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Bowling Green not a "gaffe", but subliminal propaganda?

Jimmy, I agree with you completely on this thread and the points you are making. I don't think KelleyAnne is the mastermind behind all of this. I think that is the role Steve Bannon plays - and he is the one with his finger on the pulse of the alt-right base. He has had years of practice figuring out what type of messages play well with the low-information crowd. I do think KelleyAnne is a fully aware willing party to all of it, though. It wasn't a gaffe, in my opinion.

#45 fully approves of the strategy because it is one he has used for decades. He's just leaving the details to Bannon. (Meanwhile, Bannon is totally manipulating #45 for Bannon's own power grab. Bannon is Cheney's more-evil cousin.
Jimmy, I agree with you completely on this thread and the points you are making. I don't think KelleyAnne is the mastermind behind all of this. I think that is the role Steve Bannon plays - and he is the one with his finger on the pulse of the alt-right base. He has had years of practice figuring out what type of messages play well with the low-information crowd. I do think KelleyAnne is a fully aware willing party to all of it, though. It wasn't a gaffe, in my opinion.

#45 fully approves of the strategy because it is one he has used for decades. He's just leaving the details to Bannon. (Meanwhile, Bannon is totally manipulating #45 for Bannon's own power grab. Bannon is Cheney's more-evil cousin.
The Neocons were a bunch of well educated politicians that thought they knew the world better than they actually did.

The Trump Admin is a bunch of people who are clueless to even the most rudimentary issues regarding diplomacy and etiquette, forget about being amateurs among amateurs in politics.
And Obama administration was OK with referring to russians as subhumans.
A tad bit off topic here, seeing this is about the White House trying to convince people that the Fourth Estate should not be trusted, meaning we should accept the Admin's interpretation of the world and read into their "alternative facts".

Feel free to complain about being denigrated by a previous Press Secretary as being subhuman in another thread.
The point is both administration had pretty comparable incidents, both had/have outrageously incompetent people in them. Yet you get outraged over only one.
A tad bit off topic here, seeing this is about the White House trying to convince people that the Fourth Estate should not be trusted, meaning we should accept the Admin's interpretation of the world and read into their "alternative facts".

Feel free to complain about being denigrated by a previous Press Secretary as being subhuman in another thread.
The point is both administration had pretty comparable incidents, both had/have outrageously incompetent people in them. Yet you get outraged over only one.
The two "incidents" are no where near equivalent. You need to deal with your Russia boner.
A tad bit off topic here, seeing this is about the White House trying to convince people that the Fourth Estate should not be trusted, meaning we should accept the Admin's interpretation of the world and read into their "alternative facts".

Feel free to complain about being denigrated by a previous Press Secretary as being subhuman in another thread.
The point is both administration had pretty comparable incidents, both had/have outrageously incompetent people in them. Yet you get outraged over only one.

I really have no idea what incident from the Obama administration you are referring to here. Can you provide a link to an article with exact quotes in context, or a video of this incident?
The point is both administration had pretty comparable incidents, both had/have outrageously incompetent people in them. Yet you get outraged over only one.

I really have no idea what incident from the Obama administration you are referring to here. Can you provide a link to an article with exact quotes in context, or a video of this incident?

Besides refusing to condemn that she is basically lying referring to ukrainian PM as some kind of peaceful resolution man. which he was not by any stretch.
Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.
I really have no idea what incident from the Obama administration you are referring to here. Can you provide a link to an article with exact quotes in context, or a video of this incident?

Besides refusing to condemn that she is basically lying referring to ukrainian PM as some kind of peaceful resolution man. which he was not by any stretch.

So, the Obama administration did not call anyone sub-human, the Ukrainian PM did that. All that is seen here is the administration refusing to disparage and ally, something that happens in politics all the time. Thanks for providing this video, it shows that your example is absolutely nothing like what Kellyanne and the Trump administration are doing.

Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.

Wow, Russian humor must be pretty pathetic. I knew Yakov Smiirnoff wasn't funny, but I figured you guys just exported him to America because he was a lousy comedian. If this is any indication of the state of comedy in Russia, I now believe him to be among your best comedians.

