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Bombshell -Trump knew Tillerson was in Putin's Pocket

For some reason it reminded me Obama being caught with a hot mic promising (to Putin) being more flexible after reelection. Wait, it was actually President Medvedev.

I don't see why. One is a sitting President using the statutory power of his office to direct the foreign policy of the United States and the other is an unelected official who's not even in a job yet undermining the actions of the sitting President with a foreign power and then "lying" to the incoming administration about it.
FIFY. I think you were missing a pair of quotes.
He told a lie to the VP, that is unforgivable. Telling it to the media, well that is just SOP.

It's just an alternative truth.

There are no alternative truths, but there are alternative scenarios.

Somehow, Flynn made it all the way to Lieutenant General, so he must have something on the ball. Lying to a superior officer is not the sort of mistake one would expect from such an experienced player. So, what happened?

Suppose it worked this way: Pence was in on the phone calls and knew the details. He and Flynn determined the incident was deniable, so Pence goes out an makes a definitive statement of fact, giving full confidence to Flynn. Shortly, leaked information reveals that Pence's confidence was misplaced.

One thing which has always held true about Inside DC Politics: when a leak results in a high level person losing their job, the leak is most likely an inside job and the sole purpose was to throw someone under the bus.

In the cold light of day, Flynn was fired for embarrassing the Vice President, but the VP didn't have to make the statement. They could have stonewalled and nothing would have happened. There would be a lot of noise from the Democrats and the press, but they'll always have that. The real question becomes, was it Bannon or Pence who wanted Flynn off the team, or was it both?
It's just an alternative truth.

There are no alternative truths, but there are alternative scenarios.

Somehow, Flynn made it all the way to Lieutenant General, so he must have something on the ball. Lying to a superior officer is not the sort of mistake one would expect from such an experienced player. So, what happened?
Well, he most likely didn't lie. I think it is comical we are supposed to believe the Pence asked the guy, "So did you talk sanctions with Russia?"

Suppose it worked this way: Pence was in on the phone calls and knew the details. He and Flynn determined the incident was deniable, so Pence goes out an makes a definitive statement of fact, giving full confidence to Flynn. Shortly, leaked information reveals that Pence's confidence was misplaced.
One issue here. Pence is the VP. The VP's opinion is usually unimportant. Which makes this bullshit ballet all the more intriguing based on the allegations. Oh, Flynn was fired because he damaged the honor of the VP. Stop laughing, we are being serious.

One thing which has always held true about Inside DC Politics: when a leak results in a high level person losing their job, the leak is most likely an inside job and the sole purpose was to throw someone under the bus.
Of which, makes the GOP the instigator. And oddly enough, even if they impeach Trump to give Pence the Presidency, the Republicans have image issues because they had to of known things before election day.

In the cold light of day, Flynn was fired for embarrassing the Vice President, but the VP didn't have to make the statement. They could have stonewalled and nothing would have happened. There would be a lot of noise from the Democrats and the press, but they'll always have that. The real question becomes, was it Bannon or Pence who wanted Flynn off the team, or was it both?
Or is it that Flynn isn't the issue at all, but the likely scapegoat in a desperate attempt to make this whole thing go away and leave no one asking, "Why wasn't he fired when Trump found out?" Because that is the scandal. Not that Trump knew and did nothing, but because the call(s) were instigated by the Trump team. That communication with Russia goes back months.

Flynn fell on his sword, he wasn't a lone wolf.
It's just an alternative truth.

There are no alternative truths, but there are alternative scenarios.

Somehow, Flynn made it all the way to Lieutenant General, so he must have something on the ball. Lying to a superior officer is not the sort of mistake one would expect from such an experienced player. So, what happened?

Suppose it worked this way: Pence was in on the phone calls and knew the details. He and Flynn determined the incident was deniable, so Pence goes out an makes a definitive statement of fact, giving full confidence to Flynn. Shortly, leaked information reveals that Pence's confidence was misplaced.

One thing which has always held true about Inside DC Politics: when a leak results in a high level person losing their job, the leak is most likely an inside job and the sole purpose was to throw someone under the bus.

In the cold light of day, Flynn was fired for embarrassing the Vice President, but the VP didn't have to make the statement. They could have stonewalled and nothing would have happened. There would be a lot of noise from the Democrats and the press, but they'll always have that. The real question becomes, was it Bannon or Pence who wanted Flynn off the team, or was it both?
Yes, someone from former (Obama) administration leaked it in order to "resign" Flynn.
"Why wasn't he fired when Trump found out?" Because that is the scandal. Not that Trump knew and did nothing, but because the call(s) were instigated by the Trump team.

That is the question that requires Team Cheato to manufacture a deluge of distractions to keep it from coming to the forefront.
So far, so good; Kellyanne Con-job is still drawing attention to her shilling for Ivanka, Cheato's campaign staffers talking to Russian intelligence while they were plotting against Clinton is another great and pointless distraction (probably all true, and collusion happened but will never be proven), and all the while, nobody is holding Cheato's Feetos to el Fuego.

And others are saying obama administration is responsible for that because Flynn wanted to end the Obama deal with Iran.

