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Bowling Green not a "gaffe", but subliminal propaganda?

This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.

It certainly appeared that you did say that,

I did not say that.

Though I doubt that you meant to say that, the imprecision of your language made it appear that you said that.
Why can't you admit that that your imprecise language caused this bit of miscommunication?
I admit that I was intentionally imprecise.
And no, "imprecise" is not equal to "incorrect"
We know English is not your first language, so it is not a big deal. You just seem to be digging in your heels for no apparent reason other than not wanting to be seen as having been wrong about something.
I was not wrong.
The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.
Matt Lee would disagree.
Any normal human being would have given an answer which would have satisfied Matt Lee, she has not.

She was not speaking in the capacity of a normal person, she was speaking in the capacity of the Press Secretary, a political position where one has to be very careful about offending allies and other world leaders (unless you work for the Trump administration).
Great, call Matt Lee and explain it to him. He is such a dummy.
Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying,
I did, Psaki is fucking lying in that video, of course she had to, Obama administration wants to keep these nazi as allies and all, right?

but that doesn't matter, as the Obama administration did not make a habit of lying,
So you admit they were lying from time to time?
unlike every single thing that has come from the Trump administration.
Not every single one, some are just gaffes.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
OMFG!!! This is Kellyanne Conway level spin control.

I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
--- barbos

It is almost exactly the same words, just tense of "call" is used.
I believe I was careful not to imply that Psaki called russians subhuman.

Looks to me like you did imply that Psaki called russians subhuman.

Because English is your second language, and because you now insist that you did not mean to imply such a thing, people here are giving you the courtesy of accepting you at your word. I'd suggest you accept their charity gracefully instead of continuing to belabour the point.

In the mean time, if you are not saying that Psaki called russians subhuman, then your example completely fails to support your original point.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.

It certainly appeared that you did say that,

I did not say that.

Though I doubt that you meant to say that, the imprecision of your language made it appear that you said that.
Why can't you admit that that your imprecise language caused this bit of miscommunication?
I admit that I was intentionally imprecise.
*head explodes*

I have no idea why you think I said that, I didn't mean mean it, I was just being intentionally imprecise.


And no, "imprecise" is not equal to "incorrect"
Meanwhile Orwell land, we talk with people who say things that can neither be taken at or not at face value... and their frustration with dealing with other people.
Though I doubt that you meant to say that, the imprecision of your language made it appear that you said that.
Why can't you admit that that your imprecise language caused this bit of miscommunication?
I admit that I was intentionally imprecise.

Well, I was being charitable by not ascribing intent to your imprecision. Now I can see that I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt. Why were you being intentionally imprecise? How does fostering miscommunication help reasonable people to come to an understanding of your point of view?

And no, "imprecise" is not equal to "incorrect"

At this point it doesn't matter. Your behavior in this thread makes it clear that you are not here for a productive discussion.

We know English is not your first language, so it is not a big deal. You just seem to be digging in your heels for no apparent reason other than not wanting to be seen as having been wrong about something.
I was not wrong.

No, you were just using intentionally imprecise language in order to foster miscommunication. That is much worse than simply having been wrong.

The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.
Matt Lee would disagree.

Is Matt Lee participating in this discussion? I was under the impression I was discussing this issue with barbos, who presumably has his own ideas to present. Can you please give barbos access to the keyboard again?

Any normal human being would have given an answer which would have satisfied Matt Lee, she has not.

She was not speaking in the capacity of a normal person, she was speaking in the capacity of the Press Secretary, a political position where one has to be very careful about offending allies and other world leaders (unless you work for the Trump administration).
Great, call Matt Lee and explain it to him. He is such a dummy.

Since you seem to have access to his thoughts, and are presenting his views in this discussion, I can only assume that you are Matt Lee, and that I am therefor explaining it directly to Matt Lee. Matt Lee, as a member of the AP and a political reporter, certainly you understand the difference between a person speaking in their own capacity as a citizen, and a person who is speaking as a representative of a Presidential Administration. Matt Lee, if you cannot see that difference, you are indeed a dummy.

Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying,
I did, Psaki is fucking lying in that video, of course she had to, Obama administration wants to keep these nazi as allies and all, right?

Without using intentionally imprecise language, can you give us an example from that video where Psaki is lying, as well as point out what the truth is to show us that she is lying?

but that doesn't matter, as the Obama administration did not make a habit of lying,
So you admit they were lying from time to time?

More than likely. Most politicians do lie from time to time. The difference is that the Trump administration lies constantly.

unlike every single thing that has come from the Trump administration.
Not every single one, some are just gaffes.

