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Bill O'Reilly's combat experiences....hmmm?

No, you misunderstand. It's not catching on out there in the world. I am free to point that out in this thread.

It is getting a fair amount of play, just not with the sort of persistence that it deserves. But since I already pointed this out, your observation adds nothing to the discussion. Shockingly.

Let us know when you have something to say that addresses the substance of the issue.
No, you misunderstand. It's not catching on out there in the world. I am free to point that out in this thread.

It is getting a fair amount of play, just not with the sort of persistence that it deserves. But since I already pointed this out, your observation adds nothing to the discussion. Shockingly.

Let us know when you have something to say that addresses the substance of the issue.

I don't give a crap about the substance of the issue. I just read the Slate article you posted and commented it didn't look like your little hate Bill O'reilly party was taking off.

That's a pretty nice contribution to the thread I think.
I don't give a crap about the substance of the issue.

We know.

I just read the Slate article you posted and commented it didn't look like your little hate Bill O'reilly party was taking off.

That's a pretty nice contribution to the thread I think.

No, it really isn't, as you said nothing that hadn't already been said, you just said it in a far less intelligent and much more childish manner.

But given the quality of the majority of your posts on this forum, it doesn't surprise me that this meets your criteria of "a nice contribution."

Move along.
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We know.

I just read the Slate article you posted and commented it didn't look like your little hate Bill O'reilly party was taking off.

That's a pretty nice contribution to the thread I think.

No, it really isn't, as you said nothing that hadn't already been said, you just said it in a far less intelligent and much more childish manner.

But given the quality of the majority of your posts on this forum, it doesn't surprise me that this meets your criteria of "a nice contribution."

Move along.

Think of me as bringing the point of view of a person who does not come predisposed with a blind, irrational hatred of Bill O'Reilly to the thread. Diversity makes things better.
Think of me as bringing the point of view of a person who does not come predisposed with a blind, irrational hatred of Bill O'Reilly to the thread. Diversity makes things better.

Yeah, no. You already told us you don't care about the substance of the issue. And we already knew.

Again, feel free to troll other threads.
Think of me as bringing the point of view of a person who does not come predisposed with a blind, irrational hatred of Bill O'Reilly to the thread. Diversity makes things better.

Yeah, no. You already told us you don't care about the substance of the issue. And we already knew.

Again, feel free to troll other threads.

I care about bringing diversity of thought to the discussion. In this case the diverse thought is "Hey, Bill O'Reilly haters this Bill O'Reilly scandal you are trying to manufacture doesn't seem to be taking off".

So, yes as I mentioned earlier, it's probably time to move on to the next outrage.
I care about bringing diversity of thought to the discussion.

Too bad that's not what you said, and not what you did.

So, yes as I mentioned earlier, it's probably time to move on to the next outrage.

Or, time for you to find another thread to troll, as I just suggested.
Too bad that's not what you said, and not what you did.

So, yes as I mentioned earlier, it's probably time to move on to the next outrage.

Or, time for you to find another thread to troll, as I just suggested.

No one forces you to read what I write or respond to it.

If it makes you feel any better, I think half the reason the media is reluctant to come down too hard on Bill O'Reilly on this is because if they are hard on him they will have to be hard on a certain Bosnian sniper fire dodging presidential candidate as well.
If it makes you feel any better, I think half the reason the media is reluctant to come down too hard on Bill O'Reilly on this is because if they are hard on him they will have to be hard on a certain Bosnian sniper fire dodging presidential candidate as well.

Which would be good. If public figures just outright lie about shit to make them look better, they should get called on it.
Yeah, I don't see the down side here. "Stop lying about combat experience you don't have." I must say, it is funny, how there has been a shift in Godwin. Given enough time, any conversation with a right-winger will eventually have Hillary Clinton brought up.

Though, I believe SCOTUS recently ruled it was unconstitutional to have laws against claiming you were a decorated Veteran if you weren't.
Though, I believe SCOTUS recently ruled it was unconstitutional to have laws against claiming you were a decorated Veteran if you weren't.
Yeah. Something about the idea that a medal lost some of its reputation if just 'anybody' could say they earned one. Which implies that people would stop performing heroic acts simply because the MOH would be worth less than it had been... Never heard a recepient talk about the thought process before charging the machine gun or the tank, 'is the MOH going to get me laid?'

