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China to send crewed missions to Moon AND Mars!

If they do find current life on Mars, I guess we are just going to have to hope it can’t interact negatively with us.
Far more likely is that Earth life will interact negatively with it.

Mars life must be small and sparse, or we would have already found it. Earth life has been fighting epic mass battles for eons. It's Guns, Germs and Steel, writ small (Germs, Germs and Germs, perhaps?).

Earth life, powered by abundant water and free oxygen, has evolved at a tremendous rate, and agressively fills every possible niche. Mars life, if it exists, likely only has a handful of remaining niches, and will have slowly evolved to specialise in the tricky business of exploitation of those very stable, but harsh, niches.

Martians would likely have few defences against rampaging Earth bacteria, as we saw with their failed invasion attempt in the 1890s.
Yes, but microbial-like or virus-like life can be very deadly and spread rapidly, as who can forget 2020? OTOH, it could be that Martian life, if it exists at all, would be nothing like earth life, and maybe they and us would have no basis for biological interaction.

And then also, not everyone thinks viruses even qualify as life, and who knows what kind of borderline life/not life may be found on Mars?
Landing taikonauts on the Moon? That seems feasible, because return of astronauts from the Moon's surface was successfully demonstrated a half century ago. Landing taikonauts on Mars? That does not have anything comparable for Mars's surface. To date, no spacecraft has attempted to depart that planet's surface for an orbit around that planet.

Getting humans to Mars orbit and back doesn't seem to require much in the way of new technologies. Even getting humans to the surface of Mars strikes me as something we can achieve without too much innovation. But getting humans back off the surface, and out of the Martian gravity well, I suspect will be a huge challenge.

Either it will require a series of precursor missions to land fuel supplies on the surface for use in getting back, or it will require the automated manufacture of fuel on Mars by a precursor mission (or missions).

Any landing without first ensuring the presence of enough fuel to get back into Mars orbit, and a launch vehicle able to access and use that fuel, would be a hugely risky undertaking, and would probably be a one-way trip.
Yes, but microbial-like or virus-like life can be very deadly and spread rapidly, as who can forget 2020?
Sure, given plenty of time to develop in a very similar host, before jumping to a new species (typically via the use of the original host as food), viruses and microbes can be extremely dangerous.

But it seems implausible that there are any sufficiently human-like hosts for such microbes currently alive on Mars, and even if there were, it would be unexpected if the first human explorers on that planet were to attempt to eat them.
OTOH, it could be that Martian life, if it exists at all, would be nothing like earth life, and maybe they and us would have no basis for biological interaction.
That seems far more likely to me. Humans can catch viruses from chickens, because humans and chickens are fundamentally almost identical at the biochemical level. Neither is likely to be as similar to Martian life as we are to each other.
And then also, not everyone thinks viruses even qualify as life, and who knows what kind of borderline life/not life may be found on Mars?
The life/not life dichotomy is a product of human imagination, and of our apparently innate desire to build dichotomies. However, our continuing inability to produce a clear definition of "life", that includes everything that we know is alive, and nothing that we know is not, strongly suggests that "life" is not a real attribute of real objects.

There's no such thing as "life". Or rather, there is a spectrum, whereon things at this end are "life", and things at that end are "not life", but there is nowhere we can point to that marks a non-arbitrary boundary between those two descriptors, and nowhere that even can be agreed upon as a candidate for an arbitrary boundary, without angering an entire field or discipline of natural philosophy.

Shit, we can't even get scientists to agree as to whether "life" is defined at the population level or that of the individual - many definitions of life include "the ability to reproduce", which sounds great from a population perspective, but which leads to individual level consequences that are truly insane, such as defining castration or hysterectomy as instantly fatal; And vasectomy as instantly and reversibly fatal.

Personally, I will be satisfied that we have found "life" on Mars if we can demonstrate the existence on that planet of self-isolating cyclic chemistry, driven by an external energy source, and with the population level ability to reproduce, with or without the use of other locally available self-isolated chemistries.

But I can guarantee that whatever definition we use, someone will reject that definition; And that some people will say "sure, but it's not really life" even if it hunts, kills and eats the first taikonauts.
I suppose one could make the case that fire is “alive” in a certain sense. It is driven by an external energy source, it moves, it “eats” in a manner of speaking and reproduces in a manner of speaking, and changes its configuration in response to different environments, going extinct where there is no more fodder for it to burn.
I suppose one could make the case that fire is “alive” in a certain sense. It is driven by an external energy source, it moves, it “eats” in a manner of speaking and reproduces in a manner of speaking, and changes its configuration in response to different environments, going extinct where there is no more fodder for it to burn.
Isn’t fire considered the essence of life in some quarters? Oxidation powers our own metabolic functions, so should it not be revered as living?
I suppose one could make the case that fire is “alive” in a certain sense. It is driven by an external energy source, it moves, it “eats” in a manner of speaking and reproduces in a manner of speaking, and changes its configuration in response to different environments, going extinct where there is no more fodder for it to burn.
Isn’t fire considered the essence of life in some quarters? Oxidation powers our own metabolic functions, so should it not be revered as living?

I believe the Zoroastrians worship fire. I’m surprised there aren’t more fire-god cults.
I suppose one could make the case that fire is “alive” in a certain sense. It is driven by an external energy source, it moves, it “eats” in a manner of speaking and reproduces in a manner of speaking, and changes its configuration in response to different environments, going extinct where there is no more fodder for it to burn.
Yeah, that's a big part of the problem. Fires, crystals, prions, (maybe) viruses... stuff we want to think of as 'not alive', but which keeps getting misallocated by our definitions.
Menstruation would be problematic in microgravity. Realistically, that means either suppressing menstruation with hormones (which also provides hormonal birth control) or it means menstrual extraction. And menstrual extraction will terminate a pregnancy.
Well, one day when women become astronauts they’ll have to figure out how to deal with that on Earth orbit first.
My understanding is they suppress their periods with hormones. Some standard brands of birth control do this and many others can be done by simply skipping the blank pills and the end and starting a new month.

James Cook undertook three great voyages, each of three to four years duration, in a tiny ship in a hostile environment with no communication whatsoever with home, and his crew didn't even have so much as a Gameboy to keep them entertained.
Not giving the astronauts the internet might help on the long trip.
Ping times are gonna get really long after a few billion miles anyhow. They’ll probably give it up on their own.
I've seen e-mail fail just looking at the round trip to geosync.
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