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Bronze Age?

Apparently, it is currently an Amazon best seller. The Brietbart and 4chan types are eating it up. It is more fun for these types than Jordan Peterson's word salad tomes. Or Ayn Rand's rancid books.
All the Nazis under my bed are reading it.

Well we know that some of Nazis under Trump's bed (or worse, in his ear and cabinet meetings) are, and the same for some other GOP office holders. Trumps former senior national secretary advisor wrote an article calling upon conservative politicians to win the heart and minds of the youth by adopting "BAPism".

Of course, we don't know if all of Trump's advisors are reading it, so we cannot say that all of the Nazis in his ear and cabinet meetings are reading it.
It's also a best seller on Amazon, and has been strongly pushed by Jordan Peterson and on a number of alt-right outlets, like UNZ Review which gets 3 million visitors per month, ranking it 41st in the world among websites in the "law and government" category.

UNZ praises the book's author for being "disgusted with the lies and faggotry of the modern world" and for pointing out that "Everywhere, coalitions of women, the old, the weak, and the ugly conspire to smother the best". Those are the words of UNZ, and BAP's problem with women that they are referring to include BAP's claim that women's liberation was "the greatest weakening and self-own a civilization has ever visited on itself", and that all women scientists and in positions of power are just "spiritual lesbians" (meaning they only achieved it by not being "real women").

So besides being viewed by millions of Americans every month, what is UNZ that it would not only praise a book of such blatant misogyny, but itself explicitly promote endorse those views and homophobic bigotry?
Well, it was created and is run and edited by none other the Ron Unz, a former candidate for CA governor whom more than 1 in 3 Ca Republicans voted for in the primary. Oh and he was the publisher of the popular American Conservative magazine for the 6 years prior to starting his own blog and website.

In addition to holocaust denial, UNZ review regularly published articles promoting the ideology of the criminality and low IQ of non-whites (63 such articles in the past 7 years). It's easy to get that number, because the site itself archives those articles under "race and IQ" and "race and crime".

More fun facts are that Alexa.com (which tracks all visits to websites), shows that among the 5 other websites with the most shared visitors and shared content with UNZ.com is the openly white supremacist site (Amren.com) whose video in their "About us" section is titled "White identity: What it is and why it's neccessary".

The other 4 sites with the most overlap in users and content are:
1. Vdare which publishes articles by known white supremacists like Rushton, and Jared Taylor (who is the editor of the openly supremacist Amren.com
2. Russia-insider.com which is a pro-Kremlin right-wing outlet based in Moscow that is openly anti-Semitic, claims that "hostility toward Putin's Russia is largely a Jewish phenomena" announced a new editorial policy they call "The Jewish Question" in which they will actively seek out articles that are not afraid to "criticizing Jews as a group".
They boast publishing "over 200" articles about "The Jewish Question" in the 18 months the new policy was announced.
They credit the alt-right movement for inspiring this new anti-Jewish editorial policy via being willing to point out the "pernicious effects of the influence of some Jewish elites". And they ask if anyone is willing to translate their anti-Jewish articles into German (how terrifying is that?).
3. thesaker.is, which is another pro-Putin blog
4. paulcraigroberts.org, who is a hero among economic conservatives and was the economic champion of supply-side economics in the Reagan era, worked for Reagan, John Kemp, and Orrin Hatch, and was the head economic advisor to Congressional Republicans. But his alt-right fans don't likely care that much about all that, rather they love how he spends much of time now writing articles that deny the holocaust and defend Hitler, or stoke white nationalist fears about "white genocide"https://www.unz.com/proberts/is-white-genocide-possible/.

Oh, if your curious whether their is high overlap between these white supremacist, anti-semite, misogynist articles and websites and the second most visited conservative website in the world, Breitbart, then wonder no more. In just the last 3 years, Breitbart has refernced Unz and promoted it's articles 24 separate times.