Of course, if the reputation of the MOH were lessened, the desire to falsely claim you had one would lessen, so it'd be a self-correcting problem.

I guess if we valued peace more than war, then Bill'O would be less inclined to lie about his war experiences?
Though, I believe SCOTUS recently ruled it was unconstitutional to have laws against claiming you were a decorated Veteran if you weren't.
Yeah. Something about the idea that a medal lost some of its reputation if just 'anybody' could say they earned one.

The law (Stolen Valor Act, IIRC) was passed due to the wisdom of the legislative and executive branches in reflecting the will of the people. The USSC overturned it because free speech.

This just means the government can't punish you for lying about such things. But it can of course cause you to lose your position as Bloviating Fox News Commentator or Inevitable Presidential Nominee.
Yeah. Something about the idea that a medal lost some of its reputation if just 'anybody' could say they earned one.

The law (Stolen Valor Act, IIRC) was passed due to the wisdom of the legislative and executive branches in reflecting the will of the people. The USSC overturned it because free speech.
And one of the federal judges in the chain dismissed Prosecution's claim that such behavior would cheapen the medals' reputations and somehow harm the soldiers by that cheapening, saying that such a stance was an insult to service members.
This just means the government can't punish you for lying about such things. But it can of course cause you to lose your position as Bloviating Fox News Commentator or Inevitable Presidential Nominee.
Well, it means you can't be PROSECUTED for such things, but you can certainly be punished if you hold a position that depends on being trustworthy and you no longer are.
The law (Stolen Valor Act, IIRC) was passed due to the wisdom of the legislative and executive branches in reflecting the will of the people. The USSC overturned it because free speech.
And one of the federal judges in the chain dismissed Prosecution's claim that such behavior would cheapen the medals' reputations and somehow harm the soldiers by that cheapening, saying that such a stance was an insult to service members.
This just means the government can't punish you for lying about such things. But it can of course cause you to lose your position as Bloviating Fox News Commentator or Inevitable Presidential Nominee.
Well, it means you can't be PROSECUTED for such things, but you can certainly be punished if you hold a position that depends on being trustworthy and you no longer are.

Right. We are in raging agreement there.
Though, I believe SCOTUS recently ruled it was unconstitutional to have laws against claiming you were a decorated Veteran if you weren't.
Yeah. Something about the idea that a medal lost some of its reputation if just 'anybody' could say they earned one. Which implies that people would stop performing heroic acts simply because the MOH would be worth less than it had been... Never heard a recepient talk about the thought process before charging the machine gun or the tank, 'is the MOH going to get me laid?'

Back in the day when I got a Victoria Cross*, I definitely avoided mentioning the event to people afterwards, as it seemed very unlikely that retelling the story would get me laid. It was a pretty serious fight, and I feel there was some bravery on both sides. I count myself lucky to have escaped with my life, to be honest.

*I don't recall her surname, but I am pretty sure her first name was Victoria, or maybe Veronica. Anyway, she must have been very cross indeed to throw her drink in my face like that.
Yeah. Something about the idea that a medal lost some of its reputation if just 'anybody' could say they earned one. Which implies that people would stop performing heroic acts simply because the MOH would be worth less than it had been... Never heard a recepient talk about the thought process before charging the machine gun or the tank, 'is the MOH going to get me laid?'

Back in the day when I got a Victoria Cross*, I definitely avoided mentioning the event to people afterwards, as it seemed very unlikely that retelling the story would get me laid. It was a pretty serious fight, and I feel there was some bravery on both sides. I count myself lucky to have escaped with my life, to be honest.

*I don't recall her surname, but I am pretty sure her first name was Victoria, or maybe Veronica. Anyway, she must have been very cross indeed to throw her drink in my face like that.

I remember an old neighbor who told me he was wounded at the battle of Vin Rouge. He said he had pictures of himself with his Purple Heart on. I never saw the pictures.
Clinton has already acknowledged she was wrong. So has Williams. O'Reilly is the only one of them persisting in the false statements.
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