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Bombshell: Opposition research memos (not yet substantiated) discuss compromising Russian info on Trump

If there is something real to this, this could lead to impeachment. There has definitely been something bizzare about Trump's consistent pattern in always talking about Putin and Russia in a positive and praiseworthy light and also stacking his admin with those holding the most pro-Russia views ever.

It sounds like the intelligence agencies are looking into the matter to see whether there is anything to it (though they have not commented on whether they are investigating the matter).


The UK press says as of yet unsubstantiated. There is zero evidence to show the Russians changed the course of the US election to favour Trump. Sounds to be Crying Wolf, until as such time there is a report supported by indefeasible facts.

I guess preventing him from taking office or impeachment would be a better gamble than a Coup D'état.

Yea, we're at the preliminary stages of the investigation. Are you saying that the seriousness of the charges don't warrant an investigation?
The UK press says as of yet unsubstantiated. There is zero evidence to show the Russians changed the course of the US election to favour Trump. Sounds to be Crying Wolf, until as such time there is a report supported by indefeasible facts.

I guess preventing him from taking office or impeachment would be a better gamble than a Coup D'état.

Yea, we're at the preliminary stages of the investigation. Are you saying that the seriousness of the charges don't warrant an investigation?

Nothing has been substantiated. Already conclusions were made regarding Russia's altering the US election when there is nothing was produced to substantiate this.

The CIA don't think the allegations on the election are preliminary but it could not provide anything conclusive.

Whether these are true is one issue; but making claims these are true without proof is another.
If there is something real to this, this could lead to impeachment. There has definitely been something bizzare about Trump's consistent pattern in always talking about Putin and Russia in a positive and praiseworthy light and also stacking his admin with those holding the most pro-Russia views ever.
Our Putin Youth here seem to want to overlook this sort of stuff. Ignore most else and just look at a few things.

- Massive hacking of DNC, leaked to Wikileaks
- Trump going pro-Russia out of the blue
- Most Pro-Russia cabinet in American history (sidenote - we've really never had a pro-Russia cabinet before)

The funny thing is that Obama comes in, and wants to undo some of the W stuff with Russia. Putin just dicks him around. And now we are hearing from the Putin youth about how Trump is going to help thaw the cold war that Obama sought?!

None of this makes sense.
Yea, we're at the preliminary stages of the investigation. Are you saying that the seriousness of the charges don't warrant an investigation?

Nothing has been substantiated. Already conclusions were made regarding Russia's altering the US election when there is nothing was produced to substantiate this.
Well, most of us don't have security clearances. That said, the word is "influence" not "alter". Trump tried that trick too.

Whether these are true is one issue; but making claims these are true without proof is another.
Talking out of both sides of your mouth here. No one here is really considering that the documents have to be true, and most if not all are saying they need serious substantiation before being taken seriously.
Yea, we're at the preliminary stages of the investigation. Are you saying that the seriousness of the charges don't warrant an investigation?

Nothing has been substantiated. Already conclusions were made regarding Russia's altering the US election when there is nothing was produced to substantiate this.

The CIA don't think the allegations on the election are preliminary but it could not provide anything conclusive.

Whether these are true is one issue; but making claims these are true without proof is another.

Oh gotcha. Good point. You think that we should not be making claims without proof? Kinda similar to the Benghazi investigation? White water investigation? Murder of Vince Foster? Rubio's father part of JFK murder plot? I could go on and on!
Then what is it?
Goodness, this is so obtuse that it is a straight line!

This is a collection of memos from a private contractor who was in British Intelligence. He was paid by the opposition to investigate Trump and he came out with these documents. The documents have not been verified in the least and have nothing to do with coming from the CIA.

If they have not been verified then how do you know they are from a private contractor who was in British intelligence?
Nothing has been substantiated. Already conclusions were made regarding Russia's altering the US election when there is nothing was produced to substantiate this.
Well, most of us don't have security clearances. That said, the word is "influence" not "alter". Trump tried that trick too.

Whether these are true is one issue; but making claims these are true without proof is another.
Talking out of both sides of your mouth here. No one here is really considering that the documents have to be true, and most if not all are saying they need serious substantiation before being taken seriously.

True. Except influence has a wide definition which would mean would have an effect suh as, lure, browbeat, brainwash, coerce
The action of an influence would the exercising capacity or power as a compelling force on or to produce effects on the actions, behaviour, opinions, etc., of others.

Alter means modifying, changing. If the public were influenced by the Russians it suggests they changed or modified their voting.
Goodness, this is so obtuse that it is a straight line!

This is a collection of memos from a private contractor who was in British Intelligence. He was paid by the opposition to investigate Trump and he came out with these documents. The documents have not been verified in the least and have nothing to do with coming from the CIA.

If they have not been verified then how do you know they are from a private contractor who was in British intelligence?
Wow! The obtuse observation that was so obtuse that it was a line, just smacked and turned into a point! No one is questioning who put the documents together, unless you are suggesting the CIA is black-op'ing through a wildly convoluted scheme here.

