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Bombshell: Opposition research memos (not yet substantiated) discuss compromising Russian info on Trump

I'm just wondering why this is of interest to assert when there is no evidence to support anything.

You seem to have oddly limited curiosity. Do you wonder why these things that Donald Trump has recently asserted are of interest despite being unevidenced AND demonstrably false?

Don the Con said:
"There was "serious voter fraud" in California. "
"There was "serious voter fraud" in New Hampshire."
"There was "serious voter fraud" in Virginia."
"won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
"Americans don't "care at all" about Donald Trump's tax returns.
"If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking... Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?"
"We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College."

Nah, you can't address any of that, so why not make up some crap about the CIA leaking unverified information about Trump's deviant sex practices. and complain about that instead?
You seem to have oddly limited curiosity. Do you wonder why these things that Donald Trump has recently asserted are of interest despite being unevidenced AND demonstrably false?

Don the Con said:
"There was "serious voter fraud" in California. "
"There was "serious voter fraud" in New Hampshire."
"There was "serious voter fraud" in Virginia."
"won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
"Americans don't "care at all" about Donald Trump's tax returns.
"If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking... Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?"
"We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College."

Nah, you can't address any of that, so why not make up some crap about the CIA leaking unverified information about Trump's deviant sex practices. and complain about that instead?

I did touch on these points in earlier posts, even saying that exit polls from the morgues showed the majority of dead people voted Democrat. However it doesn't deflect from the grand asinine actions of the CIA and flock in recent weeks. This is all past.

There was no need to make up anything about the CIA passing unsupported assertions from secret credible sources to third parties as this is what it did.
A decent write up from The Independent.
Covers a bit more information (for me) on the FBI and Giuliani.
My concern is the FBI and what might be going on behind closed doors. I'm troubled by the thought of whether this agency is performing their job in a fair and effective manner. Not something I've considered much in the past. And Giuliani is to be our what now, head of a cybersecurity advisory group? The big picture is forming and I find myself again wanting to turn away from the news, again.
A decent write up from The Independent.
Covers a bit more information (for me) on the FBI and Giuliani.
My concern is the FBI and what might be going on behind closed doors. I'm troubled by the thought of whether this agency is performing their job in a fair and effective manner. Not something I've considered much in the past. And Giuliani is to be our what now, head of a cybersecurity advisory group? The big picture is forming and I find myself again wanting to turn away from the news, again.

More reporting but nothing more is really established.
A decent write up from The Independent.
Covers a bit more information (for me) on the FBI and Giuliani.
My concern is the FBI and what might be going on behind closed doors. I'm troubled by the thought of whether this agency is performing their job in a fair and effective manner. Not something I've considered much in the past. And Giuliani is to be our what now, head of a cybersecurity advisory group? The big picture is forming and I find myself again wanting to turn away from the news, again.

More reporting but nothing more is really established.
You mean shy of a conspiracy among some in the FBI to taint Clinton's electoral chances.
A decent write up from The Independent.
Covers a bit more information (for me) on the FBI and Giuliani.
My concern is the FBI and what might be going on behind closed doors. I'm troubled by the thought of whether this agency is performing their job in a fair and effective manner. Not something I've considered much in the past. And Giuliani is to be our what now, head of a cybersecurity advisory group? The big picture is forming and I find myself again wanting to turn away from the news, again.

More reporting but nothing more is really established.

True to the point. But it damn sure is in keeping with known patterns of behavior, wouldn't you say?

But my point was concern of what is going on within the FBI. I mean, we're fucked as far as the executive office is concerned. These days, I'd really like to be reassured about other government institutions.
More reporting but nothing more is really established.

True to the point. But it damn sure is in keeping with known patterns of behavior, wouldn't you say?

But my point was concern of what is going on within the FBI. I mean, we're fucked as far as the executive office is concerned. These days, I'd really like to be reassured about other government institutions.

Comey, with a lot of help from both the left and the right, has certainly besmirched himself and his agency. It will be a long time, if ever, before the FBI regains its former prestige and credibility in the eyes of the electorate.
You seem to have oddly limited curiosity. Do you wonder why these things that Donald Trump has recently asserted are of interest despite being unevidenced AND demonstrably false?

Don the Con said:
"There was "serious voter fraud" in California. "
"There was "serious voter fraud" in New Hampshire."
"There was "serious voter fraud" in Virginia."
"won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
"Americans don't "care at all" about Donald Trump's tax returns.
"If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking... Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?"
"We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College."

Nah, you can't address any of that, so why not make up some crap about the CIA leaking unverified information about Trump's deviant sex practices. and complain about that instead?

As Malcolm X once said, "The Truth is the truth no matter who says it."On the Flip side "Unsupported statements are unsupported no matter who says it."
Are you invited to the big event on Friday.
"Unsupported statements are unsupported no matter who says it."

On the flip side, unsupported statements are ALWAYS unsupported for those who are unable and/or unwilling to discern how they are supported.
Not naming any names, mind you. :)
True to the point. But it damn sure is in keeping with known patterns of behavior, wouldn't you say?

But my point was concern of what is going on within the FBI. I mean, we're fucked as far as the executive office is concerned. These days, I'd really like to be reassured about other government institutions.

Comey, with a lot of help from both the left and the right, has certainly besmirched himself and his agency. It will be a long time, if ever, before the FBI regains its former prestige and credibility in the eyes of the electorate.

Do you mean like the McCarthy Era?:hysterical::hysterical:

- - - Updated - - -

More reporting but nothing more is really established.

True to the point. But it damn sure is in keeping with known patterns of behavior, wouldn't you say?

But my point was concern of what is going on within the FBI. I mean, we're fucked as far as the executive office is concerned. These days, I'd really like to be reassured about other government institutions.

I would like to see a saving grace that the FBI and other agencies has been instrumental in preventing and minimizing terrorist attacks in real terms.
"Unsupported statements are unsupported no matter who says it."

On the flip side, unsupported statements are ALWAYS unsupported for those who are unable and/or unwilling to discern how they are supported.
Not naming any names, mind you. :)

Since i haven't asserted any counter arguments but observations I am certainly not included in this. :)
On the flip side, unsupported statements are ALWAYS unsupported for those who are unable and/or unwilling to discern how they are supported.
Not naming any names, mind you. :)

Since i haven't asserted any counter arguments but observations I am certainly not included in this. :)

You are not included in those who bleat "unsupported!"?
Oooookay.... if you say so. Seems unsupported.
Since i haven't asserted any counter arguments but observations I am certainly not included in this. :)

You are not included in those who bleat "unsupported!"?
Oooookay.... if you say so. Seems unsupported.

Not b-a-a-a-a-a-h-d.
Supported is a clear statement. Where there is some evidence it is only supported to the level of what has been presented. .
The CIA is Of the sheeple, for the sheeple, and by the sheeple.

You are not included in those who bleat "unsupported!"?
Oooookay.... if you say so. Seems unsupported.

Not b-a-a-a-a-a-h-d.
Supported is a clear statement. Where there is some evidence it is only supported to the level of what has been presented. .
The CIA is Of the sheeple, for the sheeple, and by the sheeple.

View attachment 9523

You seem to forget whose idea filibustering appointments was.
US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

But the intercepts do confirm that some of the conversations described in the dossier took place between the same individuals on the same days and from the same locations as detailed in the dossier, according to the officials. CNN has not confirmed whether any content relates to then-candidate Trump.

The corroboration, based on intercepted communications, has given US intelligence and law enforcement "greater confidence" in the credibility of some aspects of the dossier as they continue to actively investigate its contents, these sources say.

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