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Black Jogger Gunned Down In The Street

Before Ahmaud Arbery's death, multiple people walked through construction site, report says

Homeowner Larry English confirmed to CNN through the release of new videos that several people had entered the construction site over the course of several months. CNN reported that it obtained 11 surveillance clips from Oct. 25, 2019, to Feb. 23, 2020, from attorney J. Elizabeth Graddy, who is representing English.

Among the people seen entering the site on separate occasions: A (white) man and woman, a man and even (white) children.
My goodness, life must be pretty desparate there with even white people trespassing with an intent to steal.:rolleyes:
Before Ahmaud Arbery's death, multiple people walked through construction site, report says

Homeowner Larry English confirmed to CNN through the release of new videos that several people had entered the construction site over the course of several months. CNN reported that it obtained 11 surveillance clips from Oct. 25, 2019, to Feb. 23, 2020, from attorney J. Elizabeth Graddy, who is representing English.

Among the people seen entering the site on separate occasions: A (white) man and woman, a man and even (white) children.
My goodness, life must be pretty desparate there with even white people trespassing with an intent to steal.:rolleyes:

All those white thieves around! Thank goodness the heavily armed black militias are roving all over the place to protect the neighborhood!
Thank goodness the heavily armed black militias are roving all over the place to protect the neighborhood!
Pretty much sums up the leftist attitude toward armed extremist militias!

That if we're going to allow some heavily armed militias to roam the streets, we have to allow all of them?

That if it's okay for three white guys to hunt down a black man, it's okay for three black guys to hunt down a white man?

I don't think that's leftist. Sounds more Anarchist-Libertarian to me.
Ok. Please explain how Mr Arbery's criminal record (a) influenced, and (b) justified the vigilante homicide perpetrated by the McMichaels.
He might have recognized him. But even without it, him being a thief makes it more likely that he was looking at the construction site with intent to steal something. Past behavior is not guarantee of future behavior, but it is a decent predictor thereof. That's why people like Koy are so vociferous in insisting he didn't really steal that TV.

You may also want to explain why you always go hunting for the past misdeeds of black homicide victims but never seem interested in the past misdeeds of the people perpetrating those homicides.

To complete the narrative. The media kept insisting that Arbery was "just a jogger" which is a very incomplete picture. Same thing with Trayvon Martin. The dominant media picture was that he was this great student, went to space camp et cetera, et cetera. You really needed to dig to uncover that he was suspended for fighting and for vandalizing school lockers and that jewelry that wasn't his and burglary tools were found in his backpack. You also had to dig to find out that he dealt drugs to his friends.
Or take Mike Brown. The media built a narrative of a gentle giant who was about to go to college. When the video of him robbing the store was released by the police, Eric Holder's DOJ, activists and many in the media criticized that getting published as it eviscerated the false narrative they so carefully constructed.

If? Which part of my statement is in dispute?
They neither pled guilty nor were they found guilty in a court of law. As such, "if they are guilty" is an appropriate qualifier.

I don't believe you. In thread after thread, you routinely attack the character and motivation of black people who are the victims of violent attacks and homicide, but never condemn the actions or characters of those perpetrating these attacks. You are one of the most prejudiced people I know on these forums.

Again, I am just trying to counteract the biased narratives of "gentle giants spreading the word of Jesus Christ" that MSM is wont to promulgate.
Oh, so now the Black Panthers are the reason English told the cop nothing was ever taken when they were discussing trespassing on the property back in December,
Do you have a cite for the claim that English said nothing went missing back in December?
Initially English said that some fishing tackle was stolen, and then all of a sudden he is now claiming nothing was stolen. So, yes I suspect intimidation by heavily armed and racist Black Panthers had something to do with him reversing himself.
CNN said:
The owner of a home under construction near the scene of Arbery's February 23 shooting, listed as a victim in the police report, said his surveillance system captured a man who appeared to be Arbery "coming onto his property" on that day.
The homeowner, who declined to share the clips with CNN, said there were previous videos on other occasions showing a man entering the property and stealing fishing tackle but he could not identify the man and he did not file a police report.
ou may also want to explain why you always go hunting for the past misdeeds of black homicide victims but never seem interested in the past misdeeds of the people perpetrating those homicides.
To complete the narrative. The media kept insisting that Arbery was "just a jogger" which is a very incomplete picture. Same thing with Trayvon Martin. The dominant media picture was that he was this great student, went to space camp et cetera, et cetera. You really needed to dig to uncover that he was suspended for fighting and for vandalizing school lockers and that jewelry that wasn't his and burglary tools were found in his backpack. You also had to dig to find out that he dealt drugs to his friends.

