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Bombshell: Opposition research memos (not yet substantiated) discuss compromising Russian info on Trump

I am not saying anything about the CIA. This is about how Buzzfeed is cancer.

Buzzfeed posted memos which apparently have been circulating among journalists and government agencies for months. Everyone agrees that the origin of the memos is from an opposition research company headed by a former British intelligence official (whom many within the community have claimed to be credible, and apparently has a good enough reputation to draw big bucks from multiple top opposition players from both Democrats and Republicians). The memos were presumably leaked by the parties that paid for the research, or possibly by the company itself.

As has been explained multiple times already, they are leaked memos from an opposition research company paid for by top opposition groups to Trump, first Republicians and then Democrats. This company has a reputation of being credible, which is why the allegations were and are being taken seriously by some serious journalists and government officials and agencies, and also why such groups were willing to pay big bucks for the research. The government released a two page report for top government officials to summarize the existance of the allegations, brief details on the allegations, the fact that the memos have been circulating among journalists and government agencies for months, and that some are taking the allegations seriously and attempting to substantiate them.
If the press keeps this up, there will be a whole other kind of shower they will get.
Trump himself has been shown this by now, yes? Why isn't he going ballistic on twitter right now? Or is he?

Kinda, here is his main tweet on the matter:

It claims to be a report from a British Intelligence officer. This claim looks suspect for reasons mentioned in the buzzfeed article (at least).
It also claims to have been finalised by Dec 13 2016, though parts of it are claimed to be earlier. We have no way of knowing when it was actually written. Axulus thinks he does but has not said how.
Thirdly Axulus claims this document was used to compile a CIA report. He has no real evidence to show this trajectory.

The 4chan poster is claiming he fed the golden shower story to Rick Wilson who then fed it to the CIA.

As the 35 page memo looks dodgy (speling mistakes and other things,) we are left to wonder what the real source of the story is.
It sounds like a ridiculous hoax.
So you say
Just that this article you posted is demonstrably false.
Demonstrate it with something that is not just an assertion.

Your article claims the story came from a classified CIA report (a report not available to the public, so how can anyone know what it says and what it concludes?), yet it is demonstrably from the research memo in the 35 page collection of research memos you yourself linked to, on page 2, and the information itself was corroborated by source E (a staff member - presumably at the hotel) and also source F (a female staffer at the hotel during Trump's stay). Sources also include a former Russian intellgience officer and "several knowledgable sources." - Page 1.

Do you even bother to read the things you link to?

Yes I did. So...to cut to the point, can you explain why you are 100% convinced the 35 page report is what you think it is?
The buzzfeed article, linked to earlier, points out some obvious errors in the report, yet you are convinced it is reliable.
Then what is it?

As has been explained multiple times already, they are leaked memos from an opposition research company paid for by top opposition groups to Trump, first Republicians and then Democrats. This company has a reputation of being credible, which is why the allegations were and are being taken seriously by some serious journalists and government officials and agencies, and also why such groups were willing to pay big bucks for the research. The government released a two page report for top government officials to summarize the existance of the allegations, brief details on the allegations, the fact that the memos have been circulating among journalists and government agencies for months, and .....
...only surfaced now, indicates those people didn't think they were genuine.

The final date on the memos is Dec 13 2016 which complicates things for you too, even if some parts of the fake looking document are dated earlier.

oh...hang on, the document is titled "company intelligence report". Oh...that sounds authentic doesn't it.
Goodness, this is so obtuse that it is a straight line!

This is a collection of memos from a private contractor who was in British Intelligence. He was paid by the opposition to investigate Trump and he came out with these documents. The documents have not been verified in the least and have nothing to do with coming from the CIA.
Then what is it?
Goodness, this is so obtuse that it is a straight line!

This is a collection of memos from a private contractor who was in British Intelligence. He was paid by the opposition to investigate Trump and he came out with these documents. The documents have not been verified in the least and have nothing to do with coming from the CIA.

Yet CIA decided to mention in in their report.
Goodness, this is so obtuse that it is a straight line!

This is a collection of memos from a private contractor who was in British Intelligence. He was paid by the opposition to investigate Trump and he came out with these documents. The documents have not been verified in the least and have nothing to do with coming from the CIA.

