• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Can Roe v Wade be overturned?

Another one of your problems, you have no idea how logic works. It shows in how easily you are brainwashed.

No, that IS how logic works.

I can not point to something concrete and say, "God definitely did that."

Just as you can not point to something concrete and say, "God definitely did not do that."

Have you stopped beating your wife?
I always loved that tactic.

God is real.
Hiw do you know?
You can't prove he isn't!

Works great in court, too.
Half-Life raped awoman to death, then raped her corpse!
How do you know?

No lawyer in the country is gonna want to touch that one.
A lot of atheists make the claim, "God does not exist," which is a positive claim. But, when you ask them for proof God doesn't exist, we get crickets chirping. They claim there is no proof God doesn't exist. But, if there is no proof God doesn't exist, how does one come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist?
Atheist vs Agnostic | Atheism | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Weak atheism | Atheism | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Strong atheism | Atheism | FANDOM powered by Wikia

A strong atheist claims that one can prove that there are no gods.

A weak atheist claims that there is no positive evidence for any gods, and from burden of proof, that there is no reason to suppose that they exist.

An agnostic claims not to know whether or not there are any deities. One can be an agnostic and also a weak atheist.

One can also be a weak atheist with respect to some distant, uninvolved sort of deity, and also a strong atheist with respect to the sorts of deities that many religions posit.
Prove god did anything.

I can not. But, you can not prove God didn't do anything either.

And that is why your made up god opinion about fetuses is just a made up attempt to control my uterus. You have NO REASON to suppose a fetus is a person.

I can appreciate the viewpoint that personal anatomy be respected and that government should leave people alone. But this notion that a fetus is not a person is just bizarre. A monstrous lapse in morality so as not to cede an argument.
And that is why your made up god opinion about fetuses is just a made up attempt to control my uterus. You have NO REASON to suppose a fetus is a person.

I can appreciate the viewpoint that personal anatomy be respected and that government should leave people alone. But this notion that a fetus is not a person is just bizarre.

"Person" is a legal concept. You are conflating a colloquial expression with a legal term that carries with it the full force and power of the State, which in turn relates back to your appreciation of the fact that "government should leave people alone."
Half-Life. Atheists do not believe in God. I have easily accepted this about them... why are you having trouble with it?

What Atheists like to do is use their arguments to make it seem like you are contradicting yourself (which is very easy to do if you are not well trained in bible study)... or rather, that the bible contradicts itself.

It's not that they "say one thing and then say the opposite"... it's that they tolerate a supposition for the purpose of discussion... that is to say, there is a whole lot of "well, IF (big if) <insert Biblical claim> THEN.... <insert logical complaint>"
I see how this can get confusing... "How can God do xyz and also claim abc.." - You are just wasting everyone's time by saying, "AHA! you DO acknowledge god!!!" No they don;t... they are just giving you all the rope you need to hang your own poorly formed arguments from.

But my point is they do not believe in God because they looked around and said, "I can't see no God. Guess He's not real." This is the most intellectually dishonest position one can take. I am trying to explain why that position is wrong.

A lot of atheists make the claim, "God does not exist," which is a positive claim. But, when you ask them for proof God doesn't exist, we get crickets chirping. They claim there is no proof God doesn't exist. But, if there is no proof God doesn't exist, how does one come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist?

You see the problem? There is literally NOTHING you can point to and say, "That right there shows there's no God." Hopefully this gets some of you guys thinking.

If "god does not exist" was a positive claim, then they certainly would be on the hook to prove it, I agree. However, "god does NOT exist is a NEGATIVE claim. It's right there in the "not".
Think about how problematic it would be if the "nuh-uh" defense required "proof"... You are arrested for raping babies.... prove you didn't. "I did NOT rape babies" is a negative claim... thank goodness. The onus is on the one making the positive claim, "You raped babies".
This is a very basic principle in logical discourse, and may be why people are treating your arguments with disdain.

It's called "faith" for a reason. Get some. :)
And that is why your made up god opinion about fetuses is just a made up attempt to control my uterus. You have NO REASON to suppose a fetus is a person.

I can appreciate the viewpoint that personal anatomy be respected and that government should leave people alone. But this notion that a fetus is not a person is just bizarre. A monstrous lapse in morality so as not to cede an argument.

A fetus is a person as much as a tadpole is a frog... or a caterpillar a butterfly. OK, that second one is a bit different...
We can have our secular opinions about that... and that opinion was voted into public policy with Roe v. Wade. Personhood begins at the third trimester... several months before God grants it life.

Prior to taking in the spirit (breath), it is not alive. The religious position is clear and straightforward. There really is no discussion to be had around that. The secular arguments are more nuanced and based on personal opinion.
And that is why your made up god opinion about fetuses is just a made up attempt to control my uterus. You have NO REASON to suppose a fetus is a person.

I can appreciate the viewpoint that personal anatomy be respected and that government should leave people alone. But this notion that a fetus is not a person is just bizarre.

"Person" is a legal concept. You are conflating a colloquial expression with a legal term that carries with it the full force and power of the State, which in turn relates back to your appreciation of the fact that "government should leave people alone."

Koy is exactly right. I did not say it wasn’t human. I said it was not a person. A human with personhood. This is a legal concept (with physical backing) that says if you have a human that HAS NO FUNCTIONAL BRAIN, it does not enjoy the rights of personhood. You can harvest their organs. You can withdraw life support. You can do experiments. It’s not a person with rights.
But my point is they do not believe in God because they looked around and said, "I can't see no God. Guess He's not real." This is the most intellectually dishonest position one can take. I am trying to explain why that position is wrong.
Oh, my shooting stars. That is _SO_ not the “most intellectually dishonest.” That honor definitely goes to,
"I can't see no God. Guess it’s a He and He's real."
I mean, you gotta make something up in order to do your position. Whereas mine works for gods and also, it turns out, for a million other observations like whether there is a parking space left in the upper lot, or whether it was a trick of the light while driving in.

