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You are projecting.
I see English is not your native language.
The two from the Starbucks incident got free college education at ASU. Did you not hear about that?
No. Clearly I have no idea what you mean by "black privilege". Are you insinuating that black people expect to get free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals or that black people routinely are given free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals? Frankly, your usage of the term appears more like white hate boner privilege than "black privilege".
Him being able to travel at the drop of the hat is CEO privilege. Black people getting benefits like free college education over a minor incident is black privilege. Two different things, two different privileges. Do try to keep up.

So you would give discounts to select few. Should there be some sort of lottery, or?

So just to be clear you think this is a racism issue and not a classism issue, right?
I don't know why these teens were suspected of shoplifting. Maybe the employees or customers were racist. Maybe they behaved oddly. We do not know.
However, I have seen nothing to indicate how much money they (or they parents) have. Do you?

I did not write that disadvantaged kids should get discounts generally and maybe I think that or maybe I don't. Since I did not write it, I don't care to assert it now. Instead, what I wrote is that if he really cares.
You did write something about deep discounts for the disadvantaged. What did you actually mean?

Holy Bejeebus! I was merely making a point that if the CEO actually cares, then he could use the money he is spending for marketing purposes (damage control) on people who need his company's products rather than on the marketing purposes by flying and making noise. I'm not going to write a dissertation on it. If you don't get it, do some no-soul searching.
I see English is not your native language.
Still much better at using it than you.
No. Clearly I have no idea what you mean by "black privilege".
Having "no idea" is a default condition for you.

Are you insinuating that black people expect to get free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals or that black people routinely are given free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals?
Both. Many demand special treatment, and many get it. Like those two women who were kicked off a wine tour for being loud and who sued for millions.
Playing the race card for fun and profit is a form of black privilege. Other forms are racial preferences in college admissions, hiring and government contracts, media that focuses on white-on-black crime even though black-on-white crime is more common, the idea that "blacks can't be racist" and so on.

Frankly, your usage of the term appears more like white hate boner privilege than "black privilege".
If you want to see a veritable sausage-fest of hate boner privilege, mosey over to what is surely the billionth Z thread on here.
Having "no idea" is a default condition for you.
When dealing with white hate boner babble, that is true.

Both. Many demand special treatment, and many get it.
These two young men were victims of rude, callous and unfair treatment that was probably due to their race. So, it is Orwellian for anyone to claim that any voluntary compensation they received is a form of "privilege", especially when there is no
evidence that these two people either expected or demanded free college tuition. Your claims appears more as an example of white hate boner babble than anything approaching a rational argument.
Like those two women who were kicked off a wine tour for being loud and who sued for millions.
If filing nuisance and silly lawsuits constitutes "privilege", then you must admit there is also white privilege.
Playing the race card for fun and profit is a form of black privilege.
I would agree that would be black privilege. Just like playing the race card for fun and profit is a form of white privilege.
Other forms are racial preferences in college admissions, hiring and government contracts, media that focuses on white-on-black crime even though black-on-white crime is more common, the idea that "blacks can't be racist" and so on.
There have always been racial preferences in college admissions, hiring and government contracts, and what the media focuses on. Most of the time in our history, that racial preference has been for white people - hence the term "white privilege". And, even now, in our "enlightened" times, we see plenty of examples of "white privilege" - something many deny exists.

If you want to see a veritable sausage-fest of hate boner privilege, mosey over to what is surely the billionth Z thread on here.
Why? When I can read your posts here.
Are you insinuating that black people expect to get free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals or that black people routinely are given free college tuition when they are wrongly treated as if they are criminals?
Both. Many demand special treatment, and many get it. Like those two women who were kicked off a wine tour for being loud and who sued for millions.

The women who sued weren't asking for special treatment. They wanted to be treated the same as the other passengers. They won their suit because they could demonstrate that whites who were being just as loud were allowed to remain on the train, and the only apparent reason for the disparate treatment was the race of the people affected.
Nordstrom Rack falsely accuses 3 black teenagers shopping for their prom clothes of theft


"When she called us a punk, and she didn't have anything to do with the situation, everyone in the store is against us looking at us crazy, (and) we didn’t do anything," Lee told the Post-Dispatch. "I was totally embarrassed, and we're the only ones defending ourselves against everyone in the store."

