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CIA says "High Confidence" that Putin involved with Hacking

But there is no such perception in Russia.

Leave Elixir with his/her/ze's conspiracy theories. Helps get they through the night.

I sure you're resting well, between the quaaludes and your one-eyed view of things. And unqualified assertion that "there is no such perception" is enough to put you at ease. So easily are fools placated, when told what they want to believe.
Leave Elixir with his/her/ze's conspiracy theories. Helps get they through the night.

I sure you're resting well, between the quaaludes and your one-eyed view of things. And unqualified assertion that "there is no such perception" is enough to put you at ease. So easily are fools placated, when told what they want to believe.

Ah, you were a Hilary voter.
Leave Elixir with his/her/ze's conspiracy theories. Helps get they through the night.
Conspiracy theory? So the RNC foiled Russian hacking attempts, but to say that the DNC were hacked by Russians and that was given to Wikileaks is a conspiracy theory?

I didn't write that the RNC was hacked by Russians. Don't know how Wikileaks got them. Just know that if you're warned that you may be targeted for hacking, don't complain later if you didn't take that warning seriously.

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Russians have always preferred strong leaders. They've been enamored with Putin since he took over after Yeltsin. Nothing to do with the US election.
I sure you're resting well, between the quaaludes and your one-eyed view of things. And unqualified assertion that "there is no such perception" is enough to put you at ease. So easily are fools placated, when told what they want to believe.

Ah, you were a Hilary voter.

I was a Sanders supporter. So what? That in no way alters the fact that our President elect is Russia's Butt-Boy.
Russians have always preferred strong leaders.

So does Trump. He likes Uncle Vlad because he strongarms the press and everyone else who gets under his skin. Plus, Vlad's buddies coughed up a lot of money for him. Don the Con also liked Saddam Hussein because Saddam was tough on terrorism - if he suspected that anyone harbored ill-intent against him or his regime, he'd simply shoot them. Trump likes that.
Unfortunately for Saddam, Trump never owed him billions (that we know of). :)
Russians have always preferred strong leaders.

So does Trump. He likes Uncle Vlad because he strongarms the press and everyone else who gets under his skin. Plus, Vlad's buddies coughed up a lot of money for him. Don the Con also liked Saddam Hussein because Saddam was tough on terrorism - if he suspected that anyone harbored ill-intent against him or his regime, he'd simply shoot them. Trump likes that.
Unfortunately for Saddam, Trump never owed him billions (that we know of). :)

Saddam used to be a US puppet. His army was wet nursed with assistance by way of armory to invade Iran and that failed. Eventually Saddam misbehaved over Kuwait.
In the second war Saddam was removed and the US created a vacuum for all the radicals to take over. Iraq is now worse off than before, just like Libya and Syria.
The main beneficiaries of US intervention are Al Qaeda, Al Nursa, ISIS and other fanatics of their ilk.
Putin has been interfering in US presidential politics for a long time.

So does Trump. He likes Uncle Vlad because he strongarms the press and everyone else who gets under his skin. Plus, Vlad's buddies coughed up a lot of money for him. Don the Con also liked Saddam Hussein because Saddam was tough on terrorism - if he suspected that anyone harbored ill-intent against him or his regime, he'd simply shoot them. Trump likes that.
Unfortunately for Saddam, Trump never owed him billions (that we know of). :)

In the second war Saddam was removed ...

Funny that Don the Con still likes him. John McCain was a loser for getting captured, but Saddam is still one of Donny's heroes despite not only being captured, but publicly humiliated and hung.
Guess ya gotta do a lot of summary executions to earn a permanent place on Don the Con's favorites list.
Putin's interest is probably in maintaining the perception that currently prevails in Russia, which is that their Leader has ingeniously tricked the US into hiring his hand-picked puppet as their president.
But there is no such perception in Russia.

They might if they had a free press.
But there is no such perception in Russia.

They might if they had a free press.

Actually, they do have that impression, largely due to the lack of a free press. Even without US intelligence agencies making noise about it, the Russian media would be using the same innuendo and between-the-lines implication to make the Comrades feel proud of their Leader's prowess against the Western Devil.
You are communicating with a Putin fanboy which is the functional equivalent of expecting an intelligent response from your toilet.

Those talking Japanese bidets would actually make the second case much more likely.