Yeah - ain't it funny how there are always un-named "others" in Russians' blame games?
"Why wasn't he fired when Trump found out?" Because that is the scandal. Not that Trump knew and did nothing, but because the call(s) were instigated by the Trump team.

That the question that requires Team Cheato to manufacture a deluge of distractions to keep it from coming to the forefront.
So far, so good; Kellyanne Con-job is still drawing attention to her shilling for Ivanka, Cheato's campaign staffers talking to Russian intelligence while they were plotting against Clinton is another great and pointless distraction (probably all true, and collusion happened but will never be proven), and all the while, nobody is holding Cheato's Feetos to el Fuego.
That's not true. The press can smell the blood. The election was tainted by the Russians who were conspiring with the Trump team. If it can be proven, and the fact that the FBI apparently has call records (transcripts?) is a very bad sign for the Trump Admin because that is how the timeline can be established. Sources can be checked. Further research and Trump is out before six months.

The Flynn resignation very well may be the tip of the iceberg.

Trump has serious issues, he does not have the backing of the GOP, and this stuff burns you down the road, that when you need cover and there is no one to cover you, well, you go down Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid style.
That the question that requires Team Cheato to manufacture a deluge of distractions to keep it from coming to the forefront.
So far, so good; Kellyanne Con-job is still drawing attention to her shilling for Ivanka, Cheato's campaign staffers talking to Russian intelligence while they were plotting against Clinton is another great and pointless distraction (probably all true, and collusion happened but will never be proven), and all the while, nobody is holding Cheato's Feetos to el Fuego.
That's not true. The press can smell the blood. The election was tainted by the Russians who were conspiring with the Trump team. If it can be proven, and the fact that the FBI apparently has call records (transcripts?) is a very bad sign for the Trump Admin because that is how the timeline can be established. Sources can be checked. Further research and Trump is out before six months.

The Flynn resignation very well may be the tip of the iceberg.

Trump has serious issues, he does not have the backing of the GOP, and this stuff burns you down the road, that when you need cover and there is no one to cover you, well, you go down Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid style.

I do not believe that US intelligence has the kind of evidence for Team Cheato's collusion prior/during the election that they had on Flynn's nefarious activity (recordings, transcripts etc.), or it would have already come out. As long as Cheato can keep the press on that dead-end trail, they won't be pressing directly on Cheato to account for his weeks-long lapse in giving Flynn the axe, which, as you point out, is where the meat really is.

The Flynn thing is without a doubt the tip of an iceberg, and that's a good analogy because the main body of it remains hidden, and I don't see anyone donning scuba gear to get a view of the whole thing. Yes, the press smells blood but I don't think they are ever going to get there by following the breadcrumb trail left by Team Cheato.

As far as Cheato not having the GOP behind (and in front of) him, I'd agree with those who say that Cheato is still their useful fool, and they'll stick with him until his usefulness runs out - or their prospects for re-election in 2018 are very obviously being harmed - which isn't happening yet. If/when they break ranks it will probably be a few defectors at first, then a wholesale retreat from all things that bear the stench of Trump. Not within the next year, if I had to guess.
And others are saying obama administration is responsible for that because Flynn wanted to end the Obama deal with Iran.

Maybe Obama can use his newly found super powers to fire the rest of Twitler's administration as well.

No, it wasn't any of them. It turns out it was the JEWS! all along.

Trump can’t let these Jews lynch General Flynn – David Duke.com

Why does anybody even ever bother to go up against the all powerful JEWS?
Yes, someone from former (Obama) administration leaked it in order to "resign" Flynn.
Wow, so you really believe this is just about Flynn?
No, but making Trump administration life even harder does seem what obama administration were doing doing in the last month. And they were doing it quite publicly. Flynn is a good choice for resigning because he was one of the less insane/incompetent in the administration.
Wow, so you really believe this is just about Flynn?
No, but making Trump administration life even harder does seem what obama administration were doing doing in the last month. And they were doing it quite publicly. Flynn is a good choice for resigning because he was one of the less insane/incompetent in the administration.

Are we talking about the same Flynn? This one calls Islam a "cancer", propagated conspiracy theories and fake news during the campaign, is quite cozy with Russia, and was forced out of his job as director of the DIA.
WTF. Every day there is a fuck up in this admin. Incompetence,lies,spin,and hubris.How long can last?
No, but making Trump administration life even harder does seem what obama administration were doing doing in the last month. And they were doing it quite publicly. Flynn is a good choice for resigning because he was one of the less insane/incompetent in the administration.

Are we talking about the same Flynn? This one calls Islam a "cancer", propagated conspiracy theories and fake news during the campaign, is quite cozy with Russia, and was forced out of his job as director of the DIA.

Yes, less insane than the rest of Trump team. But the theory I read is that his plans to screw Iran deal were the the reason behind all of this.
You honestly think that democrats sit and do nothing right now?
WTF. Every day there is a fuck up in this admin. Incompetence,lies,spin,and hubris.How long can last?
A few weeks ago I thought he wouldn't last the full term. Between having to actually work, and the constant criticism he would be driven to resign after a year or two. As it is now, I'm not sure he will even last until summer.

According to this article, the intelligence community is getting ready to go all out.
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