Besides refusing to condemn that she is basically lying referring to ukrainian PM as some kind of peaceful resolution man. which he was not by any stretch.

So, the Obama administration did not call anyone sub-human,

I did not say they did.
the Ukrainian PM did that. All that is seen here is the administration refusing to disparage and ally, something that happens in politics all the time. Thanks for providing this video, it shows that your example is absolutely nothing like what Kellyanne and the Trump administration are doing.
It's exactly the same. In both cases we have political hacks who will defend their stupidity no matter what.
Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.

Wow, Russian humor must be pretty pathetic.
How so? These anecdotes are pretty funny and have a point.
I knew Yakov Smiirnoff wasn't funny, but I figured you guys just exported him to America because he was a lousy comedian.
He was unknown in Soviet Union.
If this is any indication of the state of comedy in Russia, I now believe him to be among your best comedians.
Comedy and anecdotes are not the same thing.
I don't get how this is incompetent, nor even if it were, how that would show Obama's admin was just as incompetent, when Trump himself says worse things every single day. This is Moore-Coulter times infinity.
She's Chauncey Gardner. ;)

Actually, yes, she and her lot, are very good at gaslighting. It doesn't make them smart....but it does make them scary.
I don't think the Bowling Green gaffe that didn't help, and yesterday's '78 attacks' message are related at all, other than both are part of the administration's attempt to shift the focus on the Muslim Ban debate. The gaffe was a fuster cluck, and yesterday's whining about the under coverage of terrorist attacks, was a new salvo in their Muslim Ban PR battle. Of course they are trying to use fear to influence opinions... Basically, I'm saying that you are over thinking this.
The message was the same, though. In the Bowling Green claim, she said the media didn't cover it. Now they are expanding on that saying there were several dozen attacks and the media isn't reporting it. They are telling people you can't trust the media.
So, the Obama administration did not call anyone sub-human,
I did not say they did.

This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.

the Ukrainian PM did that. All that is seen here is the administration refusing to disparage and ally, something that happens in politics all the time. Thanks for providing this video, it shows that your example is absolutely nothing like what Kellyanne and the Trump administration are doing.
It's exactly the same. In both cases we have political hacks who will defend their stupidity no matter what.

It is not exactly the same. Kellyanne is literally making shit up, and defending bald faced lies from Trump and his administration. Psaki did not defend the statement made by the Ukrainian PM, she very carefully skirted around that statement without defending or condemning it.

Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.

Wow, Russian humor must be pretty pathetic.
How so? These anecdotes are pretty funny and have a point.

If that video is the source material they were riffing, they can't be all that funny.

I knew Yakov Smiirnoff wasn't funny, but I figured you guys just exported him to America because he was a lousy comedian.
He was unknown in Soviet Union.

I certainly don't blame you guys for disavowing all knowledge of him.

If this is any indication of the state of comedy in Russia, I now believe him to be among your best comedians.
Comedy and anecdotes are not the same thing.

While that is true, I think it is generally a good idea for jokes contain comedy, but apparently that is too much to aspire to in Russia.

I will refer you back to this comment:
Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.
I did not say they did.

This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
the Ukrainian PM did that. All that is seen here is the administration refusing to disparage and ally, something that happens in politics all the time. Thanks for providing this video, it shows that your example is absolutely nothing like what Kellyanne and the Trump administration are doing.
It's exactly the same. In both cases we have political hacks who will defend their stupidity no matter what.

It is not exactly the same. Kellyanne is literally making shit up, and defending bald faced lies from Trump and his administration. Psaki did not defend the statement made by the Ukrainian PM, she very carefully skirted around that statement without defending or condemning it.
Google Psaki and making shit up, she is practically married to making shit up. Also google "Psaki Matt Lee"
Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.

Wow, Russian humor must be pretty pathetic.
How so? These anecdotes are pretty funny and have a point.

If that video is the source material they were riffing, they can't be all that funny.
No, I don't think there is many particular videos which inspire particular anecdotes. It's her general stupidity and incompetence which inspire large number of them. They are pretty funny.
I knew Yakov Smiirnoff wasn't funny, but I figured you guys just exported him to America because he was a lousy comedian.
He was unknown in Soviet Union.