You have to give credence to rumors to believe all that. The suspensions were documented. The rest is unsourced gossip that right wing sites endlessly repeat as though it was a mantra of Revealed Truth.

How much digging does it take to find out that Martin's killer had a juvenile record for an act of violence, an adult criminal record for an act of violence, lost his job over an act of violence, broke up with his first fiancé due to acts of violence, was accused by his cousin of acts of violence, admitted he was engaged in pursuit of a teenaged pedestrian which was found out later to have been armed pursuit when he shot the guy to death? I'm asking because it didn't seem to take much digging at all and yet you appear to have done none.

Similarly, you appear to have gone digging for dirt on Arbery and completely ignored Greg McMichael being suspended twice and losing his certification to be a law enforcement officer.

If you're genuinely interested in keeping the narrative honest, you have to be willing to deal honestly with the facts, not peddle half-truths and exaggerations. George Zimmerman is a thug. Greg McMichael got his son and his gun to hunt down a man he couldn't be certain was a trespasser, much less a burglar. Travis McMichael brandished a shotgun and then intercepted the man at close range, putting them both in deadly danger.

Focusing on a shoplifting charge from three years ago, one that does not appear to have been a factor in the incident we are discussing, doesn't look like you are attempting to present a complete picture. It looks like you want to change the picture.
Oh, so now the Black Panthers are the reason English told the cop nothing was ever taken when they were discussing trespassing on the property back in December,
Do you have a cite for the claim that English said nothing went missing back in December?
Initially English said that some fishing tackle was stolen, and then all of a sudden he is now claiming nothing was stolen. So, yes I suspect intimidation by heavily armed and racist Black Panthers had something to do with him reversing himself.
The fact Mr. English did not bother to file a police report is interesting and suggestive, since there were no Black Panthers around to intimidate anyone (except those racists and bigots who cringe at the mere thought of them). So, it is also possible that Mr. English made the claim of theft due to intimidation by his "posse" neighbors or that he misspoke.

Nonetheless, there is no evidence Mr. Arbery committed any theft since there is no report of theft.
Oh, so now the Black Panthers are the reason English told the cop nothing was ever taken when they were discussing trespassing on the property back in December,
Do you have a cite for the claim that English said nothing went missing back in December?

Yes, and so do you from when I posted it previously (emphasis mine):

WTOC obtained 10 incident reports and radio communication logs from at least five prior 911 calls in Satilla Shores, the neighborhood where Ahmaud Arbery was killed in February by armed homeowners.

The reports show neighbors and the property owner called 911 previously about someone inside a home under construction several times, but the homeowner alluded to seeing different people inside the home at different times, undercutting the McMichaels’ claim that Arbery matched a description of a burglary suspect.

Of the reports, none are listed as burglaries. The only reported theft happened on Jan. 1 and involved a gun getting stolen from Travis McMichael’s unlocked truck.

The first 911 call came on Oct. 25 and is classified as a trespass. The homeowner, Larry English, called 911 because someone was inside the home, and it activated cameras. The call lasted about 13 minutes and ended when the unidentified man walked off the property without taking anything.

The next call came nearly a month later on Nov. 18. English called again about someone inside and reportedly told dispatch, “he had the same issue with different people last night” indicating it isn’t the same person always inside. This call lasted about 20 minutes and ended with the officer changing it from a trespassing to extra watch, indicating officers would check the property.

The third call is on Jan. 1. Travis McMichael said someone stole a pistol from his unlocked truck; no suspect description is provided in the rather short CAD log and incident report.

The fourth call happened over a month later on Feb. 11 around 7:30 p.m. and shows that Travis McMichael got in his truck to see whoever it was inside the home. McMichael told police he watched the man run across several properties and back into the home under construction. Responding officers searched but found no one. In this report, homeowner Larry English is quoted as saying, “it appears the unknown male is only trespassing and plundering around as he has yet to see where anything has been taken.”

Here is Larry English's attorney's statement of record on behalf of her client (emphasis mine):

Below is the entire statement from the homeowner’s attorney, J. Elizabeth Graddy:

"Mr. English wants to correct the mistaken impression that he had shared this video or any other information with the McMichaels prior to the McMichaels’ decision to chase Mr. Arbery. The homeowners had not even seen the February 23 video before Travis McMichael shot Mr. Arbery. When homeowner Larry English saw the photos of Mr. Arbery that were later broadcast, his first impression was that Mr. Arbery was not the man captured on video inside the house on February 23, and he said that to a neighbor.

