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British By Elections - Tories Lose Big

What has been predicted for quite some time is becoming so obvious that even the corrupt elites will be forced to acknowledge. Perhaps @Jimmy Higgins is correct about the coming bloodbath ;

Acampaign group hoping to mobilise Muslim communities in the lead-up to the general election has said it wants to ensure their votes are “taken seriously” and it aims to produce a list of candidates they endorse later this year. The Muslim Vote, a campaign group, is hoping to encourage as many of the 3.9 million Muslims in the UK to vote in the upcoming general election, focusing on constituencies where they can have the most impact. Abubakr Nanabawa, a 24-year-old coordinator and spokesperson for the campaign, described the mobilisationof Muslim voters as “historic” and said many want to make a “real difference” at the polling booth, particularly in light of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which has killed more than 35,000 people. “Active support of the Israeli response meant that we felt like we had to break the status quo of Labour winning the Muslim vote quite unanimously,” he said. “Instead the message is that if any government wants our vote, then they have to earn it.”

Teh Gruaniad

A day of reckoning for Europe can't be too far in the future now.

Of course, it's all the fault of the Jews. /s
It's going to take more than 6.7% of the UK population, of whom at least half only ticked the "Muslim" box on the census because their dad would be disappointed if they didn't, and who rarely bother to visit a Mosque, to bring about your paranoid and irrational fear of a "day of reckoning".

Any such "reckoning" is FAR more likely to consist of fearful attacks by the non-Muslim majority against this demonised and reviled minority, than the other way around.

The various extremist Islamic groups in Western Europe still haven't managed to garner as much support for terrorism and violence as the IRA commanded in the 1970s, and the UK was never under an existential threat from the Irish Menace back then, either.

Fortunately, the British are made of sterner stuff than the citizens of Santa Monica.

Perhaps you should invest in some stronger smelling salts.
What has been predicted for quite some time is becoming so obvious that even the corrupt elites will be forced to acknowledge. Perhaps @Jimmy Higgins is correct about the coming bloodbath ;

Acampaign group hoping to mobilise Muslim communities in the lead-up to the general election has said it wants to ensure their votes are “taken seriously” and it aims to produce a list of candidates they endorse later this year. The Muslim Vote, a campaign group, is hoping to encourage as many of the 3.9 million Muslims in the UK to vote in the upcoming general election, focusing on constituencies where they can have the most impact. Abubakr Nanabawa, a 24-year-old coordinator and spokesperson for the campaign, described the mobilisationof Muslim voters as “historic” and said many want to make a “real difference” at the polling booth, particularly in light of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which has killed more than 35,000 people. “Active support of the Israeli response meant that we felt like we had to break the status quo of Labour winning the Muslim vote quite unanimously,” he said. “Instead the message is that if any government wants our vote, then they have to earn it.”

Teh Gruaniad

A day of reckoning for Europe can't be too far in the future now.

Of course, it's all the fault of the Jews. /s
Corrupt elites? Like Trump? Putin? The rest of the Russian Oligarchy? The price fixers at ADM? ExxonMobile? What is the aim of these “elites” that are mobilizing Muslims?

Why don’t you care about the Christianists that are looking to turn the US into Gilead?
It's going to take more than 6.7% of the UK population,
It may be 6.7% of UK population overall, but
a) it is a much higher proportion in major cities including London. London btw. has a Muslim mayor who banned ads with bikini clad women from the tube.
b) This percentage is rapidly rising due to the combination of mass migration and mass breeding
of whom at least half only ticked the "Muslim" box on the census because their dad would be disappointed if they didn't, and who rarely bother to visit a Mosque,
[citation needed]
And how does mosque attendance among Muslims in the UK compare to the rates of church attendance for Christian Brits?
to bring about your paranoid and irrational fear of a "day of reckoning".
It is neither. Just look at the Islamist who got elected councilor for the Green Party.
Any such "reckoning" is FAR more likely to consist of fearful attacks by the non-Muslim majority against this demonised and reviled minority, than the other way around.
The various extremist Islamic groups in Western Europe still haven't managed to garner as much support for terrorism and violence as the IRA commanded in the 1970s, and the UK was never under an existential threat from the Irish Menace back then, either.
Bullshit. Islamic terrorism has been far more deadly than IRA terrorism, despite the fact that Muslims are a single-digit minority.
Take the 7/7/05 bombing. 56 dead. The deadliest IRA bombing (Omagh) claimed 29 fatalities. Outside Britain, there have been even more deadly attacks in Europe, for example the Bataclan massacre - 138 dead.
Anybody who dismisses Islamism as a clear and present danger is willfully blind.

[insult snipped]
A day of reckoning for Europe can't be too far in the future now.

In Hamburg they are protesting, demanding a Caliphate.

Imagine how much more brazen they will get as their percentage increases due to idiotic European migration policies.

Danke, Merkel!
The fuck are you on? This is a thread about Tories losing in Britain. It's absolutely on topic to make a post about Tories being dumbass motherfuckers who pushed Brexit.
In the thread generally, yes.
But as a dismissive response to a specific point made about an Islamist Green Party councilor, it is whataboutism.
A day of reckoning for Europe can't be too far in the future now.

In Hamburg they are protesting, demanding a Caliphate.

Imagine how much more brazen they will get as their percentage increases due to idiotic European migration policies.

Danke, Merkel!

Meanwhile in Londonistan;

Ken Loach and Mike Leigh have resigned as patrons of the Phoenix cinema in London in protest over the venue hosting an Israeli state-sponsored film festival. The cinema – one of the UK’s oldest – is holding a private screening of Supernova: The Music Festival Massacre, as part of the international Seret film festival on Thursday night. The documentary tells the story of the attack by Hamas on the Nova music festival on 7 October through survivor testimony.
This morning the north London cinema was covered in red graffiti that read: “Say no to artwashing”, and protests and counter-protests are expected there this evening.

Teh Gruaniad

Enoch Powell predicted there would be trouble. And here we are, just getting started.
Brexit was a disaster. Let's blame the immigrants.

Typical RW fare.

Eh? How would Brexit being a disaster be the fault of immigrants? And what has Brexit got to do with anything here?
These questions demonstrate your abject incompetence to comment on British politics at all.
Hilarious. Female deputy leader of the Labour Party pleads with a room full of indifferent muslim men to vote Labour.

Angela Rayner vowed a Labour government would recognise the state of Palestine as she urged Muslim voters to back her and the party at the next election. Video circulating online shows the party's deputy leader speaking to voters in her Ashton-under-Lyne seat and thanking them for getting her 'over the line' at the 2019 election.
Meanwhile Ms Rayner faced pushback from television presenter and Reform UK president Nigel Farage, as he sounded the alarm about inner cities and towns moving into an era of 'sectarian politics with women completely excluded'.

Daily Mail

I expect the muslim women were safely ensconced in another room.
There will be a UK general election on 4th July.

According to the latest polls, Reform UK (right wing nationalist, anti-immigration etc) have now overtaken the Tories in terms of raw voting intention, although they're unlikely to win many seats ..this time.

Labour remain the front runner but have committed to both "iron clad fiscal rules" re "deficits", and to not raising taxes any more than the Tories would. Anyone who can add up realises that this will mean (further) cuts to public services.

A large part of the Tory demise is down to the dire state of public services. If Labour even try to stick to their commitments, the electorate is likely to turn on them as quickly they've turned on the Tories. Some still suspect - or hope - that Labour will do an about-face, once in govt.

I'm afraid Britain is only a bit behind the European curve with neo-nationalist right wing parties in the ascendant.
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