jesus Juice!
Reminds me of a half joke from when I was in the Catholic school system.
"If men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament."
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