Upon leaving the Nordstrom Rack, the students said they were greeted by Brentwood Police in the parking lot, who informed them that the store had accused them of shoplifting. KMOV reports that, after a brief investigation, the teens were let go without charges.


Was just reading about this incident and was coming in to post an article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/08/business/nordstrom-black-men-profiling-shopping.html
It's OK though... they weren't black
Not white either though. Funny though.
:rolleyes: They were white hispanic... like my daughter.

On a more serious side, not all Starbucks are equally busy re sit down custom and the business varies by day. Downtown locations tend to be busier than suburban ones for example. If the place is not very busy, I can see the management be much more lenient than at peak times. Also, with downtown locations the "customer only" requirement is necessary because of the homeless population, lest businesses look like the Atlanta/Fulton County central library on Forsyth, which has pretty much degenerated into a homeless day shelter, especially the bathrooms.
This Starbucks IS in downtown Miami - specifically the Historic Business District where, of all the neighborhoods in Downtown Miami, concerns about the homeless population would be greatest.

:realitycheck: :hysterical:

Give it up, Derec. All of the excuses for why it was perfectly OK for that racist manager at the other Starbucks to have the two black men arrested were complete bullshit, and now all of your excuses for why this Starbucks should perfectly fine with a couple of white people to be eating their BURGER KING inside the Starbucks are equally bullshit.

Starbucks didn't care about them hanging out at their "third place" eating their BK, so I have no complaint about it either. But I knew one of you that insisted the black men were wrong would find some way of defending the above situation. You didn't disappoint. ;)
Here are some facts Derec has conveniently failed to include in his ridiculous diatribe about the "black privilege" of the two men falsely arrested at the Philly Starbucks:

1. They settled with the City of Philadelphia for $1 each. Yes, you read that correctly... one dollar... not 1 million or any other number... just $1. They were offered far more, but they said no and asked for a symbolic $1 each.

2. They also asked for, and got, a commitment from the city to donate $200,000 to a programme dedicated to supporting young entrepreneurs/students in Philadelphia public high schools

“We thought long and hard about it, and we feel like this is the best way to see that change that we want to see,” Robinson said. “It’s not a right-now thing that’s good for right now, but I feel like we will see the true change over time.”

3. The claims that the men got 2 million dollar settlements from Starbucks are false. There is a cash settlement component that (as far as I know) has not yet been revealed, but word from Starbucks is that it is not remotely close to 2 million dollars.

4. Yes, Starbucks has offered to pay for the men to complete their Bachelor's degrees "via a pre-existing Starbucks partnership with Arizona State University" - so not a university of the men's choice but rather one that Starbuck's already has an arrangement with. Still certainly good for the young men - something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives - but not at all the "black privilege" big payout Derec would have you believe. It's a Bachelor's degree... from Arizona.
Black While BBQing

This is a long (almost 25 minutes) and mostly boring video of an incident at Lake Merritt park in Oakland:


What is not on the video is how the woman being video'd spent TWO HOURS harassing a black man for having a BBQ in the park. There is no question that he was in the properly designated space for BBQ's. There does seem to be an obscure, generally ignored, ordinance that charcoal BBQs are not allowed at this specific spot but are allowed at the other designated BBQ locations in the park. There are no signs posted in this area warning against charcoal grills.

I bring up this point because I think it is a contributor to the problems of #LivingWhileBlack - police have cover for racially selective enforcement; and it appears to me that racist civilians are a big contributor to this selective enforcement by calling police for nonsense that they would never ever call police about if it was cousin Billy Bob in his MAGA cap doing it.

If you can get through the full 25 minutes, I also found the language the racist woman used with the 911 operator to be very telling. Long after the woman videoing her (a white woman) effectively chases her away from the black men at the picnic, the racist woman tells 911 that "they" are following her, "threatening" her, "shoving" her. "They" were doing nothing of the sort. "They" were back at the park finally enjoying themselves in peace.