In the months prior to February 23, a motion-activated camera had captured videos of someone inside the house (which was and remains a construction site) at night. Mr. English has never said that Mr. Arbery was the person or persons in those videos, and he does not see a resemblance now. After the first time that video captured someone in the house, Mr. English contacted local law enforcement on a non-emergency number and made them aware of the unauthorized entry onto his property. He never used the word "burglary." He never shared any of this information with the McMichaels, whom he did not even know. Nothing was ever stolen from the house -- which, again, was a construction site. Even if there had been a robbery, however, the English family would not have wanted a vigilante response. They would have entrusted the matter to law enforcement authorities. On February 23, the English family was two hours away from the Satilla Shores neighborhood andwas unaware of the tragedy that was unfolding. Mr. English was not the one who called 911 on February 23. The only crime that the homeowner has seen captured on video is the senseless killing of Mr. Arbery.
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Man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery has been arrested, GBI says

CNN said:
William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., the man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in a neighborhood outside Brunswick, Georgia, has been arrested on suspicion of murder, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Thursday.

Bryan witnessed the deadly encounter between Travis McMichael and Arbery on February 23 from a vehicle behind a pickup that stopped in the road. Gregory McMichael, who was in the bed of the pickup during the shooting, told police that Bryan had tried to help them stop Arbery earlier, according to an incident report...

... The GBI, which is conducting the investigation into Arbery's death, said Bryan, 50, was arrested Thursday and will face charges of felony murder and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.
Yes, and so do you from when I posted it previously (emphasis mine):

My point is that this is contradictory to the statement that fishing tackle was stolen. And as I said, we have racist, Marxist, black militia, heavily armed, patrolling and intimidating that neighborhood.

By the way, was Arbery's domicile ever searched for fishing tackle, McMichael's gun or other potential stolen items?

More appeasing of the angry mob. That guy literally did nothing, just recorded what happened.
But the anti-white racists want another pound of flesh I guess.

You know, for someone who wants to set the record straight, you sure don't seem to care al that much about the actual record.

It was clear from the moment this story went viral that Bryan was involved in the attempt to cut off Arbery. Greg McMichael said so to the officer who took his statement. Bryan probably thought he was being a good neighbor by helping a retired cop apprehend someone. Nevertheless, there is sufficient evidence to support the charge of criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment, which in turn supports the charge of felony murder in Arbery's death.

Bryan has already been cooperating with the GBI. I expect a plea deal.
Yes, and so do you from when I posted it previously (emphasis mine):

My point is that this is contradictory to the statement that fishing tackle was stolen.

I asked you before if you could find out more about the alleged theft of fishing tackle. The story you linked to is one we've already seen, and English has since gone on record saying nothing was ever stolen.

At this point, the stolen fishing tackle story is just a rumor. Perhaps you can find out when it supposedly happened. Apparently, the McMichaels confronted someone they thought might be a burglar back in 2019. Was the fishing tackle stolen back then or more recently?

More appeasing of the angry mob. That guy literally did nothing, just recorded what happened.
According to the linked article
Bryan had tried to help them stop Arbery earlier, according to an incident report
. So Bryan did not literally do nothing.
But the anti-white racists want another pound of flesh I guess.
Who on earth are you babbling about?
By the way, was Arbery's domicile ever searched for fishing tackle, McMichael's gun or other potential stolen items?
Why would the police search for fishing tackle that has not been reported stolen? What probable cause would the police have had to search Mr. Arbery's home for any other reported stolen item?
He might have recognized him. But even without it, him being a thief makes it more likely that he was looking at the construction site with intent to steal something.

Unless the McMichaels have perfectly reliable psychic powers, that is irrelevant. If you hunt down and kill a random stranger for the giggles, and it later turns out he was, without your knowledge, on the FBI's most wanted list, you still murdered a stranger and can't claim self defence during a citizen's arrest that went wrong.

It doesn't matter what crimes Arbery may have committed over the course of the last 5 or 10 years. At thre very most, it matters what crimes he was witnessed committing on the day of his killing by the people who ended up killing him. They aren't even claiming any themselves, so it's pretty clear the answer is "none."
Why would the police search for fishing tackle that has not been reported stolen?
According to that CNN article I cited it was reported.

What probable cause would the police have had to search Mr. Arbery's home for any other reported stolen item?
Because he was suspected in those burglaries. That's why he was followed after all.
If he DID steal the gun and the tackle, would it not be good for police to know that?
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