Yet CIA decided to mention in in their report.
Yes, mentioned. And the sky is blue.
Something is definitely rotten in the Republican camp.
We have Mr Pre-rinse denying that this "unverified report" was ever brought up in briefings, others claiming it was.
We have Republicans saying it's a mystery how Trump "gets it" with N. Korea, China etc. but can't "get it" regarding Russia... and failing to iterate the obvious explanation.

None of this will resolve prior to Trump getting sworn in, and then not unless he does something of which Uncle Vlad disapproves. There will be a press conference today where Trump will get to practice his delivery of "LIEEEEEEES, it's all LIEEEEEEES!", practice which will surely serve him well going forward, as he will have plenty to deny, both true and false.
If there is something real to this, this could lead to impeachment. There has definitely been something bizzare about Trump's consistent pattern in always talking about Putin and Russia in a positive and praiseworthy light and also stacking his admin with those holding the most pro-Russia views ever.

It sounds like the intelligence agencies are looking into the matter to see whether there is anything to it (though they have not commented on whether they are investigating the matter).

The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm. The firm was paid for its work first by Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals and later by supporters of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. The Times has checked on a number of the details included in the memos but has been unable to substantiate them.

The memos suggest that for many years, the Russian government of Mr. Putin has looked for ways to influence Mr. Trump, who has traveled repeatedly to Moscow to investigate real estate deals or to oversee the Miss Universe competition, which he owned for several years. Mr. Trump never completed any major deals in Russia, though he discussed them for years.

The former British intelligence officer who gathered the material about Mr. Trump is considered a competent and reliable operative with extensive experience in Russia, American officials said. But he passed on what he heard from Russian informants and others, and what they told him has not yet been vetted by American intelligence.

The memos describe sex videos involving prostitutes with Mr. Trump in a 2013 visit to a Moscow hotel. The videos were supposedly prepared as “kompromat,” or compromising material, with the possible goal of blackmailing Mr. Trump in the future.

The memos also suggest that Russian officials proposed various lucrative deals, essentially as disguised bribes in order to win influence over the real estate magnate.

The memos describe several purported meetings during the 2016 presidential campaign between Trump representatives and Russian officials to discuss matters of mutual interest, including the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.


The UK press says as of yet unsubstantiated. There is zero evidence to show the Russians changed the course of the US election to favour Trump. Sounds to be Crying Wolf, until as such time there is a report supported by indefeasible facts.

I guess preventing him from taking office or impeachment would be a better gamble than a Coup D'état.
Tinkle Tinkle Little Czar

Putin put you where you are

- George Takei

Cute, but a bit off-topic.
The issue is not that Vlad put his puppet in the whitehouse. The issue has to do with Russian propaganda being presented as fact in the American media, and how Russia has been successful in harming Americans' confidence in our electoral system. Those matters need thorough investigation and steps to be taken to mitigate their effect on future elections.
The probable and apparent fact that Trump is scared shitless about what Russia might reveal about him, will take care of itself - his behavior betrays his motives even to Republicans who are loathe to recognize it, and if he changes his behavior in any manner not endorsed by Uncle Vlad, the other shoe will drop hard.

SC Republican Lindsey Graham said:
"“If we get a big bipartisan vote for Russian sanctions and the president’s resistant, that will really bother me. He gets Iran, he seems to get China, he gets ISIL, he seems to get North Korea. I’m just perplexed about him and Russia.”

They have no choice but to play dumb.
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Tinkle Tinkle Little Czar

Putin put you where you are

- George Takei

Cute, but a bit off-topic.
The issue is not that Vlad put his puppet in the whitehouse. The issue has to do with Russian propaganda being presented as fact in the American media, and how Russia has been successful in harming Americans' confidence in our electoral system. Those matters need thorough investigation and steps to be taken to mitigate their effect on future elections.
The probable and apparent fact that Trump is scared shitless about what Russia might reveal about him, will take care of itself - his behavior betrays his motives even to Republicans who are loathe to recognize it, and if he changes his behavior in any manner not endorsed by Uncle Vlad, the other shoe will drop hard.

There are a whole lot of unsubstantiated reports with feasible evidence on any of it (as these have to be verified). This looks like manipulation of the Sheeple (Sheepulation)
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