and the next logical step would be, "if your god makes good of what seems bad, then abortion seeming bad to you is just your failure to recognize gods good plan".
Indeed, religiously speaking, an abortion means that a “soul” goes straight to heaven and gets a perfect body instantly with no suffering of any kind.
God willed that THIS soul, because he knew it was going to be aborted, would be welcomed straight into his arms....
Until cruel human zealots, through violence and oppression of god’s daughters, interrupted God’s plan and forced that fetus to instead endure suffering on earth and possible soul-destroying apostasy - instead of god’s planned immediate birth into heaven. God tried to spare that soul a terrible suffering by making abortion its fate. But self-righteous arrogant oppressors thwarted god’s plan by using their free will to make others suffer.
Satans work by these anti-god’s-plan-ers?
For the woman who chooses abortion, the worst she has done is commit a sin unto herself and send the fetus straight to god.
But for the anti-choice forced-birthers, the worst they have done is cause the fetus to come to term and live a brutal life that drives it away from god’s message and lands it eventually in hell for eternity.
Who’s the real asshole here?
(Corollary: why are Christians so freaking terrified of getting to heaven or seeing someone else go there?)