The white woman following her wanted her card back that racist woman snatched from her and tried doxing her with. White woman never touched the racist woman, so that was a lie, too, designed by racist woman to escalate the situation against the black men at the park.

Also note the crocodile tears, and how the racist woman turns them on and off to play the victim. Someone on Twitter called them "white privilege tears" and I think that is accurate. Racist woman was trying to play a role for police - damsel in distress scared of aggressive black men - while also initially playing the 'righteous but polite/soft-spoken upholder of law' to the white woman - then 'stoic long-suffering citizen dealing with a liberal'. Her real face was the aggressive, foul-mouthed racist she showed the black people before the white woman showed up.

To police credit this time, they did not arrest the black men, nor force them to leave the park. But thanks to this racist bitch, their pleasant day at the park was ruined and police resources wasted.

(Can't wait to see how Derec blames the victims this time)
Sorry had to laugh Raven about why cops were called. Here was a list of reasons cops were called in my town and people voting on it

Voters for this option


prices of eclipse sunglasses

MY FB POST WAS DELETED! Censorship is a crime!

Neighbor's BBQ

Car sitting at auto repair business in Frederick with leaky fuel pump.

Erie post office lost my mail

building a playhouse

Someone blocked me on Facebook

neighbors giving you the stink eye

The killer poodle that is off its leash

Parking in a cul-de-sac. Not blocking anyone's driveway, simply not where said callers preferred placement was.
Voters for this option


dog pooped in yard

Facebook argument

Kids playing too loud

Vaccine "discussion" watch party.


Fire pit


Dog walkers picked up poop; left bag on the sidewalk

blocking sidewalk

burnt roast

grass too long

whiffle ball in street


FRACKING!!!!!!!!! They make it smell like BBQ

hot tub too loud

maid didn't show up



This reminds me of the time I was on the bus and this young, healthy black guy was strolling in front of it and holding it up at the intersection. As the bus passed by I gave him the finger. Then he was able to move fast.

Gators president apologizing is yet another example of black privilege. Graduations typically have many students to get through, and UF is bigger than most. It is perfectly reasonable to usher along students who are holding up proceedings by dancing or jumping. Race should not be excuse for rules that apply to everybody else to not apply to them.

- - - Updated - - -

4. Yes, Starbucks has offered to pay for the men to complete their Bachelor's degrees "via a pre-existing Starbucks partnership with Arizona State University" - so not a university of the men's choice but rather one that Starbuck's already has an arrangement with. Still certainly good for the young men - something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives - but not at all the "black privilege" big payout Derec would have you believe. It's a Bachelor's degree... from Arizona.

But that is a benefit that is worth many 10s of thousands of dollars. And if a benefit is available to you due to your race and not availabe to others, that is an example of racial privilege. A white person controversially arrested in a Starbucks would have gotten a free drink or something.
What is not on the video is how the woman being video'd spent TWO HOURS harassing a black man for having a BBQ in the park. There is no question that he was in the properly designated space for BBQ's. There does seem to be an obscure, generally ignored, ordinance that charcoal BBQs are not allowed at this specific spot but are allowed at the other designated BBQ locations in the park. There are no signs posted in this area warning against charcoal grills.
They were in an area designated for gas grills. So they were violating park rules. Should black people get to violate rules that apply to everybody else? Would forcing black people to follow rules on grilling be "racist"?

I bring up this point because I think it is a contributor to the problems of #LivingWhileBlack - police have cover for racially selective enforcement; and it appears to me that racist civilians are a big contributor to this selective enforcement by calling police for nonsense that they would never ever call police about if it was cousin Billy Bob in his MAGA cap doing it.
Is there any evidence of racially selective enforcement? It seems that the police ignored the rule violation and allowed them to carry on. if anything, it's getting pass for being black, because these days any interaction between police and black people is put under the microscope.

