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Church congregation applauds for "heil Trump"


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

(Video clip of Nazi salute and applause at above link. It's a very short video.)

The title of this thread is not quite accurate. He said "for Trump, heil" and gave a Nazi salute, which is what caused the congregation to applaud.

Don't you dare tell me that liberals accuse conservatives of fascism just because we accuse anyone who disagrees with us of being fascists. That argument was bullshit all along, and you know it.

And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

How much more of this before we're allowed to point out the fascism of the right without conservatives and libertarians getting their panties in a wad?

How many more times do we have to watch conservatives and liberals openly agreeing with forum fascists in threads on these forums before we're allowed to mention that the right is fascist?

(Video clip of Nazi salute and applause at above link. It's a very short video.)

The title of this thread is not quite accurate. He said "for Trump, heil" and gave a Nazi salute, which is what caused the congregation to applaud.

Don't you dare tell me that liberals accuse conservatives of fascism just because we accuse anyone who disagrees with us of being fascists. That argument was bullshit all along, and you know it.

And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

How much more of this before we're allowed to point out the fascism of the right without conservatives and libertarians getting their panties in a wad?

How many more times do we have to watch conservatives and liberals openly agreeing with forum fascists in threads on these forums before we're allowed to mention that the right is fascist?

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(Video clip of Nazi salute and applause at above link. It's a very short video.)

The title of this thread is not quite accurate. He said "for Trump, heil" and gave a Nazi salute, which is what caused the congregation to applaud.

Don't you dare tell me that liberals accuse conservatives of fascism just because we accuse anyone who disagrees with us of being fascists. That argument was bullshit all along, and you know it.

And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

How much more of this before we're allowed to point out the fascism of the right without conservatives and libertarians getting their panties in a wad?

How many more times do we have to watch conservatives and liberals openly agreeing with forum fascists in threads on these forums before we're allowed to mention that the right is fascist?

Oh come on - those very fine people were only applauding because they are so polite. Not like that angry mob of Democrats!
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...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

Wouldn't we first need to agree on what is moral?

If opposing abortion makes me 'immoral' then yeah...I'm about as 'immoral' as they come.
If thinking that heterosexual marriage and fidelity and gender-balanced parenting provide the best basis for a nuclear family, makes me the enemy of 'moral' people then I guess we just have to agree to disagree on what is 'moral'
...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

Wouldn't we first need to agree on what is moral?

If opposing abortion makes me 'immoral' then yeah...I'm about as 'immoral' as they come.
If thinking that heterosexual marriage and fidelity and gender-balanced parenting provide the best basis for a nuclear family, makes me the enemy of 'moral' people then I guess we just have to agree to disagree on what is 'moral'

You didn't say "Heil Trump" to sign off that post. Underseer will be disappointed.
...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

If thinking that heterosexual marriage and fidelity and gender-balanced parenting provide the best basis for a nuclear family

Since there's plenty of research to prove you wrong, your "thinking" (LOL) has no logical basis, and therefore no moral basis.
...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

If thinking that heterosexual marriage and fidelity and gender-balanced parenting provide the best basis for a nuclear family

Since there's plenty of research to prove you wrong, your "thinking" (LOL) has no logical basis, and therefore no moral basis.

I guess that depends on what he means by "best basis". I am guessing I will disagree with his definition. I'm guessing you will too. I don't want a "good judeochristian society" for example.
...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

If thinking that heterosexual marriage and fidelity and gender-balanced parenting provide the best basis for a nuclear family

Since there's plenty of research to prove you wrong, your "thinking" (LOL) has no logical basis, and therefore no moral basis.

And as it is immoral to repeat falsehoods once they have been shown to you to be false, it is very clear that LionIRC is no paragon of morality.

Indeed he has abdicated his morality (and rationality, and even knowledge) in favour of obedience, and as a result is almost invariably wrong whenever he maks a moral judgment. It's as pathetic as it is predictable.
...And further, don't you dare repeat that lie that Christianity makes people more moral.

Wouldn't we first need to agree on what is moral?
Nazis aren't moral. I think that is a pretty easy statement to agree with.

Not for Lion. He needs to consult his priest and/or holy scripture first. If they say something is moral, it's moral - even if it's something as apparently wrong as beating a slave so hard that he dies several days later.
Since there's plenty of research to prove you wrong, your "thinking" (LOL) has no logical basis, and therefore no moral basis.

I started a thread a while back on the research that reveals that kids with same sex parents do just fine. Naturally, LIRC's ability to ignore facts has led him to reiterate his overt bigotry yet again.
Self-edited for going off topic.

Anyway, the U.S. has devolved to a point where it's quite possibly going to usher in a new dark era in human history. I think though, that it won't involve worldwide military conflict because that ends whatever anyone, good or bad, is endeavoring to do (b/c nukes). It seems more likely that violent civil conflict is inevitable and that it's gaining momentum every day.

"Trump Heil!"

Consider what the word "heil" represents in this context. It's fealty to one person and embodies what is fairly and rightly considered the most evil behavior in recorded history. And make no mistake about it; this isn't an isolated incident. That congregation has been in on this for awhile now. And rest assured they're not the only congregation like it.

I tend to push people to read the Turner Diaries because that's the mindset we're now dealing with on a larger scale than ever before. If we're so lucky as to have legitimate elections that remove Trump and his ilk from office, we will see domestic terrorism that's going to make the body count from Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing tame by compare. But at least we'll make it through intact.

If we don't have legitimate elections, then it's not a matter of if; it's a matter of how long it's going to take before we see the politicians we support, and then our neighbors and ourselves hauled away, never to return.

Imagine that toady in the video being your neighbor. What will his new uniform look like? What organizations will his children belong to?

This is why I own guns and keep ammo stocked. I have no delusions about some romantic notion wherein I fight a noble rebel cause resulting in the overthrow of oppressors. Hell no. I'm gonna die quick. But I will try to take some of them with me.
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I remember when countries like Afghanistan and Iran were considered evil nations because they blurred the lines between religion and politics.

Also, how fucked up must you be if Trump is your moral compass?
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