A lot of atheists make the claim, "God does not exist," which is a positive claim.
You should go talk to them, them.
I haven’t met one. The closest I’ve every heard is, “Given zero evidence for the existence of any kind of god, it is a waste of time to act as if there is one.”

But, when you ask them for proof God doesn't exist, we get crickets chirping.
You haven’t been listening at all. Lots and lots of evidence has been delivered to you about why it is absurd to pretend that gods exist. There are a zillion reasons to not take that stuff seriously.

They claim there is no proof God doesn't exist. But, if there is no proof God doesn't exist, how does one come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist?
Because for all of the purported types of gods claimed by various peoples at various times. There is lots of proof that those claims are false. There’s no point in believing something for which there are no valid claims.

That’s the “conclusion” that is perfectly valid with the evidence given.

You see the problem? There is literally NOTHING you can point to and say, "That right there shows there's no God." Hopefully this gets some of you guys thinking.
Sweetie, we’ve been thinking about this a lot longer than you have.
Your arguments are not convincing.
I wonder what kind of thing could be pointed at that Half-life would accept as "proof of the non-existence of god" (or anything for that matter)?

Half-Life. I propose that there is a fire-breathing dragon, approximately 1 millimeter in size, that can go invisible whenever it wants, living in your back yard. This dragon is the cause of all Cancers in people. It is critically important to find this dragon. The existence of Cancer is my proof that the dragon exists.

Please put our minds at ease that this dragon does not exist by pointing to something that is better than my logical "proof". What are you pointing at?
And that is why your made up god opinion about fetuses is just a made up attempt to control my uterus. You have NO REASON to suppose a fetus is a person.

I can appreciate the viewpoint that personal anatomy be respected and that government should leave people alone. But this notion that a fetus is not a person is just bizarre. A monstrous lapse in morality so as not to cede an argument.

I find it monstrous that a 6 week old fetus

6 week preg.jpg

be given more rights than a girl or a woman of reproductive age. Particularly when such care and concern vanishes the moment the 'baby' leaves the hospital.
Once again, God doing things for reasons unknown does not mean that we can also engage in the same things.

Imagine a cashier at McDonald's walks into the bosses' office and says "I'll take care of your phone calls and paperwork today. You go cashier instead." You can bet the boss will say "Get out of of the office and go back to the register."

I don't work for him, he doesn't get to give me orders.
But my point is they do not believe in God because they looked around and said, "I can't see no God. Guess He's not real." This is the most intellectually dishonest position one can take. I am trying to explain why that position is wrong.

A lot of atheists make the claim, "God does not exist," which is a positive claim. But, when you ask them for proof God doesn't exist, we get crickets chirping. They claim there is no proof God doesn't exist. But, if there is no proof God doesn't exist, how does one come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist?

You see the problem? There is literally NOTHING you can point to and say, "That right there shows there's no God." Hopefully this gets some of you guys thinking.

Except few take that position. Most of us are "I can see no evidence for god, the simpler explanation is there is no god". Not to mention that just about all the arguments for god don't actually address anything, they just put another layer in the problem.

And of course you get crickets to your question--it's almost impossible to prove a negative. It's not a reasonable question. You're the one claiming god, you provide the proof.
Once again, God doing things for reasons unknown does not mean that we can also engage in the same things.

Imagine a cashier at McDonald's walks into the bosses' office and says "I'll take care of your phone calls and paperwork today. You go cashier instead." You can bet the boss will say "Get out of of the office and go back to the register."

I don't work for him, he doesn't get to give me orders.

He created you, though.
Except few take that position. Most of us are "I can see no evidence for god, the simpler explanation is there is no god". Not to mention that just about all the arguments for god don't actually address anything, they just put another layer in the problem.

And of course you get crickets to your question--it's almost impossible to prove a negative. It's not a reasonable question. You're the one claiming god, you provide the proof.

I've seen people say "God is imaginary," which is saying "He's not real."

You yourself just said that the simpler explanation is that there is no God.
Once again, God doing things for reasons unknown does not mean that we can also engage in the same things.

Imagine a cashier at McDonald's walks into the bosses' office and says "I'll take care of your phone calls and paperwork today. You go cashier instead." You can bet the boss will say "Get out of of the office and go back to the register."

I don't work for him, he doesn't get to give me orders.

He created you, though.

Prove it.
Once again, God doing things for reasons unknown does not mean that we can also engage in the same things.

Imagine a cashier at McDonald's walks into the bosses' office and says "I'll take care of your phone calls and paperwork today. You go cashier instead." You can bet the boss will say "Get out of of the office and go back to the register."

I don't work for him, he doesn't get to give me orders.

He created you, though.


And even if he created me that doesn't make me his slave. Or is he an evil deity that likes enslaving everyone?
Once again, God doing things for reasons unknown does not mean that we can also engage in the same things.

Imagine a cashier at McDonald's walks into the bosses' office and says "I'll take care of your phone calls and paperwork today. You go cashier instead." You can bet the boss will say "Get out of of the office and go back to the register."

I don't work for him, he doesn't get to give me orders.

He created you, though.

Great. I can show you in the Bible where it provides instructions for causing an abortion but no passage that says that an abortion is murder. Or was that what the Bible was getting at when it prohibited male masturbation? Maybe I'm missing the exact passage that says that as soon as an egg is fertilized, it is equivalent to a person? Or is it at implantation? Or at quickening?

Or do you really care, so long as men decide?
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