To police credit this time, they did not arrest the black men, nor force them to leave the park. But thanks to this racist bitch, their pleasant day at the park was ruined and police resources wasted.
Should the police not have told them to move it to a designated charcoal area?

(Can't wait to see how Derec blames the victims this time)
I thought calling out posters was against the rules ...

BTW, there is also #GrillingWhileOrthodox

This reminds me of the time I was on the bus and this young, healthy black guy was strolling in front of it and holding it up at the intersection. As the bus passed by I gave him the finger. Then he was able to move fast.

Gators president apologizing is yet another example of black privilege. Graduations typically have many students to get through, and UF is bigger than most. It is perfectly reasonable to usher along students who are holding up proceedings by dancing or jumping. Race should not be excuse for rules that apply to everybody else to not apply to them.

Is the privilege getting manhandled, harassed, and arrested for trivial reasons, or is getting an apology afterward the privilege? What so privileged about that?

I would expect an apology if a coffee shop manager called the cops and had me arrested for bullshit reasons. In fact, I'd probably demand one if I was considering filing a lawsuit. Is demanding an apology white privilege, and getting one every now and then black privilege? Because if so, I'll stick with white privilege, thank you very much. Black privilege is lame.
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This reminds me of the time I was on the bus and this young, healthy black guy was strolling in front of it and holding it up at the intersection. As the bus passed by I gave him the finger. Then he was able to move fast.

Gators president apologizing is yet another example of black privilege. Graduations typically have many students to get through, and UF is bigger than most. It is perfectly reasonable to usher along students who are holding up proceedings by dancing or jumping. Race should not be excuse for rules that apply to everybody else to not apply to them.

You are making assumptions. Maybe I am misinformed by I read it's a tradition there and further there were in fact white people doing it but they didn't get manhandled.
Gators president apologizing is yet another example of black privilege. Graduations typically have many students to get through, and UF is bigger than most. It is perfectly reasonable to usher along students who are holding up proceedings by dancing or jumping. Race should not be excuse for rules that apply to everybody else to not apply to them.
You need to define what you mean by "black privilege" if you want rational discussion, because apologizing for inappropriate behavior is considered basic human decency.

But that is a benefit that is worth many 10s of thousands of dollars. And if a benefit is available to you due to your race and not availabe to others, that is an example of racial privilege.
Until you show that the ASU scholarships are
1) only available to black people, and
2) these two men were offered these scholarships because they were black,
your claim appears more like white hate boner whining than a convincing argument.
4. Yes, Starbucks has offered to pay for the men to complete their Bachelor's degrees "via a pre-existing Starbucks partnership with Arizona State University" - so not a university of the men's choice but rather one that Starbuck's already has an arrangement with. Still certainly good for the young men - something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives - but not at all the "black privilege" big payout Derec would have you believe. It's a Bachelor's degree... from Arizona.

But that is a benefit that is worth many 10s of thousands of dollars. And if a benefit is available to you due to your race and not availabe to others, that is an example of racial privilege. A white person controversially arrested in a Starbucks would have gotten a free drink or something.
Prove the bolded.

Find a case where a white person was (1) denied use of the bathroom, then (2) arrested for waiting for friends before ordering anything.

When you do that, then you can prove that said white person got only "a free drink or something".

UNTIL you can do all of that, your blah blah blah above is nothing but your usual racist bullshit
They were in an area designated for gas grills. So they were violating park rules. Should black people get to violate rules that apply to everybody else? Would forcing black people to follow rules on grilling be "racist"?
According to everyone (including police) EVERYONE "violates" that specific park rule. It is so unimportant, it isn't even posted. Selective enforcement against a specific group is a violation of civil rights... as the police in this case obviously demonstrated they realized when they refused to be the racist bitch's attack dogs.
According to everyone (including police) EVERYONE "violates" that specific park rule. It is so unimportant, it isn't even posted. Selective enforcement against a specific group is a violation of civil rights... as the police in this case obviously demonstrated they realized when they refused to be the racist bitch's attack dogs.
Then maybe they should enforce it more diligently for everyone or change it if there is no fire hazard due to embers.
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