Bottom line is that while this particular book and author in the OP is in fact somewhat influential among conservatives, what is more important is white nationalism, anti-semitism, and overt hateful misogyny is being consumed by tens of millions of conservatives and promoted by major figures in conservatism, including those with major influence on our elected leaders.
My professional pen name is Bron Zeage.

Many years ago, when I had to choose a user name in order to join a social forum, I hadn't given it any thought. I was surprised to find "Ironage" was already taken., My second choice was bronzeage. Since that time, my internet presence has been Bronzeage. When it came time to choose an official pseudonym for my publisher, Bron Zeage was the obvious choice. As far as I am able to determine, the surname Zeage does not exist in any language which uses the Roman alphabet, so the name Bron Zeage is unique in the world.

That said, there is nothing which prevents anyone else from using a variation on a common phrase for whatever purpose pleases them.
My professional pen name is Bron Zeage.

Many years ago, when I had to choose a user name in order to join a social forum, I hadn't given it any thought. I was surprised to find "Ironage" was already taken., My second choice was bronzeage. Since that time, my internet presence has been Bronzeage. When it came time to choose an official pseudonym for my publisher, Bron Zeage was the obvious choice. As far as I am able to determine, the surname Zeage does not exist in any language which uses the Roman alphabet, so the name Bron Zeage is unique in the world.

That said, there is nothing which prevents anyone else from using a variation on a common phrase for whatever purpose pleases them.

You little scamp...
The 200-page book mixes Nietzschean philosophy with critiques of contemporary Western society, denigrating homosexuality, Judiasm, Islam, feminism and much else along the way. “Inside every noble Greek was an unquenchable lust for power,” is one fairly typical statement. “Modern world not bad just because modern,” is another, displaying the author’s habit of lapsing into broken English by dropping articles. The book claims that the leaders of the European Union have “tiny moleman eyes.” Many of its passages are profane and unprintable.


Someday I will find this book in the Free Book bin at Salvation Army and I will take it home and place it in my bathroom where I will treasure it always.
Ah yes. Little right wingers fantasizing about how if they had lived long ago, they would be noble, happy warriors. Rather than being as they probably would be, wretched slaves. The old ways are the best ways.
Ah yes. Little right wingers fantasizing about how if they had lived long ago, they would be noble, happy warriors. Rather than being as they probably would be, wretched slaves. The old ways are the best ways.

Or how they would have died of dysentery and/or sepsis from a break or stab wound.

Or how they would have survived by merely pretending to fight or running away like little bitches.
Ah yes. Little right wingers fantasizing about how if they had lived long ago, they would be noble, happy warriorsslave owners. Rather than being as they probably would be, wretched slaves. The old ways are the best ways.

FIFY. It's about doing whatever you want to whomever you want without regard of human rights or morality, which were supposedly created by the weak to control the strong. It's essentially the adolescent male mentality of Atlas Shrugged on steroids (probably literally), dispensing not only with notions of altruisms and kindness (as Rand does) but even with notions of respecting others' rights as individuals and rationalizing that some people are happier at the end of a chain.

Here is are some quotes: "Ethics are for cows." ..."So much of the modern idiocy is based on shaming those who would find true pleasure in submission! The long chain of being is held together by command and obedience."
Note, that's not about sexual S&M, it's about promoting actual political and social authoritarian oppression. The author repeatedly attacks the very concept of democracy as "an outrage" and "retarded mechanism", claiming that feminism is just women revolting against democracy that has made the men who used to control them weak and no longer able to "command respect".
As far as I am able to determine, the surname Zeage does not exist in any language which uses the Roman alphabet, so the name Bron Zeage is unique in the world.
Good news! Your adopted family is waiting to hear from you!

"There are 3 immigration records available for the last name Zeage. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA..."


If you put Tyjkloh or Ghjdghet in the search window, you'll get the same response. I used to get spam emails from "internet security" companies, offering a service which could remove all information about Ron Sage from internet databases.
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