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Calorie intake among low, normal and obese people pretty much the same

Of course there is; she hypermetabolizes. But that is my point - there are other things going on with many many people, including hypometabolizing.

Fair enough, but this condition is not typical for the average fat/obese person that get the way the are because they can't walk past the Krispy Kreme shop.
See Raven's post up above. There are many many conditions, medications, etc., that can cause people to be overweight JUST LIKE there are many than can cause people to be underweight (like my child). Are there people that can't avoid a donut? Sure. But to imply that the only people that can't avoid donuts are overweight is simply wrong and implies some moral failing on an overweight person. It's just not. Hypothyroidism is actually VERY COMMON among women.
Gaining and losing weight is simple as a general principle. And it is very much about expending more energy than you're taking in.

Yes, there are foods that will metabolize better and some that will metabolize worse in an individuals system. Yes, there are genetic disorders and diseases that can change this basic principle, but it's a fucking fact that it doesn't matter if you eat pure fat, pure carbs or pure protein...if you eat 3,000 calories and your body uses 3,000+ you will lose weight.

You can lose weight, including fat by eating a 100% bacon diet, if you pay attention to your caloric intake and how much you burn.

If you eat 2,000 calories a day and burn off 3,000 you will lose weight, including fat. It doesn't matter if you're fucking eating twinkies and ho ho's or broiled chicken breast and raw kale.

It doesn't take studies to demonstrate it, unless you're someone with a medical condition or extreme genetics either way, this works and you can do it for yourself and see results in a week, easily.

There's no fucking chance I ate the same calories when I was 298lbs as I do now at 218lbs. I lost this weight starting on October 6th of last year and I can literally adjust my weight to whatever I want by tweaking my calories.

There's no point in comparing how that works in my body vs someone who is a diabetic or has a thyroid condition because there's an obvious reason why they don't gain or lose weight like average individuals. It is however a pretty good experiment to do on yourself since you can see how adjusting calories or work output is all it takes.

I was probably eating close to 4,500-5,000 calories a day when I was FAF (fat as fuck).

Now I eat between 2,500-3,000.

This works using high fat high protein diets, no carb or low carb diets, high carb low calorie diets...it doesn't matter.

There is however a difference in how your body functions based on the foods you eat and in a sense this can skew results. For example when my diet has consisted of shitty calories (soft drinks, potato chips etc) my digestive system was abnormal and I could go #2 once a week. When I eat clean calories like I do now (salmon, brown rice, chicken breast, spinach etc) my digestive system is amazing. I feel better and more energetic and less bloated. Carrying around all that waste also added to my weight.

I also know a lot of fat people and if they were counting calories for a study, they'd probably not include that every meal gets upsized, there's no such thing as a medium or small soft drink, only extra, extra large and vat sized. A bag of cookies is just as good as 1 or 2 and every tub of ice cream is individual sized if you've got enough time. Fries become poutine.

This is just as lame as when they called it "big boned" when I was a kid. I wasn't big boned, I fucking ate a tub of mac & cheese right before I went to bed and downed 2 litres of coke along with it.

Fat people...my former self included need to cut the shit with the "I'm being fat shamed" and own up to it. Just say "I like fucking Ben & Jerry's and even better when it's 2 for the price of 1!" and "I enjoy a good 4 litre pepsi for breakfast!" "I don't drink coffee black...I get a 2,000 calorie milkshake with some caffiene in it from Starbucks!"

Own it and be proud of it, rather than trying to make the rest of the world pretend like there isn't a fat fucking elephant in the room and like that whole pack of double stuffed fucking oreo's just spontaneously combusted instead of being stuffed in your face like a bukkake video.
There are many many conditions, medications, etc., that can cause people to be overweight JUST LIKE there are many than can cause people to be underweight (like my child).

Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.
There are many many conditions, medications, etc., that can cause people to be overweight JUST LIKE there are many than can cause people to be underweight (like my child).

Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.

OH come on now...you mean you don't believe that the only fat people that eat more than skinny people are those with medical conditions!?