What is unknown is if the documents put together by the former British Intelligence worker are accurate. I personally have doubts, due to just how wildly insane they are.
The UK press says as of yet unsubstantiated. There is zero evidence to show the Russians changed the course of the US election to favour Trump. Sounds to be Crying Wolf, until as such time there is a report supported by indefeasible facts.
There is plenty of evidence suggesting that Russian was trying to influence the US election - that is the issue. No one will ever be able to prove that any particular effort or influence changed the course of the elections, so your standard is both irrelevant and factually impossible to show.
If there is something real to this, this could lead to impeachment. There has definitely been something bizzare about Trump's consistent pattern in always talking about Putin and Russia in a positive and praiseworthy light and also stacking his admin with those holding the most pro-Russia views ever.
Our Putin Youth here seem to want to overlook this sort of stuff. Ignore most else and just look at a few things.

- Massive hacking of DNC, leaked to Wikileaks
- Trump going pro-Russia out of the blue
- Most Pro-Russia cabinet in American history (sidenote - we've really never had a pro-Russia cabinet before)

The funny thing is that Obama comes in, and wants to undo some of the W stuff with Russia. Putin just dicks him around. And now we are hearing from the Putin youth about how Trump is going to help thaw the cold war that Obama sought?!

None of this makes sense.

"The Putin Youth". Nice man. Very classy.

Seems legit.
If they have not been verified then how do you know they are from a private contractor who was in British intelligence?
Wow! The obtuse observation that was so obtuse that it was a line, just smacked and turned into a point! No one is questioning who put the documents together, unless you are suggesting the CIA is black-op'ing through a wildly convoluted scheme here.

What is unknown is if the documents put together by the former British Intelligence worker are accurate. I personally have doubts, due to just how wildly insane they are.

I asked how you knew. You didn't answer.
Our Putin Youth here seem to want to overlook this sort of stuff. Ignore most else and just look at a few things.

- Massive hacking of DNC, leaked to Wikileaks
- Trump going pro-Russia out of the blue
- Most Pro-Russia cabinet in American history (sidenote - we've really never had a pro-Russia cabinet before)

The funny thing is that Obama comes in, and wants to undo some of the W stuff with Russia. Putin just dicks him around. And now we are hearing from the Putin youth about how Trump is going to help thaw the cold war that Obama sought?!

None of this makes sense.

"The Putin Youth". Nice man. Very classy.
March on komrade.
Glenn Greenwald is right on point.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald said:
The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There are a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combatting those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?
"The Putin Youth". Nice man. Very classy.
March on komrade.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the American left... basically the same thing as Republicans out of the McCarthy era. You people deserve Trump.

- - - Updated - - -

Glenn Greenwald is right on point.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald said:
The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There are a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combatting those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?

Yes. Greenwald is right on point.
Glenn Greenwald is right on point.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald said:
The serious dangers posed by a Trump presidency are numerous and manifest. There are a wide array of legitimate and effective tactics for combatting those threats: from bipartisan congressional coalitions and constitutional legal challenges to citizen uprisings and sustained and aggressive civil disobedience. All of those strategies have periodically proven themselves effective in times of political crisis or authoritarian overreach.

But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality. And casually branding domestic adversaries who refuse to go along as traitors and disloyal foreign operatives is morally bankrupt and certain to backfire on those doing it.

Beyond all that, there is no bigger favor that Trump opponents can do for him than attacking him with such lowly, shabby, obvious shams, recruiting large media outlets to lead the way. When it comes time to expose actual Trump corruption and criminality, who is going to believe the people and institutions who have demonstrated they are willing to endorse any assertions no matter how factually baseless, who deploy any journalistic tactic no matter how unreliable and removed from basic means of ensuring accuracy?

Look, Trump is going to be the president. That can't be stopped. And the republican controlled house and senate won't be impeaching him. What scares most people (even republicans) is a Putin-controlled puppet (there are enough of those in the world). If the bizzare relationship between Trump and Putin can be exposed, potential conflicts and etc, he won't be able to be blackmailed as easily.
March on komrade.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the American left... basically the same thing as Republicans out of the McCarthy era. You people deserve Trump.

Yep. Because posting on an internet message board is basically the same as using all of your power as a Senator of the USA to blacklist innocent people, severely damaging their reputation and livelihood. No one deserves Trump, not even the idiots who voted for him.
Look, Trump is going to be the president. That can't be stopped. And the republican controlled house and senate won't be impeaching him. What scares most people (even republicans) is a Putin-controlled puppet (there are enough of those in the world). If the bizzare relationship between Trump and Putin can be exposed, potential conflicts and etc, he won't be able to be blackmailed as easily.
What is bizarre about two world leaders who control most of the worlds nuclear weapons wanting to get along rather than go to war with each other?
Glenn Greenwald is right on point.

Look, Trump is going to be the president. That can't be stopped. And the republican controlled house and senate won't be impeaching him. What scares most people (even republicans) is a Putin-controlled puppet (there are enough of those in the world). If the bizzare relationship between Trump and Putin can be exposed, potential conflicts and etc, he won't be able to be blackmailed as easily.

How much paint do you have to inhale to believe that Trump is anyone's puppet? Trump Derangement Syndrome is at epidemic levels.
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