My my! I have been away awhile. Now youze guys are talking dirty toilet talk. Wikileaks said their info on the election did not come from Russia. You see how we can't really discuss anything with certainty. This is the purpose of the CIA...keep the average American out of the discussion...and start the wars their masters want. It makes good people start arguing with their friends. That is because secrecy in government converts democracy into oligarchy. All this top secret shit is secret because it is clandestine (which once was a dirty word). The CIA and NSA need to be disbanded and defunded. They're still keeping secrets from the public about who killed Kennedy. There is no way this kind of shit should be allowed in a democracy. I know we are a republic and all that shit, but we SHOULD BE A DEMOCRACY. Why cannot the common man understand our policies? Because crooks are using our national policies to generate private profits for favored individuals. Our country may well be right about Putin. Our leadership however is a reflection of what they tell us other nations do. Trump...Putin...the same kind of fish just wrapped in different flags.
Really? What does Wikileaks have that Moscow doesn't want released? How do you know this?

They had some Republican leaks--not published.

You are missing the vital point. What does Wikileaks have that Moscow doesn't want released? You missed the second part of the question. Since you think that is an answer, proceed to justify it and supply some evidence that their non-publication is the result of directives from Moscow.
They might if they had a free press.

Actually, they do have that impression, largely due to the lack of a free press. Even without US intelligence agencies making noise about it, the Russian media would be using the same innuendo and between-the-lines implication to make the Comrades feel proud of their Leader's prowess against the Western Devil.
No, i don't get such impression, and I can actually read and watch russian press. So whether or not Putin a hacker they don't wink-wink when they claim Russia had nothing to do with it.
Yes there is. :p
No, there is not.

Yes there is. :p

"Judging by their comments, Russians took the scandal with expected malevolence:

I am proud of our hackers—they can do everything. And Americans? Goofs. Instead of voting with paper in a box—the way they teach democracy around the world—they invented for themselves electronic voting.”"

Even before Trump’s win, Alperovitch says, he believes Russia considered Fancy Bear’s hacking operations a significant achievement. He points to the uncertainty and doubt the hacker group was able to instill in American electoral politics, with everyone from Bernie Sanders supporters to rightwing media to Donald Trump himself making arguments that the system was “rigged” in favor of Hillary Clinton. “I think they’ve gotten medals already,” Alperovitch told WIRED in an interview before Tuesday’s election. “They’ve had success beyond their wildest dreams.”

Not optimistic that you can see the relevance of that, either...
No, there is not.

Yes there is. :p

"Judging by their comments, Russians took the scandal with expected malevolence:

I am proud of our hackers—they can do everything. And Americans? Goofs. Instead of voting with paper in a box—the way they teach democracy around the world—they invented for themselves electronic voting.”"

Even before Trump’s win, Alperovitch says, he believes Russia considered Fancy Bear’s hacking operations a significant achievement. He points to the uncertainty and doubt the hacker group was able to instill in American electoral politics, with everyone from Bernie Sanders supporters to rightwing media to Donald Trump himself making arguments that the system was “rigged” in favor of Hillary Clinton. “I think they’ve gotten medals already,” Alperovitch told WIRED in an interview before Tuesday’s election. “They’ve had success beyond their wildest dreams.”

Not optimistic that you can see the relevance of that, either...
So you are judging russians by a few 15 year old internet trolls?
Yes there is. :p

"Judging by their comments, Russians took the scandal with expected malevolence:

I am proud of our hackers—they can do everything. And Americans? Goofs. Instead of voting with paper in a box—the way they teach democracy around the world—they invented for themselves electronic voting.”"

Even before Trump’s win, Alperovitch says, he believes Russia considered Fancy Bear’s hacking operations a significant achievement. He points to the uncertainty and doubt the hacker group was able to instill in American electoral politics, with everyone from Bernie Sanders supporters to rightwing media to Donald Trump himself making arguments that the system was “rigged” in favor of Hillary Clinton. “I think they’ve gotten medals already,” Alperovitch told WIRED in an interview before Tuesday’s election. “They’ve had success beyond their wildest dreams.”

Not optimistic that you can see the relevance of that, either...
So you are judging russians by a few 15 year old internet trolls?

There's lots more where that came from - but nothing that you'd ever take to heart.
Fact is, Russians are quite proud of their hackers and the way they have sowed doubt from within about the US electoral process. IMHO, that is much greater point of pride for them than than having caused the election of a fat orange dork. And the reports are consistent with that.
So you are judging russians by a few 15 year old internet trolls?

There's lots more where that came from - but nothing that you'd ever take to heart.
Fact is, Russians are quite proud of their hackers and the way they have sowed doubt from within about the US electoral process. IMHO, that is much greater point of pride for them than than having caused the election of a fat orange dork. And the reports are consistent with that.
More than few? 10?
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