I mean sure, they've had to make movie theater seats wider to accommodate these Leviathan's, but I'm sure it's common to find a 130lbs person eating this daily...


...after all...we all eat the same as the Colonel there...he's just taking Paxil so it made his tits bigger than Dolly Parton.
Gaining and losing weight is simple as a general principle. And it is very much about expending more energy than you're taking in.

Yes, there are foods that will metabolize better and some that will metabolize worse in an individuals system. Yes, there are genetic disorders and diseases that can change this basic principle, but it's a fucking fact that it doesn't matter if you eat pure fat, pure carbs or pure protein...if you eat 3,000 calories and your body uses 3,000+ you will lose weight.

You can lose weight, including fat by eating a 100% bacon diet, if you pay attention to your caloric intake and how much you burn.

If you eat 2,000 calories a day and burn off 3,000 you will lose weight, including fat. It doesn't matter if you're fucking eating twinkies and ho ho's or broiled chicken breast and raw kale.

It doesn't take studies to demonstrate it, unless you're someone with a medical condition or extreme genetics either way, this works and you can do it for yourself and see results in a week, easily.

There's no fucking chance I ate the same calories when I was 298lbs as I do now at 218lbs. I lost this weight starting on October 6th of last year and I can literally adjust my weight to whatever I want by tweaking my calories.

There's no point in comparing how that works in my body vs someone who is a diabetic or has a thyroid condition because there's an obvious reason why they don't gain or lose weight like average individuals. It is however a pretty good experiment to do on yourself since you can see how adjusting calories or work output is all it takes.

I was probably eating close to 4,500-5,000 calories a day when I was FAF (fat as fuck).

Now I eat between 2,500-3,000.

This works using high fat high protein diets, no carb or low carb diets, high carb low calorie diets...it doesn't matter.

There is however a difference in how your body functions based on the foods you eat and in a sense this can skew results. For example when my diet has consisted of shitty calories (soft drinks, potato chips etc) my digestive system was abnormal and I could go #2 once a week. When I eat clean calories like I do now (salmon, brown rice, chicken breast, spinach etc) my digestive system is amazing. I feel better and more energetic and less bloated. Carrying around all that waste also added to my weight.

I also know a lot of fat people and if they were counting calories for a study, they'd probably not include that every meal gets upsized, there's no such thing as a medium or small soft drink, only extra, extra large and vat sized. A bag of cookies is just as good as 1 or 2 and every tub of ice cream is individual sized if you've got enough time. Fries become poutine.

This is just as lame as when they called it "big boned" when I was a kid. I wasn't big boned, I fucking ate a tub of mac & cheese right before I went to bed and downed 2 litres of coke along with it.

Fat people...my former self included need to cut the shit with the "I'm being fat shamed" and own up to it. Just say "I like fucking Ben & Jerry's and even better when it's 2 for the price of 1!" and "I enjoy a good 4 litre pepsi for breakfast!" "I don't drink coffee black...I get a 2,000 calorie milkshake with some caffiene in it from Starbucks!"

Own it and be proud of it, rather than trying to make the rest of the world pretend like there isn't a fat fucking elephant in the room and like that whole pack of double stuffed fucking oreo's just spontaneously combusted instead of being stuffed in your face like a bukkake video.
Sorry but again, it's not that simple. My child needs more than 3,500 calories daily just to break even. She is NOT ALLOWED to exercise. The issue is calorie burning - some people simply cannot burn them regardless of exercise amount (and reducing caloric intake actually makes the condition WORSE so don't try that one). Others like my child metabolize her intake doing nothing, and its not likely to change for her for a long time.

- - - Updated - - -

You really are an ass.
Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.

OH come on now...you mean you don't believe that the only fat people that eat more than skinny people are those with medical conditions!?

I mean sure, they've had to make movie theater seats wider to accommodate these Leviathan's, but I'm sure it's common to find a 130lbs person eating this daily...