Usually you can tell the differences between lies and gaffes. The Trump administration lies so much that it has become very hard to make that call when they are making statements like the one Kellyanne Conjob made.
Is he Russian? Really?
I like their salad dressing.
I suppose you newer around here. When FRDB did their Nude Calendar back in '07, barbos' shot involved a bear, bottle of vodka, and a tastefully placed hammer and sickle, so yeah, very Russian.

Interesting. Barbos' English is very good if it's not his first language. But now I have to read whatever he writes in a Russian accent. Dammit!
I have met two Russian women over the years, and years between them. They shared a particular personality trait - both were very aloof, and at the same time almost aggressively alluring, in a manner that made me suspect that both had been the center of unwanted attentions (or abuse). I put it down as a "Russian thing"... maybe they were sub-human?
I admit that I was intentionally imprecise.

Well, I was being charitable by not ascribing intent to your imprecision. Now I can see that I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt. Why were you being intentionally imprecise? How does fostering miscommunication help reasonable people to come to an understanding of your point of view?
Because, as any news tittle editor knows, title is the most important part of the news. If you put all the news into the title nobody will read the content.
And no, "imprecise" is not equal to "incorrect"

At this point it doesn't matter. Your behavior in this thread makes it clear that you are not here for a productive discussion.
How so? how the fuck so? Let me repeat my point, you all go apeshit over every damn word these knew clowns in white house say, and yet you missed completely on Obama administration. I have tried few times over the past to bring up propaganda bullshit from previous administration and every time it was met with "meh, not interested"
We know English is not your first language, so it is not a big deal. You just seem to be digging in your heels for no apparent reason other than not wanting to be seen as having been wrong about something.
I was not wrong.

No, you were just using intentionally imprecise language in order to foster miscommunication. That is much worse than simply having been wrong.

The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.
Matt Lee would disagree.

Is Matt Lee participating in this discussion? I was under the impression I was discussing this issue with barbos, who presumably has his own ideas to present. Can you please give barbos access to the keyboard again?
I said "would" so no, he is not here, but he obviously would disagree.
Any normal human being would have given an answer which would have satisfied Matt Lee, she has not.

She was not speaking in the capacity of a normal person, she was speaking in the capacity of the Press Secretary, a political position where one has to be very careful about offending allies and other world leaders (unless you work for the Trump administration).
Great, call Matt Lee and explain it to him. He is such a dummy.

Since you seem to have access to his thoughts, and are presenting his views in this discussion, I can only assume that you are Matt Lee, and that I am therefor explaining it directly to Matt Lee. Matt Lee, as a member of the AP and a political reporter, certainly you understand the difference between a person speaking in their own capacity as a citizen, and a person who is speaking as a representative of a Presidential Administration. Matt Lee, if you cannot see that difference, you are indeed a dummy.
This is nothing but an excuse, and Matt Lee is not a dummy, he just does not like BS as an answer.
Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying,
I did, Psaki is fucking lying in that video, of course she had to, Obama administration wants to keep these nazi as allies and all, right?

Without using intentionally imprecise language, can you give us an example from that video where Psaki is lying, as well as point out what the truth is to show us that she is lying?
I did already. She actively repeated a lie that current ukrainian administration is interested in peaceful solution. And it is a lie which any less informed person like most in the west could believe, unlike Bowling Green "lie" which clearly nobody believed.
but that doesn't matter, as the Obama administration did not make a habit of lying,
So you admit they were lying from time to time?

More than likely. Most politicians do lie from time to time. The difference is that the Trump administration lies constantly.
The difference you don't believe his lies and believe Obama's administration lies.
unlike every single thing that has come from the Trump administration.
Not every single one, some are just gaffes.

Usually you can tell the differences between lies and gaffes. The Trump administration lies so much that it has become very hard to make that call when they are making statements like the one Kellyanne Conjob made.

Trump administration starting with himself is filled with crazy and mentally deficient people, who believe what they are saying more often when you think.
Because, as any news tittle editor knows, title is the most important part of the news. If you put all the news into the title nobody will read the content.

This is not a news site, nor your personal propaganda site, it is a free thought discussion forum. You did not start a thread, and use that as a title, that was a post with no additional content. All you had to offer with it was intentionally imprecise language that only served to foster miscommunication. I don't care if you have delusions of being a journalist, your posts are far from objective, and intentionally foster miscommunication in them. If you were a journalist, that would make you a shitty journalist, and the worst kind of shitty journalist at that.

At this point it doesn't matter. Your behavior in this thread makes it clear that you are not here for a productive discussion.
How so? how the fuck so?

Because you have admitted to posting in a manner which deliberately fosters miscommunication. A productive discussion should have the intent to communicate, not miscommunicate.

