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Because Anti-Muslim Bigotry, Islamophobia

I'm a woman. I think people keep presuming I'm a man for some reason on this board.
Well to be fair, nobody can tell just who is hiding under that Muslim garb.
As usual, keeping it classy.
Note that we only went after Ghaddafi after things there had already gone to shit. The army wouldn't put down the protests anymore so he was bringing in mercenaries to kill the people. What good he did before doesn't mean he was doing good at the time we intervened.

Likewise, with Syria, we didn't get involved until things had already gone to shit.

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Islamophobia implies an irrational fear of Islam. There are some irrational fears regarding Islam. Sharia courts are not taking over Toronto for example, despite the hysteria a few years back (mostly from people in the USA who had no real knowledge of what was really going on (arbitration)).

The problem is that a good Muslim will go to the Sharia arbitration rather than the court--and thus get screwed if female. If it were truly a free choice I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Actually atrocities were on both sides. ISIS featured amongst the demonstraters and one instance that sparked government reactions was when a small police station was overrun and the occupants killed.

Bad as he was,especially to radicals and those how opposed separation of church from state and insisted on polygamy, he raised Libya to the highest standards of education, healthcare and standards of income in Africa. He also provided free electricity and special 0% interest loans for its citizens.

When he was overthrown with Western backing, Libya ended up several times worse than it was with at least 3 self-acclaimed governments including ISIS & friends.
Likewise, with Syria, we didn't get involved until things had already gone to shit.


We've been involved with Syria for decades. Covertly and overtly. Hell, just with the current leadership, regime-change has been the official policy far before the Syrian Civil War.

Meanwhile, with Syrian support, the W Admin had secret CIA interment camps in Syria.
Suspect is 47 year old Darren Osbourne of Cardiff, Wales.
A typical bloody immigrant, who came to live in our Country without, as far as I know, learning a word of our language or anything of our culture. This is what happens when you let fanatics from Weston move where they please!
Islamophobia implies an irrational fear of Islam. There are some irrational fears regarding Islam. Sharia courts are not taking over Toronto for example, despite the hysteria a few years back (mostly from people in the USA who had no real knowledge of what was really going on (arbitration)).

But that said, there is plenty about Islam and about Muslims to be concerned about if you are a secular humanist etc, just as there is plenty to concern you about Christians from the Bible belt.

Islamophobia is a real problem. The oversensitivity to criticism of Islam has become another real problem.

In agreeing with you some have a fear of Americans, but it's just a few politicians and troops working for regime change. Some fear Islam but really it should be some Islamists

America is rightfully feared by non-Americans, especially with Trump behind the wheel. So is Islam. Both are dangerous threats to the world. Islam doesn't have to mean chopping off hands, slaughtering kaffir, and hanging homosexuals off the sides of buildings to be a dangerous threat to the world. You can put all of the extremist stuff to the side and just look at the core of Islam and you will still have serious problems for secularism and free thought.
The problem is that a good Muslim will go to the Sharia arbitration rather than the court--and thus get screwed if female. If it were truly a free choice I wouldn't have a problem with it.

It is a free choice, unless you say somebody can be compelled by their belief system. Under that standard most choices are not free.
In agreeing with you some have a fear of Americans, but it's just a few politicians and troops working for regime change. Some fear Islam but really it should be some Islamists

America is rightfully feared by non-Americans, especially with Trump behind the wheel. So is Islam. Both are dangerous threats to the world. Islam doesn't have to mean chopping off hands, slaughtering kaffir, and hanging homosexuals off the sides of buildings to be a dangerous threat to the world. You can put all of the extremist stuff to the side and just look at the core of Islam and you will still have serious problems for secularism and free thought.

The trail of destruction from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries were not caused by Trump but he could make some countries feel nervous when he tweets.
As usual, keeping it classy.
The pic I posted is reality under Islam.
You and other leftists demand western countries get islamicized by allowing unlimited numbers of Islamic migrants to come in. Remember - 99% of Afghans believe in the Sharia Law.
As usual, keeping it classy.
The pic I posted is reality under Islam. .

How long did YOU live "under Islam" Derec?
I am sorry for your terrible experience, but seriously...
... you should get with WP, aggregate your "Islamists" with his "Marxists", and attack them all as a team.

BTW, Here's a picture - it is reality under Chrstianism:

How long did YOU live "under Islam" Derec?
A few months. Not nearly as long as under Marxism, but still.

... you should get with WP, aggregate your "Islamists" with his "Marxists", and attack them all as a team.
For some reason, Marxists and Islamists are getting along great these days. Must be they have common enemies: US, Israel, market economy and liberal democracy.

