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Bombshell: Opposition research memos (not yet substantiated) discuss compromising Russian info on Trump

WTF is he going on about? It is the CIA's job to let our government officials and the public know about serious and credible threats facing the country. They are not "trying to subvert the US election." He is branding our intelligence angencies into the same kind of partisian bullshit that Trump and his team is trying to do.

Additionally, these unsubstantiated research memos, the topic of this OP, has nothing to do with the CIA and "its shadowy allies".

Whether the existance of these memos should or should not have been revealed to the public is a different matter. With apparently hunderds of Washington insiders and journalists knowing about them, the cat was likely to get out of the bag at some point anyway. Furthermore, there is nothing "fake" about the existence of these memos and the fact that they are unsubstantiated, which every media outlet has stated.

Right, because the CIA has never been political.

Name one instance where they actively tried to subvert/undermine a US president by putting forward weak accusations that turned out to be unsubstantiated?

This tin foil hat post truth world is definitely the downfall of this country and of the post WWII order. As Ayyan Hirsi Ali has said, You grew up in freedom, and you can spit on freedom [and the institutions that maintain that freedom] because you don't know what it is not to have freedom.
Once again, the claim makes zero sense. The 4chan post says it was sent to a government official who then sent it to the CIA who then ran with it. This is demonstrably false as the story originated in a memo produced by an opposition research company, paid for by private parties, produced in June 2016 run by a former British intelligence officer using alleged Russian sources, _not_ the CIA.

The only part where the CIA enters into the picture is to inform top government officials about the existance of these memos and that the allegations are circulating among government agencies and journalists.

That story is nonsense for the reasons stated, and also Wilson has denied it convincingly.

Fool Chan – Rick Wilson – Medium

Rick Wilson was accused not of being Buzzfeed's source but of providing information about it to the C.I.A. So it's strange he would instead claim he is not Buzzfeed's source. Since he didn't deny it, is he the C.I.A.'s source then?

If he is not then why wouldn't he deny that instead?
This issue is a trap.

Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

It's very entertaining. The problem is Trump is so sleazy, he could be doing this as a trap. Kind of like how his people are hiring others to disrupt the Inauguration.
This issue is a trap.

Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

I don't seriously entertain it; But I do find it seriously entertaining.

Trump decided that the normal civilized rules of political discourse should be suspended. Now he is finding out that this is a double edged sword.
This issue is a trap.

Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

I'll take "the paragons of truth" any day over those who spit on our intelligence agencies (for anything and everything that they do), who spit on our free press and falsely equivicate it to Russian or other authoritarian propaganda, those who spit on our liberal democratic processes and dismiss foreign powers who try to interfere and suddenly demand the highest standards of proof that they don't ask for in any other arena, who spit on the EU and the post WWII order, who spit on the NATO framework and question whether we really should honor our committments, etc.
Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

I'll take "the paragons of truth" any day over those who spit on our intelligence agencies (for anything and everything that they do), who spit on our free press and falsely equivicate it to Russian or other authoritarian propaganda, those who spit on our liberal democratic processes and dismiss foreign powers who try to interfere and suddenly demand the highest standards of proof that they don't ask for in any other arena, who spit on the EU and the post WWII order, who spit on the NATO framework and question whether we really should honor our committments, etc.

"Spit on"? Of course nobody would accept that things like that are spit on, but it is definitely ok to critize them for the bad stuff their actions causes.
That story is nonsense for the reasons stated, and also Wilson has denied it convincingly.

Fool Chan – Rick Wilson – Medium

Rick Wilson was accused not of being Buzzfeed's source but of providing information about it to the C.I.A. So it's strange he would instead claim he is not Buzzfeed's source. Since he didn't deny it, is he the C.I.A.'s source then?

If he is not then why wouldn't he deny that instead?

Try reading it again.
This issue is a trap.

This is about ethics in game journalism.

Why is Trumpee so concerned about this now? I mean, couldn't he have been concerned when his best friend made up all those stories about Hillary in the Enquirer or when he spread rumors about Ted Cruz's father killing JFK?

In any case I don't think we should jump on this bandwagon just yet.
This is about ethics in game journalism.

Why is Trumpee so concerned about this now? I mean, couldn't he have been concerned when his best friend made up all those stories about Hillary in the Enquirer or when he spread rumors about Ted Cruz's father killing JFK?

In any case I don't think we should jump on this bandwagon just yet.

The problem is there were too many bizarre things made up about both the candidates. This election sees to have been a field day for conspiracy theorists.
Something about Clinton running a Pizza ring from a Massage shop which was nonesense :) The CIA has also exhibited poor investigative traits. It publishes inconclusive reports which reaches the press to disclose. This is again evidence of poor investigation. Proper investigation should contain at least one smoking gun.

I think the US public however is already immune to this. However one day someone may report something factual, but will then be derided.
Well, since this is out, the Russians can't use it to blackmail Il Douchebag now.

The House and the Senate aren't going to do anything about it. Il Douchebag has a salary for life now. For him, it's a win/win situation.

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Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

I don't seriously entertain it; But I do find it seriously entertaining.

Trump decided that the normal civilized rules of political discourse should be suspended. Now he is finding out that this is a double edged sword.

So President Trump has gotten journalists (and internet forummers) to abandon the supposed standards of objective truth and journalism, and they're winning?

Well, I suppose they can always claim they have their standards back later and maybe no on will remember.
I suppose they can always claim they have their standards back later and maybe no on will remember.

Given the short term memory of 48% of the electorate regarding what their Orange Asshole has emitted, I'd say that's a very safe bet.
I don't seriously entertain it; But I do find it seriously entertaining.

Trump decided that the normal civilized rules of political discourse should be suspended. Now he is finding out that this is a double edged sword.

So President Trump has gotten journalists (and internet forummers) to abandon the supposed standards of objective truth and journalism, and they're winning?

Well, I suppose they can always claim they have their standards back later and maybe no on will remember.

I wasn't aware the US press operated on standards of truth and journalism before any stated action by Trump.
Well, since this is out, the Russians can't use it to blackmail Il Douchebag now.

The House and the Senate aren't going to do anything about it. Il Douchebag has a salary for life now. For him, it's a win/win situation.


What should the House and Senate do about unsupported claims? Clapper confirmed these claims are unsubstantiated.
Well, since this is out, the Russians can't use it to blackmail Il Douchebag now.

The House and the Senate aren't going to do anything about it. Il Douchebag has a salary for life now. For him, it's a win/win situation.


What should the House and Senate do about unsupported claims? Clapper confirmed these claims are unsubstantiated.
He did?
Jake Tapper Statement said:
This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday. I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.

We also discussed the private security company document, which was widely circulated in recent months among the media, members of Congress and Congressional staff even before the IC became aware of it. I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions. However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.

President-elect Trump again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the Intelligence Community, and I assured him that the IC stands ready to serve his Administration and the American people.
Well, since this is out, the Russians can't use it to blackmail Il Douchebag now.

The House and the Senate aren't going to do anything about it. Il Douchebag has a salary for life now. For him, it's a win/win situation.


Apparently there are rumors that the Russians have vidoes of him in hotel rooms.
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