I certainly don't blame you guys for disavowing all knowledge of him.
There was no knowledge to disavow. I heard about him first in US.
If this is any indication of the state of comedy in Russia, I now believe him to be among your best comedians.
Comedy and anecdotes are not the same thing.

While that is true, I think it is generally a good idea for jokes contain comedy, but apparently that is too much to aspire to in Russia.
While it's true Russia would badly lose to US in Comedy Olympics but there are still few gems here and there. But in Anekdots Olympics Russia would win. However it's became less popular since USSR time.
I will refer you back to this comment:
Psaki became a butt of countless jokes and anecdotes in Russia, thanks to her stupidity and incompetence.
Yes, jokes and anecdotes, not comedy
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
OMFG!!! This is Kellyanne Conway level spin control.

I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
--- barbos

It is almost exactly the same words, just tense of "call" is used.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.

It certainly appeared that you did say that, as your language was extremely imprecise, did not identify the person who actually made the "subhuman" comment, and placed Psaki's name in a manner indicating that she had made the comment. As English is not your first language, this can be forgiven, especially in light of your posting the video that clarified what you were talking about.

Google Psaki and making shit up, she is practically married to making shit up. Also google "Psaki Matt Lee"

No thanks. I am not going to go to the trouble of looking shit up that I don't care about, and that you really should be providing yourself if you feel it bolsters your argument.

Yes, jokes and anecdotes, not comedy

Yep, the state of humor must be pretty shitty in Russia if Russian jokes are not considered comedy. I would think that you people would need all the comedy you can get, if only to distract you from the horror that is your government. FSM knows I am going to need a healthy dose of humor in my life over the next 4 years.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
OMFG!!! This is Kellyanne Conway level spin control.

I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
--- barbos

It is almost exactly the same words, just tense of "call" is used.
I believe I was careful not to imply that Psaki called russians subhuman.
I think you guys need to grab this issue by the pussy.
All this tap-dancing, and nobody has yet offered an argument that Russians (other than Putin) are sub-human, super-human, somewhere in-between, or not human at all.
Let's get some resolution here, eh? :D
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.

It certainly appeared that you did say that,
I did not say that.
as your language was extremely imprecise, did not identify the person who actually made the "subhuman" comment, and placed Psaki's name in a manner indicating that she had made the comment. As English is not your first language, this can be forgiven, especially in light of your posting the video that clarified what you were talking about.
The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it. Any normal human being would have given an answer which would have satisfied Matt Lee, she has not.
Google Psaki and making shit up, she is practically married to making shit up. Also google "Psaki Matt Lee"

No thanks. I am not going to go to the trouble of looking shit up that I don't care about, and that you really should be providing yourself if you feel it bolsters your argument.
Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.
Yes, jokes and anecdotes, not comedy

Yep, the state of humor must be pretty shitty in Russia if Russian jokes are not considered comedy. I would think that you people would need all the comedy you can get, if only to distract you from the horror that is your government. FSM knows I am going to need a healthy dose of humor in my life over the next 4 years.
Different words to describe slightly different things exist for a reason. But yes, stand-up comedy has always been in pretty shitty (compared to US) state.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
OMFG!!! This is Kellyanne Conway level spin control.

I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
--- barbos

It is almost exactly the same words, just tense of "call" is used.
I believe I was careful not to imply that Psaki called russians subhuman.
Did you bump your head?

barbos said:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
There is no other possible way to rationally interpret your statement as other than you said "Psaki called russians subhumans."
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.

It certainly appeared that you did say that,

I did not say that.

Though I doubt that you meant to say that, the imprecision of your language made it appear that you said that. Why can't you admit that that your imprecise language caused this bit of miscommunication? We know English is not your first language, so it is not a big deal. You just seem to be digging in your heels for no apparent reason other than not wanting to be seen as having been wrong about something.

The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.

Any normal human being would have given an answer which would have satisfied Matt Lee, she has not.

She was not speaking in the capacity of a normal person, she was speaking in the capacity of the Press Secretary, a political position where one has to be very careful about offending allies and other world leaders (unless you work for the Trump administration).

Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying, but that doesn't matter, as the Obama administration did not make a habit of lying, unlike every single thing that has come from the Trump administration.
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