Let me repeat my point, you all go apeshit over every damn word these knew clowns in white house say, and yet you missed completely on Obama administration. I have tried few times over the past to bring up propaganda bullshit from previous administration and every time it was met with "meh, not interested"

Your point is bullshit, it is Moore-Coulter. No US Presidential administration in the living memory of anyone on this board has been anything like the Trump administration. It is Orwellian in it's lies that they label "alternative facts". It is inept in bumbling through every executive order. It is filling every appointment with unqualified people. It is engaging in massive conflicts of interest. Many of us here who are progressives and liberals were and still are perfectly willing to criticize Obama when it is merited, but we have never seen anything like what Trump is doing. We may not have been enamored with W, and his puppet master Darth Cheney, but they did not rise to this level of flat out lies and ineptitude. We may not have been in love with Reagan, but his administration at least put many qualified people into cabinet positions, and acted with respect toward both domestic and world leaders. Nixon may have been a crook, but even his crookedness was not so pervasive, and visible as what we are seeing from Trump. None of them were as brazen as Trump when it comes to outright lies and propaganda, certainly not Obama.

The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.
Matt Lee would disagree.

Is Matt Lee participating in this discussion? I was under the impression I was discussing this issue with barbos, who presumably has his own ideas to present. Can you please give barbos access to the keyboard again?
I said "would" so no, he is not here, but he obviously would disagree.

Find a quote from Matt Lee that says Psaki evading the question is the same thing as her having said that Russians are sub-human, and post it here. Until such time as you do that, you are just playing the part of a mind reader, and I can only assume you are as bad at that as you are at playing the part of a journalist.

Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying,
I did, Psaki is fucking lying in that video, of course she had to, Obama administration wants to keep these nazi as allies and all, right?

Without using intentionally imprecise language, can you give us an example from that video where Psaki is lying, as well as point out what the truth is to show us that she is lying?
I did already. She actively repeated a lie that current ukrainian administration is interested in peaceful solution. And it is a lie which any less informed person like most in the west could believe, unlike Bowling Green "lie" which clearly nobody believed.

That is not a lie, it is an opinion. Just because your opinion differs, does not mean it is a lie. I can only assume that in your opinion Putin is only interested in a peaceful solution. I don't agree with that, I think he is a warmonger, but that doesn't mean your opinion of him is a lie. So try again, show me you can tell what a lie actually is, and provide an example of her lying, as well as the objective fact that reveals the lie.

More than likely. Most politicians do lie from time to time. The difference is that the Trump administration lies constantly.
The difference you don't believe his lies and believe Obama's administration lies.

If I characterize something as a lie, it means I don't believe it. So, no, I wouldn't believe lies from the Obama administration any more than I would believe lies from the Trump administration.
That is not a lie, it is an opinion. Just because your opinion differs, does not mean it is a lie. I can only assume that in your opinion Putin is only interested in a peaceful solution. I don't agree with that, I think he is a warmonger

Is there really disagreement about that? He's a lot like Cheato - his public approval depends on identifying (or creating) an enemy about which he can create fear or general hate, and that he can heroically stand up to or beat into submission. Absent that, he's just another corrupt profiteering despot... like Cheato. (Until Cheato's muslim ban gets reinstated, at which point he'll be a hero for a week, to his acolyytes.)
That is not a lie, it is an opinion. Just because your opinion differs, does not mean it is a lie. I can only assume that in your opinion Putin is only interested in a peaceful solution. I don't agree with that, I think he is a warmonger

Is there really disagreement about that? He's a lot like Cheato - his public approval depends on identifying (or creating) an enemy about which he can create fear or general hate, and that he can heroically stand up to or beat into submission. Absent that, he's just another corrupt profiteering despot... like Cheato. (Until Cheato's muslim ban gets reinstated, at which point he'll be a hero for a week, to his acolyytes.)

I may be wrong to ascribe such an opinion to barbos, I guess we will have to wait until he replies. Regardless, such matters are matters of opinion, so to say someone has lied because they expressed an opinion like that, would be an error.
She's ignorant and not capable of much more than kissing Trump's ass and massaging his ego.

This Bowling Green massacre was a story passed around in right-wing alternative facts circles.

She believed it.

She is a very very stupid woman.
This very very stupid woman got Trump elected President. You are terribly underestimating her.

This new 78 attacks, the media doesn't cover due to the prevalence of terrorism is too cozy with Bowling Green, to not be a piece of a larger puzzle.

I think that she is not being underestimated. I think that the followers are highly overestimated.
This is not a news site, nor your personal propaganda site, it is a free thought discussion forum. You did not start a thread, and use that as a title, that was a post with no additional content. All you had to offer with it was intentionally imprecise language that only served to foster miscommunication. I don't care if you have delusions of being a journalist, your posts are far from objective, and intentionally foster miscommunication in them. If you were a journalist, that would make you a shitty journalist, and the worst kind of shitty journalist at that.

