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Bombshell -Trump knew Tillerson was in Putin's Pocket

WTF. Every day there is a fuck up in this admin. Incompetence,lies,spin,and hubris.How long can last?

Maybe because everything is leaked nowadays instead of being kept confidential. :)
Nice to meet you Rep. Chaffetz. Yes, we need to find out what happened and when and who knew... regarding the selling out of American interests... getting leaked. The whole Russia thing, who cares. We need to find out how this info got to the press.
Maybe because everything is leaked nowadays instead of being kept confidential. :)
Nice to meet you Rep. Chaffetz. Yes, we need to find out what happened and when and who knew... regarding the selling out of American interests... getting leaked. The whole Russia thing, who cares. We need to find out how this info got to the press.

Zackly! How the hell are we s'posedta ink an illegal mega-oil deal with the Ruskies when the press has all the details?
Twitler also said leaks are the problem and that Flynn is being treated unfairly. Yet he fired Flynn.

The real problem is that Cheatolini didn't fire him until the details were leaked. The White House is compromised all the way to the top, being President Bannon.
I don't see why. One is a sitting President using the statutory power of his office to direct the foreign policy of the United States and the other is an unelected official who's not even in a job yet undermining the actions of the sitting President with a foreign power and then lying to the incoming administration about it.

Well, when you say it that way.

I trust Out Like Flynn won't suffer beyond not obtaining his position of power. I wonder if the dems will milk this Russian thing as is their SOP?

Ah. Excuse me.

Well, seeing as they also hacked the election and there are Russian connections all through the administration which connect with major oil and gas contracts as well as loans and real estate, I think it is legitimate to at least demand a full accounting in front of the American electorate. No?
There are no alternative truths, but there are alternative scenarios.

Somehow, Flynn made it all the way to Lieutenant General, so he must have something on the ball. Lying to a superior officer is not the sort of mistake one would expect from such an experienced player. So, what happened?
Well, he most likely didn't lie. I think it is comical we are supposed to believe the Pence asked the guy, "So did you talk sanctions with Russia?"

Suppose it worked this way: Pence was in on the phone calls and knew the details. He and Flynn determined the incident was deniable, so Pence goes out an makes a definitive statement of fact, giving full confidence to Flynn. Shortly, leaked information reveals that Pence's confidence was misplaced.
One issue here. Pence is the VP. The VP's opinion is usually unimportant. Which makes this bullshit ballet all the more intriguing based on the allegations. Oh, Flynn was fired because he damaged the honor of the VP. Stop laughing, we are being serious.

One thing which has always held true about Inside DC Politics: when a leak results in a high level person losing their job, the leak is most likely an inside job and the sole purpose was to throw someone under the bus.
Of which, makes the GOP the instigator. And oddly enough, even if they impeach Trump to give Pence the Presidency, the Republicans have image issues because they had to of known things before election day.

In the cold light of day, Flynn was fired for embarrassing the Vice President, but the VP didn't have to make the statement. They could have stonewalled and nothing would have happened. There would be a lot of noise from the Democrats and the press, but they'll always have that. The real question becomes, was it Bannon or Pence who wanted Flynn off the team, or was it both?
Or is it that Flynn isn't the issue at all, but the likely scapegoat in a desperate attempt to make this whole thing go away and leave no one asking, "Why wasn't he fired when Trump found out?" Because that is the scandal. Not that Trump knew and did nothing, but because the call(s) were instigated by the Trump team. That communication with Russia goes back months.

Flynn fell on his sword, he wasn't a lone wolf.

This situation is ripe for conspiracy theories. There are clearly some conspiracies involved.
Twitler also said leaks are the problem and that Flynn is being treated unfairly. Yet he fired Flynn.

The real problem is that Cheatolini didn't fire him until the details were leaked. The White House is compromised all the way to the top, being President Bannon.

Because what he did wasn't wrong in His Flatulence's eyes.

He was fired for getting caught.
Twitler also said leaks are the problem and that Flynn is being treated unfairly. Yet he fired Flynn.

The real problem is that Cheatolini didn't fire him until the details were leaked. The White House is compromised all the way to the top, being President Bannon.

Trump thought leaks were great when they were used against Clinton.

As Jake Tapper said: "It's not a moral position if you only hold it when it applies to you."
Twitler also said leaks are the problem and that Flynn is being treated unfairly. Yet he fired Flynn.

The real problem is that Cheatolini didn't fire him until the details were leaked. The White House is compromised all the way to the top, being President Bannon.

Because what he did wasn't wrong in His Flatulence's eyes.

He was fired for getting caught.
He wasn't fired for getting caught. He was fired because the public found out and they are trying to cauterize the a massive wound they are trying to make look like a finger prick. His team coordinated with the Russians during the campaign. This is evidence of it. They hope getting rid of Flynn makes the story go away.
How subtle. Poor lying, traitor Trump. He is the true victim here. Americans never should have known that Flynn was violating the law.
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