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Bill Maher For President - 2028

Hillary isn't a comedian but she is a bad joke. 😆
Hillary might've been the most qualified person to have run for POTUS. Attorney, First Lady, Senator, ambassador, Secretary of State. The GOP went after her with a vengeance for nearly three decades and she still won the popular vote against the orange shart.

Anyway, Bill Maher... I'm a fan, but the kids these days have really taken a disliking to him. It appears that's mainly because he's a little more sophisticated than the black and white absolutism that's become so popular among the young left. Hopefully they grow out of that.

I don't take the OP's initial question seriously and it doesn't seem to have been intended seriously.

Only semi-seriously. It would be a very entertaining election.
And now for something completely different, who do you want to see run in 2028 for president? On the GOP side, every dangerous GOP kook will be running. Danger Young Will Robinson! Danger!
I'm so tired of celebrities getting "selected" to run for president. No, clowns do not make good presidents. We've tried this over and goddamn over. Fuck the Republicans and fuck their anti-intellectual, anti-adulting bullshit until the end of time. Washington DC is a political arena, and I want a politician to represent my interests in that arena.
Why are we so far behind Mexico?
On civil rights? When have we ever not been? They emancipated their slaves, methodically dismantled the corrupt alliance between church and state, and legalized interracial marriage within years of attaining nationhood. When it comes down to it, we only ever threw off the shackles of colonialism halfway; Mexico blew them all to hell. Of course, their freedoms came at a considerable cost, a cost they are still paying.
Can't wait for Michelle Obama to run, you know it's coming.
I'd be guardedly on board with that. I wish we could move on from Obama and his mostly smoke and mirror legacy, but at least she's level-headed, generally empathetic, and above all qualified for the job.
I can't think of a female TV personality that'd be more well known than Colbert.
Oprah Winfrey, who morons also frequently insist ought to run.
Yes, Winfrey does come to mind, but I just DQ'd her from conversation as I don't think she has the slightest interest in it.
Oprah is not smart enough to be president. She believes all kinds of bullshit. I've never been a fan. Neither Michelle or Oprah have any interest in running and I think Oprah is 70. I thought we wanted someone younger to run next time, since we're not going to get someone younger now. If I have to vote for a man, I'll take Cory Booker over most anyone else. Love that guy. He ran into a burning building to rescue people in Newark, when he was mayor. He's very kind, caring and experienced. He's got a lot going for him, but in our racist country, I doubt another Blackish man could win anytime soon. He's old enough to have acquired wisdom but not so old that it would be used against him.
Everybody bitches about the fact we have less than exciting candidates for president. Win or lose, 2028 is going to be a wide open race. I suggest drafting Bill Maher. He's smart. He's thoughtful. He is exciting. Why wait for some political hacks to float to the surface while everybody moans, "Is this the best these two parties can do?".

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

Why are we so far behind Mexico?
On civil rights? When have we ever not been? They emancipated their slaves, methodically dismantled the corrupt alliance between church and state, and legalized interracial marriage within years of attaining nationhood. When it comes down to it, we only ever threw off the shackles of colonialism halfway; Mexico blew them all to hell. Of course, their freedoms came at a considerable cost, a cost they are still paying.
But, Mexico is known for machismo culture. That is what I was thinking of when I made the comment. A culture known for its macho attitude elects a female president, but we can't even elect a woman who was well qualified, even if she wasn't well liked and had a lot of baggage. We will never have a president who everyone likes. None of them have ever been perfect, and none of them ever will be, but there is only one who is a major threat to democracy.

I don't think this thread was meant to be serious. I took it as a way of using humor to cope with the mess we may be facing in the next 4 years.
but there is only one who is a major threat to democracy.
I wish I shared your optimistic read of the history, here. The erosion of democratic values in this country did not take a mere 4 years to effect, it has been a very long term process that multiple successive White Houses have been complicit in.
I can't think of a female TV personality that'd be more well known than Colbert.
Oprah Winfrey, who morons also frequently insist ought to run.

How about Rachel Maddow?
Fuck no!
I mean....out of the folks who've been mentioned so far, she's certainly the most educated in terms of policy (she's self-identified as a "policy wonk" if I recall), and arguably the most intelligent. Of course, she can pretty much write off all the evangelical/MAGA base for the same reason as Pete Buttigieg. She might even be banned from being mentioned at all in Florida...a formerly important swing state!
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