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Can the President be grinded into a sausage?

There was a comment today regarding a NYT article in which a board certified psychiatrist posted an excellent analysis of el Cheato Valdemort. In essence, he is loosing conjunctive function and the ability to have coherent thoughts by using words "beautiful" and "disaster" as fill in phrases because his mind has lost the connections in his brain. Brain scans apparently will prove this. He uses poor judgement (inablilty to think ahead to realize the consequences of his words and actions). Stroke is probably imminent.

It will be a race to see if health issues or impeachment get him first.

He also lost the fun of the campaign where he could go around to adoring crowds and say whatever he wanted to. It fed his narcissism. Now when the actual reality of governing hits home, he doesn't have the adoring crowds to feed his sense of self worth, so he lashes out at the media and anyone else who doesn't stand in worship. It's a job he was never prepared for and his lack of brain function will not allow him to learn - even if he wanted to.

The constitution is also oddly vague about feeding pigs... Apparently, I hear that hungry pigs will eat about anything.

And then a game could be made of rushing the pigs down the cliff and into the sea..

I've seen photographs of Mexican mobsters getting rid of their victim only using vultures to get rid of the body, bone and all.

Hey, Mexican! Maybe Trump was right.
There was a comment today regarding a NYT article in which a board certified psychiatrist posted an excellent analysis of el Cheato Valdemort. In essence, he is loosing conjunctive function and the ability to have coherent thoughts by using words "beautiful" and "disaster" as fill in phrases because his mind has lost the connections in his brain. Brain scans apparently will prove this. He uses poor judgement (inablilty to think ahead to realize the consequences of his words and actions). Stroke is probably imminent.

It will be a race to see if health issues or impeachment get him first.

He also lost the fun of the campaign where he could go around to adoring crowds and say whatever he wanted to. It fed his narcissism. Now when the actual reality of governing hits home, he doesn't have the adoring crowds to feed his sense of self worth, so he lashes out at the media and anyone else who doesn't stand in worship. It's a job he was never prepared for and his lack of brain function will not allow him to learn - even if he wanted to.
Actually he is on the campaign trail already. His Youngstown rally was a campaign event for 2020. This guy loves running for President, not being President.
There was a comment today regarding a NYT article in which a board certified psychiatrist posted an excellent analysis of el Cheato Valdemort. In essence, he is loosing conjunctive function and the ability to have coherent thoughts by using words "beautiful" and "disaster" as fill in phrases because his mind has lost the connections in his brain. Brain scans apparently will prove this. He uses poor judgement (inablilty to think ahead to realize the consequences of his words and actions). Stroke is probably imminent.

It will be a race to see if health issues or impeachment get him first.

He also lost the fun of the campaign where he could go around to adoring crowds and say whatever he wanted to. It fed his narcissism. Now when the actual reality of governing hits home, he doesn't have the adoring crowds to feed his sense of self worth, so he lashes out at the media and anyone else who doesn't stand in worship. It's a job he was never prepared for and his lack of brain function will not allow him to learn - even if he wanted to.
Actually he is on the campaign trail already. His Youngstown rally was a campaign event for 2020. This guy loves running for President, not being President.

Exactly. Because that's the fun part and feeds the narcissism.
There was a comment today regarding a NYT article in which a board certified psychiatrist posted an excellent analysis of el Cheato Valdemort. In essence, he is loosing conjunctive function and the ability to have coherent thoughts by using words "beautiful" and "disaster" as fill in phrases because his mind has lost the connections in his brain. Brain scans apparently will prove this. He uses poor judgement (inablilty to think ahead to realize the consequences of his words and actions). Stroke is probably imminent.

It will be a race to see if health issues or impeachment get him first.

He also lost the fun of the campaign where he could go around to adoring crowds and say whatever he wanted to. It fed his narcissism. Now when the actual reality of governing hits home, he doesn't have the adoring crowds to feed his sense of self worth, so he lashes out at the media and anyone else who doesn't stand in worship. It's a job he was never prepared for and his lack of brain function will not allow him to learn - even if he wanted to.
Actually he is on the campaign trail already. His Youngstown rally was a campaign event for 2020. This guy loves running for President, not being President.

Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference
Clearly the OP is a fucking retard that doesn't know what he's talking about.

The word is "Ground" not "Grinded". :mad:
The word is "Ground" not "Grinded".
What, you're not smiling at the image of Trump being held at gunpoint on a dance floor, forced to 'grind' himself to death, possibly to "Milkshake" by Kelis?

Oh, god! Now I envisioned Trump on a dancefloor twerking.


Thanks, you bastard. :boom:
What, you're not smiling at the image of Trump being held at gunpoint on a dance floor, forced to 'grind' himself to death, possibly to "Milkshake" by Kelis?

Oh, god! Now I envisioned Trump on a dancefloor twerking.

View attachment 11963

Thanks, you bastard. :boom:
I'd pretty much forgot about such imagery after looking up "Milkshake" by Kelis and watching the music vid as I didn't know the artist. Try it, it might help...
If President Trump pardons himself, how on earth can the Republican party stand behind him?

I can't believe anyone would ask such a question. I mean, what could possibly be better for a Rethuglan-controlled Congress than a simple-minded illiterate slob who will sign anything put in front of him, as long as someone tells him it will negate one of the prior (nigger) president's accomplishments? El Cheato is a custom-designed useful fool. Who cares if he pardons himself?
The fool does not like exercise, eats too much junk food, and needs a golf cart to move his fat ass around. He's probably going to have a heart attack before he can finish his term in office.

Fuck that. I want to see him live a long long time after he is impeached, disgraced and completely broke.
The fool does not like exercise, eats too much junk food, and needs a golf cart to move his fat ass around. He's probably going to have a heart attack before he can finish his term in office.

Fuck that. I want to see him live a long long time after he is impeached, disgraced and completely broke.
Fuck that! I want to see him grounded into a large sausage in a massive Monty Python cartoon like meat grinder.
And who would want that sausage?!?!

Melania Trump/Russian Bond girl. For the right price.

As to the OP, beware the person whose defense is, "It doesn't say I can't do that." This with respect to the argument that the Constitution doesn't say a POTUS can't pardon himself. The very idea of it is so repugnant that it took the most repugnant administration in U.S. history to shart it out into the public sphere. It's the defense of those looking to cut a deal and minimize their losses. It's the defense of someone who has committed obvious wrongdoing and is looking for a way out. It's what scumbags utter when they've made other people's money and property vanish. It was what rapey cavemen said when they violated women.

It's what Trump says.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." - Amendment X

So the people can certainly grind the President into a sausage and feed that to the Trumps.
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