View attachment 6175

...after all...we all eat the same as the Colonel there...he's just taking Paxil so it made his tits bigger than Dolly Parton.
Sorry but again, it's not that simple. My child needs more than 3,500 calories daily just to break even. She is NOT ALLOWED to exercise. The issue is calorie burning - some people simply cannot burn them regardless of exercise amount (and reducing caloric intake actually makes the condition WORSE so don't try that one). Others like my child metabolize her intake doing nothing, and its not likely to change for her for a long time.

- - - Updated - - -

You really are an ass.
Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.

OH come on now...you mean you don't believe that the only fat people that eat more than skinny people are those with medical conditions!?

I mean sure, they've had to make movie theater seats wider to accommodate these Leviathan's, but I'm sure it's common to find a 130lbs person eating this daily...

View attachment 6175

...after all...we all eat the same as the Colonel there...he's just taking Paxil so it made his tits bigger than Dolly Parton.

If your child needs more than 3,500 calories and is not exercising they are not really a reflection of whether fat people eat the same amount of food as skinny people. They are an extreme case because...OBVIOUSLY someone eating that much that doesn't exercise is going to be fat. Most skinny people aren't eating 3,500 calories + daily and they are - again with obvious exceptions of obvious exceptions - exercising. Those that don't exercise as much are eating even less.

"You really are an ass."

Thanks, and you really are a dumb cunt.

Now that we've cleared that up, I think we're done...unless you wanted to tell us all how B.O. has nothing to do with bad hygiene because your spouse showers as much as everyone else but smells like shit because they have Lupus.
Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.

And are you able to tell the difference just by looking at a person, or are you suggesting that the one's eligible for your fat-shaming should wear big signs saying "kick me"?
Here are the facts: two people can eat EXACTLY the same number of calories, and have exactly the same amount of activity, yet one person will stay the same or lose weight while the other gains weight.

That is correct, and I have agreed with you, as one size hardly fits all. The question you need to ask yourself is why you think it is okay for the one person to therefore become fat and unhealthy.

Are you perhaps seriously overweight? That would explain your defensiveness. Or do you think the same size meal should fit everyone? Shoes and shirts don't, why should the amount of food? But if you do think the same size meal somehow magically fits everyone, where pray tell did you ever come up with that idea?
You do know that reducing calories for some people will simply exacerbate the problem, right?
Here are the facts: two people can eat EXACTLY the same number of calories, and have exactly the same amount of activity, yet one person will stay the same or lose weight while the other gains weight.

That is correct, and I have agreed with you, as one size hardly fits all. The question you need to ask yourself is why you think it is okay for the one person to therefore become fat and unhealthy.

Are you perhaps seriously overweight? That would explain your defensiveness. Or do you think the same size meal should fit everyone? Shoes and shirts don't, why should the amount of food? But if you do think the same size meal somehow magically fits everyone, where pray tell did you ever come up with that idea?
You don't need to post photos of yourself to make your point.

Ahh...the peanut gallery has spoken.

You do realize how fucking transparent you are when you feign insult calling someone an ass for posting a photo but laughing at that same photo of that same person when it's directed at another person?

Why are the two of you trying to fat shame me and making fun of this person in the photo? Oh, that's right...because you both like to soapbox about a bunch of shit and tell everyone else how they should think, speak and act...meanwhile running around like cunning runts and making asses of yourselves in the most hypocritical way.

But kudos for your consistency...this has been going on for several years now.

BTW...the mood seems so serious on this thread...here's something to lighten the atmosphere for everyone.

You do know that reducing calories for some people will simply exacerbate the problem, right?
That is correct, and I have agreed with you, as one size hardly fits all. The question you need to ask yourself is why you think it is okay for the one person to therefore become fat and unhealthy.

Are you perhaps seriously overweight? That would explain your defensiveness. Or do you think the same size meal should fit everyone? Shoes and shirts don't, why should the amount of food? But if you do think the same size meal somehow magically fits everyone, where pray tell did you ever come up with that idea?