At this point it doesn't matter. Your behavior in this thread makes it clear that you are not here for a productive discussion.
How so? how the fuck so?

Because you have admitted to posting in a manner which deliberately fosters miscommunication. A productive discussion should have the intent to communicate, not miscommunicate.

Let me repeat my point, you all go apeshit over every damn word these knew clowns in white house say, and yet you missed completely on Obama administration. I have tried few times over the past to bring up propaganda bullshit from previous administration and every time it was met with "meh, not interested"

Your point is bullshit, it is Moore-Coulter. No US Presidential administration in the living memory of anyone on this board has been anything like the Trump administration. It is Orwellian in it's lies that they label "alternative facts". It is inept in bumbling through every executive order. It is filling every appointment with unqualified people. It is engaging in massive conflicts of interest. Many of us here who are progressives and liberals were and still are perfectly willing to criticize Obama when it is merited, but we have never seen anything like what Trump is doing. We may not have been enamored with W, and his puppet master Darth Cheney, but they did not rise to this level of flat out lies and ineptitude. We may not have been in love with Reagan, but his administration at least put many qualified people into cabinet positions, and acted with respect toward both domestic and world leaders. Nixon may have been a crook, but even his crookedness was not so pervasive, and visible as what we are seeing from Trump. None of them were as brazen as Trump when it comes to outright lies and propaganda, certainly not Obama.

The way she was avoiding condemning it comes pretty close to actually saying it.

No, it doesn't. Not even close.
Matt Lee would disagree.

Is Matt Lee participating in this discussion? I was under the impression I was discussing this issue with barbos, who presumably has his own ideas to present. Can you please give barbos access to the keyboard again?
I said "would" so no, he is not here, but he obviously would disagree.

Find a quote from Matt Lee that says Psaki evading the question is the same thing as her having said that Russians are sub-human, and post it here. Until such time as you do that, you are just playing the part of a mind reader, and I can only assume you are as bad at that as you are at playing the part of a journalist.

Exactly my point, you don't care when Obama administration critters are flat out lying, you only care when opposite party critters are lying.

You haven't presented an example of the Obama administration lying,
I did, Psaki is fucking lying in that video, of course she had to, Obama administration wants to keep these nazi as allies and all, right?

Without using intentionally imprecise language, can you give us an example from that video where Psaki is lying, as well as point out what the truth is to show us that she is lying?
I did already. She actively repeated a lie that current ukrainian administration is interested in peaceful solution. And it is a lie which any less informed person like most in the west could believe, unlike Bowling Green "lie" which clearly nobody believed.

That is not a lie, it is an opinion. Just because your opinion differs, does not mean it is a lie. I can only assume that in your opinion Putin is only interested in a peaceful solution. I don't agree with that, I think he is a warmonger, but that doesn't mean your opinion of him is a lie. So try again, show me you can tell what a lie actually is, and provide an example of her lying, as well as the objective fact that reveals the lie.

More than likely. Most politicians do lie from time to time. The difference is that the Trump administration lies constantly.
The difference you don't believe his lies and believe Obama's administration lies.

If I characterize something as a lie, it means I don't believe it. So, no, I wouldn't believe lies from the Obama administration any more than I would believe lies from the Trump administration.

Utter bullshit.
This new 78 attacks, the media doesn't cover due to the prevalence of terrorism is too cozy with Bowling Green, to not be a piece of a larger puzzle.

That is quite the list - I loved SNL's Spicey portrayal, waving the list around - "we have Boston, Bowling Green, the Atlanta Massacre, The night they Drove Old Dixie Down..."

For sure, this is not slip of the tongue. Trumpsuckers might fool themselves into thinking so, but I bet that not even they have made the VERY SAME "slip of the tongue" in front of three different audiences over a period of several days, then suddenly realized they were saying "massacre" where they meant "terrorist", even though substituting terrorist for massacre would have turned their entire paragraph into shredded word salad...
Nope. No gaffe.
This quote can certainly be read that way:
I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.

I can't help it that you were extremely imprecise with your language, but that is exactly why I asked for clarifying source material.
So, you admit I did not say she called russians subhumans.
OMFG!!! This is Kellyanne Conway level spin control.

I don't recall you reflexing like that over Psaki & calling russians subhumans debacle.
--- barbos

It is almost exactly the same words, just tense of "call" is used.
I believe I was careful not to imply that Psaki called russians subhuman.

Your carefulness was insufficient. Was the insufficient carefulness, like Kellyanne's "gaffe", calculated?
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