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Bombshell: Opposition research memos (not yet substantiated) discuss compromising Russian info on Trump

Я, например, приветствовать наших новых русских повелителей.



Я уверен, что наш резидент тролль ценит ваше сотрудничество, товарищ!
Last night, on Rachel Maddow, she reported that the MI6 agent that started the private security firm that came out with the report has now gone "missing". Could he have been relocated to "The Village"

What's that to do with the asininity of sanctions that serve no constructive purpose?

The "asininity" is all yours, WP. A foreign national bleating daily in a manner befitting a Russian troll, on a forum populated by people far better equipped to evaluate these matters than any pre-programmed trump-bot, is not a source to be considered.

Most of your posts consist of abusing or insulting Whichphilosophy.
If you had something meaningful to say you would say it. Instead we get this endless stream of immature insults and personal attacks.
All it shows is that you can't say anything meaningful
Last night, on Rachel Maddow, she reported that the MI6 agent that started the private security firm that came out with the report has now gone "missing". Could he have been relocated to "The Village"

I wonder if the Prisoner was given the number 6 in the mini-series, as the agent would have at least in theory been from MI6....
Jeb Bush claimed to be the one who paid for the report.

Jeb Bush claimed to be the one who paid for the report.

Fortunately we have a forum populated by paragons of truth and editorial beauty who apply the highest standards of objective fact in news, so no one here will seriously entertain this sort of unverified drivel.

I don't seriously entertain it; But I do find it seriously entertaining.

Trump decided that the normal civilized rules of political discourse should be suspended. Now he is finding out that this is a double edged sword.
Rules of the unnumbered variety?
US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration

During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had “highly credible information” that Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The American officials further added that they believed Russia President Vladimir Putin had “leverages of pressure” over Trump – but did not elaborate. They were apparently referring to what was published Wednesday about embarrassing information collected by the Russian intelligence in a bid to blackmail the president-elect.

The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should “be careful” as of January 20, Trump’s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.

US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration

During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had “highly credible information” that Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The American officials further added that they believed Russia President Vladimir Putin had “leverages of pressure” over Trump – but did not elaborate. They were apparently referring to what was published Wednesday about embarrassing information collected by the Russian intelligence in a bid to blackmail the president-elect.

The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should “be careful” as of January 20, Trump’s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.


Israel and the US have of course shared information since the incorporation of the State of Israel. There is no proof of the Russians influencing the election of course or Trump being inappropriately connected to Russia. It would be good to see the security agencies supporting their statements in a proper evidenced based manner.
"Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Some people can't see that without reading "The Russians swayed the US election for Trump, who has inappropriate connections to Russia". Unfortunately we don't have remedial reading classes for superstitious foreigners...
"Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Some people can't see that without reading "The Russians swayed the US election for Trump, who has inappropriate connections to Russia". Unfortunately we don't have remedial reading classes for superstitious foreigners...

The Russians and Us are always hacking at each other 24/7 and second by second in more than on instance. I think you will find the US Government receives something iike 10 million attempts per year.

The question remains: How did the Russians sway the election? What data was involved how did it sway the pubic, namely how was it established the public reacted? Did anyone ask the public? Since this is under investigation, then there is no merit to this.
Then what inappropriate connects are there with Russia given this is also under investigation, so cannot be stated as a fact or even a probability since there are no specific bodies of data on this.
This is simple the word of Politics through the CIA
Jeb Bush claimed to be the one who paid for the report.


Of course we shall need proof money changed hands. However it is an indication that these accusations of strange things in Moscow which are not supported with anything but hearsay may be backfiring already.
Politics in the USA has at least become entertaining.
"Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton."

Some people can't see that without reading "The Russians swayed the US election for Trump, who has inappropriate connections to Russia". Unfortunately we don't have remedial reading classes for superstitious foreigners...

The Russians and Us are always hacking at each other 24/7

I guess we should just sit back and wait to see who they want to elect after Trump is impeached...

The question remains: How did the Russians sway the election?

Who said they swayed the election? Oh, right - YOU did. You'll have to answer your own question.
The questions that are ACTUALLY under consideration are "how did Russia ATTEMPT to influence the election, and what steps can be taken to minimize their effect on future elections?".
I'm sure you'd prefer that nobody dig into that... TOUGH.
The Russians and Us are always hacking at each other 24/7

I guess we should just sit back and wait to see who they want to elect after Trump is impeached...

The question remains: How did the Russians sway the election?

Who said they swayed the election? Oh, right - YOU did. You'll have to answer your own question.
The questions that are ACTUALLY under consideration are "how did Russia ATTEMPT to influence the election, and what steps can be taken to minimize their effect on future elections?".
I'm sure you'd prefer that nobody dig into that... TOUGH.

Intended to means nothing. So no crime was committed and no need for further action. Is Trump involved; no evidence, so the whole thing was meaningless.
It's okay to impeach someone but evidence to show what is impeach-worthy must be available to allow this process to begin.

These arguments are so lame I can't even use the term Straw man. I think we should use the word Straw donkey.
I guess we should just sit back and wait to see who they want to elect after Trump is impeached...

The question remains: How did the Russians sway the election?

Who said they swayed the election? Oh, right - YOU did. You'll have to answer your own question.
The questions that are ACTUALLY under consideration are "how did Russia ATTEMPT to influence the election, and what steps can be taken to minimize their effect on future elections?".
I'm sure you'd prefer that nobody dig into that... TOUGH.

Intended to means nothing.

So why did you say it? Still trying to battle that straw donkey of your own creation... good luck.
I guess we should just sit back and wait to see who they want to elect after Trump is impeached...

The question remains: How did the Russians sway the election?

Who said they swayed the election? Oh, right - YOU did. You'll have to answer your own question.
The questions that are ACTUALLY under consideration are "how did Russia ATTEMPT to influence the election, and what steps can be taken to minimize their effect on future elections?".
I'm sure you'd prefer that nobody dig into that... TOUGH.

Intended to means nothing.

So why did you say it? Still trying to battle that straw donkey of your own creation... good luck.

As for Straw Donkey this goes to the CIA quoting secret credible sources without proof. As for Clapper, Hee Haw Hee Haw Hee always keeps putting up false arguments.
I'm just wondering why this is of interest to assert when there is no evidence to support anything.
I think however with internet and the US people more aware.
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