You do realize that THIS is how you started this thread:

In other words, overweight people do not typically EAT more than the average weight person - can we shake this lazy and undisciplined stereotype?

and you and the usual motley crew have been reduced to saying "well it doesn't apply to X who has a massive genetic disorder" "it doesn't apply to Fatty McGee whose taking 50 kinds of medications including high doses of synthroid and they are in a medically induced coma and can't move so they burn next to nothing for calories", "this doesn't apply to my cousin who is literally just a pile of fat in a cardboard box...no head, no other organs, but a stomach and fat and we pump 25,000 calories in to them every 2 hours"...

you haven't just moved fucking goal posts...you've managed to move to another field located on the other side of the city.

How utterly pathetic.
There are many many conditions, medications, etc., that can cause people to be overweight JUST LIKE there are many than can cause people to be underweight (like my child).

Sure there are. And nobody is having a go at people with medical conditions. But for those people that don't have a medical condition, they are fair game for criticism and don't need to be mollycoddled. They need a balanced diet and a map to the gym.

Unfortunately they made their own maps...


out of fucking Fruit Roll-Ups and never made it past the front door.
And are you able to tell the difference just by looking at a person,

Sure I can. Particularly when I see 'em lined up at the "all you can eat buffet" piling their plates with shitty food.

or are you suggesting that the one's eligible for your fat-shaming should wear big signs saying "kick me"?

"Fat shaming" :hysterical::hysterical:

Get grip. In most cases, being a fatty is not a disability, it's a lifestyle choice.
Sure I can. Particularly when I see 'em lined up at the "all you can eat buffet" piling their plates with shitty food.

or are you suggesting that the one's eligible for your fat-shaming should wear big signs saying "kick me"?

"Fat shaming" :hysterical::hysterical:

Get grip. In most cases, being a fatty is not a disability, it's a lifestyle choice.

You're blaming the victims! Just the other day I saw a 400 lbs guy walking down the street and people were just hurling deep fried Mars bars and ice cream cones down his mouth. And not one person had the decency to stop and try help the poor bastard, leaving him no choice but to open his gullet like he was playing a championship game of Hungry, Hungry, fucking, Hippo. Now that man probably didn't eat another thing for the rest of the day because as we all know...fat people eat the same calories as everyone else and are victims of the Mars Bar Bandit.

Sure I can. Particularly when I see 'em lined up at the "all you can eat buffet" piling their plates with shitty food.

"Fat shaming" :hysterical::hysterical:

Get grip. In most cases, being a fatty is not a disability, it's a lifestyle choice.

You're blaming the victims! Just the other day I saw a 400 lbs guy walking down the street and people were just hurling deep fried Mars bars and ice cream cones down his mouth. And not one person had the decency to stop and try help the poor bastard, leaving him no choice but to open his gullet like he was playing a championship game of Hungry, Hungry, fucking, Hippo. Now that man probably didn't eat another thing for the rest of the day because as we all know...fat people eat the same calories as everyone else and are victims of the Mars Bar Bandit.

Not mention the Weiner Bandit.

This is a funny thread. Funny thing about it is I can't recall ever seeing fat POWs in any of those archive photos. I'm guessing the enemy combatants must have been ramrodding the food down their gullets to get them so thin and emaciated.

So the fat guy pic snarfing the Colonel better watch out or he's gonna disappear in a puff of emaciated glory.
Sorry but again, it's not that simple. My child needs more than 3,500 calories daily just to break even. She is NOT ALLOWED to exercise. The issue is calorie burning - some people simply cannot burn them regardless of exercise amount (and reducing caloric intake actually makes the condition WORSE so don't try that one). Others like my child metabolize her intake doing nothing, and its not likely to change for her for a long time....
So your daughter is hyperthyroid I take it. I've known a couple blokes with the condition. But those guys were always on the move, never able to sit still. Amazing the amount of food they can pack away. As adults one had his thyroid disabled and is on a synthroid type drug forever.

What is your daughter's present BMI? And tell me everything she's eaten/drank in the last three days.

I'm out of town for a few days. No computer most likely. Talk to you soon.
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