BTW, Here's a picture - it is reality under Chrstianism:
Well Jim Jones was also a Marxist, which just goes to show - everything is worse when mixed with Marxism.
The pic I posted is reality under Islam. .

How long did YOU live "under Islam" Derec?
I am sorry for your terrible experience, but seriously...
... you should get with WP, aggregate your "Islamists" with his "Marxists", and attack them all as a team.

BTW, Here's a picture - it is reality under Chrstianism:

View attachment 11516

How often does Jonestown occur; every day?
The pic I posted is reality under Islam.

You and other leftists demand western countries get islamicized by allowing unlimited numbers of Islamic migrants to come in. Remember - 99% of Afghans believe in the Sharia Law.
Thank you for providing more examples for the OP with "classy" straw man.
How long did YOU live "under Islam" Derec?
I am sorry for your terrible experience, but seriously...
... you should get with WP, aggregate your "Islamists" with his "Marxists", and attack them all as a team.

BTW, Here's a picture - it is reality under Chrstianism:

View attachment 11516

How often does Jonestown occur; every day?

How often are Brits forced to live under Sharia law?
So my pic is infinitely more relevant than Derec's.
How long did YOU live "under Islam" Derec?
I am sorry for your terrible experience, but seriously...
... you should get with WP, aggregate your "Islamists" with his "Marxists", and attack them all as a team.

BTW, Here's a picture - it is reality under Chrstianism:

View attachment 11516

How often does Jonestown occur; every day?

Ever been to an African village decimated by disease because the local missionaries told them that condoms spread disease?
How often does Jonestown occur; every day?

How often are Brits forced to live under Sharia law?
So my pic is infinitely more relevant than Derec's.

I've worked with Sharia law as applied to contracts, which could be used in Arbitration in the West without conflicting with existing laws.
How often does Jonestown occur; every day?

Ever been to an African village decimated by disease because the local missionaries told them that condoms spread disease?

How did they fare before condoms were invented :)
I know this is more complex than that. Missionaries and colonisation when together were generally disruptive.
For some reason, Marxists and Islamists are getting along great these days. Must be they have common enemies: US, Israel, market economy and liberal democracy.

If the ISIS Black Flags Of Rome (Handbook) is genuine, then it would appear that on the political front it (ISIS) is working to form alliances with human rights, and left wing groups:

European Muslims allying with Left-wing Activists: A growing population of left-winged activists (people who are against; human/animal abuses, Zionism, and Austerity measures etc) look upto the Muslims as a force who are strong enough to fight against the injustices of the world.

It seems from the article below that many of these people (who are sometimes part of Anonymous and Anarchy movements) will ally with the Muslims to fight against the neo-Nazis’ and rich politicians. They will give intelligence, share weapons and do undercover work for the Muslims to pave the way for the conquest of Rome. How will this happen? If you have ever been at a pro-Palestine / anti-Israel protest, you will see many activists who are not even Muslims who are supportive of what Muslims are calling for (the fall of Zionism).

It is most likely here that connections between Muslims and Left-wing activists will be made, and a portion from them will realise that protests are not effective, and that armed combat is the alternative. So they will start to work together in small cells of groups to fight and sabotage against the ‘financial elite’.

Here is an article below which gives a real life example of this: Italy's Left-Wing Terrorists Flirt with Radical Islamists (Article from September 13, 2007)) Last February (2006), in the quiet of a secluded northern Italian country house, three Italian far left militants brainstormed, unaware that counter-terrorism officials were listening to their every word. The men were known members of the so-called "New Red Brigades," discussing new strategies for the group. Alfredo Davanzo, the ideologue of the group who had just returned from France using a forged passport, spoke about the need to overcome the organization's isolation, caused by its secrecy and the waves of arrests it had suffered (ironically, the three would be arrested the following Monday).

The group, said the men, should find new venues for their recruitment efforts and pointed to Italian mosques, described as "propellers of protests and struggles," as one of the most obvious choices (Corriere della Sera, July 30).

The conversation is just another indication of what Italian intelligence officials have warned about for the last few years: some of the most militant segments of the Italian extreme left have displayed an increasing interest in and admiration for radical Islam.

What has been only purely moral support up to now could possibly develop into a dangerous cooperation [1]. Exactly a year after the Biagi assassination, Lioce and Galesi were stopped for a routine check on a regional train in Tuscany. Afraid they would be recognized, they opened fire, killing a police officer. In the shootout that ensued, Galesi was killed and Lioce arrested. Once in custody, Lioce declared herself a member of the Red Brigades and a "political prisoner," as members of the organization have traditionally done. However, the focus of the statement she gave to interrogators surprised officials:

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